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Why is every single hanzo player so useless?

nth for Jesse "Jesse McCree" McCree (Jesse McCree)

I want to kiss Tracer ( ._.)

>attack on hollywood A/hanamura A
>enemy has bastion behind reinhardt shield watchinacross the chokepoint
>literally no way to flank them as the only entrance is spammed by bastion 24/7

how do you counter this, Veeky Forums? I am serious.

They can't lead shots

1st for best character

All of my favorite characters are Tanks.
What does that say about me?

Post 76 fan art please. Started to play with him yesterday and I really like him.

Best healslut here. I've already slept with three people who frequent this thread, finding that they each lived relatively closeby! One guy had me suck him off while he played! It was lots of fun! Maybe you'll get lucky and run into me in game! Every night I lay my head down to sleep I pray that it will be the last time.

>tfw playing with Golden 76 to match my 5 gold medals

>have to be the anti-bastion, anti- sentry and anti-sniper as pharah because my team is fucking retarded
>we have a lucio instead of a mercy

just fucking kill me

>Didn't expect jet set radio


>tfw just started playing
>tfw chose McCree because he's a manly cowboy
>tfw play him regularly
>tfw I find out he is going to get nerfed into the fucking ground because shitters can't avoid his combo

Reminder that D.va is a self-defeating mess of a loadout that only needs one decent buff or another to possibly be a competitive pick.

Is it bad that while playing Widowmaker I imagine her with her large flaccid cock, engorged but not erect, crammed back and inside of her own pussy while I play?

I want to put my hands on the sides of her head and fuck her mouth.

First for Mercy is the worst meme of this game

>It's a "Widow talks shit while defending on temple of anubis" episode
>It's a "get three golds and two silver despite playing like trash" episode
>It's an "enemy gets three ult charges before you even get one" episode



Hanzo can still hit when he misses by a meter.


it takes 2 fans to kill d.va's mech (assuming you don't defense matrix anything) and then she goes on foot

Zarya and shield before the second fan, Roadhog can heal through it

Half the tanks shit on McCree

I literally cannot take McCree seriously in any context when he willingly wears a belt buckle that says BAMF. I know this is meant to be a joke pic but it just reminded me of a semi-serious comic with him and you cannot be serious when you're wearing a belt that says BAMF

>just turned 30 half an hour ago
>just going to get progressively worse at gaming



Best frog

What are we going to do on the bed?

Is this easy mode?

>Enemy McNugget ults
>drop in front of him and reflect it into his stupid fucking face

Probably fat.

Consider killing yourself

Any approximate idea when the next update might drop?

>McCree misses his flashbang
>He turns around and runs away without even attempting to fight on even ground

What about another healer whose healing ability is having like three deployable med kit stations that have enhanced large medkits? They can be destroyed by enemies.

>want to git gud at Rapper
>suck at playing flankers

Alright edgelords, what are some tips to being a GOOD Reaper. Not just one that sits in the rafters for 10 minutes and lands a decent Q against halfwits, but one that actually impacts a game and has fun doing it.

Happy birthday faggot.

They confirmed that later this month was the first big update, which would include competitive, but also things for all types of players.

tracer/reaper flank and gank
lucio speed boosts party through the choke point (with his ult if you're really worried)

>820 damage every 10 seconds

He deserves to get gutted.

If the McCree is good you really get almost no down-time on the fans. Bang-fan-roll-fan is a super fast process when you get good at it.

nth for autistic "B-but the SJW" posters go back to


Gremlin DVa is best DVa

mite b cool

>take out bastion and torbjorn
>immediately killed by widowmaker
>can't switch to winston because I'm the only one taking these things out and he does shit against bastion and turrets

I'm not talking about being good or not
every time I have a hanzo on my team, no matter how good he is, he's always completely useless and contributes nothing to the team, is alwas dead, doesn't get on the objective, nothing

Zarya can't tank the first fan, though you can shield the last two hits or so.

am 30

is not fun having shitty reactions

>ult as mccree
>genji stands right in front of him and starts deflecting it
>turn his skull into paste the second the deflect runs out

Genjis are the only shitters worse than me

Bullshit, am fat and find tank characters boring as fuck
Except for Roadhog, he's literally me and therefore my main

xth for making our big guy proud

34 here. You gotta play smart. They may have reflexes but you have experience. Ambush them, exploit their naivety. Youth can only get you so far, it's time to be like a mad dog, too crazy to bother



I want to warm up Widowmaker with hot monkey dick.


If D.Va is so bad why do I have 2.07 KDR with her?

Considering the joke of a nerf blizzard gave him last time, he won't see any significant changes.

>reminder that sylvanas is one of the best legenderies in Hearthstone despite many complaints

>press shift the moment deflect runs out
>McCree turns and soloults me rather than what was probably 3 of my teammates he could've killed



>Tracer blinks behind my shield
>All allies ignore her as she plinks me to death
>If I had reacted in anyway the incoming enemy fire would destroy us
>Rinse and repeat all match
>Lose without touching the first point

Don't pick reaper unless they have a big fat target. Move forward and hold down m1.

Shoulda picked streetpig

Oh I get it, Bastion has a bird friend because he's a nest

You should communicate with your team more, user! Don't be shy!

Because you play with total shitters

You are a bad Reaper player. Reaper is best at taking down squishy targets. Not tanks.

Because kills in overwatch are not really kills. You spray around and other people kill the enemies you still get the "kill"

>you will never hear Tracer yelp in pain as your cock slams into her cervix, over and over

how important are headshots as reaper?

I'm used to always aiming for the head but I usually lose 1-on-1 reaper battles and the killcam always shows them going for meatshots

life is suffering.

Is it just me or is Tracer lustily eyeing young 76 here?

>enemy team goes three widowmakers on anubis defense
>they're stacking up and basically nuking anyone who gets in their line of sight
>well i guess
>go Winston
>hop skip jump taser
>spend about 60% of the game shitting on them and whoever happens to be close to them
>they're good at scoped shooting but completely panic if forced to unscope
>basically just mop up
>one of them switched to bastion just as we start capping second
>but it was too late

jesus christ I've never been so thoroughly entertained by a triple widowmaker lineup

Jesse McCree? Well. It's high noon somewhere in the world, but it's always time for McCree. Here are five fun facts about Jesse McCree!

1. McCree uses an ancient method of attracting women and this method is known as a "beard"
2. McCree's beard has been known to imitate a purring bear cub
II. McCree's beard tickling your neck!
4. Beards are the cutest!

I'll be gone most of the week, I wonder how much I'll miss playing with Jesse McCree. ;_;

I looked for this character after you started avatarfagging, now I've started reading the series

>TFW I finally find the perfect sensitivity for me
>TFW I get 30+ eliminations as Widowmaker every game now

Oh my god this is fucking amazing.

>enjoy playing all tanks apart from Reindhart
>enjoy all supports apart from Mercy
>won't play offense heroes apart from Pharah occasionally
>won't play snipers or boring turret heroes

t. Junkrat main
Am I gimping myself for doing this?
I just like big explosions and flashy ults
I just lik

There are videos for that.
It's just you. And your autism.

Don't aim for the head like you would with a normal weapon
Aim for pretty much the neck, that way no pellet is wasted and you'll still hit the head

You have shotguns, so they spray around the whole body if you just body shot some might hit the head, if u just aim for the head some of them will miss. Depends how close you are.

Reyes: Dammit Jesse brought his stupid cowboy hat. I told him not too.

>Junkrat I heal and resurrect gets play of the game

Aww, I don't get points for that?

Teach me how to git gud. I want to use the Noir skin but I suck so badly at her.

Yes hello this is the 840 damage nuke calling. Playing a character with less health than that? Well too fucking bad.

Haha, looks like the enemy escaped? Well it's High Noon and you were in my line of sight for a second. git gud you fucking shitter, way to be within Jesse "Jesse Mcree" Mcree's line of sight.

Who do you ship Veeky Forums?

Considering buying this game, how is it bros?

>stand far away, the giant ui charge thing blocks not only the fact that I'm deflecting, but that I'm genji at all.

>You will never slam Tracer against a wall and hammer her petite frame until she collapses.
Oh no wait, I do this regularly.
t.Reinhardt main.

>Now travelling to Hanamura

oshit gday cobber

stinky boat!!

It's just you tracer got good taste

fuck off reddit
you are just as bad as the /pol/ boogeyman

Literally just watch one of the billion videos and streams

>d.va POTG
>its her shooting her mech into a group of people
>all of them die
>we just see her hide behind a wall because otherwise she would die


I've almost started to main Wiston to make every Widow player miserable. If they're going to ruin the game with their faggotry I sure as hell am going to make it unpleasant for them.

>mfw only one year younger than Mercy
>mfw playing overwatch
>mfw a Mcree flashes and hammer fans my face before the elderly man reaction centers in my brain can even light up.
>mfw still posting on 4chin


I am not a reaper player. If you think reaper isn't good at killing tanks you are a retard.