/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

Reminder that SteIIaris has its own general and discussion of the game doesn't go here. Thank you.

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, June 5th:
1862 – As the Treaty of Saigon is signed, ceding parts of southern Vietnam to France, the guerrilla leader Trương Định decides to defy Emperor Tự Đức of Vietnam and fight on against the Europeans.
1916 – The Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire breaks out.
1917 – World War I: Conscription begins in the United States as "Army registration day".
1942 – World War II: The United States declares war on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.
1944 – World War II: More than 1000 British bombers drop 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast in preparation for D-Day.

EU4 DD02/06

CK2 DD 8 - Life goes on

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>EU4 - BDSM

>>[CK2 - 2.4.5] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 21/03/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/download/1rsuvgtl4c54j5h/After the End 0.7.1.zip

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

fuck off

where were you last thread, you fucking mongoloid?


Hoi4 soon

>Report and ignore autist is back

>stellaris warning
>report and ignore autist
Too obvious lad

Best shitposter strikes again


How can I modify HIP so that pagan religions can be reformed as in the original game (50% authority and 3 holy sites instead of 30% and 4 sites)?

I like that they have a sense of humour lad but they could stand to spend more time on Q&A and less time liveblogging in front of tanks and engaging in bants t b h

In for HOI IV will be fucking glorious and if you think otherwise you're a fucking autistic neck-beard.

>report and ignore autist only appears in threads with the stellaris warning
Hmmmm.... Really makes you think

How do you link between threads
pls no bully

He's fast!

game when?

It's not a bot, he didn't make the last thread, notice how the OPs are different.

I tried really hard but the DH tutorial was fucking garbage and I felt like it taught me nothing and I felt like I wasted my money.

When I looked at all the online tutorials, they were from the perspective of 500 hour autists and it felt like they don't really care about teaching people how to play, only optimize the play of others.

Reminder to post build liquor factories

Reminder that Hearts of Iron IV has its own general and discussion of the game doesn't go here. Thank you.

Just paste the post number like in a normal response
I think you can use the actual link to the post as well but haven't tried that in ages

>EU:R is back on the menu

Fuck all of y'all.
Anybody got a link for Distant Worlds?

Damn I was getting a bit worried when I did not see you in the last thread...

the meme is true liquor is the most profitable good

Why is HoI4 casual compared to HoI3?

You have to go back.

anyone have the link to after the end 2.5.2?

It does it automatically if you just link the post number.

(Might not work on archived threads, not sure)

Arrows and mana

press CTRL+W to get to the after the end website :)

This thread is part of a raid by the steam group who removed HOI4 from the correct infograph.

Please delete this shitpost thread and make a new one with the correct updated infograph and ban OP as he is Cobra, an underage steam group shitposter.

Play HoI3 the play 4 tomorrow. You'll see.

I'm one of those 500 hou autists so I can't really help you except if you have specific questions
I learned the game by playing MP with a guy who explained every single thing to me and that was pretty cool, but I don't even remember what I had problems with

The micromanagement is SEVERELY reduced. Some think complexity = good game design (and I disagree heavily) and they're whining about how you don't have to assign officers and HQs and all sorts of dumb shit for like 30 minutes before unpausing, but hoi4 is literally a line drawing game.

Cobra was banned yesterday though

Cobra is the R&I autist?

more micromanagement equals more complexity.

Now go fucking paint a wall with a paint roller while I gently apply paint with a toothpick, because I'm hard and cool like that

Reminder to check out the new Paradox blog for updates


You're retarded
Scrapping your OoB and redoing it takes 3 minutes at the very most
The only thing that annoys me about HoI3 is having to drag the corps level HQs along

first try if that doesn't work try mediafire.com/download/1rsuvgtl4c54j5h/After the End 0.7.1.zip

I couldn't stop myself, it's like watching a train about to hit a car parked on the tracks

I might be in the minority here but I'm not so much bothered about silly Press Bhutan blobbing (in all honesty this has been possible in every GSG) and more bothered by the phenomenally shit AI.

Thanks user.

Already added War in the east to my wishleast for this summer sale

and took off HOI IV

DH has some great mods, that one Commie Germany AAR on >reddit looked like a pretty fun mod, and not to mention the legendary Kaisserreich that gives all Wehraboos, Commies, and Monarchists boners at the same time.

>all those HoI4 dlc plans

nice malware

No, I'm not changing any goods for now.

>more bothered by the phenomenally shit AI.

in all honesty this has been possible in every GSG

Just remember Matrix games are always expensive as fuck, even if they go on sale

I didn't know that Johan has a math Ph.d

you realize you don't need the leader assigning autism or even the hq moving autism to still have a realistic command structure? it could have just been automated like hoi2, don't know why it was removed in hoi3.

fucking saved

Why didn't you just pirate, lad.

Why are you enabling paradox?

You make me sad.

I just couldn't find the time or willpower to read any of the 5 page tutorials or watch the 35 minute tutorials

I also bought it for a 20 people MP on launch day desu


people are complaining and be all like hoi4 be bad and shit but hoi4 is better than any other GSG so far i mean wtf?

thanks hpm. but are you sure that this doesn't mean that the 16.8% of people who can afford to get the luxury needs also happen to get 100% (16.8%) of the everyday needs?

maybe you should show me the goods

Yeah I know how it is sometimes, you just gotta be in the mood to invest 3 hours or so upfront until you're halfway decent

I never played HoI3 :^))) but I did see a lot of posts on here and it looked way too annoying for me, and people would post like 50 pictures just setting up their army before unpausing.

Still working on Operation Atlantiküberquerung, assuming the british territorys don't get overrun, I will land my primary army there.
When the yanks move up to aid there canadian friends, I will land in washington and new york with my Heeresgruppe B.
Then I move Mots and Light Armor to florida and try to secure as much territory as possible.

The question is: when do I attack?
If I'm lucky I can reach the British lands before they are fully occupied.
If I wait I probably already have researched nukes, also if japan does OK, the USA could draw all its attention west.
I could also try to conquer Panama to prevent their shipmovements.
Any more suggestions?

arrrrrrr me matey :)

That's a percentage of the luxury needs they are getting, not the percentage of people that are getting their luxury needs.

The percentage of everyday needs they get is 37%, as shown in the image.

Unless I completely misunderstood what you meant. In that case, sorry.

Playing babby's first HoI3 game as Germany, just took France
I neglected to build a navy so operation sea lion is off
How many troops do I need to fuck up the Soviets? They have roughly 2 million or so

>game crashed

Reminder that since previous Paradox games were completely shit at launch and then become good after 100$ of dlcs it's perfectly fine for their new games to be also shit at launch xDxD

Can you give me a download link for Distant Worlds, please?

totally agree

people on this site are just autistic as f*ck and mad that paradox don't be catering to them lol

>I neglected to build a navy so operation sea lion is off

no need, the AI is shit, you can just dodge the british navy and land

Be warned though, Soviets automatically attack after you take London

4 full Infantry armies and at least 2 panzer armies.

At least 100 Infantry divisions and a further 20-25 Pz divisions with some 20-30 pz-grenadier divs (motorized/exploit).

it's here lads


how can you know if 16% means that 1000 people get 16% of what they need, or that from 1000 people, 16% of them get everything?

I probably would fuck it up though, I tried invading Japanese China as the US once and completely failed because it's impossible to get enough supplies through the ports
Is it possible to beat the Soviets with a slow frontline assault? Just moving the frontline ahead one province at a time is my favorite



hi I'm an entitled pirate who want a link

I'll say thanks but I won't give money

maaaaybe a few years later I'll buy it discounted

my parents didn't take care of me as a child


Also, can you please give me a link to Distant Worlds?

>I probably would fuck it up though
I managed on my first playthrough, it's apparently not that hard. Maybe I was just super lucky, I dunno

>hoi4 will be absolute shit even in ways I didn't think it would be
>played DH, hoi3 and liquoria 2 a gorillion times already
>even made my own personal mods for each of these games
>can't bother to finish playthroughs anymore
>gsg memes are getting stale
I think it is time to say farewell to this autism. It is finally time to become a normalfag, I guess.


>Is it possible to beat the Soviets with a slow frontline assault?

Only if you're playing on easy.
Otherwise you're gonna grind your manpower to 0 before you even take moskva.

Just try small encirclements mang. Even HOI veterans fuck them up every once in a while.



You know it, lad.

based shitposter

Alright I have been putting this off for the entire time you've been doing this, over a month now, atleast. I am really fucking annoyed by this meme. Victoria 2 is a great game, by far the greatest grand strategy of all time, in no other game can you manage an economy, your pops, your diplomacy, your taxes, your army and your sphere of influence at the same time. Victoria 2 takes every element of every game and makes it great. Your pathetic fucking mana/dynasty/OoB/insert single issue game simply can't compete. I've tried playing them, believe me. They are pathetic. You play them and you only have to manage one, maybe, two things. Hah, what is this mess? It's a botched job. A complete write off. And sure, if you like that sort of purile simplistic shit then more power too you, it's not my job to kick down your sandcastle. But why must I spend my time arguing this with you? Just because Victoria 2 is too complex for you doesn't mean it is for everyone. And when challenged you crawl back into your same abhorrent memery, because that's all this is, you don't have the slightest clue what you're saying or who you're messing with, because if you did you'd stop. Go back to playing your blob simulator, little man, because this general belongs to us. The true strategy gamers. Not your lame, disgusting casual shit. And you know the worst part? We can't even meme back. Hell, I'm sure there's some really overpowered trade good in EU4, but we can't say "hurr durr naval supplies" or whatever because the simple fact is nobody has played your favoured game since EU3, back before they dumbed it down for people like you. So well done, my friend, you made an intellectual victoria 2 fan MAD. You've achieved your greatest feat since you formed grossulmiums, mark this on your wall as a victory for your abysmal existence because I can tell you now, kiddo, this is your peak.

I'm pretty sure the former is what happens because pops act like a block.

I could be wrong though.

why not get some people together and create the ultimate autistic meme gs game?

>implying it wouldn't be completely unplayable shit

One can hope that at some point a Black Ice like mod will be created for it.

Literally wait 10-20 minutes at most and It'll be up on all pirate sites.

t. liquormemer

>Only if you're playing on easy.
>Otherwise you're gonna grind your manpower to 0 before you even take moskva.
In HoI3, in my first Germany game (and first HoI3 game overall, had some DH experience though) I beat the Soviets without any problems and actually had more manpower at the end of the war, and I didn't even know how to build proper divisions (I think I was using 4xArm as armored divisions and 3xInf + Art as infantry). Soviets are a pushover. Then I got Great Britain with paratroopers.

HoI3 as Germany is easier than fucking EU4 as France. The only "challenge" in vanilla is figuring out how OOB works.

He's ironically shitposting

rebels killed me, I'm bored again

*that wants a link

I'm non-ironically judging myself while asking for a link

gib please?

The leak is already out bros


How bad is the shitposting going to get over the next 22 hours?