Custom Maid 3D General /cm3dg/

Empire Club Branch #002

Consider the Futa Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of KISS' Custom Maid (3D, 3D2 & Online) games.
Post Meidos & Mods. Reidos Welcome!

>Everything you need to know about CM3D2


Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Other Useful Links
>KISS' Official Website

>Latest CM3D2 Patch
Ver1.31.2 -

>What's New & Upcoming
CM3D2+ Act.2 (7/29) -

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3rd for Emilia-Tan!

Happy birthday!

Is there a stand-alone save editor that still works? I don't want to install mods if I don't have to.

Beat me to the punch, thanks though.

Morning Meditations with /cm3dg/!

>not blonde hair short hail

Blondes are the inferior race.

Wait why am I not supposed to run the 64bit version of the game on 64bit Windows 10? I did it before and it worked fine.

I'd like to avoid potential problems now that I'm reinstalling, though.

64-bit is fine unless you want machine translations.

The joke's over, pack up and head back to /hgg/

You've maid your bed, now lie in it.

I would bed my maid.

Is she punching herself in the face?

Looks more like she's clawing her eye out. Even looks like the fingers managed to get in.

Maybe she has a glass eye?

Halp, I can't uninstall the game.

Ask the /hgg/ guys, they are uninstalling experts

Well I didn't put it so nicely. I meant to say try something safe if it's your first time running the game. Some idiot ignored my advice and asked hurr durr why didn't it run so I used some strong words there.

I think we're old enough to move out

inb4 /hgg/ dies because it almost all CM3D2 posting.

is the VR patch compatible with Oculus CV1? Are there any issues I should know about?

If Monster Girl Quest and RPGMaker generals can survive on doing little more than bumping from page 10 all day, so can any number of autistic fraction H Game generals.

Anyone is using all in one pack torrent from sukebei? Is it okay? Or should I bother with installation?

I most certainly don't, so fuck it, going with 64 again.

Reminder that it was /hgg/ kicking us out, not we leaving on our own

I just got the pack with all the DLC and updates(was missing like the two latest ones) and the game because I want to have the files and be able to reinstall in case some mod breaks something in the future.

Installed the VR patch. Got the same Error dialog everyone else is reporting. I do not really understand why it happens or explain how peopling are solving it, by webpage translation on the official patch download page, it looks like something to do with 32bit or 64bit conflicts and having to remove or move files around. Can someone explain how to solve the VR patch errors?

Maybe if we have our own thread we'll be able to organize enough people to reinvigorate the translation effort!


Honestly, it doesn't matter.

If the thread can't sustain itself then we just go back and there's nothing they can do about it. Same with aa2.

keep shitposting, im sure someone will believe you sooner or later


Just install everything individually. The nip mods can sometimes break your shit, and when that happens you'll be stuck without individual backups of updates and DLC

I'm sure people like Frame Arms:Girls here.

What about the robot skin?

The thing is, the game is untranslated, and the narrative and writing and very important components of the game, unlike say Artificial Academy 2.

So basically there's the fanatical weebs who just care about the poser and don't care for the writing and then there's those who actually understand Japanese. Both are small in number. Without 100 unique posters, the thread is doomed to fail.

So if this general doesn't work, which I'll arbitrarily define right now as dying either twice in a row or three times in one week without hitting post cap, I'm packing up my maids and heading back to /hgg2d/.

>dying either twice in a row or three times in one week without hitting post cap
Bumping from page 10 isn't hard, it's not going anywhere by that standard.

Time for recolors

No other update yet. Check it here.


Man that is a nice looking character, from the back at least

All furryfags MUST BE PURGED.


I like the current twitter maid trend.



Oh cool, I didn't know this one was still supported, nice.

how do i even play this game
when does the holla holla get $$$ starts raining

it takes a while, your first meido needs to complete training

i think it's like 2 weeks or something?

does she need to acquire a class in maid exam or something?

not sure, i can't speak enough nip to decipher whats going on and i don't read the runes themselves

my best guess would be yes?

Maids complete training by undergoing yotogi 10 times
Each time they lose 5 immaturity and at 50 immaturity they graduate from being a trainee.
Each maid starts with 100 immaturity

>Play 10 days
>Give maid freedom or make her your slave.
>Making her your slave puts you in crippling debt.
>Make and train second maid.
>Whore both maids to strangers for money.
>Debt cleared.
>Rest of the game.

can't i just whore the second one?

you can; that's what i did

who's gonna earn your moneys to buy the second one?

>Give maid freedom or make her your slave.
pls be trolling

you don't buy the second one

The second maid is free, like the first one
You can make both first maids personal, it just takes longer to pay off the debt then

She's either free or private, if she's not a free person, she your slave~

nigga your uncle gives you the second one

>crippling debt.
>Deceived Reception VIP is about the maid accepting it to help pay off the debt she added to by Goshujin-sama making her personal.
Little things.

Your uncle sends a second one he "hired while he was in charge" for free.
I used the preset for his personal maid so she gets to fix the mess she made fucking him all day by running those VIP events.

Got it to work by following a guild that support the HF patch and does the patching to the VR files.

Grabbing a maid like a figurine and tossing her around is fucking hilarious.

That is not how this works
Free maids are "free" to be fucked by customers
Private maids are "privately" for you to fuck

Free maids are free to fuck as they want.
Private maids are for your private use. You're depriving them of their free will! YOU MONSTER!

You, and old fat man

>Private maids are "privately" for you to fuck
>being this delusional

so what's the catch with VIP events? i seem to have all the requirements (i'm going off the hgames wiki) but i don't seem to have it as an option for night schedule?

>being this incompetent at the game
I have 4 female robot maids that do all the fucking
Group is just multiple of my robots
Pic related, robo maid 1 and robo maid 2 doing some lewd with my headmaid

VIP events are all simulated events where my robo maids train with the maid. It's role play from the maid.

But what if you ARE the old fat man?

Higher club star rating through cleaning and such. Think a starting list unlock at 3 stars but they'll only stick on a girl's schedule block if she meets the requirements.

Does yandere explicitly address that she's not your only lover?

Also does anyone know how to do supersampling AA?

Then you win

>still no mod pack

considering jp modders are locking their mods behind PWs because EOP trash kept stealing their mods and re-uploading them without credit, mod packs are not gonna happen

So for the uncle's maid, did you just eye it out like I did or was there an actual way to pull the data for her from the game?

>caring about modder who lock theirt mods whit pw
please end urselft

>first maid dialogue is moonrune
>second maid is fully translated

They are a hundred-thousand times more important that worthless leechers like

what's a good number to keep my beauty/cleanliness at?

these numbers feel arbitrary as fuck

Hongfire only made headway with the Tsundere personality, all the others are barely translated, if at all

>pull the data for her from the game
Might be how it came about, the preset for her and secretary was already available so just picked that up and gave her condescending tsundere voice.

Nice work, though!

there's a max amount and you should keep it as close to that as you can. Just use one maid for each and let the rest do whatever

If you have 999 Eval, around 650 for both is plenty to maintain a 5* rating
Keep one maid on cleaning duty, one on deco duty and you will never run into issues ever

Now that we have our own general, it's up to you user to translate the personalities that dongfire is too lazy to finish.


when's the new translation patch

When you learn nip with me

Wait wait wait.

Just let me get this straight. Before i start downloading 5 billion higabites of shit, just how much is translated in this game?

The menus and exceptionally important dialogue.

UI, some of the greetings, and like 70% of a personality

almost all the dialogue options, the UI, menus, that shit

you can easily manage and even romance maids, most of the important options are translated and you won't get lost so easily.

meant for

>player is just a ghost with a solid dick

like pottery

Then what does the "only one personality is barely translated". Does that mean all other types will speak moon?

Am i gonna be able to follow the "plot" or am i gonna have to make up stories in my mind and read 90% of dialog like Meet n Fuck moans like i do with RPG maker games?

you can kinda follow the plot, i suppose

again, most of it is runes, and i don't speak a lick of rune but i understand whats going on.

install and setup vnr for machine translation

the game isn't really about plot anyway. its more about maid customization and the h-skills

not really much goes on, and the story bit with the uncle and the secretary maiden is pretty much fully translated

I would for the RPG maker games if the fucking full screen option worked properly. Also some times the machine translation is so fucked up that trying to make sense of it ruins the fapping.

Uhm don't know if its for me then. Seems more about character creation.