reminder that bethesda's amusement park is copying trainwiz's amusement park
Austin Foster
Piper Farts!
Landon Miller
The pic in the OP is what Nate should have done to Nora. Saved the world a lot of trouble.
Adam Myers
well he does work for them
Michael Brooks
Adam Flores
Alright Veeky Forums i've literally tried everything. I got fallout 3 goty edition on windows 7 despite the warnings that it wouldnt work. I've tried all the solutions doe, i've deleted bthsuthread shit, i downloaded the mod and all the other things. But nothing is working even doe it worked for other people. What do i do Veeky Forums i really want to play this on PC
Andrew Cox
Except it will not be a shitty mod full of goofy weapons.
Justin Johnson
Yeah, it'll be a shitty DLC full of goofy weapons.
Aiden Evans
Dl an other torrent then.
Logan Young
Ryan Perez
did you do the ini edit to force the game to only use 2 cores instead of 4 since the game doesnt support quad cores?
Ryder Gutierrez
>download a mod that adds a new assault rifle >does like 66 base damage, full auto >enemies have it >go to vault 95 and fight gunners >assaultrons are the hardest part so far >get to a room w/ 2 gunners. both have the new gun *PRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT* >half of my health gone faster than i can react >eventually kill them with mines, hiding like a bitch, and using like 10 stims
Fuck that. I'm uninstalling it. AVOID the WH-77 mod. Shit's OP asf.
Isaiah Campbell
Ye, isnt that with the busethread 1 and inumHWThread? So i download it on NV, and then ill be able to travel to fallout 3?
Nolan Mitchell
Jordan Cox
Fitst for vanilla cleavage.
Lucas Brown
> So i download it on NV, and then ill be able to travel to fallout 3?
Sort of. By now the recommended way to start the game is to begin from a new FNV game, but in the Capital Wasteland (going through the Fo3 char gen). I think that there is some compatibility strife atm with a newer version of the TTW.esm file, which fixes progressively longer loading times. You have to patch the char gen start plugin file (from the optionals fomod iirc) to get it to work, but that isn't _too_ difficult.
Mason Bennett
Installing ttw will let you start in Fallout 3 normally, and move to NV later
Hudson Ward
>So i download it on NV, and then ill be able to travel to fallout 3? It lets you choose which game you want to start a character in
Anthony Reyes
TTW mod requires all the fallout 3 and fallout nv to be installed, then it extracts the lot converts them into fallout nv esps. You start out in fallout 3 vault 101 and then have the option to travel to NV.
>reverse pickpocketing adult clothes onto kids and fallout 3 gives them tits
Does this work in 4?
William Gutierrez
Thanks niggas
Jace Peterson
recommended mods for fallout 4? it was fun but need some extra the best part was building remaking the weapons and how they worked, sadly melee had little to 0 customization
Dylan Rodriguez
If he releases it people will make better ones. I definitely would.
Hunter Roberts
You can use as many mods as you want so long as they're properly converted TTW has come a long fucking way stability wise
David Wood
>WH-77 mod
This sounds fun
Jayden Johnson
War of the Commonwealth if you don't mind some crashes Game desperately needs more encounters
Jordan Bennett
I use: key nuker ( to store all keys onto a keychain) optimized vanilla textures lowered minutemen expectations everyone's best friend (dogmeat does not count as a companion) settlement management software scrap everything
Chase Lewis
Dominic Howard
Yeah I have trust issues with TTW since I played it years ago before it was supposedly stable.
William Moore
>everyone's best friend (dogmeat does not count as a companion) Wait, hasn't the game been patched toward that already?
That's retarded, you're retarded. Just install it and give it a try.
David Parker
>Game desperately needs more encounters I would disagree, its annoying enough tripping over some enemy every 5 feet in the base game.
The game, if anything, needs more open areas of nothing
Jaxon Martin
>Vault Tec Plugsuits When?
Gabriel Jenkins
b-bros is there a way to turn my qtp character into companion in new vegas?
i just want to copy paste the face on some fallower mod. Would it be possible?
Adam Lewis
When you make them, fag
Justin Taylor
well you need to do the INI edits
run everything in compatability mode, that is all the shit in the vcredist folder and xlivedll folder and the launcher/exe as administrator
and if you're a poorfag like me and use integrated graphics you need an additional .dll file that says to the game you're running it with one
Jason Watson
I'm having trouble fixing the neck, no matter where i apply the skin to my PC's neck is always default, even when I have the textures replacing the base female texture? Anyone know a fix?
Not my experience. Boston can get busy, but once you kill the first spawns, and the countryside in general, it becomes boring and predictable to travel across. The map would be better larger, but that'll never happen, and given its small size and lack of content, unpredictable battles is the only thing going for it.
Now the Glowing Sea is actually slightly threatening, and the Minutemen actually patrol settlements instead of being useless pieces of shit all day.
>The map would be better larger, No it wouldn't. If it was larger we would just end up in a Witcher 3 situation where the map is even more dead then it is already.
>and given its small size and lack of content I dont see how 16 square miles is small, nor do I understand how you can say it lacks content where the a location every 5 feet.
>Now the Glowing Sea is actually slightly threatening No it isn't, even mild radiation resistance can make it a null threat, and theres fucking nothing in there outside the Atom cultists and that one underground bunker thats interesting.
>and the Minutemen actually patrol settlements instead of being useless pieces of shit all day. Minutemen already patrol in the base game, I run into them all the time at various spots around the map.
Caleb Reed
what are supply chains ? how dose it work ?
Levi Nguyen
All settlements connected via supply chains share junk and material resources.
Ian Collins
It's already one third useless water Only the city has that many locations and most of them are raider dungeons or even exterior only map markers Yeah the GS is retarded in vanilla because there's few enemies and radiation is trivial, that's why you use a mod like this to add more dangerous enemies
Bentley Young
They also increase the profits for shop stalls built in linked settlements. Some legendary shop keepers won't join without 30+ settlers within a settlement network.
Ian Parker
>It's already one third useless water its not even 1/3 water
>Only the city has that many locations and most of them are raider dungeons or even exterior only map markers What? the wasteland area has tons of places, theres never not at least 6 markers on our compass even out in the wasteland areas.
>Yeah the GS is retarded in vanilla because there's few enemies and radiation is trivial, that's why you use a mod like this to add more dangerous enemies Uhh no, its that way because thats the way it would logically be. Radiation would kill off most thing int it via accumulation, but at the same time its been 200+years, and most of the high concentrations of radiation would have dissipated over that time.
Josiah Kelly
your waifu has a cute nose.
Samuel Gonzalez
>Radiation would kill off most thing int it via accumulation, but at the same time its been 200+years, and most of the high concentrations of radiation would have dissipated over that time. Don't you mean accumulate? Like in Chernobyl's surrounding area where it's safe most places but then there's the random radioactive ditch which will kill in seconds because that's where all the runoff pooled.
Cameron Robinson
>play survival >add mod that adds more dangerous enemies >now even more enemies one shot you unless youre wearing powerarmor
Man, bethesda fucking sucks at balancing their difficulties
Ryder Evans
Doing my first run with modded fallout and I just finished the textures and UI now I'm looking at gameplay mods.
Has anybody tried out the bullet time mod? Did you prefer it to normal VATS?
David Ross
>Don't you mean accumulate? No, i mean via accumulation.
As in, the Glowing Sea's radiation level isn't high enough to kill instantly, but anything spending a significant amount of time in it would eventually die from radiation buildup.
OFC there are higher pockets of accumulate radiation in various pools like you mention, but that's not what I was referring to.
David Foster
The pic that user posted, and those from the blog are gorgeous
i think it would be better if someone simply does a Re-rex and some modifications to GITS catsuit, but looking at the models, it wouldn't be better than the ones on the guy's models
Ryder Harris
source on image
Jack Jones
just take jet for bullet-time
honestly Vats is annoying because it misses more often than I do firing normally I only use it when I'm surprised or I want to use a crit
Dylan Adams
What is wrong with this pic and how do I fix it
Alexander Peterson
johndoe-art on tumblr
Samuel Fisher
So you thought it was pretty pointless?
Josiah Diaz
2 much green shit >inb4 muh chernobyl the game starts in october the only green would be some grass here and there
The term you're looking for is "prolonged exposure". Like, you can stand in the middle of a tundra in a T-shirt and jeans for a minute or two, but with prolonged exposure, you're getting frost-bite and hypothermia. Radiation's the same way. If the levels are high enough to make you sick, with prolonged exposure, you'll die.
Ethan Russell
I don't care about your lore shit bud I care about my graphix
Also it stays green in october in new england a lot of years. For instance, this year we had a very late foliage and basically no winter. Who says that many nukes dropping didn't change the climate?
John Hughes
yea since it more or less exists in vanilla already
Kayden Martin
>logical >fallout radiation Besides the point is that WotC fills it up with things that would survive it, mutants and robots, because it makes the hyped up Glowing Sea into an actual threat Because Bethesda is balls at environmental pressures at hiking the rads up doesn't change that.
but what if I'm playing for 6 months
Christopher Rogers
I haven't played Fallout 4 in a while, so I'm not sure. Is it still impossible to upload your mod to without uploading all of the assets associated with it, including those from other people's mods?
I tried to upload a character overhaul mod a while back and it pack together, and uploaded, all of the assets I use instead of just the .esp. All my skin, body, eyes, hair mods, etc.
Hudson Walker
>"prolonged exposure Which, when it comes to rads, is the same thing as accumulating too many rads from standing in a radioactive spot for too long.
Isaiah Perez
Thanks bud, that's 1 mod I can check off my list
Dylan Hill
>is it impossible to get a functional car without having to get all the parts needed for it!? Yes.
Gavin Long
It's nice if you don't want to do drugs instead of VATS. Probably best to pick double the AP consumption though.
VATS is just too shitty to bear. Enemies can go out of range but you'll keep shooting. Stupid camera pans while you're being fucking murdered, making multiple shots take longer than they should. Even with the resistance buff during VATS it's infuriating to watch. It doesn't work in a first person shooter, not like they designed it.
Owen Lopez
you can get a car to function without windshield wipers or a muffler
Adam Lopez
I love seeing posts like these > it's infuriating to watch Like really?
Does this shit actually bother you?
How do you fucking survive real life?
Eli Rogers
I think I'm just going to use Jet, I actually forgot it did basically the same time. That way there is an actual disadvantage to using it all the time which makes it more immersive.
Gabriel Bell
Or you could not have people downloading the same assets over and over just because a mod has dependencies
Nathaniel Ramirez
>is it impossible to get a functional car without having to get all the parts needed for it!? That doesn't work in this situation, user. If you're just changing the appearance of NPCs, you only need to upload the .esp, not everything you use to make your game look purdy.
That's like saying, "You have to buy a whole care to buy this paint." I don't need to get the whole car, I just need the paint. Everybody has their own car, and this paint will work just fine for them without me giving them a car.
Carter Taylor
>gun mod >needs 60 other gun mods to work fuck this
Cameron Brooks
Or you could just actually produce a fully functional stand alone product and not go back to the dark ages of Morrowind era modding where each mod needed like 10 others to work, causing people to need fucking diagrams of what mods to install in what order just to get even the most basic shit to work.
Liam Ward
nmm users everyone
Cameron Wood
>Implying I use NMM Lol no
Caleb Price
Anyone know how to fix the neck texture on player characters being different then the textures applies?
Dominic Rivera
Is there a mod that lets me send companions back to their home if they're already in a settlement?
Owen Ward
You don't accumulate rads. Radiation is atoms shedding neutrons because they're too heavy with them. Uranium, for example. Those neutrons fly off at insane speeds, and destroy any living tissue cells in their path. Because atoms are so tiny, you can have a golf ball-sized rock with even just a little bit of uranium that sheds so many neutrons that you can get very sick from it but only if it's sitting in your pocket for a long period of time, because it's getting a chance to destroy more of your cells without whatever ammo is has left, if you will. Once the ammo's spent, it doesn't stay in your body, it goes right through you.
To truly accumulate rads, you have to be surrounded by radioactive material, for a long period of time, which is still prolonged exposure, but the key part is being surrounded. And I'm talking giant uranium rods, that take millenia to run out of neutrons, not irradiated water or trees. I believe there's still bodies entombed inside Chernobyl, if one could safely remove them, they would be pretty irradiated, but that would still dissipate with time, because the bodies aren't radioactive in of themselves.
Dylan Flores
>Or you could just actually produce a fully functional stand alone product This is meaningless, I HAVE created a completely standalone mod, it does not require ANYTHING else, but the CK still packs together everything associated with the appearance of NPCs when it uploads to bethnet. It doesn't have to and should not do this.
Jordan Barnes
>sing real world logic to try to justify a Fallout unvierse based argument
AAAANNNNDDD you just lost any sort of validity you might have had.
Robert Johnson
yes, you still need to have the assets + Ctrl F4
David Robinson
Are you trying to make your own character in the creation kit or just in-game?
Samuel Young
>AAAANNNNDDD you just lost any sort of validity you might have had. I love it when user is so tsundere!
Jonathan Sullivan
Wasn't trying to justify anything.
Camden Morales
Just ingame. It's the same problem as But my hands are also fucked
Samuel Davis
Ugh, why, though? My mod is completely stand-alone. the only reason it's packing together other mods is simply because I have them. this means that to upload to bethnet, I'd have to uninstall EVERY TEXTURE MOD I HAVE or it will force me to upload other people's mods when my mod does not need them.
God damnit, Bethesda. I get what you're trying to do, but make that bullshit optional, it only leads to widespread, accidental mod-theft. How did they not see this?
Wyatt Howard
Post booty sliders.
Ethan Ramirez
Not sure in that case, could be that you have just a body mod installed that doesn't effect head and hands.
I know in the skyrim creation kit there use to be an issue when you made new character in which this same thing would happen. You just had to compile the scripts or something, but that doesn't really help you
>mod-theft >implying its possible to steal something that Bethesda owns all the rights to and whose products make you give it out. Lol no.
Jack Rogers
Can you post your tit sliders?
Carson Lee
Noah Turner
actually according to Bethesda the mod makers do own the shit they create
Robert Jones
Is there a FO4 equivalent to An up to date guide on mods that work and work well together? Obviously FO4 hasn't been out nearly as long and has been in patch/dlc flux but I just did a fresh install after the whole keywords clusterfuck and just generally having old outdated mods.
I'd take a decent forum post link. Just something that compiles stuff like "SK is shit, don't use it".
Ayden Peterson
Let's go a little old-school here guys. What's your favorite armor from New Vegas/Fallout 3?
Jackson Thomas
That would imply theres any Fallout 4 mods with installing besides the unofficial patch and the keynuker.
We aren't far enough in for any truly good large scale texture replacers or anything