/rlg/ - Roguelike General

Junethack is ongoing for the rest of June: junethack.net/
/rlg/ clan: Just kidding, there isn't one.

Poschengband 4.0.2 released: angband.oook.cz/forum/showpost.php?p=111187&postcount=195

DCSS Trunk Updates: crawl.develz.org/wordpress/trunk-updates-25-may-2016

>FAQ and What to Play
FAQ: pastebin.com/Q7K91Q34
What to Play?: pastebin.com/yfUKx35f

Rogue Nexus – Cataclysm online with shared map and tons of other roguelikes in a simple online package! (USA Only)

>Individual Game Pastas

Previous thread:

>quest to kill Jabberwocky
>go to woods
>no Jabberwocky

Ohayou gozaimasu, /rlg/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's play our best today!

Don't you need the Vorpal Blade for that?

Is Eustacio dangerous for a lvl 6 Troll Monk? I think... Im going for it. Hes asleep. Candy from a baby.

The faster you can kill him, the less dangerous he is.
If you let him summon imps and blink you may want to evacuate.

Had javs of poison, javs of pen and ice wand to deal with the summons. Hes dead as hell now.

>dealing with the summons


just kill him, and they disappear


Is Cataclysm the only good roguelike with an overworld rather than a single deep dungeon?

Yeah well, I tried to kill him outright, but he blinked after the poisoned jav hit, summoned after i missed with net. So pen javs and ice wand cleaned his clock well enough. i wasnt injured at all. But now Prince Ribbit is in view... IM GOING IN


>good roguelike with an overworld
Elona, DF adventure mode, ADOM

I am not personally a fan of any of these games, but they have see enough discussion that some people obviously find them fun.

Poschengband, Qud, there's a fair amount unless you specifically want sandbox type.

Thanks rat king! Also thanks for upgrading my night vision.

>Thread resurrects after dying

Literally not a roguelike

>day 146
>thread died today and shitposting was rampant
>still no signs of the prophet


Amulet of life saving

A nice side bonus of clearing the rat cave.

>needs grand grimoire
>go grab nearest book
>it's a grand grimoire


Jabberwocky is the title of the poem;
Jabberwock is the creature itself.

I wish I had a Snickers-snack.

Jeez, I work one weekend and you depressed faggots despondently let the thread die.

Fuck off!

Why is there no more cum in the OP?
/rlg/ isn't /rlg/ without cum and you know it!

dumb memeposters

Yeah that meme was really funny for a negative amount of time.

Glad you put it in the OP back then, user. Good work.

Thank (You).

If dicks was my dad this would have never happened

I could raise an army with all the guns I got. And I have no idea which one is good or bad.

>not playing with generic guns mod

good luck

order of importance

>low recoil
>high accuracy
>everything else

They say if you show a crawl-dev an image like this, it will be like holding a silvered cross against a vampire, or a brand of cold iron against a nymph.

>get mesmerized
>pulled into own thundercloud

Have you not abandoned everything in your life to get into Elona yet, user?

FR: Killing Geryon and blowing the horn runs a local Elona executable and shifts focus to that window

>Killing Geryon and blowing the horn
That's necrophilia, user.

smoked meat is better
>Nutrition wise

*Killing Geryon and blowing her horn

>elona is literally a hell from which you can never escape

the autism is real, no wonder no one plays CDDA anymore.

smoked meat has less anti-scurvy shit in it

Smoked - Nutrition: 42
Dehydrated - Nutrition: 20

you need to eat two to be where smoked is = waste of food.

>Shadow Of The Wyrm

wtf do you do with the wildflowers?


But user, I just told you
you get 42 points of nutrition from one piece of meat when you eat the smoked
but you also get only one portion of RDA
meanwhile you craft two dehydrated meat per piece of meat
and you get 40 nutrition per piece of meat, which is just two less than the smoked one, but with double the vitamins!

there's a woman that collects flowers in the town I remember
the color she wants should change with each game

my face when i die 10 times in 2 minutes inside a random roguelike.

can you make potions with wildflowers?

I don't know user
I played it for like twenty minutes

>double the vitamins
hmm but you forgot the multivitamins... i have like 1k of them. Smoked meat + multivitamins in case of deficiency.
Also if you can get slow metabolism = win.

Using this strategy you can stock up on food for a very long time, also spider bassements for meat collecting.

>tfw in a muddle about roguelikes to play
>just beat PCB and a good 40 hours of that over two weeks is more than enough for me
>played a shitload of DCSS during the tournament and took a crack at the new gods in trunk; so tired of that
>played enough Dyna earlier in the year that the thought of #naming potions in a shop still gives me the fits
>too soon to go back to Sil or IA- the content that is there is great, but playing it too much sours the replay value

I come to you for assistance, /rlg/. Where should I go from here? I have played a lot of Brogue in the past, and enough ToME and Elona that I know they are not for me.

Looks like cata is all thats left for you

Cogmind? Maybe. $$$

You have reached the end, user.
It is time.

Time for you to enjoy the outside world.

How has Demon been lately?

Yes, its time you make your own roguelike.
Feel the true pain of roguelikes.

Are the gauntlets worth buying? I'm a lvl24 monk of life for frame of reference. Also, that's my current gear.

Well, you'll get 2 * number of blows extra damage.

You should take your body armor (and current gloves) off for more ac, though.

Oh, shit, you're right. I thought I wasn't losing AC unless it gave me a message about my armor being too heavy. Thanks.

You need the CoQ

Haven't tried CataDDA and demon yet.

For Cata: Any mods other than the ones in the pasta which would make the game less of a bloated POS? Someone mentioned Generic guns in the thread.

Luckily, some kind user uploaded their copy. I would just have to spend some time seeing if I can make it playable without the mouse.

Literally Demon

I've never seen the original, but this looks really good.

New update soon. Gonna have relic upgrades and shit

That's hella good.
>5d7+31 with long sword weight, mana brand, and |Ca
Nice. What character is that?


Wow what a weapon, is this a 'band?

I made another demon/craft priest after splatting one embarrassingly to petshop a few days ago.

So the blessed part is very nice too.

Intrinsic get! Unfortunately this one is rather useless.

>is cataclysm good

ADOM, PCB, Qud, Tome2 have overworlds

Wow. If that had /*, it would be literally the perfect weapon.
Still |Ca and Force might mean that you use that for the rest of the game anyway.
>+2 Str/Wis
Icing on the cake.
How's your damage with it?

I'm running a formicid right now. Should I go with Chei or Oka?

If you're a big guy, go Fo^Ru.

hey it wasn't just that user
i put it in the op once or twice too

i love cum

Yeah, but at least you have a nice image.

but smoking takes more resources

all you need for dehydrated meat is the OP-as-fuck "Foodco buddy hooked up to car's electrical system"

Previous damage was around 70 with a vampiric quarterstaff, so a huge improvement.

Literally >5x the damage.
And it vamps too, sometimes.

i'll throw another vote in for Generic Guns
there are eight billion guns that all do the same shit because the only people contributing are spergy gun nerds or something

you don't need to download these mods separately, they're options included in cata that you can turn on/off when you create a world

Okay this time it's a life monk and it's going to be the mpa version. First up, the boss of stronghold. I actually haven't been killing him since I thought the first boss was supposed to be azog because the old pastebin told me stronghold didn't have a boss
Also I guess world map is sort of irrelevant.

the old pastebin was written before 4.0.0 when there was no stronghold and the first dungeon was a level 1 Camelot

>playing dda and turning off the bloat
Literally missing the point of the game.

Does the mod make it easier to find a matching gun and ammo? Guns are already OP so I'd avoid that if it does.

jeez that's very nice
are those 5d7 the base dice when unequipped, or do you have some class and/or item traits affecting the dice? That's huge dice if it's the weapon base.

And +31 in the to-dam enchantment, very very nice, far beyond what you can get at the town service. Too bad you're probably going to get some of that disenchanted before you reach the point of wearing casual double or triple luxury rDisenchant

Did you walk the world map at level 12 to set every dungeon as a recall point? Absolute madman.

i'm not actually sure how much easier it makes it

i only played a few games before it and I always just left my huge pile of 20 non-matching guns in a pile on the floor because FUCK sorting through all that shit to figure out which one was best

Crashing this build, with no survivors

MPA-PCB has every dungeon available for recall and every town(except Zul) available for recall at birth.

no he's playing mpa-pcb which removed the requirement to visit a dungeon before recalling to it or a town before teleporting to it

>you can recall any dungeon you want in mpa-pcb


i dropped demon because of its nonstop pokemon references.
i'm not five years old and i'm playing roguelikes for their difficulty. i don't want to be constantly reminded of a shitty game that ruined JRPG's forever.

Who needs luck anyway? Wand of striking to the rescue! For reference, the final room was a giant throne room, and yes, the giants in there spawn with boulders.

>nonstop pokemon references
Like what? I literally can not think of any pokemon references and I've played both games a lot.

Well damn, he was really easy. Time to go kill Azog.

desu Azog is less scary then Meng Huo

he's +10 speed and has way more melee damage but he never summons shit or does anything other than try to bop you, so you know you can always just get away if it turns out you're not strong enough

what game is this
by the way i'm retarded


and we already knew that user

i only have the old alpha 3

Isn't CoQ unfinished?
Most people seem to think that taking out the bloat and giving the game a point would make it a lot better.
Check the archives.

coq is unfinished and the main quest line isn't completed yet but apparently only ~89 people have actually gotten to the end of the current content

i'm not one of them but I splatted at the bottom of Bethesda once after successfully killing all the troll bosses