/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

/wpsg/ guilds:

- Vengeance, Alliance 1x

- Theatre of Dreams, Horde 2x (dying)
- Warmane Lordaeron, Alliance 1x

- WoW Freakz, Alliance, 10/5x

>Where can I get game clients?

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
5. Launch the game from wow.exe and enter your account info.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



get with the times


nth for memes

is dying, cobe has made his Xth guild that went absolutely nowhere because his shittercore is allowed to attend raids and waste all the gear with muh corrupt core.


guise I just wanna meme on people in vanilla pvp, any servers for that? feenix seems to be dead

>so threatened you have to shitpost the op


Never forget the true Lord and Savior.

>absolutely nowhere
It's still gone further than literally any guild you have ever led Tyrranis.

Wrath of the Lich King is really beautiful

>the only wpsg guild that actually raids is """dying"""

roll on hellground niggers

> is LITERALLY dead
>it's in the OP for some reason
>nobody ever logs in on
>it's in the OP for some reason
I love this meme

for real we need to roll somewhere that isnt dead like dalaran or hellground dalaran just fixed a shitload of bugs

thoughts on feenix?

go to kronos if you want vanilla, avoid feenix at all costs

dalaran is absolute trash, there's zero reason to roll on dalaran instead of a more populated and better scripted server like lordaeron
pretty bad in terms of scripting and staff

I would like to experience some classic wow, never played it and stumbled upon it
I wish I would have played it when it was fun, friends saying it's just boring atm
Community seems to be full of douches

Which expansion should I play and where

Kronos for Vanilla 1x XP rate

Don't know about a BC server

Would recommend Lordaeron over ToD at this point for Wrath purely because of population

Post your 80 on Dalaran or shut the heck up.
Lordaeron is way more buggy than Dalaran.

Even reddit is mad at the tod jew admins

guild? i have a 70 druid there with no gear

Its really not, dalaran is plagued with stock bugs that no other wotlk server has. It is simply the worst scripted.
Not to say lordaeron is super well scripted either.

Mate just head over to www.dalaran-wow.com
and ignore the trolls in this thread. Trust me on this one.

>Marna and Genetics were the posterchildren for Lord
>Both quit the server because of the scripting
>Marna couldn't even stomach going up to Mim on the server
>"hey guys come play on lord!"

>ignore the shills
>from dalashill

I have seen a screenshot going around about Dalaran paying their players to advertise here with donation points.

I just want to CONFIRM, this is true. They have had open campaigns but they also continued in closed privacy. I have been on the receiving end of these donation points in one of the open campaigns and know for a fact that they continued this privately.

PROOF of open campaigns:



On top of that, they have organized multiple times vote brigading and vote manipulation and have been punished by Reddit itself for this. This is an account of one of the administrators (if not the owner):




You don't have to trust me, you can check the proof yourself.

hey guys
mike morhim here

we're introducing legayuc servers with special perks, cash shop and bonus items for the players, coming ghis fall

you can now play vanilla wow all the way through legion!!! we've implemented new vanilla features to all our expansions and we think youl enjoy the old days very soon

because of this you will need to purchase vanilla legacy expansion packs versions of all the previous expansions and the monthly fee is 19.99 for the hard work

thanks guys for your evotion to vanlla

Hmm kronos website seems to be down ?
Does this happen often?

jesus fuck this is disgusting

hi mike moreheim i juts wanted to say im a big fan of urs

also can u add a dungeon finer, raid finder,trannysmog, wod models, ? thx

Its been down all day for maintenance, they upgraded their servers today, keep trying though it seems to be going up and down now so I think they are almost done

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with paid shilling if the server you're shilling for is actually good

>tfw no wpsg guild on warmane icecrown alliance

Am I supposed to be impressed that you pugged 10 man Naxx or something?

Its proof of Dalaran's scripting quality

>killing naxx 10
I'm sorry?


How is that screenshot proof of anything but that you're so shit you unironically died on 10 man KT?

Not trying to impress anyone just trying to make it known that I raid on Dalaran regularly and the server is actually great despite what the trolls would make you think.
Shift-1 its a macro

What's the best server out for TBC or WotLK?

>Cobe is 4th
what a shitter, chant with me!

WOTLK is warmane
corecraft when

Admittedly I haven't reached the level cap, but so far Dalaran stinks of stock Trinity. Same old class bugs, the world and questing completely untouched. I doubt they even backport fixes at this point.
Supposedly the raids are good, but mechanics are just as important.

lordaeron wotlk and excalibur tbc

>not icecrown

This place is too shit for anything but naxx and kara.

a few years, maybe a decade

ive been watching anime for a couple months now yes its me on the pic and ill be honest my favorite anime is definitely the simpsons

i love watching it when i grind on my favorite expansion in wow vanilla

what do you guys do when u play world of warcraft


A /wpsg/ raid is nothing but a pug from Veeky Forums instead of world.

Difference is that no one who is incapable of understanding basic raid mechanics would browse here

>middle button bind
>victory rush
>default ui

I prefer playing TOD my good friend

Dalaran just hired 5 new developers to work on fixing class bugs and improve questing in northrend.


The raids are already top notch so everything else should catch up in no time.

There's 2 good healers, one decent tank, and about 5-7 good dps in all of you.
The rest is people who are incapable of understanding basic raid mechanics.

the funny part is that some of you guys are clearly posting on this page

bet this guy uses linux lmao

>haven't touched wow since like a month or two after wod release
>corecraft still isn't here

How can I become a meme like him?

Almost all of the finns use linux I have noticed, fucking neckbeards

those DSL

what is ToD pop like

Resembles that ot Warsaw

800-1k during EU peak, 100-400 during NA hours

Pretty low. Try Dalaran instead.
ToD didnt break 700 players online today.

these threads were a lot better before tyrranis started posting again

he's a cancer

This is the person who shilled dalaran for years before even getting the 10 man naxx achievement.
You have zero credibility on how the raids are scripted

its saturday

is hellground a shit?

imagine a slightly more populated ToD with even more poles

Yes but its the least shit of all TBC servers out there

it's pretty decent, the issue is it's 100% polish and has a shit pop

it peaks at like 700 on weekends

hey guys enjoy your fucked up guild bank



The Dalaran change log is back and now being updated regularly!

Check out all the fixes that have been implemented already.
I'm really excited about this, guys, the new developers are really breathing life back into Dalaran!

>Dancing Rune Weapon - The spell has been fully reworked, we still need to perform further testing on the PTR, so the fix isn't active on Algalon yet.
holy shit they finally fixed dancing rune weapon
maybe there is hope for dalaran after all...

too bad its fucking useless for tanks

irrelevant change


logged on with a 54 pally so i guess im playin with the poles. Any VG guilds/people in VG guilds that can get me in? got retail experience up to early t6 with a prot pally

hellground will never be revived
the best bet at an actual vg guild would be on excalibur

They're so far behind, it's incredible.

ded thred

ded gaem

Thanks, you too

>people still shill the fun server excalibur, where it has a pay to win shop and you can group and raid cross faction.

it's the best tbc server there is

is it surprising a server that makes money would advertise on a public forum

get over yourself, they don't give a shit about you
they cancelled 4x events to help lower the pop

sure user they absolutely can't just say that

with the recent veng/l4g explosion you've seen how unstable these servers get with 1500 players, excalibur regularly reaches 2200.

Vengeance had a cap of 1k.

are you horde or ally

you project 99 noobs would be better off playing a funserver

tfw having fun not knowing what the fuck I'm doing murdering wildlife in a forest
tfw someone in ooc nominated me for having the best name

i bet you're an elf


Can anyone remember the old instance chest farming exploits from vanilla? I keep searching on google but I can't find them, used to be an infographic we posted in these threads but I cant' find that either.

don't say we when you didn't post it

but I have reposted it several times in the past years but I've lost all my images in a reformat, stop shit posting and help me nigger.

tfw last night was more fun even with kologarn wipes

Nah I actually enjoy just trying to learn a totally new game. Also it's hard as fuck and I like it. I'd still like a guild but I'm thinking about just joining normies

>stacking for buds is bad