/rlg/ - Roguelike General

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Rogue Nexus – Cataclysm online with shared map and tons of other roguelikes in a simple online package! (USA Only)

>Individual Game Pastas

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Awoo owayoo etc

Down with the fat bastard dictatorship!
Praise Coolthulu!

I think he collected the 3D stuff moneyz but yeah, a really great guy, i talked to him on IRC (back when he was active there...). Kevin sometimes does the build fixes and mostly does smart ass comments about stuff that are not in his liking. I consider him a real pain in the ass. Rivet on the other hand does 1 pull per month (at best and its probably crap).

Whales started but i dont think he was any better, a long history of lazy ect. devs. All that has a very detrimental effect on the game.

>drive in the middle of a bushy forest
>"HEY! I WANT TO TALK TO YOU" behind a tree
>hit the handbreaks
>skid into the fucker and manage to somehow get more speed
>-100 mood for killing an innocent
>seatbelt breaks
>hit tree at 50mph
>get thrown around my boxcar
>break my legs, arms and nearly torso
>get ambushed by 5 wolves who get turned into giblets with a trusty shotty which I am somehow still holding
>try to craft wooden spike
>character doesn't feel like doing so because sad
>eat raw meat
>get every parasite in the fucking game
>crawl towards nearest inhouse
>fall asleep on the shitter
>wake up in the morning
>there's a chicken walker behind the door
>hit it
>blows up, crashes outhouse on me
>still alive
crawl, not even once

Whales is and has always been a hack.
And a fucking disgrace.

everybody... Coolthulhu

C C C...

btw one of my fav movies


What's with /rlg/ and its fascination with 1984?

acquired taste. Now with 20% more chocolate ration.

Pretty poor book, or rather good until Orwell starts fleshing out the world with his terrible understanding of politics, society, government etc.. Then again the memes it's spawned are pretty decent due to cherrypicking the OK content.

First for Cheibriados, King of the Castdudes, Wearer of CPA, Consumer of the fabled Pandemonium Pizza, Lifter of Weights and Reader of books, Best God of the Ecumenical Temple and Brother of Slugs. Long may he remind you to take it easy.


lol, not again.

Should've had more explicit sex scenes.
I could barely jack off to it.

For you my friend i suggest Gaspar Noe.

A true example of taking it easy.

Does he give good head?

>a chinese successor of cataclysm 2

haha holy fucking shit that's gonna be so bad

user, you dick.


Some extreme amount of choice... wich one /rlg/? Maybe top 5...

>whats with the fucking storefronts...

>real time system
>real time multiplayer

yeah no
enter the void was pretty shitty, I don't get why anyone would think otherwise.

>click the link to Chengband
>page has a link to essay-selling site just in the middle of the contents

Maybe, or probably since hes fascinated with throbbing Gristle.

it was okey for me, but i can say his first two movies where better, yes.

I really wish someone starts a new Cataclysm project, a good one for a change. I would like to see Kevins face if someone does better. He would probably end up like Whales.

>I would like to see Kevins face if someone does better.

back when whales was working on cata2, he was smug as hell, because even though he did take the blows whales threw at him (lmao 0zlevels), in the end he was the last man standing and could say that whales was just a hack. Actually, the fucker got MORE because of it, because HE looked like the underdog.
A proof that whales can't do anything good in any way.

Cataclysm 4: NYF (New York Furries)

I'd play that.

>''the world has gone mad, Zombies and various beasts are not your problem. Bandit furries rage in the NY wasteland, raping and molesting poor animals on their way. There is no hope, they are comming -Survivour's diary last page''

i bet you would user, i bet you would.

>reading books

>Cataclysm 4: Escape from New York
I'd be down.

>cumming dragon dildo modified as an acid gun
>diaper armor
>'e'xamine npc -> 'o'ral sex
>can mount dildo on a vehicle seat to receive morale bonuses while driving

>Not adding the ToME or HoM news to the OP

>tfw summer
>tfw Tuesday evening
>tfw mpa-PCB 4.0.1
>tfw no beer

and i thought my ideas are deviant.

>escape from
Well the game would actually have a goal, its a start.

Kill the furry president and escape. Easy.

lol i didint even notice that you put his (gods) avatar.


>The thief flees laughing!


now now user, he has to feed little thiefs. His task is a roguelike quest on its own.
Kill him... but with respect.

>That DD who got his HW wand stolen a few threads ago

its going to be a great movie...

You what?

Please rate my roguelike game I made for a school group project. It's made for a software company that plans to make it into the next big ESPORTS game. You can download the game here: rogue.phz.fi

This is actually pretty fun.

I'm not clicking that link.
Fuck off shill!

>please download and run random files on your computers, guize
Fuck you.

Post a piccie first.

It's a pretty shitty game though so I don't know if you could call this shilling.

Here's a whole webm for you.

Do you think this could be the next big thing?

>3D grafix

>lengthy animations
>mouse control

You're asking the ascii and open source general if your game can be big commercially.
Anyway, does it have a keyboard-only and ascii option?

It's honestly pretty good, in fact I'd have to say most eroge games made by nips that aren't VN/simple RPG are pretty great.

Cause in point: Sengoku Rance.

No. We planned to implement them but we didn't have time to do it since we had to spend so much time wrestling with the shitty unity network library.

Kichikuou and 6 too.
Also most Eushully games except the newer ones.

I'd say you won't get any positive feedback here than and the only negative feedback you'll get is to have keyboard-only controls and open source-code.

>No keyboard only options

looks wayyyyyyyy too slow-paced

>3D graphics
>mouse controls
Well, /rlg/ isn't going to want anything to do with it. That might not be a major issue for a commercial game, since the /rlg/ demographic doesn't usually pay for games.
You could try /agdg/, I guess.


So white icky things are actually a glob of animate cum. Who knew.

>searching Wyrmswraece for the Cosmos Stone/Black Orb
>find a monster
>think little of its "Deadly" rating because I have huge evasion/soak/damage
>hit it until it dies
>gain 3 levels immediately, as a level 21 Fae
I think I made a huge mistake and only narrowly avoided a terrible fate. Maybe I should put this off till later.

If they were globs of animate cum, they could cause female player characters to get pregnant.

Unless it's all animated cum from one kind of monster. One that can't breed with other things.

Maybe they're like spores or pollen or something?
On a quest to find the female of the same species as the male that produced them.

>Welcome to the Lair of Beasts!
>A hydra and Fannar come into view.
It's not like I wanted to clear Lair or anything.

Too lewd.

Wait what is this

Shadow of the Wyrm
Basically ADoM: /pol/ edition

Oh, that.
I've played it awhile ago, wasn't too bad, although light on content. Many things unimplemented yet.

Hey I got a FeMo of Ru here, should I sacrifice for -10% hp, putting me at 3star piety, or sacrifice artifice, putting me at 5 star piety. I am training magic if that helps

any advice rlg?

>-5 Con, Int, chr

Goddamn, I guess I'll use it anyway for the early game.

You have a ton of wands, I don't think sacrificing artifice is prudent.

You really don't want to sacrifice evocations as a felid.

I'm not sure if it's a roguelike because the character moves and attacks in the same action/turn.

Yeah I'm pretty sure this is a tactical turn based game.

Roguelikes are tactical turn-based.

That game looks more like fire emblem than a roguelike.

Both of those sacrifices sound truly terrible on Fe--.


>games use no graphic tiles or 3D models...

In dcss, If you have sufficient weapon skill in swords to hit the minimum attack delay for both, would you go with a double sword of freezing, or longsword of speed?

Double sword

The one with the higher base damage.

Alright, thanks. I heard the speed brand was really good so I just wanted to check first to make sure the double sword was better.

It's really good on higher base damage weapons, stuff like longswords which are pretty close to the bottom it doesn't benefit as much.

Speed brands are good on weapons with already low mindelay. A stabbing weapon of speed has like 0.3 delay.

Or maybe it was the other way around.

That makes sense, regardless of how often I hit for 0, its still 0 I guess. I loved that longsword though, it carried my dumb ass all the way from lair to to zot. I guess its still good for fighting ice dragons.

Speed is good on Daggers, and other than that, high base damage weapons like that double sword.

That entire page is like "common features", "usually", "many times".

That's a terrible rule of thumb which doesn't take brand or slaying into account.

Check out my huge wall of meat shields!

The guy who asked the question here, if it helps, I have +8 slaying.


It's really not.
Base damage and base speed matter much more than enchantment value, brand, or slaying in all cases after the early game.
Barring an absolutely heinous amount of +slay from randarts/rings.

Not him, but don't all brands (except electricity, pain, and speed) scale off of base-damage? Doesn't Slaying only adds to the extra damage that brands deal indirectly, in that it increases the damage dealt and the brand then takes a percentage of that damage, rebrands it in whatever flavor of damage the brand deals, and adds that to the total damage?

((Base damage * Str * Skill * Fighting * (Multiplicative brand- if any)) + additive brand + slaying + enchantment ) * speed

Is roughly how it looks.

Tips for Infra Arcana that aren't in the pasta?
Also what does "Curse" status do?

I agree it looks like a shitty take on the genre, but the way the game world is conveyed doesn't really have an influence on what a game is.

My tip is that the pasta is hilariously outdated.
Gives you -10% to pretty much every roll, I think.

That's not in any way remotely how it looks. Base damage * str * skill? What the fuck?

Can I phantom mirror the Royal Jelly? If so, will I get friendly jellies if it takes damage? I mostly want the space-filling part of them, desu.

Well it is. I just didn't include the 1+(1dx)/y bits. You can see where the multiplication occurs and that's what is important for his question.

Str modifier and skill modifier, was that not clear?

>but don't all brands (except electricity, pain, and speed)
So you can already see why this is a bad rule of thumb.
Slaying is more effective on faster weapons, though you need approximately at least 10 slaying not counting weapon enchantment for a faster weapon to be worth it over the biggest weapon in the category, except short blades.

Well, the answers are yes and no, if anyone cares.

>Str modifier and skill modifier, was that not clear?
I would venture to guess that if the guy asking for help knew the damage formula then he wouldn't be asking.