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Why must Blizard ruin perfectly good brawls by adding terrible rules

>Mobile glass cannon up against hard hitting sniper in a contest of skill
>Reduce cooldowns to retarded amounts to give Genji 80% uptime on deflect and the mode devloves into shift spam/scatter arrow faggotry

>Pit the most balanced hero in the game against himself
>Half his health and make it a contest of who sees who first

reddit doesn't want you to say 'gg ez'

going to bed
wish me sleep tight

>people who constantly shoot the bells on Dorado.
Fuck off you immature faggot.

Started playing yesterday and doing well with mercy. Anyone has a group that needs a medic?

>Soldier 76 Brawl

What the fuck is the point of lowering HP and increasing cooldowns? In no way, shape, or form does it make the mode more fun

>cant stop fapping to mei

Where were you when the beat was dropped?

>the futurama song again

Everybody look around
'Cause there's a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let's commence to singing joyfully
Everybody look up
And feel the hope that we've been waiting for

Everybody's glad
Because our silent fear and dread is gone
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?

I want to make Tracer dissapear!

>tfw you get a POTG as Symmetra


At least the McCree brawl will be objectively GOAT.

>have three Reins
>They're doing their best ot make music

fuck you, bells are hard

>blizzard tries to remove porn
>even more is created in response
>that was probably their plan all along

post zenyatta memes

I think Zenyatta is a death machine again, guys

>play solo
>game is shit
>every team comp is like symmetra and dva as sole support/tanks
>4 offense characters on defend maps
>their healer for Valhalla every 10 seconds ours is zenshittaya
>every game is a struggle and usually lose in overtime
>have to slug through 10 losses to get my first win of the day
I'm not feeling it anymore. Closed beta was so much more fun.

what's the song that le black dj man plays called

does it exist on youtube because its pretty catchy

>someone leaves at the last minute
>we win

I've seen much better. But still pleasant to watch

>the POTG is your teleporter getting brutally owned and some bullshit that doesn't matter

The concept of LOVE

somehow, even though I got blocked off


Ban Bastion from solo play.

It took us 7 minutes to capture the objective
It took another ten minutes to get out of overtime when we got to 99%

Does anybody have a webm of D.Va's party time emote when she's not in her mech?

>finally try the random hero brawl
>have fun and requeue without looking
>it switched to the garbage soldier shit
we're all disappointed now

threadly reminder to never trust potgs/replays/highlights

>all Lucio
>movement speed while wallriding doubled
>Ilios only
>probably something to reduce Overtime stalling or else rounds would last literally forever

>forced to wear a special armor rig that if removed will cause the individual to be lost in time
>forced to wear

I think me and you have different definitions of what 'control' means.

The thing is, I got a triple kill when the enemy reinhardt Dashed into my kill room, but apparently killing the Reaper was more important.

makes it literally call of duty

This weekly brawl is so fucking bad wow. Why can't they just go back to the Low CDs/ Ult charging when they can't think of a good one. That was fun.

Yes, both do


I like the healing one, ambient and mass effect ish.

>imagining how sand and isolated she must have felt when she was like that

oh god ;_;


>playing solo


He requires teamwork to get around. There is almost no teamwork in solo play so it's just tedious to play against.

This is how mine went too, all 12 people were bummed out that we got thrown into the rocket 1 shot shitfest.

>Tracer is literally Dr. Manhattan but a cute girl instead
>Winston is just Nightowl
>76 is Rorschach

I love it
More like Overwatchmen

>I can use a gun that requires little to no aiming ability and I can press space



I agree

What do the emotes from when shes out of her mech look like in general? I assumed they were all just the default one.


>8 of the last 10 games has been my team getting buttfucked

Is this game nothing but roving groups of 6 raping pubbies or sometrhing?

>Get oneshot by rockets and who hasn't played 76 the game
>Nobody on my team has either achievement spray
>they're all using Morrison
Thought this would be fun.

>as Widowmaker, your ult is in English instead of French

DPS sheet is blank senpai

can you fuck off

lot of MMRs needing to be readjusted after the mccrutch nerf

Please for the love of everyone's fucking eyeballs cut your resolution in half.

The Brawl should just be random heroes every week all the other ones have fucking sucked.

I wish to protect her

Who is D.va?

Who shall we get blizz to nerf next? I vote pharah.


No he doesnt.

You just go Hanzo and peek corners, Bastion cant do shit against it. Or you flank him and 1 shot him with scatter.

I guess we do.

Change tabs friend.

>Enemy has two reapers
>Your Winston doesn't switch
>Plays like they aren't there

>be Reinhardt
>nobody is shooting the fucking symmetra turrets

tfw her backstory is basically Zileans' minus the gorilla-tech

Either way, I just love the trope of "character is LOST IN TIME".

I would like you to attempt to get play of the game as symetra good sir

Lucio will hunt you down

It's only one. The heart with her hands, followed by two-ish shrugs.

>He likes random heroes

or better yet, don't post that garbage at all


You know what would really be GOAT? McCree brawl with no flashbangs.

What do these runes say?

Too bad I can't upload mine since the file is too heavy.
But yeah, sometimes the game makes some weird decision about the PotG action.

>removed random hero brawl

Well time to uninstall, have fun with your quick play

Why? So many things can get her out of the air and you have to direct hit people to do much damage.

Young Silk Spectre because she's a little whore slut

>reddit now thins torbjörn is OP because he has good pub winrate


Had no idea they actually made real songs for the game.

>Hear about theory where Mercy may or may not be dead and her technology keeps her body going.
Zombie Mercy. Seems pretty cool.

Why is it always Koreans who go out of their way to cheese/ruin every game they touch?


>I can only get potgs with heroes with actual ultimate abilities


Rejuvenescencia is pretty comfy desu

Not a single person has ever done the Futurama theme in my games.
So i take it upon myself to do it :^)

So there aren't any different ones when you have different emotes equipped, then?

it's different every week faggot

and tripled ult charge

draw, partner

mercy's ult time or mei's self heal

>decide to play a couple matches
>first match puts me in a team of sub level 5 going up against 50+
>lose match
>game to next match, can't find enough people
>throws me into a game during the last 10 seconds
>look for a new match
>throws me into another game during the close seconds of a lose
>back to looking for new match
>put me in a team of people around my level of high teens/low 20s
>entire enemy team is 70+
>barely win on the 3rd round in Greece

Quality matchmaking

Its good for practicing heroes you suck at without feeling like your bringing down your team. Its also great at training you to stay alive as long as possible since ults make the game in that mode.

The Mystery Brawl should just turn into a permanent game mode so everyone is happy.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.

Specifically, he has an advantage on consoles because of the less precise aiming inherent to a controller.

Same reason you don't see too many widowmakers on consoles.

EU patch when?

Why do you have such a bad attitude? The guy on the receiving is clearly entertained by his antics.