Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #748: Eririn Edition

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JP: Honoka
EN: EliRin

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>Love Live! Sunshine!! PV

>Watching S1&2 with /llsifg/

Good ship.

Maybe we should have a Yoshiko OP eventually to put that guy's meme to rest.

Reppin' Mother and daughter!


rin is magical

my bbygrl Chika
qt af, pretty af

rest your head on my lap bby, you had long day.

to quote the goat king of pop "Love is all we need"

ilu bae

>EN events: EliRin

Any FRAMESPAM fans?? I hope he reads this~!

I need Uchii sunny day gif, please.
I Love that Legs.

Umi is love.

i have this


Here comes dat gurl

>recycling Rin and Eli's rainy season outfits on them


I want that Nozomi.

>Fatty event

No thanks.

Someone draw You wearing that Kayochin's hat.

Go away Niconigger

oh shit waddup

Oh nice, Meat and Rice event!

Are they finally running out of outfit ideas?

Man the harpoons

>recycled outfits
Not tiering for this one.

It's like poetry.

guys i miss umi spammer...


Wonder who's gonna be the point card

No you don't, fag.

Nozomi's the point one. Hanayo is rank. Says it in the announcement.


haha i'm gonna lick pana and rin in their frog outfits and get highhhhhh af

Yeah I just looked it up

dear jesus
send me beer girls and cocain

If Eli was my dad, things would be different around here.

is that a nes..
my girl is a nerd.........

Are you tiering?

I wonder if it will be kotonico and umimaki next?

if eli was my dad he'd let me euthanise myself

I want to marry her.

It's a famicom on the table yes but she's playing the super famicom under the TV, the game is tetris attack, at least that was it's english name I don't know what it was called in jap.

Wonder what happened to him.

hands off she's mine

i like that rin but no fucking way

I thought Guilty Kiss was going to be a shitter BiBi v2 but holy crap Strawberry Trapper is really good.

They are the offspring of the solge mothers so it's expected that they be as good as solge.

thank you now i know how to talk to my girl and ask about her interests


haha 'reee' am i right?

Nico chan~

Bibi has that annoying voice nico, though.

That's normal since you can't be shittier than BiBi.


In general, yes.

don't mind me just posting deer and a totally unique characterâ„¢ please do not steal

oh fuck i wondered where my drapes went


Is deer working with the Jews?



But how will Umi get easy access to make Yoshiko with Kotori?

I don't mind gay pride Nozomi but who the fuck decided to recycle the worst Rin outfit?

But it's dat girl.

Hell yeah, finally a Nontan event that is fun. RIP gold though.

Kotori would obviously make a move instead, by force.

I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!

Lily please.



>tfw still can't do 8 star hard songs
6-7 star is fine but the speed of 8 just destroys me

also i think i'm retarded the only time i can full combo is on 1 star songs

>shit-tier girls in both En and Jp
Cool, I don't have to bust my chops over my LP for the next couple of weeks now.

Nozomi is less popular than the fat hippo? That's a surprise.

Hanayo does this exact same pose on her YnT card.

Just keep practicing, user.
You'll be gud in no time.

Thats what they all say

>haha look at me im so nerdy and cool and interdasting


Real nigga hours, who da fuck up???

>discord cancer spilling over again

i'm level 27 tho

Ok then.
Stay being a pleb forever.

>2 silver seals last event
>2 silver seals this event
Wew it's like Christmas time in JP

Thank you for your totally ontopic post that is totally related to this general's topic. No really your LL-related contribution to this thread is truly appreciated by us LL fans.

>Can't even ignore an hour-old post.


304421795 EN


>he thinks this site is a neogaf forum


sleep tight mackers


Haifuri is garbage and you should seriously consider suicide for liking or posting anything from that garbage show

No problem, glad you liked it.

>panafat so stupid he can't recognize sarcasm because his brain is full of lard

Best μ and the best Aqour


Best light tank.

sorry, here's another picture of deer for you.

Anyone else made a complete 180 regarding some characters? When I first got to know the sunshine girls and saw Dia I thought "Oh wow, this is the first LL girl I actually hate" but now I actually like her. I also used to like Ruby, but now I hate her.


>I also used to like Ruby, but now I hate her.
That's because you're a sheep.