/vn/ - Death by Snu Snu NEO edition

Visual Novel General #1115


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1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

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Previous threads:

This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

first for lolis

Thank you for fixing the OP.

Shinku is cuter than anything in undertale. Also this comes as a limited edition with the game, so you'd get the game too. Either way it's worth it.

I hope you get arrested.

This is illegal in my country.

Time to move out then.

I like lolis.

Everywhere else is pretty shit.
America is going downhill.
Russia sucks.
Germany recently banned lolis.
France is smelly.
Japan is crowded.
Ireland has shit internet.

>Shinku is cuter than anything in undertale.

Wholly agreed.
I was mainly pointing out that UT merchandise (and merch for western games in general) is way cheaper than stuff from Japan. Even with virtual goods weebs still get jewed; a set of UT foil cards costs ~$14, while a set of eden* ones will set one back over $100.

>Also this comes as a limited edition with the game, so you'd get the game too.

shieeeeeeeet that's a much better deal

>Japan is crowded.
Yes because the only city in Japan is Tokyo.


why is life so shit?

>Corona Blossom and Labyrinth of Grisaia
My nigger. How long before they release the patch for Grisaia?


If Steam's upcoming titles list is anything to go by, sometime before the end of June.

I'm ASSUMING Denpasoft's version will accompany Steam's release. If it doesn't, I'll have to kill myself.

>Japanese visual novels.
fuck off, not this again

move here to south east asia, it's cheap and loli is not illegal, plus you get a good scenery too

Wrong thread. You want /oelvn/.


the last thread had it correctly, then some faggot changed it back on this thread

>3rd world country
No fucking thanks.
I think I'll stay in Canada. There was a law that passed recently for assisted suicide. So that's nice, I guess.

>3rd world

hell even Malaysia isn't that bad even though it's filled with Muslims

lel, no loli for you then, it's either you get out of that shithole and enjoy loli, or stay being cucked by big boobs and granny porn

3rd world scum get out.

It doesn't really matter as the fucking JOPs flood the thread anyways. Guessing the /vn/ on /jp/ is too stale for them.

We had moonrune posts for a good segment of the last thread. Don't think its going to get any brighter from here on out.

Singapore is full of trannies though.

It won't. SP said it releases next week which means in a few days. Unrated version will probably take at least a month more in the best case scenario.

I don't give a fuck as long as the standard of living is high and as long as they keep buying my gold

I'll have to torrent it since I have no money right now, I just hope the wait won't be too long. Also SP will never have my shekels.

I see you're just a newfag, then. I'll let you show yourself out.

i had a friend from singapore that secretly likes to crossdress when no one is around, especially anime girls

>It doesn't really matter
>We had moonrune posts for a good segment of the last thread.
because i was away, and now i'm back to moderate all the JOP shitposts

you're the newfag, newfag.


>i know you are but what am i
Quality banter from an EOP, as ever.

thanks fAm :^)



>paying 150 for volume 1

I can't really trust frontwing anymore after the chiruchiru and physical debacles.

Is there anything to look forward to?

What debacles were they?

Kind of disappointed that she didn't have any scenes in KnS. I liked her design in KnS a bit better than Cartagra.

They published chiruchiru behind SP's back and didn't ask koestl and co to help TL it. Essentially strong arming SP to publish it due to them being the license holders to publish it west even if it is out of order.
They backtracked on the physical being 18+ in order to most likely sell an 18+ version later on when their SP contract is over.

Here is a plus: Don't you find it funny that they are publishing games now in the US in just a short time? So where did that surplus Grisaia KS money go to? Surely not the anime which is a huge supercut of the routes.

They are a pretty shady company and from experience I will avoid them from practice


Baldr Heart, Utaware 3, SenMono

umineko ch 1-4 redo?


But I don't know Japanese.

me neither, he's trolling, ignore him


I don't understand this meme.

kys= kiss you softly

Huh, why not? You better start learning now or you'll never get to play the best games of the medium.

Because I don't want to learn a dead language.

obvious troll is obvious

Hmm, sounds like an excuse for stupidity to me. Don't be stupid user.

That's a nice antique meme user.

You're trying to better autists here that are only autists because they refuse to help themselves. Don't waste your time.


>muh moon runes
>muh return on investment
>muh porn
How does it feel to spend hundreds of hours learning another language to read porn? jops trying to justify their existence

Don't berate them too harshly, it only takes 6 days of learning to read muramasa anyway

Feels better than having to waste hundreds of hours on kusoge that are translated VNs desu

Only kamige become translated vns

Well it's not like you have anything better to do with your time.

I have a job, unlike you.

Nice projecting user.

Nice meme, user.

Said he as he just wasted 30+ minutes shitposting.

A job where you get paid to shitpost?

Sounds great to me.

It was not me, been to the shop. I too have a job, how about you stop being a turbo weeb on welfare ie. drain on society as a whole and do something actually more productive than learning moon runes?



They're straight.

A VN without loli is a shit VN.

What if they kill the lolis?


Lolis are illegal here.

>VN with no sexual content is 18+
heh, now I see why

Talking about kusoge is forbidden.

That seems like sexual content to me senpai

that isn't sexual content

Seems like sexual content to me

it isn't

I looked it up in the meantime and it is. Sorry, you lose.

Worst argument I've seen this year.

Good job.

If it makes you feel better, my replies were ironically reflecting his posts' lack of substance.

your mum told me last night while i was fucking her that it wasn't
so you're wrong

>i was only pretending

I wasn't pretending, I was being comically brief. I'm still right. Here, let me paste it for you:
>In media discourse, sexual content is material depicting sexual behavior. The sexual behavior involved may be explicit, implicit sexual behavior such as flirting, or include sexual language and euphemisms.
Dildos and boobs are pretty implicit and would be considered sexual content. Now, if your definition differs from this and is just "it's only sexual content if people are having sex", then this is a matter of you trying to impose your private definition as fact, which is pretty dumb of you.

Things aren't behavior.


Learn to English. If you can't even wrap your head around a definition like that then I see no point in arguing with you.

>I was only pretending


Well, I'll explain your mistake. You got too caught up in what I wrote. Dildos and exposed boobs are actually EXPLICIT content. If you read and understood the definition then you would and replied to me correcting me from "implicit" to "explicit", instead of just trying to argue against it being "implicit". Maybe next time, kid. Heh.


weeb, that doesn't even make any sense

Anata aho ka?

Maybe study a little before making posts like this.

??? weeb

study? what do you mean?

Shut the fuck up already man