/xcg/ - XCOM General

Previous threadNews:
XCOM 2 officially coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on September 6th.
Julian Gollop is working on his new game Phoenix Point. It's a turn-based tactical game with strategy elements, destructible terrain, geoscape and character progression much akin to XCOM. Lobstermen are confirmed.

Long War Studios are working on more mods for XCOM2. The first in a planned series of five is live on Workshop + Nexus now, and is called Long War Toolbox.
Also cosmetic mod author Capnbubs - maker of the most endorsed mod on the workshop - has been signed onto the LWS team to model stuff.

Alien Rulers has been released alongside a large patch
> xcom.com/news/en-dangerous-ruler-aliens-await-in-xcom-2s-alien-hunters-dlc

5) user dug up some Shen's Last Gift SDK assets

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

Assorted improvements (Skip intros, alleviate stuttering, multi monitor support, and resolutions past 1080p)

XCOM2 NEW AND IMPROVED MODLIST, updated regularly:

NEW MEGA MOD LIBRARY - Contains all 180 mods from the new modlist:

Music for killing ayys:
[YouTube] DOOM (2016) OST - BFG Division
[YouTube] *NEW* XCOM Ufo Defense/ Enemy Unknown Theme - Metal Remix Deux

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Image Library of /xcg/:

Other urls found in this thread:


Game is about to start

implyingrigged.info/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_6#Quarterfinals

Second for snek

Shit, fucked up the music links, sorry about that, I didn't have time to replace or check things and the OP was already too long.

>muton elite throws a grenade at a wall with none of my units there
>hits another pod behind the wall for like 1 damage
>the pod activates

Now that's just straight up cheating.


Let's hope local resistance groups have those AA sites set up

That's xcom, baby!

XCOM2 has proved that airgame can be killed

>This stadium
Super comfy

But all xcom 2 did was get rid of the unfun, non-interactive element on the strategic view, user.

Not even Long War could fix that hot mess.

This, air game was dead in EU/EW


Snek confirmed for best

Wow, I can't fucking wait for sneks to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those sneaky fucks think they're so fucking tough by picking on unprepared rookies, what a load of shit. What's the point of having a cup if we know what the result will be anyways Fucking sneks ruining the cup, they should be out

Will snektits get four goals again this game?

Sneks confirmed for natural enemy of plane.

Holy shit, is it actually happening?

It would still be nice to have some sort of indepth minigame with fleshed our systems associated.

>scrolling background that simulates high speed flight
>3D renders of all flight craft
>can activate different abilities and have some sort of rock, paper, scissors approach
>turn based just like normal combat
>pilots can level up and get perks and nicknames etc.

It can work.

Gotta have hot steamy snektits somehow, user. Rookies just know what's up.

The planes just can't resist Snek wiles.

So far

What mods are you using for the hair, scars and suits?

>best thighs has ugliest face
>cutest has stupid armour
>best girl has non-formfitting suit


Snek a best

Snektits dominating!

Truly humanities finest

Beagle sucking the luck out of the goalie.

Just when I was thinking to myself "hmm, Beags hasn't scored much recently" he goes and does it.

Air game status: reset

>tfw beating /aceg/ at their own airgame

I feel sorry for /aceg/. They're just not as technologically advanced as us late game. If they faced us early on in the League they might have actually stood a chance.

Now we just g into overwatch and we got this.

The Burning Crusade expansion pack.
And Advent Armor
>best thighs has ugliest face
Unless you want sameface, someone has to use that face.
>cutest has stupid armour
Which are you referring to?
>best girl has non-formfitting suit
Would that be Flipper.

I'm not 100% on any outfit except Orca and Bottlenose.

The reason I'm posting is to get feedback, I'm waiting for Shen's Last DLC and more gameplay mods before I do a hardcore RP story playthrough and the Dolphins will be a key squad in case I can keep the alive long enough.

Just like a real campaign, we chugged along early-league as rookies but now in late-league we are honed Ayy killers.

>that face thing on flipper

It literally triggers me due to how uncomfortable it looks

Dusky has best face and hair but non formfitting
Flipper is cutest but the motorcycle suit looks kind of ridiculous and the folded helmet thing on her face is dumb
Shames theres no new face mods

/aceg/ here! Congrats on the win! We'll be back with AC7 and fresh memes at out back next year!
the game's over, right?


I-it's part of her b-backstory. But I guess it does look off. There's a lack of skintight variety, but I guess I can use color to vary it up a bit, I'm going to go in game and see if I can fix it up a bit.





I don't see you coming back.
Sorry friends.

Morale's ought to be high after a mission like that Commander, we might have to restock the bar...

>5-0 win
That was just brutal.

Excellent work Delta, we proved once and for all that airgame is ded

Are you shaking now?

Bloody good match, Hopefully we can slay whoever weeb team wins this in our next match and then go onto the final.

Are there any mods that change the sword attack to RULES OF NATURE?

Flawless mission guys.
We have a hard road ahead. We need to keep this form and not get ahead of ourselfs

Good work Commander.

No, but there are some nice kaytans

Pistols are Useful.

There is the ayylmao textmod, but it changes the Bladestorm message to RULES OF NATURE
But combined with katana mod, is breddy good.

Overconfidence is a flimsy shield.

Forgot pic


>meleeing sectopods
Nigga you wot

I saw their health dropping and got nervous

The ayylmao textmod is amazing and I love it

Dusky looks like a whore. Take the makeup off, XCOM doesn't need whores.

Next game we're up against /drg/

implyingrigged.info/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_6#Semifinals

>Superior PCS Perception
>Superior scope
>Sniper with high ground

I'll take not missing ever for 100 intel, Central

wait, all the rest of the match are TODAY?

Time to get comfy

Yes we have 2 matches. The semi-final and 3rdplace/final match

No, I'm going for stylized realism, not realism. She used to own and manage a bordello so she looks fancy.

What about CLOSE RANGE!

>insulting best dolphin

>Not using Tracer Rounds
I thought you didn't want to miss ever, user.

CLOSE RANGE!? And what if it doesn't work?

Ok, how is this for Flipper?

Also I finally found out how to take close ups with attitude enabled.

Better, I'm not a massive fan of the new helmet though and the armours a bit shiny.

Are you using reshade?

>Also I finally found out how to take close ups with attitude enabled.

I'm open to suggestions.
Changing Eye or Hair color does not zoom out the camera and puts the soldier in their default animation state.

Anyone else having a problem with the latest OpenXCom nightly build crashing every time there's a base assault? This is fucking stupid, I don't want to abandon my campaign after I've progressed so much for the first time

Dusky has to pretty much stay as she is, because you can't have a cape with anything except Advent chestpieces and this is the closest I can get to skintight.

Thats a shame.

Ere we go boys, time to beat some weebs


Good luck, Commander.

I haven't played since like 2 months after launch.

What are the good mods?


>0 and 2

Not a good start, Commanders.


Check the OP


we're back innit

99% used precision shot

Snek aint having that shit

Wow, I can't fucking wait for sneks to win. AGAIN. Jesus Christ those sneaky fucks think they're so fucking tough by picking on unprepared rookies, what a load of shit. What's the point of having a cup if we know what the result will be anyways Fucking sneks ruining the cup, they should be out

Looks like we're losing versus weeb shit, that's disheartening. Guess I'll stay up till this ends and then go to bed. Thanks for your feedback on the Dolphins anons, I have more themed squads that aren't all female as well, so if no one minds maybe I can post those in the next days.

A Better Advent, Better Pods Plus, Improved AI, 30 Ability Icons, Grimy's loot mod, Overwatch All, Evac All, Human Creativity, Improved Flashbangs, Increased Mission Variants, Inappropriate Operation Names, Ayylmao 2 /xcg/ boogaloo, It's Raining Mecha, Leader pack, Marathon Mode, Mod Config Menu, Potentials, Squad Cohension, Squad Notoriety, Fatigue, Shens Legacy (mod, not dlc), True Concealment (your mileage may vary)...

that doesn't include class mods, quality of life mods, or other things I use, but it's a good start, user.

Somebody really dislikes Snek. Why do you hate such a q.t, user?

Now the game is afoot

You could always make more all female squads

Why not just point at the OP?

>their goalkeeper taps it in

Oh christ.

Patsy O'callaghan looks almost exactly like my wife.

You let her die, I will kill you user.

>You could always make more all female squads
Yeah, but I like to have a bit of variety.
Well, whenever I get to storyposting when Shen's DLC comes out we'll see, I'll try to keep everyone alive