>Hollywood defense >beat the attacking team so hard that their cart is back to the checkpoint >this means the cart is at their spawn >continue the slaughter until they get a momentum swing and actually win the game >"take that u fags teach u 2 not spawn camp"
why do I think the guy that said this was the Hanzo that fired 0 dragons through the entire match
Oliver Jones
you should read about what a hero does before you suggest changes because ice wall can be destroyed you dumb ape
Gabriel Foster
Playing with you guys is kinda fun
Isaiah Carter
Xth for you guys are my only friends
Hudson Young
D.Va U-turns back into herself
Michael Sanchez
can Gods be stopped?
Grayson Thomas
Mei is cute. Post cute Mei.
Mei wouldn't be cute if she didn't have glasses and her upbeat personality.
Christopher Perez
>implying any of you come close to Seagull even if you have a pocket healer
All the haters are actually shit players. Seagull just fucking owns where it be pub or tournaments - if he uses Genji he would literally wipe the floor with the other team.
Genji got nerfed in the first place because of him and if he unleashes his Genji in tournaments, Blizzard will just nerf him again.
None of you losers even come close to him. You could have a pocket Mercy and a Zenyatta harmony orb on you and he'd still shit on you, lmao.
Gavin Moore
>Mercy player >healing anyone other than the tank
James Butler
Jason Thompson
I'm the Hanzo in your games who never hits any arrows
John Gomez
Matthew Ross
ive called every Tracer player i've come across a useless piece of shit but I think I should turn a new leaf and give her a shot
should I play Tracer?
Robert Rivera
Gavin Walker
>Go back to playing with Lego >playing with Lego >someone was triggered by this >PLAYING WITH LEGO
Ian Taylor
you're better than me. I'm at 48.8%
Jaxson Smith
>Entire team wipes except for me >Spam the group up message near spawn >Soldier76 completely ignores me and goes 1vs5 >caralho eim, avan(wierd ass c)a time
Cooper Phillips
So literally every Hanzo ever?
Andrew Hill
I think I made a mistake buying Mariachi over El Blanco. The guns on Blanco are gold trimmed and fancy as shit.
Gavin Allen
Some youtuber. Guy has a pocket mercy on him at all times and uses her ult exclusively for him if he dies.
Jordan Ross
Very true
Hudson Long
Phara blue to reaper tracer mercy mei junkrat genju blue to mccree marcy lucio bastion widow hanzo reaper blue to tracer mercy lucio winston roadhog reinhardt dva dva blue to dva
Adrian Rogers
New to overwatch - What is the counter for the Reinhardt / bastion+tobjorn combo?
Zachary Wilson
Who are the idiots voting on this website? This is worthless. What the fuck am I reading
Henry Martinez
Blue from Genji to Bastion, Reaper to Winston, Roadhog and D.Va, and McCree to Tracer
Ethan Gonzalez
is there some tournament going on now?
twitch link if so, I'm curious
but are you the Hanzo that complains of no support/support sucks?
Kayden Morris
Post your masteroverwatch!
Blake Fisher
>Rein has shield up, or hog is healing himself, or D Va is fucking off somewhere in the back line I will heal whoever I think needs it. Except that Hanzo.
Adrian Flores
The timelimit is way too strict for the attacking team. No matter how well my team does it always comes down to overtime.
Aiden Sanchez
Junkrat and Roadhog or Genji
Colton Evans
What seems to be the problem?
Adam Mitchell
>welcome to hollywood
Mason Morales
I want every single tracer player to get themself in a horrible accident which will make them spend the rest of their pathetic lives on a hospital bed, being fed liquid feces through a fucking tube
And before you ask, i main DVA
Oliver Cox
>join game >route 66 defend >a level 73 Genji instalocks >leave game Will Blizzard ever introduce TMD for these retards
Jaxon Perry
>genji or pharah counters mccree
Gavin Price
Have you played the based robot god of POTGs today, /owg/?
Adam Wright
Friendly reminder that professional Overwatch player Cloud9.Surefour used aimlock cheats in Titanfall tournaments.
Gavin Adams
>play Junkrat >some guy gets pissed off at me and switches to my class and tries to solo me >gets rip tire, fires it with the only intention to kill me >throw out a mine and blow it up, then kill him >disconnects in the middle of the match feels good man
gosugamers, Seagull shit on Splyce and are going to finals.
Joshua Mitchell
junkrat, spamming down the shield outside of bastion's line of sight, flankers, symmetra rightclick
Parker Bailey
>Shit at hanzo >Spam arrows >Get lucky headshots by aiming at their chest
Pic related is me
Adam Perez
let me help you
>"caralho eim, avança time" means something like "god damn it team, advance"
Oliver James
>has a healer sucking this faggots dick all the time >"""""GOOD"""""
Jeremiah Morgan
What emote should i get for my waifu?
Jason Roberts
Do you need healing?
Oliver Bennett
Luke Roberts
the spin one
Matthew Morales
Friendly reminder that professional Overwatch player Cloud9.Surefour uses aimlock cheats in Overwatch tournaments.
Landon Martin
>My team with 3 D.vas facing off against 2 Reapers
IT KEEPS HAPPENING. Blizzard desperately wants me to lose a game, but I'm not letting go without a fair fight. They want me to lose? Fine, but don't let me fight a 6v1 to do so.
Elijah Bennett
Lucio main, does anyone wanna play right here, right now?
Hunter Clark
>not shooting at the feet with GEOMETRY
Anthony Russell
>enemy team goes double bastion
Bentley Brooks
will pubs catch onto the 2 tank 2 dps 2 support meta when ranked goes live?
Lincoln Foster
>using emotes at all im lvl 54 and have not seen a single person use an emote get that one that spins the guns
Jack Reyes
>Winston >not stupidly OP for how braindead he is
Noah Watson
>Mei >Strong against literally any of those characters Maybe Symmetra and Winston.
Only a shit Genji would get frozen or hit by Mei ever Only a shit Lucio would be caught away from his team and out of position How is Mei even remotely strong against D.Va? This doesn't make any sense, freeze + 2 spikes doesn't even kill the mech How is Mercy weak against Mei, she has free flight away from her, only a shit Mercy would be caught out of position away from her team
Jeremiah Diaz
they need to replace >we need a healer with >where the fuck is the team
Luis Kelly
that only works when your dps can actually aim
Jaxson Cooper
I never kill anyone with it, I've tried.
Ryder Reyes
What counters Zarya?
Blake Flores
>None of you losers even come close to him. You could have a pocket Mercy and a Zenyatta harmony orb on you and he'd still shit on you, lmao.
Hell, you can have 3 healers on your ass and still lose against Seagull with him just having a Mercy.
You can have a Mercy, Zenyatta healing orb AND a Lucio using speed boost or more heals and he'd outright wreck your shit.
Christian Wood
>Gets clear instruction to "Stop typing" >Types a whole wall of text on reddit
Jace Harris
>Reaper countering Symmetra
Nigga dance around him. You'll kill him.
Robert Young
pley genji two tanks would have to be rein+winston or roadhog every game which I am not excited for
Logan Allen
>get an epic >its an emote
Mason Jackson
Alexander Butler
I think I'll start an experiment where I play mercy and mostly follow one person around for the entire match, then see how many kills they got and everything.
Grayson Morales
Reaper his weapon is hitscan so if youre not retarded she cant get energy off of you
Grayson Brooks
Friendly reminder that professional Overwatch player EnvyUs.Taimou uses aimlock cheats in Overwatch tournaments.
Elijah Edwards
Any recommendations for practice resources to help people git gud at FPS aim and movement mechanics?
I play with some friends that are Blizzard fanboys/MOBA shitters and who have no FPS experience, and as the resident former CS player of the group I end up tearing my hair out watching them play. I'd love to, you know, subtly recommend something to help them get better.
Nathan Lopez
You mean 3 Genjis and a McCree?
Isaiah Davis
>competitive overwatch
lmao who cares, kill yourself
Aaron Hernandez
>Hook someone with hog >Hook literally just pops off
I only leave games that already started when I joined them or when I'm lagging.
Joseph Lee
although you to just replied to an obvious bait, I'll say that I've tried pocketing people with mercy several times, and none of them could protect me long enough having your own personnal mercy doesn't make you good
Daniel Perez
what does this image have to do with overwatch
Benjamin Barnes
You should get sporty (the better pink skin) for the same price