Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previously on /tosg/ : TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.

>Can I play the game now?
New players are restricted :


>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute/Orsha, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
FOE (Jinsae)
Clover (Karga)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
cute (Hiraku)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
Empire (Louvain)
TakeItEasy (Moonie_)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
NiceBoat (Tello)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

Other urls found in this thread:

>/tosg/ discord

this novelty amuses me

Orsha guild when

daily reminder that lolipan is a cuck


Are we still having our meet up tomorrow? Is Futurepoop allowed to come?

You're a fuccboi alright.

templars 182, we'll see how much longer its gonna take when i hit the 186 reset

Marziluv's hosting the next pre-maint meetup tomorrow at the same spot, ch 4 woods of linked bridges. show up for maximum comfy.


So basically Beethoven is the honest, hardworking knight who gets NTR'd by orcs?

I'm Klai and I'm going to show up just to fuck Marziluv's tiddies.

New Zealand and my routing for Kael looks decent. fugg is 50 to100 ping and a reroll worth a more active timezone

Klaipedos out

>reddit microdick atom teams up with karga, jinsae, and discord to promote lies about lolipan/fp again
>beethoven destroys that limp dick quickshot named atom constantly and casually
so it was all lies by discord to smear futureproof? i knew futureproof were man enough to not let lolipan get stolen

Beethoven is the Druid who kills people at spawn.

>more active timezone
klaipedia is ded for aussies, you either go telsai or stay and get cucked in no guild varena

Beethoven is just the exception


Beethoven's build is a monster at 1 v 1. And a force to be reckoned with in skirmishes of more than 5 as well where he can stay in the backlines.

Beet is easily our strongest Ace right now. Guildchat was like couch guys when this happened.

Which classes exactly he has? I'm interested in pvp bokor..

Cleric C2 Dieversby C3 Druid PD with max bloodletting and healing factor

he usually casually fights multiple people at once although at some point they bring more people than his CD

I should of left it as a comfy /jp/ guild

Can vouch for this. It's a crazily strong build in GvG.

We have 3 of that in Comfy, and we can easily fight off multiple guilds with a party if 2 of them are online.

The Veeky Forums people in your guild are all non-shitposters.
Blame FP and FOE for flinging shit at each other.


>expecting anything better from Veeky Forums viraling in /jp/
if its on Veeky Forums and they're not offering a korean/japanese variation of the game
do not

How exactly do you kill anyone with that build though outside of telepathy once every minute? I mean you can just walk away from the owls, walk out of carnivory, and walk out of the silence tree range. I don't get how its so effective?

What happened?

Place it at spawn point. The spawn point will become impenetrable, and eventually all your enemy got caught in it.

It's not strong on its own, it's strong together with a team that plays with you. Your statues can push enemies back quite easily. You aren't the guy that gets kills, Telepathy is a meme outside of 1vs1 situations, it locks you in place so you are a very easy target, it shines by laying on pressure and letting your team push the enemies back.

Anybody from Comfy online right now?

Could you ask your .lua wizard to make an add-on that properly logs all the kills/deaths your guild members suffer? Nothing too complicated, just a kill/death score, and a list of who killed who. If possible, the map and character level of the involved people, too?

I believe your guild could benefit from that, too.

Replied to the wrong post.

Telepathy can annoy the fuck out of your enemy by controlling them into portals, which takes them 10x amount of times to get back into war.

Hmm I see that does make sense. I kind of regret make a Priest3Chap instead of a Diev3Druid for my PD. Too late to level another one now though.

tfw no Lalacow to water

Turns out yuckani was a clover spy
But at least she gave me a maid hat, some ERP and this hilarious mistell.
Comedy gold son.

most of the mmos i played with /jp/ were on international versions with hotglue like 6 years ago. playing on japanese servers isn't actually fun unless it's exclusive and then you'll need a vpn probably while the game most likely isn't very good either.

the only japanese mmo that got me interested was wizardry online

God Patsch get your pet on leash.

You got any more ERP to share?

I don't even understand, is this supposed to be erotic?

what did she mean by this


It's a mix of ironic unironic erp


>has left
Why this is so funny.

You just turtle. you can be aggressive with heal cure and incineration his incineration alone kills me with 20k hp

Do people really find this erotic? At least type attempt to type properly. Who would want to ERP with a retard like that.

So Yuckani is actually like this?

I approve.

I wish I'd saved more
Personally I don't understand why they ERP in game with this awful filter when they are both on discord and can just ERP there

They feel ashamed for wanting to ERPing so they put up this 'ironic' front to justify it

I will work on it, but not sure if it will come out soon.

It's kinda hard to balance between playing the game and coding recently.

Also, most pinoy guild being in neutrality make it hard for me to actually test it.

ERP using caveman language is a new trend now?

I wish I could do 20k with Incineration. My build is mostly SPR so it doesn't do nearly as much damage. Incineration is also really hard to land as a Priest since we don't have and AOE debuffs like the silence tree. Gotta rely on someone stepping in a monstrance circle by mistake. I think my Incinerate level 5 with Divine Might hits for about 1.8k per tick on mobs, so 900 per tick*7seconds*2hits per second = about 12k damage to a player.

Thanks for your time and work. I am using one of your creations and it helps me a lot.

You guys are awesome.

I don't even erp but probably for better immersion? Why would anyone want to erp on discord staring at the ugly blank space. Better in game wearing cute costumes and doing cute emotes.



Everyone has found their special someone to ERP with, but I'm still single and horny after what I'm missing out on...

ERP is gross, you silly goose

tfw nobody to erp with

tfw my guild don't erp

Is anyone from comfy around I decided to say fuck it and reroll because dead timezones suck

Get a point in Roost, Hovering and Pheasant and you basically have all the "good" skills already. You can just keep the extra points open .

I think Katz is not online yet.

Guild leader isn't online.

Open slot for me?

>tfw ESL with barely okay English
>will never be able to ERP with /tosg/
Why even live

You may have to wait a few hours before Katz is online. I think he just slept few hours ago because he stayed up all night for wbing.

We can have slot for you, but Katz isn't online now.

Are you me user? I just hopped on Telsiai too.

ERP is a great way to practice, though

look at what yuckani writes and get some courage to realize your erp dreams. you should join an erp guild to get some practice and maybe meet a special somebody while doing so.

>all these talk about comfy and Katz
Ah fuck man, I really wish I stayed on Telsiai and did not reroll on Orsha. Almost all my friends who begged me to play on Orsha has left already and I don't feel like rerolling and doing everything again.
I do miss the Pinoys vs Comfy though, I was around during that time. The world chat was gold.

>people rerolling to leave Klaipeda
GBL was the biggest mistake ever done by /tosg/

What is beth's build? Is he a Chap meme?

Pretty much everyone from here that plays on Orsha were fucked by their friends

What class does Comfy need? Might roll there too some time when I get tired of Klaishit.

Report it to Staff MAX and get Zepross banned.

>at least three people reroll to Telsiai today
What's going on?

The guild is actually cool

People starting to get tired of Klaipeda guilds

What did he mean by this?

okay thanks, i'll see what i do with the rest
any suggestion on stat distribution?

it's more the NZ/AUS timezone is dead on Kael, for me anyway

If you feels like going for ET, roll an ET build (preferably priest) because we may start going for ET soon once we have more 270+ members.

If you felt like helping us on WB-ing, its either chrono 3 or fletcher 3 (we have people going for thau 3 so we don't really need those). You can even roll a rogue for the shenanigan too.

We can use some linker 2/3 too, but it's ultimately up to your choice.

Tomorrow patch notes will be released soon
Are you excited? They have already confirmed tomorrow servers open to F2P mass again so maybe we will get more than loading screens

Noob question.
Is there anyway to get rid of this?

We will have more bots too!

I'm ready for 12 hour maintenance and 2 exp tome. Expect them to break the auto-queue system as well.


>Are you excited

Exactly the same builds Coffee needs
Chrono3s are levelling but we have something like....0 fletchers(the only fletcher is supposed to have exams in this period) or thaum3 for bossing outside Dulla or not so popular bosses.
For ET if everything goes right in 5-10 days we should have 2 full parties of 275+ with their elememes,taunts,priests and whatnot

it's make or break with this patch. if they don't actually start adding korean stuff then i'll wash my hands of this game. not interested in getting content 6 months late for no particular reason

Regarding gear, if one was to stat pure dex and focus on leather would I want gear stats and gems to be damage focused or would I want even more dex, eva, etc.

>Telsiai and Fedimian busy gearing for end game content
>meanwhile on Klaipeda...

Damage. Also even with pure dex I think you'd be better off going plate.

I'm tired of playing on Klaipeda where nothing is going on unless you belong to the Aistra and Crimson circlejerks, but I'm also not really willing to just throw away my 1k+ hours of playtime. It sucks.
Two 280s, Team Level 39, and hundreds of millions dumped into my Fletcher and losing motivation to keep going every day. I want to World Boss but don't have a network to get me timers, I want to ET but don't know anyone that isn't already part of a group. I like this game, but it's suffering. I wish at least ET didn't force people to run in statics for the loot, now that everyone has already built their groups it's going to be impossible to catch up and get in anymore since nobody is going to want to go back to quitting after 5f just to get 1 person their gear from that floor.

Damn, my friend is a Fletcher3 but thinks of rerolling since no wb mafia is taking him. Should I convince him to join Comfy as well? We only play during primetime tho.

Well, we have all of them in comfy except PELTASTA.

And the real problem is most people kept rerolling after reaching rank 7.

Really? is that the only way
It gets really obnoxious when weapon swapping.