/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #323

Oneesan Loves You edition

>Events schedule for June:
6/8 - Miscolored Memories
6/6 - 6/16 - Tales Event Re-run
6/9 - Defend Order Release
6/13 - 6/23 - Tales Event Part 2
6/17 - Defend Order Returns (for sure this time, really)
6/23 - 6/30 - Celestial (All 4 Style)
6/30 - 7/8 - Scenario Event

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Info

>Japanese Wiki

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



I'm a Virasexual.


I've decided to turn gay since /gbfg/ says all the girls will cuck me in this game. Which guys won't cuck me?

>Mimel and aoidos crossfate
>Feather and ayer crossfate
>Sen and cat monk crossfate
Who will be next?

Happy ending edition

I can ship this.


lucy kun

Well this is unusual

Reminder to ignore the guild drama and cuck shitposters for a better thread!

I love taking Kaguya friends.

That has literally never happened since /gbfg/ has been it's own thread.
Stay new though.

Fuck off Mokou.

>Believing /gbfg/
In fact it isn't even /gbfg/, these memes weren't around when the english wasn't around.
English really was a mistake.

>cucked by own dad
>happy end

That Gran

Reminder to give nee-san head pats for taking care of you.

1st for not big enough.


>Vira in 2nd slot
>DJeanne in third slot

>no zurihole
>that hair
Im not feeling it yet.

How the fuck can i defeat Rose queen?

Set her on fire

get good

It's in order of favorites, user. I can't help it.


Good taste and all that but you're severely gimping yourself with that order but whatever.

>liking lesbo more than qt djeannu

So what are the new crossfates about, epik menes aside

New gacha soon, what's going to get rate up?

Aoidos and tinydos rock out since aoidos was having trouble finding a new tune to work with. Don't have the others so no clue about them

SSR loli when?

Which is the better Baha weapon for Dark, Axe or Sword? I already have a Dagger.


>Hoping cygames will change their mind and at least include the old batch of summer characters in the next surprise ticket

More likely we will get a star gacha with summer rate up.

Axe is (almost) always better than sword if you can't HL upgrade the sword. 30% on 3 characters beats 15% on 4 characters, assuming you use vampy/naru.
Axe HL is better than sword if you have no humans in your team, as in vampy/naru/forte. If you have humans in your team then sword HL is better.

And once again I'm going to buy into it and hate myself for my foolishness.

is it like that last summer?

Sword. Axe is a noob trap.

>Falling for scam gacha

He's supposed to be stronger than them or some shit. Gran's dad is like game breaker going by how he's described in game and the novels.

if i send a request to join a guild, does it have a delay or something or the leader can immediately accept it?

in case i have send one, i can get poached to join a guild or i dont recieve any request until i cancel mine?

there are novels?

if you're currently in a guild and get accepted to another then you'll leave it and have to wait 24 hours. if you don't have the timer then it's instant

LNs but yeah.

My viramate isn't working what the FUCK is happening I can't play like this

>Japan not milking it for all it's worth

Is Bahamut a primal beast?

do you have vol 3 and 4?

click the hamburger and enable permissions. they added beta mobile site support so it needs permissions from there now

it's a lijjard

no i mean, i dont have a guild, and since my 24 hours restriction already passed i was waiting for people to send me request or spam my profile, but no one is doing it, and so i was wondering maybe is because i send a request to a random guild (the leader probably ignored my request or something)

Yeah? Probably not in the format you're looking for though.

>expecting random people to want you in their guild
Unless you're actually fucking good, look for your own guild.


well im rank 84 with 50k pwr, so that's pretty good right?

Why is he so sad?

lmao, hell no

well, i dont think im good but i think im at least decent

Cute family

Thanks senpai


apollonia a cute.

>c68 and c69 doesn't even have one single free mission

fucking fag

Fucking DO when



God, that JK.


>June 30th banwave incoming

>boost to summon draw rate.
This is possibly the shittiest draw this year right? Maybe if they made things like 0 star olivia be stronger than diablo they might actually sell more gacha draws.

New jobs when?

I don't even want to meme roll on it.


Summer limited when

>not wanting buncles

>he said, before pulling a golem

bigger than defend order hopefully.

actually I'm scared of defend order rank4 and 5 rewards. I want to it to be marginal and less important than story event. As a filty half living in America I'm going to miss at least half of them since I don't stay up all night. So hopefully this eclipses that.


>new skins and stuff
skins now come with mypage bgm

>yellow dragon and black kirin
hard content with special drops

you can now set your favorite character (planned)

after the pc browser version there will be a new way to play the game

new raids and new weapons? some old stuff (arcana?) and some new stuff

> NFC got a new member

Is there actually hope for us after all?!

>not an R skeleton or ghost

Summer gacha this July

I already have 3 dark 3 light and at least 2 of everything else and I'm only 75. Is this supposed to be a thing people care about?

Playable when?

>after the pc browser version there will be a new way to play the game
What is missing?


Fucking luckshitters I swear, they don't know how good they have it

Console vers



Smoke signals.

The NX

VR experience

clarisse and percy make me feel like a total cuck. is there any chance percy will die and his character be deleted from the game?

thank god. i was getting tired of leaving my pokerbot 24/7 while using Viramate to queue up and autobattle for me

Same here desu