Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

Heroes Edition

Old Thread >I've been away from the game a while and what's new?
>F2P information
>GW2 Wiki (type /wiki [article name] in-game to open browser):
>I Need a Build But I Won't Say for What Mode
>The Mistwar
>World Boss Train
>Fashion Endgame
>Simple Traveling Merchant Data
>Roleplay Resources
>Misc Fun Shit

Guild Wars 2 Veeky Forums Guilds:

NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Vitto Mortemsen, Bonkk, Mexay Renatus, Peachy Panic, Rijakk, Riathen, or Dylsu X
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, or Kealdrix

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.

Feels good, man.

FYI I reported 30+ images hours ago, didn't matter.

Is this real? Can anyone get me a link the post?

Cool autism ratfag. Is this you?

As someone who has had to deal with Gaile since GW1, this is perfectly accurate to the kind of circlejerk she wants around her.

No, was that recent? The IIRC channels are pretty useless, and I can't be fucked to lurk there just to make any progress. I'm amused that you think reporting spam is autistic though.

Have to admit it's pretty autistic waiting around and filling in captcha after captcha senpai.

I could've sworn this actually happened because I have vague recollections of seeing this thread with my own eyes, but either I'm hallucinating or Gaile deleted the post, because it can't be found on the forums anymore.



It took me about 15 min. fampai, that's probably more time you spent exercising, and it still wasn't that long.

Here's a gigantic ass for you.

>any difference between fluff and tuft

Why haven't you killed yourself yet Gae?

Mcharr butts are much thicker, especially those thighs.

That's why I pounce on the big mcharr.

Fluffy have no dick to reach around while investigating dat t h i c c mcharr ass.

>when they're fluffy but they also have more to love in the front


But they have a beautiful soft cunny to rub

There was a few forum purges since then and the search function never worked properly since BWEs. It's a farce, especially since every few months there's a post implying they are actually trying to fix it.

Caused some supreme butthurt too, when people in Support subforum were told by mods that they made a dupe thread and should've searched the forum first to see if someone didn't already post about their issue.

No wonder the devs prefer and always did prefer communicating through fucking reddit.


Forums deletion when

nop. Thighs are thicker, but butt sizes are almost same. Here comparison for max sliders.

Wouldn't you do a side comparison for the ass? Gets tricky with the fluffy tail.

Thighs > butt

What weapons look the best with mistward plate armor? I'm looking for weapons that look really revenant-y to go with my revenant.

Please tell me that's fake...

Yes indeed. They really make the butt for me.

why not just go to the wardrobe and do it yourself?


>tfw no bara mcharr husband to trap my head between his thighs

What? I'm asking for opinions on what weapons look the best with mistward plate. Or any weapons that look like they fit a Revenant or herald.

I honestly think they should be, given that the overwhelming majority of people use Reddit for any actual game discussion.

The only parts of the forum that should remain intact are Dev Tracker/Updates/Tech Support/Bug Report. Everything else can go. They already gutted and removed the race-specific boards, so why not?

Still, springy and stretchable femcharr butt > hard and overmuscular mcharr one for me.

No, that's an old, old fucking shoop.

I think we might have even been the ones to make it.

Despite being a huge faggot I agree with you user. Muscular mcharr thighs + toned yet pliable butt is best combination.

yeah and I'm saying why not just go to the wardrobe and pick out the skins yourself?

Because I'm indecisive faggot and so far the only skins I think fit the bill are the merciless skins but those costs an assload of money.

no one is going to be able to give you a decisive answer. Which weapons match will heavily rely on your dye scheme.

If merciless skins are an assload of money to you then your options are going to be heavily limited.

full, firm yet squishable, grabbable mcharr butt > no-ass sinew-strung femcharr butt

>no-ass sinew-strung femcharr butt
I like that.

>tfw no inexperienced femcharr to stretch her unused tight butt daily, and slowly turn her into complete buttslut



Do peeps just tend to put exotic gear on their toons for WvW? It seems a waste to use all my ascended boxes for another gear set on my mesmer if I wanted to try a roaming build when I could use them to gear up another toon for fractals/raids.

I think the answer is generally yes.

Ascended is more important for fractals/raids.

Fuck you for calling your characters this. Fucking retarded MMO term.

And it depends on how much you're willing to invest in your WvW dude. My WvW guardian has full ascended.

Can someone else other than this guy answer.

Sure, I also think you're an indecisive pussy. Wake up Sheep.

Read this for guild info:

>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the Veeky Forums guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you

Is DORF even still alive? I get that this is a pure shitpost but I'm honestly curious if they're still around

DORF is still around

>h-he called me a cuck where his warning :(((
gets me every time

cumming in nuivi

DORF for tarnished coast? What happened to HOPE?

nothing thats just some guy trying to trick newfags, HOPE is in the OP with FUN

There's only 2 active Veeky Forums guilds, FUN and HOPE, stop posting this troll list.

you don't cum in the dead rats when there are fresh ones around

Aren't they both max level now too?

HOPE is level 50 now. I think we have everything except the higher tier wvw ones.

cumming in peachy


cumming in calsi

cumming in serra



Can't cum in dead rats.
Can't cum in rats that don't play anymore.
Can't cum in pure asexual rats.



I saw her take off the hat once.


tfw still no asura rave club

>he wasn't invited to the club

raving with who-knows-how-old-holograms is not real rave

FUN is 55 I think.

For raids, would you rather take an elementalist or a revenant?

what is the context

I'm thinking of doing some raids, but I can't decide which profession I should "specialize" in.

if your going to raid then you're shooting yourself in the foot if you can only play one class

I have thief, ranger, rev, ele and mes at 80. But perhaps I'm asking the wrong questions regarding raids, since I have no idea how it works.

Go with ele. It can occupy four of the ten raid slots, as opposed to rev taking up only one of them.

Ele here, feels good to be able to do everything.


...don't post that one. Post the good-looking one, Rikki.


>+20 minutes per post
kek, nice discussion gw2tards



what a qt

everyone is HOPE is too busy arguing about teeth in discord to shitpost deadgeneral2016

>Our next destination may surprise you.

Yfw crystal desert is next

>Hello, friendos! I’m Teddy Nguyen, one of the designers on raids.

It does not even slightly surprise me that Teddy and Fluusi have something in common.

>change to woman
>become a lesbian and fuck women anyway

What did xyr mean by this?

>yfw now you understand the push for "skimpy male armour" by the devs and lgbturders on the forums along with all the new genderbending npc's in LA

What's wrong with that you bigot?

Does keggin explode on people?

i take videos of being dominated and finished by female opponents in sPvP

most of them are thick, scantily clad Norn women (pic related) or extremely feminine Human women in girly pink/white outfits

i have 186 videos total, ranging from 5 seconds to 1 minute in length each. do i have a problem and if so how do i stop this

Delete all of your videos and images. The EG tag makes it worse. I thought the outfit was bad.

Yes and beg them for erp.