>mfw i play Hanzo and Mercy starts buffing my damage
Connor Diaz
It's HIGH NOON in Hawaii
Ryan Williams
Dylan Johnson
post cute D.Vas
Evan Hall
Pharrah is so fucking dumb, The amount of airtime she has is fucking ridiculous.
Samuel Gray
Anyone else frustrated with the way symmetras shields work? It seems like it's easy to miss out on giving one of your allies the shield, and it's not very interactive to just press E every time you see an ally to be sure they have a shield.
I'd personally like it more if it was automatically applied to every ally who entered your line of sight, and then disabled whenever they leave your line of sight(but not removed or later re-applied without recharging on its own). That way they could put something more interesting on her E, like a secondary turret type or something. Maybe a turret that does the absolute reverse, healing and speeding up allies? Both the turret types would then count toward your max so you can have 6 healing or 6 damaging turrets or a mix.
Also, holy shit her secondary fire does literally nothing other than force the enemy rein to sidestep or the enemy bastion to redeploy
Caleb Gomez
Can we stop getting cute doctor Mercy art?
I want mad doctor art.
Nathan Long
Why are people saying McCree is useless now? Are those the McCree players that relied on flash + FTH for every kill?
Joshua Walker
>Symmetra >evil
Can this meme end already
Benjamin Hernandez
can a good mei even be stopped she just refuses to die at this point
Anthony Lopez
Which Overwatch girl has the best feet?
Austin Cox
Anyone on xbox one looking to add each other and team up? I can't deal with solo queuing anymore
Joseph Thomas
roadhog has no problem with her
Charles Murphy
t. mei
William Scott
end your life
Cooper Bailey
most of them are the shitters that relied on it yes
but even trying to kill Genji it can be tricky landing all the FtH shots on him after a stun, the fucker is a jumping jack and his hitboxes are tiny
Nolan Perez
>Bastion >Not obviously evil
You fucked up.
Daniel Miller
She works for a pretty evil corporation so yeah.
Owen Ross
>Mcree is supposed to ""counter"" flankers >At decent levels of play tracers, genji's and reapers all counter him
>B-but the pros still pick him 90% of the ""pro's"" are just a bunch of shitty TF2 and csgo babbies that got lucky enough to get into closed beta, they are just as fucking clueless as everyone else.
Jason Parker
Cameron Lopez
THIS >"we're making the world a better place" while probably dozens died that night.
Brandon Bell
i'm pretty sure reaper is lawful evil, in the sense that he always adheres to his code of edgyness, which he never departs from
if he would kill someone but it wouldn't be extremely edgy, he wouldn't do it
Daniel Wood
They can't aim.
Oliver Torres
Dylan Williams
Why is it that every fucking time I hook a windowlicker the whore doesn't die to the lmb, sometimes even survives lmb+melee. I can wreck Tracers no problem, plug suit D.Va's, no problem, Symmetra, no problem. But Widowmaker just doesn't fucking die. I had to melee one TWICE before she finally dropped after unloading LMB on her upper torso. This is not okay.
Ethan Morgan
Who gives a shit. Play another hero like everyone else.
Hunter Lee
why the fuck are you still samefagging about cree, literally nobody cares.
buff this, nerf that. go back to your moba you twat
Jayden Roberts
kill yourself you stupid mouthbreather
Easton Young
fuck you I'm playing McCree no matter what. FuCK YOU
Gavin Hernandez
>worse at 76 mid range >worse at reaper/tracer/genji close range >worse at killing turrets then pharah >can't do shit against tanks when they have support
now combine that with the fact that he only has 200 HP, no utility, no self reliability and no mobility and volia, you have the worst attacker in the game and it's not even close
Landon Hill
Carson Ramirez
widow has a tracer/dva tier hitbox and 200 health
Jackson Gray
>tfw you will never train Mei to become slim
Julian Davis
I'm gonna trust pro picks over some neckbeard who probably whined about Bastion too no matter how hard they scream LE and LEDDIT tbqfhwy familia.
Angel Robinson
Pink reaper when
Joseph Morgan
start with training yourself fatso
Kayden Rodriguez
don't think it would be too hard to make her take the coat off
Brayden Wood
Shut up. McCree was cancerous for the game in his previous state, stop complaining.
I want Mei to be buffed, but she never will because absolute shitters keep complaining that she's too good when they try to 1v1 her in close range and keep wondering why they die
Lincoln Hernandez
should I just buy this game now? I don't know what else to spend 40 dollars on. I did play the beta but the one game I played was slow paced. was it just that game or is the game actually fast paced and not boring ?
Cameron Hill
Thank you for your insight anonymous high KDR player. Now you actually have to try. I don't give a fuck about your McCree and i certainly don't give a fuck about widow which shit's up 90% of games. Do like a previous Zen main and play somebody else or go back to dota.
Nolan Mitchell
I can aim, that's why I just go 76 now lmao
Caleb Peterson
>Samefagging >Balance discussion is bad, let's go back to talking about my waifu reaper because i'm a retarded homo that wondered in from tumblr
Kys yourself
Jaxson Jackson
I feel like Mei is the same way. She is very small, but at least she is a bit wider than the other girls. She has 250 HP and an invuln self heal though....
Jonathan Perry
She is evil. Hell she could have been a villain working under a front for Talon.
Zachary Russell
How the fuck does a high level tracer counter a high level mccree?
Nicholas Murphy
>floridabro Ordered.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>balance discussion
Where the fuck were you discussing balance anywhere in that memelord LE REDDIT post?
Carter Davis
Reaper in best ship when?
Joseph Bailey
>Kys Fuck off back to rebbit.
Leo Price
Any Tracer tips. I feel like I'm getting headshotted by everyone.
Blake Clark
I want this first
Dylan Murphy
because they're different people
Sebastian Bennett
57th for Mei is a fat crutch character
Camden Carter
What your favorite thing about the McCree nerf? mines is that guy that said blizzard won't hit the characters to harshly now he's in this thread crying.
Carson Foster
>Kys yourself
so am I supposed to kill myself myself?
Benjamin Robinson
Sebastian Reyes
>she never will because absolute shitters keep complaining that she's too good when they try to 1v1 her in close range and keep wondering why they die
You just described pre-nerf mcree though. Except he has less utility and less health. FUCKING TOP KEK
Nolan Rogers
they don't, he's being retarded
high level mccrees play with their team and are comming constantly, tracer going in to fight a mccree 1v1 is suicide unless she's cleaning up a kill or the mccree isn't looking at her
tracer is just the clean up class, a fast janitor
Lucas James
i want an overwatch bf that likes anime
Adam Morris
I wonder what kind of slutty, feminine boys play Mercy 99% of the time
It really makes me want to knkw
Joshua Nelson
that motherfucker probably made $100 just now
Luis Harris
My favorite is that now Genji and Reaper have basically no counter
Bentley Lewis
RIP in peace bitch
Jonathan White
Pre-nerf McCree melted anyone instantly, 1v1 or no
Mei's TTK is extremely slow
Hunter Evans
Joseph Price
i play Mercy sometimes and im a fat hairy dude
Josiah Perez
The McCree mains crying about him being useless now, it's like they forget left click exists
Luke Rivera
I'm glad too :^) reaper is my main. How much hours have you invested in McSkill?
Blake Gray
>He no longer has a near-100% pick rate in comp now so he's shit I know better than the people who have been molding the metagame since beta
Alexander Phillips
>squishy 200 HP twig >no counters Hahaha yeah right. Comp is still running double Winstons.
Eli Brown
Ok there are far more D.VA fans in this board it seems. Reposting charm link for new thread. Gotta get back to finishing Mercy print and work on D.VA.
Small world. We have a few upcoming cons down in SoFL
Hah that would be nice.
Isaiah Fisher
>been playing lucio, genji and tracer until my hands go numb >wonder what i can play that doesn't put my pulse past 500km/h >game presents to me the option of Mercy
yes game thank you, i will let mercy heal my bleeding fingers
Jonathan Reed
>zen >good >not lawful evil >not secret final boss around omnix, watch your six.
Hudson Moore
Anyone have that webm where Lucio is just wallriding some mountain in the background with some asian laughing in the foreground?
Zachary Richardson
I have literally 2 hours as McCree, I just find it funny that people are okay with heroes being made useless and unviable because they were broken that one time once
Charles Davis
Reminder that Mercy had a choice on who to revive first between Reyes and Morrison and she picked to revive Reyes before Morrison.
Matthew Jenkins
Christ, that's horrible.
Jacob Nguyen
Play against a good tracer as mcree. She will never be in flashbang range unless she's baiting you. Your only way of getting her off you is you have to headshot+bodyshot and kill her before she kills you. But it's easier for her because she has E and can kill you just as fast by spamming in the general direction of your head.
I play tracer way more than I play mcree and even I'm willing to admit she counters him.
Samuel Mitchell
>Tracer's Dps >On the hero with the most mobility >and on a hero with insane survivability >will never be nerfed because she is the poster girl of the game >the only counter to her got nerfed fuck these autistic tracer mains
Jayden Ward
$10 each? seems a bit steep
Nolan Bennett
what can they do to nerf attack side I'm getting sick of holding them off 95% of the game to just get steamrolled at the end
Isaac Robinson
Reaper is forced into retreat or dies. How does Genji survive a flash bang and a couple shots in the head again?
Dominic Barnes
>Comp is still running double Winstons. >1 hero limit in effect since forever for 90% of tourneys Hey slowpoke did you know the current month?
Juan Young
Hudson Perry
>Reaper >no counters
Oliver Johnson
Is widow an alien or something? Why is she blue? Seriously?
Logan Phillips
Why do people get so butthurt if I play what I want?
>Play bastion/torb on offense >Play sniper even if we have 2 already >Never play tank or support (fuck that)
I paid for the game, I can play it any way I want, I just laugh at the fags who are like "GO SUPPORT, DO THIS, DO THAT BLAH BLAH BLAH" over their mic, NOPE, I'm gonna do what I want :)
Jaxon Price
>Genji >no counter
>Reaper >no counter
Gabriel Watson
_________________git gud_____________
Carson Moore
>pharah played by a literal jew
Jaxson Carter
If you only use left click as McCree then congrats, you are a worst S: 76 without the mobility or the healing! That's helpful for your team