>enemy team is >Bastion >Bastion >Widowmaker >Torbjorn >Mercy >Zarya
Wow I didn't know cancer like this fucking existed but it does And if I had a team of six people who were decent at killing turrets it would be fine But fucking no, the pubstompers get to pubstomp because my team has 1/6th of a collective brain
Owen Young
why wouldn't you buy her best skin? Do you already own it?
you bodyshot people. Just practice and you'll get it. He shits out damage if you can do it consistently.
Justin Roberts
Use the conc mine to get the high ground.
Use your trap in the heat of combat.
Git gud with hitting pipes.
That's my advice.
Noah Murphy
Every fucking game. I'm god damn tired of matches being 4v6 because of these faggots.
Bentley Morgan
If you're not in the top 5000 for score/minute you may as well just kill yourself familia
Mason Thomas
I have not gone a single game without seeing a fucking Genji on my team.
Someone fucking save me from this fucking hell.
Justin Taylor
How to fix Mercy's Overpowered shit Ult that is every POTG in tournaments ever and the deciding factor at the end of each fucking match
If Mercy gets killed while the allies she resurrected are still light pillars they only have 50% health
Liam Parker
Stop thinking with Junkrat. The only time you should think with Junkrat is where to place the trap.
Jason Rogers
>tfw I have both mech Pharah skins so I don't have to choose >I switch between them
Cameron White
spam in the general direction of the enemy no real trick to it
Elijah Perry
I'm not misreading the spreadsheet am I? That Zarya can't get headshots with her M1? If so, why?
Easton Davis
>not letting people reply to your post in the last thread in the new one
Nicholas Green
It's a beam weapon.
Adam Robinson
Ayden Perry
make the ult have a short "cast" time, i.e make the res actually happen at the end of the animation ( like how lucios drop the beat doesnt trigger until lands on the ground) done
Ethan Butler
When it's that easy anyone can do well on any character. I'm talking about when people just sidestep the easy to avoid orbs.
Elijah Jones
>tfw the character i am best with is genji >42 w 24 l >would rather be good at pharah or someone else This is my curse
Easton Stewart
Why are all the heroes designed for 14 year-olds so broken?
Gabriel Carter
>tfw you and your friends pull off the ebin double hanzo defense strategy of Numbani A
Blake Hall
Jacob Scott
Reaper, Hanzo, Widowmaker
Who am I missing?
Owen Jackson
>playing in the open beta >eating a sandwich >open a lootbox >get Sharkbait >playing just now >eating a sandwich >open a lootbox >get Sharkbait Is the key to unboxing Sharkbait eating sandwiches?
Lt. Sparks Pilot: 50 Health 150 Shields Mech: 200 Health 200 Armor
A member of the North American Federation Alliance Ground Squadron, and a former Overwatch mechanic, Rebecca Sparks iss trained to pilot a remote drone into combat from afar, dealing devastating damage from behind a computer screen. The Federation, unlike their South Korean army and Russian counterparts, felt that the Omnic crisis should be fought from afar, using drones, all while keeping the pilot out of harms way using a robotic mech soldier controlled by a pilot.
Activating and deactivating your mech take time and will leave one or the other a defenseless target while you are in control of the other. When the mech is destroyed
LMB: Lt. Sparks fires a short range pistol that will ricochet to 2 nearby targets. While controlling the Mechadrone: Close range melee attack, holding LMB will cause you to do a rocket punch that has a long range. RMB: Only available when controlling the Mechadrone: Calls down an orbital strike that requires line of sight for a short time or when an area is targeted with E.
LShift: Activates her control device on click, while controlling her mechadrone. Pressing LShift will deactivate the mechadrone and return control over Lt. Sparks. This skill cannot be used while inside the spawn. When the mechadrone is destroyed, you are given control of Lt Sparks and cannot activate it again for 25 seconds.
E: while not controlling the mechadrone, E creates a low Health bot that heals one target in the nearby area for 75 health over time, prioritizing lowest health first. E while controlling the Mechadrone will mark an area, causing all shots fired with RMB to barrage that area for a short time.
Ultimate: You do not take any damage for 10 seconds and cannot be killed or destroyed.
I just want to pilot the UAV copter from Battlefield BC2 mixed with the mechs from Robotic Alchemic Drive, plus this poster is all other the spawns of the Overwatch maps.
Jacob Turner
>Enemy team stacking heroes that destroy low health flankers >People on my team think that swapping to FUCKING GENJI IS THE ANSWER TO THIS JESUS FUCK ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT IT'S HAPPENED IN AT LEAST 10 GAMES TONIGHT
What do I have to do to get my fucking team onto the point
Caleb Miller
>Main Tracer, Mcree, Mercy and Junkrat >Can basically perform every role and do it well Nice
Christian Campbell
vary the angle a bit so every nade comes in differently
Matthew Jones
>wake up >realise I'm not Anthony Burch, Randy Pitchford, or DSP
Easton Russell
Hanzo here.
What you faggots need to understand is that Hanzo is the way he is to keep actual OP heroes like Roadhog and Soldier 76 in check.
No need to thank me.
Jace Miller
>mfw getting shit for using torb
Parker Young
>reinhardt,bastion,mercy combo in numbani defense Cancer as fuck yoo
Isaac Cox
>wake up >realize i am DSP
Josiah Reyes
Mercy should only be able to rez people that died while she was alive.
Brayden Ortiz
>because my team has 1/6th of a collective brain
I'm no mathamomatician but I'm pretty sure you're implying you also have less than a brain there m8
Michael Hill
two dva, two mercy, done.
Tyler Williams
I have no problem with one torb user.
But I can't stop having nightmares about being against 2+ torbs with a bunch of randoms.
Jordan Williams
Nicholas Gray
It's a perfect day for some mayhem.
Aiden Bennett
>mfw playing Battletorb >rek kiddies >get POTG >"Oh wow, another Torbjorn POTG where he's jerking off." >it's me flanking the enemy team and filling them full of molten steel
Jeremiah Miller
>Get ult >Walk into a random place on the map >Ult when turret takes damage >Look at scenery >POTG >The tears in chat every time I live for that feeling
Justin Ortiz
>Roadhog chains me towards him >Reinhardt right next to the Roadhog starts charging as I get pulled >Reinhardt smashes into me and kills me
Did I just get wombo combo'd?
Lucas Young
Tracers are so fucking ANNOYING.
They need some cool down on either spells.
Juan Jenkins
Oliver Richardson
some salty faggot on my team got on mic to chew me out about using torb.
Jose Edwards
Jayden Turner
What reticle options do you use? >Changed the color for each individual hero to match the color of their ammunition
Jayden Cox
green short crosshair for everyone
Aiden Campbell
ult doesn't trigger until the end of her voiced line/animation
David Gomez
1/6 Six members of a team 1/6 of a COLLECTIVE brain As in, all of it is me I think you're retarded
Lincoln Bell
>Me and friend go double Torb on offence >Place sentries behind lines and in front of spawns being useless idiots getting like 2 kills >entire team gets mad at us We deserve it but it was really funny
Dylan Thomas
Jordan Wilson
>Pharah is mixed race >not fully black like Ancient Egyptians really were
Seriously though, how do you have a mixed race Egyptian when there were no white people in existence in that time period?
Dominic Edwards
>Ult as Genji >Lose track of my target >End up dying while I swing wildly at thin air trying to regain my bearings
Alexander White
green dot master race
Thomas Turner
Alexander Butler
These memes about me aren't funny, i am not bad at games i just get unreasonably mad at them and don't see things that i should because i'm stupid.
Elijah Myers
Bind a key for 'group up with me!' and use it liberally. It helps if you're playing 76 or Lucio as their healing abilities along with being able to hold their own when messing with the objective for a good while makes them easy to rally behind.
Joshua Campbell
im not sure where to post the Widowmake cum tribute is this the main thread?
Alexander Turner
fuck off shitter
Liam Morales
Can't wait for the D.Va buffs.
Levi Clark
Default for everybody except Tracer. Short crosshairs for her since I saw somebody here post a webm with her with short corsshairs.
John Walker
i wish genji was real
Aaron Peterson
>Pocahontas better than cyborg pharah
Charles Rodriguez
>As in, all of it is me so the 1/6th of a brain is yours, your 1/6th of a brain... so like less than a single brain
Kayden Wood
Mercy is the reason i kind of want to not play anymore. She's the most picked character in every premade, and if the enemy team has a mercy your team is FORCED to pick one as well, as a res will always in the game. In other words, she's autoinclude
The last minute of each match then is just a back of fourth of fucking resses, it just feels dumb to be honest. She's overpowered and needs a nerf
Daniel Ross
nah, your shit is pretty retarded desu
Gavin Evans
>>not fully black like Ancient Egyptians really were
Ayy you almost got me
Brandon Rodriguez
>Blizzard so scared of being seen to have copied TF2 that they give reaper shotguns instead of weapons that require skill to aim like Spy Revolvers in TF2
Mason Jenkins
>The character I enjoy most is Genji >18 w / 49 l
Xavier Brooks
>63 posts in like 7 minutes I think so user san
Thomas Campbell
I use that dayglo purple/pink. I set it there on accident during the beta midmatch and didn't have time to change it, but I've grown to like how distinct it is in all situations.
Aaron Thomas
I am legitimately this bad.
Zachary Scott
Kevin Walker
>reaper is analogous to spy
Luke Hill
Cooper Johnson
Can't wait for Mei buffs.
Justin Lopez
I've already pointed this out to /owg/ and got shitters telling me "Just kill the Mercy :^)"
Luis Ross
Refer to thisI get unreasonably mad at games and i can't help it but you guys seem to get just as mad at them as i do.
Gabriel Cruz
Tanks are the reason I wanna quit this game. Maybe I'm a diehard TF2 player, but I cant stand classes that exist to soak up damage and not dish much out in return, it just slows the game down. You could say the Heavy or Engi's sentries, but I like six's more, and they arent as extreme as Roadhog or Reinhardt. Not to say I think Tanks are OP, just slows the game down too much.
Connor Sanchez
>when you finally figure out how to aim with zenyatta
accuracy is only 33% but ill take it
Asher Hernandez
>overwatch is set in the future >white people exist