/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Deepest Lore edition


E3 Bannerlord siege videos:

E3 interview by Techraptor :

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/2ZjZZZpc

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:

>user's ACOCK minimod
>Swedish Mayonnaise

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do ?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

nth for correct OP at last.
Updated pastebin with some links to Bannerlord videos. It may need to recieve an update to include newer mods.

try warphilia or SoTT

Dumb fucking faggot


What about that dynasty warriors mod?

What things do you hope for most in Bannerlord?

I hope there are more unique quests instead of generic quests.

I hope they don't put too much energy into the quests shit and instead focus on offering a good sandbox experience

Board games

To kill lords and wipe locations off the map for the Khan wheeoohohoohoho

Tbh, there is a chinese dynasty warrior mod.

I hope this will realese in me life span

There is no conflict between good quests and a sandbox experience.

Also, perhaps some form of co-op or multiplayer sandbox would be nice.

ever meme so hard your king tells you to go fuck yourself?

Depends on what you're thinking about with good quests really

Good AI, both in combat and on the map.
Great item variety.
An interesting world
Great modding possibilities.

Oh and children and being able to kill lords.

i hope it's fun

Super smart AI and Basic co-op feature

Proper sieges
Lords getting btfo actually mattering

These could be the only two changes and id be satisfied



What's that Persistent World multiplayer mod? The mod page doesn't give much information but I always see it as having a bunch of players.



I'm a minority on this, but.
I hope mounts aren't as essential as they are in M&B:W, despite the game's title.
I want to wade into the thick of combat with my soldiers, not be a stupid commander on a horse. What soldier would respect a man who wouldn't even put himself into harm's way to win a battle?

Sieges (shown)
Lords not being immortal gods walking the earth that can summon the restless dead men of their nation to do battle for them once more

How about you just get off your fucking horse you idiot

>give commands
>once battle starts, get off, and go to town

I do it all the time in 1257

I'm with you on that nigga, foot-slogging is the only respectable way to play the game

>What soldier would respect a man who wouldn't even put himself into harm's way to win a battle?
The type that wants to win or fight battles larger than 100 v 100 skirmishes, if the commander needs to personally participate in the battle to achieve victory then either his soldiers are completely incompetent, he's a demigod, or he's already been mired in a horrid situation.
Also, commanders on horseback act as elite heavy cavalry, there's literally no reason to need to become a common foot soldier unless you're really good at fighting on foot but not on horseback
At that point you may as well take off your armor, what skirmisher would respect a commander who wears heavy armor amirite

Yes, but you move so atrociously slowly and if you face any heavier cavalry - you either need to be mounted or you're most likely going to take a 227% speed lance in your face with no way to escape it on foot.

The game is clearly designed to be played on a mount, in larger battles. I don't know how this can be fixed without simply making the maps smaller - but that's restrictive as fuck.

You don't HAVE to fight on horse just because you have one. Use it to move around town or the battlefield and then get off you godamn autist.

I hope to unite the empire

> atrociously slowly
Agility and athletics
>face any heavier cavalry
Bring a spear, and jab it in that horses dumb fucking face, then when its stunned, stab its rider in his dumb fucking face

>The type that wants to win or fight battles larger than 100 v 100 skirmishes, if the commander needs to personally participate in the battle to achieve victory then either his soldiers are completely incompetent, he's a demigod, or he's already been mired in a horrid situation.

Yeah, well, sorry to say this but that's pretty much how it works in real life too. Unless you're in a setting like dark ages britain where the biggest horse available is a pony.

>this medieval combat game has too much emphasis on cavalry, my tiny infantry dick doesn't feel included!

fuck yourself, serf.

Is there a particular reason why you posted Hannibal? He wasn't exactly the kind of commander that gets into the fray. Unless you posted him because he represents what it user said.

>He wasn't exactly the kind of commander that gets into the fray.

He literally battled just as everyone else, as most historical record indicate.

>you move so atrociously slowly
Just like real life, people are slower than horses and often can't get to important positions in time
>any heavier cavalry
Just like real life, normal infantry (even spear) is shit against heavy cav one on one.
Keep formation, pack yourself tight, if you're all scattered as infantry you'll be obliterated that's how cav works.
Keep your spear up
Keep your shield up
Be in a dense formation to lock them down
DON'T be in the first row since you'll take a lance to the face anyway

>Hannibal personally fought all his battles
He lost an eye to infection and while he was [close] to the frontline as a way to boost morale, he didn't personally cut his way through lines and definitely had a horse ready if need be.

Hannibal was basically at the front line during the siege of Saguntum but yeah, he didn't actually fight.

No, he didn't. He was very close to the lines and was relatively hands-on but you can't give orders if you're locked in battle with a legionnaire, which was far superior to Hannibal's infantry in combat and discipline.

In cannae I think he was commanding from the back of the last elephant he had.

The way infantry works is in formations and in large numbers or in hard-to-maneuver terrain for cavalry
Cavalry is more effective as a 'hero' unit.

You know what I'd like though
Making an INT character being viable, as in stuff like passive boosts to your troops or stuff like Warwolf Strategems
You could be fucking terrible at fighting, easily onehit by light cav, but just sit slightly towards the back and keep the command screen up
As it is expert tacticians are basically worthless, which doesn't make sense.

>Making an INT character being viable,
Making an int character is already viable
14 surgery is insane

And then one bandit ambush kicks your ass.

Thats one thing i like about some mods, you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have a few bodyguards. Nothing sucks more than being a support character and taking a quest or doing something thats all you.

Some mods also include spear bracing for infantry. If you use it correctly it does cause a massive headache for cavalry.

Also, experiment with formations. Having a thin screening line of infantry with the main mass behind them in a three lined or deeper formation is pretty good for isolating those cavalry charging you once their formation falls apart.

At least in native you can still fight decently well with an INT focused character. Even do prison missions if you're smart about it.

Thats because in native you only need 3 power strike and overpowered gear.

Thats one thing i like about native, So much is based on your equipment. It seems realistic, a rich scrub with all the best gear can just roll a bunch of peasants no problem. Heavy armor really did make you almost impervious to ranged attack.

Some mods i feel like i get all geared up but then someone hits me with a one handed sword and there goes half my hitpoints.

Oh sweet, manor priests can raise your honor for money

Guess that -50 honor I accumulated for fucking over the Mamluk lords will be absolved

I thought 1257 was supposed to be like native where armor can stop shit dead in its tracks

Like I have splinted coat of plates, the best armor in the game, then some random militia sandnigger slashes at me with a sabre for 30 damage

Except that's not tactics, that's just Herr Doktor
I want to be a genius grill commandeer who can't fight worth shit but always leads an army to victory

I thought the armor in 1257 was pretty much the strongest in any mod I've played (especially with the nerfs to bows and stuff), but it's been some time since I played it.

Just get CHA and go be a cheerleader :^)

But cheerleading doesn't make your troops any better, I'd fuck my troops but it doesn't work if we're all dead

>I'd fuck my troops
You're a SLUT

But that's what my soldiers want

Why would your men listen to their cocksleeve?


Because I'm an intelligent cocksleeve that can win battles if they give me a chance ;-;

LB almost always gets blown the fuck out if you don't help him

But then you miss out on your virgin adventure exp bonus :^)

>obtain ten thousand intercourses
>only give 2 blowjobs

Dammit russia get your shit togeather, blowjobs should be included in the army morale boosting.

are you a girl irl


Being a virgin doesn't work once 'sexual desire' hits 100, you get -40 every day or something for being wet

>ten thousand intercourse

would follow into battle if i got to fug tbqh

>LB almost always gets blown the fuck out if you don't help him.
Not surprised, considering he's at war with Cao Cao and you can't sit amidst 500 guys and murder them all like in DW.
He's taking Puyang atm in my game, but his armies are pretty ragged and it's not sustainable.

blowjobs lower sexual desire.

But its damn hard to give away blowjobs sometimes, holy fuck youd think nobody would have a problem with free blowjobs.


Mounts are not essential in Warband.

Wait they do
Time to blow Lu Bu

according to the built in vagina inspection tool everything is fine.

This is when i turned it off. Whats the point of entertaining the troops if theres literally nothing to show for it?

Seems like there should be consequences or something.

post pics bb

this is me, have a 12 inch pure rhocock as well

>you can't sit amidst 500 guys and murder them all like in DW
Look at LB's stats mate
I've had him eat 60 tier 5 melee infantry alive and I had to personally kite and lance him over and over to kill the faggot


>game gives you control of a militia archer

>needing more than that
git gud

God damn the Khanate in 1257 are so OP, these stacks of 100+ hordes roaming about just cripple all AI lords

Why is Warwolf so popular all of a sudden?

A person mentioned it cause they were playing it, several of us thought it looked cool and hadn't played it, and here we are.

>I can recruit them to patrol my fiefs for a mere 1000 gold

Okay never mind this changes everything

slav misinformation campaign

Warwolf Question:
How can I get foreign lords to defect to my nation?


Suck their dick

>improving your village manor creates a castle

Holy shit

Also r8 my hordes


Its a damn shame I cant direct these guys to do anything but squat near my fiefs

since when do lords set up camps?

They dont, in 1257 mongol patrols are hordes which often set up camp

When in camp mode, you can recruit tribesmen from them if their owner likes you, or if you got the cash, you can pay to have the horde join your faction and patrol your fiefs

New footage!
Skip to 8:00

also at the beginning they showed some troops details

we've seen the post-battle screen, it was in the 30 minutes of PC gamer gameplay.


holy fuck what a shit website

They said nope.

>>nords+vaegirs, russian kievan rus, varangian guard style faction

Also it just broke the giant infantry/archer blocks up into several smaller blocks. Neat. Was that shown before?
I wonder if it only happens for sieges to break up into blocks for each tower and ladder.

when you're earning 1.5million I don't think you care

based ginger said in an interview that you can group your units however you want

If the turkish secret service abducted the witcher devs and sent them to ankara as slave labor would that speed up bonerlord's development ?

I'm worried about the fact that some soldiers seem to blob and block an empty entry...

Good idea

He is not based but a fucking faggot because he didn't release all E3 footages

How come they can't put together some footage where they don't have to fucking cheat to survive to display their game