You're going to take my OC donut steel and you're going to accept it!
Zachary Ramirez
Post your favourite hearthstone meme
Jackson Mitchell
>Flash heal is heal 5 for 1 mana with no requirements
Matthew Fisher
That's cool but could be better. Maybe common.
Jack Price
>Thijs is 20 years old
I swear this kid looks 14
What's with you dutch people
Logan Wood
Jordan Rogers
Alexander Sanchez
Jeremiah Baker
Alexander Flores
Justin Thomas
Dominic Young
Well met.
Easton Torres
>Only played a few games this season to get to Rank 11 don't have the motivation to climb to Rank 5. >Been Rank 5 every season since chests got added.
Am I finally free from this hell?
Julian Jackson
How do I improve this? After 36 games I'm at 58% winrate.
Benjamin Gonzalez
>rag misses a 50/50 >lose >repeat 6 times
I hate this fucking card so much. What should I run instead? I can't fucking stand it anymore.
Kayden Anderson
the supreme archeologist
Austin Russell
fuck it, might as well.
Jayden Turner
Noah Thompson
Remove Servant of yogg
Robert Richardson
-forbidden flame -ogre magi -flamecallers -mirror and tirin tor -servant of yogg
+fireballs +azure drake +conjurers +arcane blast
Just look up a basic tempo mage build.
Thomas Butler
Why do you guys dislike Servant. In all the games I played him, he only fucked me up this game when he polymorphed my Emperor. Most of the times he helps me out.
Kevin Foster
Is miracle rogue control, tempo, combo?
Noah Mitchell
Joshua Johnson
All the other classes require a multiple amount of cards to pull of a massive minion >Shaman simply plays a 477
Austin Carter
I know this isn't /wowg/ but I'm lvl 17 started doing dungeon finder but I think I'm not doing any damage. Should I find a better weapon, and if so, where, or should I just rush it and let someone else do the work until lvl20 and I uninstal this game?
Charles Thomas
needs to be 1 mana
seems like something that should drop from xaril
Easton Ramirez
Isaac Clark
>giving rogue heal
fuck off miracle cancer faggot.
Kayden Anderson
I had a great experience yesterday >turn 7 >trogg, faceless, golem Playing as a rogue, I just conceded on the spot.
Dylan Rogers
Because when he is bad he usually throws the game. If you want to play rng with him go ahead but theres good reason people dont play him often.
Daniel Moore
Blake Mitchell
Mage has too many good 5 drops
Parker Anderson
conjurer and? I'm drawing a blank here.
Eli Watson
Literally just Conjurer. Especially if you don't have many cards like in my case.
Not my fault you can't deal with combo decks faggot.
Camden Ortiz
Ah, hello challenger!
Chase Davis
maybe if they printed cards that could s.m.h, I do hate rogue so much I would be running a full elusive deck if spectral knight wasn't rotated though
Jaxson Gutierrez
It's so versatile!
Luis Gomez
>mfw I just created a massive Van Cleef for the first time and won the game
Jesus fuggin christ how is this lego balanced
Nathan Cruz
By being shut down almost every time hes played
Xavier Scott
>Yesterday I have yoyoing between rank 1 and rank 2 >Today I am rank 4
Just kill me
Aiden Mitchell
>watching Warcraft in theatres. Barely anyone there >pull out phone and play Hearthstone on full blast so I get giddy hearing all the sounds and characters on screen >people tell me to shush
Seriously way to ruin my experience and fun
Dominic Ross
Some people just can't take a joke bro
Charles Walker
*peeks at post count*
Carry on then, but if you don't make a new thread for me in 100 posts, my anxiety will peak and that will be on you.
Lincoln Martinez
>Deck Tracker doesn't work on leenucks >Arena Tracker is fucking terrible
Goddamn it.
Charles Wood
there are only 54 posts
Nolan Smith
i just played against warrior and he didnt have axe on turn 2 ?!
Gabriel Bennett
>tfw you get to go first but got no 1 drop
Nathaniel Watson
post budget netdecks pls
Jordan Richardson
He must have been bugged
There's no way that should happen as it's always a guarantee in their opening hand
how the fuck is hunter supposed to deal with classes that flood the board
William Lee
Connor James
Stall game, play yogg. :---)
Luke Cook
Yogg after 23 spells
John Anderson
How is any class supposed to deal with flood when you die before you have enough mana to play your aoe
Justin Hall
it doesnt lol
Joshua Martin
>unleash :^) play ur own minions my man, huntard is not favoured, but its far far from unwinnable.
Carson Russell
>They miss lethal twice but still win Sure love this game not being able to punish
Angel Edwards
I am free at last
Andrew Murphy
>9 days left in season >Rank 13 Who else /suicide/ here?
Ethan Brown
>implying I missed it >Implying i'm not purposely drawing out the game so aggro shitters concede
Ryder Brooks
this card is so fucking good
Chase Green
Me but I'm at 12
Kayden Johnson
Forgot to mention I dropped to 13 from 9 :^)
Andrew Bailey
>9 days left of season >Rank 20 lel
Jace Long
How much have you spent? At least $200 for me.
Jayden Ortiz
At 10 here. It's much harder this season to climb than before
Blake Gomez
Leo Morris
Wasn't it more fun than HearthStone?
Zachary Morales
Two adventures. Haven't bought LoE yet.
Cooper Flores
i'm 14. i cant rank up. i suck so much at using miracle rogue this season
Robert James
>Try JustSaiyan's Hunter dick >Can't beat control now >It doesn't help against aggro For what purpose?
Juan Carter
No, I'm terrible at mmo's, too many buttons and too many effects, I couldn't tell what was going on most of the time and I felt like I wasn't dealing any damage and was mainly a burden for the rest of my instance everytime I queued up for a dungeon. overall, it wasn't bad but if not for Liadrin I wouldn't have reached lvl 20. Shame because I like the lore a lot.
Jaxson Reed
>Power overwhelming is now 3/3 buff or costs 2
I balanced it what the hell it's like the game didn't need to suffer for these 2 years
Matthew Flores
cmon man its not too bad
Tyler Jones
Trading your 1 drop into their 5 drop really is too good for a 1 mana card. It's only used for trading like that or finishing games, so the downside of dying doesn't matter.
Julian Howard
started playing 2 weeks ago - rank 15.
Bretty ok for the first season, at least I think so
Josiah Perez
Make it cost 2 and its automatically nerfed significantly.
Julian Lee
>It's only used for trading like that or finishing games, so the downside of dying doesn't matter. but the downside of dying is the motive why they're only used for trading and or finishing games.
Evan Cox
>334 arena wins >still only 11w key
At how many arena wins did you reach your first 12? And how do I get good enough for it?
James Jackson
You get lucky most of the times
David Nelson
I got it at20 something, got 12 wins as rogue carried by a friend spectating me
Zachary Evans
Just feels really bad, I was the first of my friends to reach 11 and now I'm the only one who never got 12. It's even sadder when you both look at the date and realize I was 11/0. Brb killing self.
Alexander Ramirez
I had at least 500+ wins before I got there. Always think ahead, don't waste resources, always have a backup plan. But mostly it's just luck man.
Caleb Hernandez
I have about 100 wins and a 12 win key, reached when I had about 60-80 wins. Just sheer luck obviously, that game mode is a joke.