Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

>Great news!
-Monster Hunter Generations along with special edition N3DS XLs to release July 15.
-Monster Hunter Generations demo is out, has online
-English Patch for Monster Hunter Online is out now

>How do I get my hands on the demo?
EU fags download the demo here:

NA fags either pray Nintendo sends you a code or buy it for $4 in the e3 humble bundle. That or wait until June 30th for the public release

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 / Search
In 4U, Target: Fishing (it's 4 to the left)
In X, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)

Tags: MHGen, MHX, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread


>not having a demo code
>ever needing a demo code


What weapons and styles will you be using? Any styles that made you change your perception on a weapon?
Will you be using the same weapon(s) as in 4u?

First for sexy huntresses who can hold their own in a hunt and aren't Rajang fodder.

I'll be using the best styles with the best weapons only.

None, none.
Maybe IG in MH5 if they rework it into something more unique. Else I'll go full SnS that time around.

I fucking despise capture quests

Guild and whatever is the other best style for the weapon

Might try out LS and HH this time around. In 4U I bounced between GS, GL, and bow mainly.

So far, Bushido LS, Guild/Aerial IG, Bushido Bow, Bushido DB.
Bushido DB is absurd. I tried for the heck of it this afternoon and got the same time as Bushido LS and Aerial IG on the first try. I like it, but it feels unfair.

Since the SnS gets coatings do you faggots think the GL will a further expansion of ROMAN types like status or element shit?

Think I'll use mostly SnS. All styles are fun so I'll just change whenever.
HH when I play with my firends, guild only, can't get the grasp of any other styles.
I used a lot of DB and IG in 4U, don't think I'll use them early in Gen.
And I just discovered LBG in the demo, it's really fun, striker, or bushido if I have problems.

Did they make gl somewhat worse in gen?

it was buffed for good GL players, nerfed for shit ones

>tfw trying my damnedest to use LBGs
I yield. I guess it's just not for me
I feel like I always do fuck-all damage, even if I'm shoving rapid shots right into their faces

At least I can cross it off the list


How exactly does Potential -10 work? How much damage and Defense am I losing? Is it gradual over health loss, or is there an exact point where my stats dive? Is it worth getting rid of Guard to remove it?

They'll make shelling do increased elemental damage and nerf its neutral damage. If you're shelling a hitzone with an elemental weakness of at least 30, it'll do as much damage as a raw shell! Wow!

fuck off beans



Worrywort, the active skill, gives -21 defense and a 30% decrease to damage while active.
It only activates at 40% or less health.

The long and short of it is that if you're getting your ass kicked, it makes it easier for you to get your ass kicked.

Heat gauge.

Every GL attack is overall nerfed, but shelling now increases heat. Depending at what heat level you are, your attacks can get buffed and at max level your attacks are stronger than ever. But if you overheat your weapon, you are locked at minimum heat level for a certain time, so the weapon is super technical now. Many people are whining at the changes, but I think it's an interesting answer to how to make both pokes and shelling relevant in battle.

GL should really be 360 because it's shitty and overheats.

Anime Weeaboo Swords (plural) or Manly Westaboo Sword (plus complimentary useless shield)?
I just wanna run in, slap/slash some shit, and then fuck off without tripping people like Weeaboo Sword (singular) does

>lance is slim ps3
>gl is fat ps3

it's shit

Striker SnS and Adept LS. If I see a Lance faggot online, I'm tripping him every chance I get.

>GS is best
I respectfully disagree.

cat, adult kiss, etc

They're giving out keys in a couple minutes on the monster hunter Twitter

What style/weapon combo do you love using but no one else seems to like?

Aerial GS repping

You'd give an adult cat a kiss and etc?

>tfw sunk 35 hours in the demo
I love monster hunter.

I love Monster Hunter!
Except X.
And Frontier.
And Online.



The more I hunt the 4 flagships, the more I like them. Raizex is still a bit iffy, but the rest are well-designed and fun to fight imo

>The reflection off of Tama's scales
>The sheer size of Gammoth
>Dinovaldo's color scheme, but fuck fighting him

I love all hunting.
No exceptions.

Though I have yet to touch Online since I decided to only to play it when it's out of beta but it seems to have decided to remain in open beta for the rest of time.

Asstalos is fantastic, though.

>too slow to snag twitter demo codes

kill me i'm too slow to live

Right, it's been a while.

Astalos' ass.

its the new thread


Yes see:

>tfw had the last one
>put 10 instead of 11


I get your general is dying, but lolno

At least you didn't fuck up and forget to put one letter in.

rules are rules, get to the new thread or else

Fuck you fast ass twitter folk. My internet went down on every code except the fucking first. Someone give me $4 or a code. I can't wait 2 days for my paycheck to get this demo.

how the fuck do you people not have $4

Lucky for you the humble bundle will be over by the time you get a paycheck so you'll just have to wait till the 30th.

>tfw not enough battle maiden outfits in MHX

I just want to have a long dress in battle, not some whore outfit. The vast bulk of the outfits like Rathian (and all the variants) are garbage, with the only decently viable one being Hermitaur R due to Recoil down +2 and Pierce Up.

>Wanting to look like japanese king arthur

We need more

The Generations demo is so damn fun I can't stop playing. All these styles and hunter arts and the new effects are just the best.

So glad I can play this instead of boring old 4U. That game is dead and old.

>implying that isn't badass as hell compared to the slut gear like Narga and Kirin

I'm mostly angry that Rathian armor is complete garbage in every single MH. I get that Gold Rathian can be handy for getting loads of carves/box items, but it serves no purpose in fighting.

Nigga just skip a meal.

I'm glad Rathian armor is shit. The fewer boring monsters with good armor, the better.

>Not wanting your cat to look like Japanese King Arthur

>not Nero

It's shit.

narga room in na

shitters welcome i'm just trying stuff out

$4 hookers
Nigga lecturing an unlearnable murrican. Food is food in Burgerland. You can't eat a code.

2 more spots.

if the second guy wants to just go let me know

Coming in.

Hey do you think X is going to be an ultimate version or what?

1 more if anybody else wants to join. gonna start soon

>mfw MHXG is announced
>mfw pirates can just pirate it and translate it like MHX
>mfw idiots who bought the game are stuck with the inferior version for an entire year


No. We're getting MH5.

Even if it's an announcement for MH5, you know for a fact that people who waited for the western release of MHX are getting buttfucked. Hell, I was able to fully play MHX just fine in 100% Japanese without being able to read a single word of it (although the translation patch came quickly anyway).

There's no reason you should be waiting around for a localization, especially when games like P3rd and MHX have proven that they'll get translation patches at lightning speed.

Why the hell would anyone want more of X? An XG would be fucking terrible.


I want this meme to end. At least X offers multiple approaches to combat, as opposed to the same old Guild style every time.

>user has left pixiv or the user ID does not exist.

>Even if it's an announcement for MH5, you know for a fact that people who waited for the western release of MHX are getting buttfucked

How when they're able to play the same game for the same length that the gooks had it before the next one? Not even that, Capcom will skip MH5 in the west because they know they're going to make 5G.

Because you're not playing the latest game. It's as simple as that.

Full pic is on monosodium glutamate if you're interested.

Why would anyone care about playing MH5 when the 5G will revamp all the weapons and add more shit like what happened with 3U and 4U?

Seriously how
Whenever I download it it doesn't work.

what kind of degenerate are you to where you like see fucking anime cats get fucked


Black Gravios urgent


I want this meme to end. At least the main series isn't infested with anime powerlevel frontiershit.

It also offers shitty hunts, shitty fps, shitty blurry graphics, shitty fov so you can't see shit and shitty unfun aoe spamming monsters making it even harder to see what's going on. X is shit. XG will just be more shit.

Because if it's anything like 4 and 4G, you can instantly continue from where you left off. Fuck waiting when you can get a head start on it.

Wait nevermind, that's a tiny version.
Go to /trash/ and ctrl+f for a monster hunter thread, I'll post it there.

Why the fuck would ANYONE want GQs back?
>Turned the game into rajang hunter
>Leveling quests aside from solo or having competent friends was hell
>Grinding just so you can get a quest with the right layout and bias
>Once you finally make the rajang population go extinct 5 times you realize you spent a thousand hours getting a GS that ends the hunt 5 seconds faster

Excellent use of buzzwords

That seems like a problem of the player, not the game.

Is it me or is the Insect Glaive not satisfying to use?

I just started playing 4U and I don't know like it doens't have any oomph or kick.

Also I can only get two extracts right? I'm just asking because there's a third circle in the hud but it never fills up.

You do know all your complaints about graphics are only applied to a N3DS right? The O3DS versions of both 4G and X are identical in terms of graphics and FPS. X admittedly only ups the graphics and FPS by a small amount when using a N3DS, but this is absolutely irrelevant for O3DS users.

I would imagine it has to do with the fact that MHX is a 1.8Gb game, while MH4U is a 4.0Gb game. Capcom massively cut down on the assets and such so that they could ship the game on the much cheaper 2Gb carts instead.

>aoe spamming monsters

I'm sure the apex monsters and waiting 2 minutes for your goddamn stones to charge was more fun.

>waiting 2 minutes for your goddamn stones to charge
Git gud shitter

Yeah, all the good players know you're supposed to stun lock the monster the moment it leaves apex for optimal play.

I didn't know you could kill an Apex monster in a solo hunt in the duration of a single stone.

Room's up if anyone wants to hunt a Steve or two
Usual Password

You can get 3 extracts, red, white and orange, you get them by using your kinsect on certain parts of the monster (red= face, etc) on most monsters red and white are easier to get than orange since it is usually extracted from the tail.

Oh okay, also does it matter what juice I give my bug?

I'll just give it a bunch of fire

You have to give it VERY specific juices to get the optimal bug. Go look up one of the various guides for that.

Sounds like a lot of work

Sword and Shield is the strongest weapon, used by the strongest hunters!