/smgen/ - SMITE and Paladins General

I hope Taro sempai will notice me edition

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first for anime is for man childs


How to build Rat and Susano?


nth for Taro is far from a shitter

I imagine you being horribly bad at this game and then discovering scylla's utter cancer kit allowing you to get kills without even trying fucking piece of of shit you think you're good at this game I bet




Sorry, I only play Janus, the epitome of skill.

you misspelled raijin lad

>janus being ridiculous invalidate scylla's cancer

ye you fucking wish I bought into your bullshit you no skill low life scylla faggot don't forget to press three for that one shot

This is some pretty weak bait.
You should go back to the shop and get a refund.


Daddy Taro pls give me your sweet balance milk!

>quick say "bait" to look like you've proven him wrong

as expected from a weak noskill nigger

Here's your (you) you so despraterly want.

I'll even give you a couple more (you) (you)

I've played until lvl 30 and then went back to LoL, but since that game is ruined, i want to get into smite again, is this also an unbalanced ruined mess that hirez doesn't even know, what to do with?

They know what they are doing, but they don't have our best interests in mind, if that make sense.

I prefer to play hot game, it's like a normal game but with me in it.

I mean, i guess they do like making skins instead of fixing the game, but the only positive change that has happened so far is the trinity buff, which brought some variation to the top lane, finally that's not a tankfest, which also gave the jungle some variation, rest feels pretty bad

I've pretty much got the gist of conquest now and feel comfortable with every role in lane but I have no clue how to jungle. Are there any youtube videos out there that are a good guide for the current season's jungle?

Are you talking about riot or hi rez, it's kinda hard to tell.

What def item would I build on assassins? I always see people picking breastplate but I figured something like discord would be better because it offers almost the same cdr and phys prots but also the passive and the 60 mage prots

void shield

>le (you) reply while still not proving anything

oh this is a buzzword for illiterate faggots demonstration ? keep it going, bring them all, I'm listening

bellona summer skin confirmed!!!

You're both fucking plebs.

>pic fucking related.

I almost always have a 2.0 k/d with this motherfucker

SWK players are always so funny to me.

>dumps entire kit on me
>does no damage
>as soon as they take any damage they ult then bird away

Hey Chac

I try not to get mad at video games, but it's hard not to get mad at people who feed uncontrollably. We all have bad games, but when you continue to try to fight after being shown you are out matched its clear you are being retarded on purpose.


ok hellsing


the fuck are you on faggot, does his cudgel does 1,2k damage with three items ? because scylla does, do you have safe to land cc burst and i-frames on your escape ? scylla does
does your ult instakills anything in the game and gives you additional shots for free because getting a kill with 2k damage is considered hard by the absolute shits for brains niggers designing this game? scylla does

Keep telling yourself they sissy boy.

Well there's the manlet

Why do mexicans main loki?

I'd still go 10-1 against all of you with him.

We need more Fernando r34.

I'd just pick tyr and laugh as you do absolutely nothing.


>pick sobek
>cc you out of your form
>cc you out of cudgel
>heal all your damage
>eat you

Smite "official" forum is funnier than reddit
>Neith is OP
>What an ability can do more than one thing? BLOATED!!!
>this thread forums.smitegame.com/showthread.php?134230-Smite-rant

>What an ability can do more than one thing? BLOATED!!!
oh lordy dont tell them about apollo


>guardian one of the best class in a game
>3 forms of hard cc
can't make this shit up


Ok I think I already know what kind of answers I'll get but here goes
If I don't give a shit about skins or avatars or anything, is it ok if I use gems to buy gods, at least for once? I got 200 gems from tut quest and a code redeem, and gaining favor is WAY too slow even with a booster, the LoL syndrome basically. I just want to play more gods, the current rotation has nothing interested for me aside from Xing Tiang and Chang'e.

Quick match. Didn't really do as good as I want. Team sucked and nobody was pushing.


Forgot pic.

It's never okay to spend gems on gods. Just play the fucking game.

You get so much favor from log-in rewards and quests, it doesn't take long to get the 5k you need.

>0-15 Wukong
>0-10 Thanatoast

Please show us the builds o' console shitter

You know that you can rent a god?

Whoops meant Hades not Thanny.

Okay, so Khumba and Ravana are in a classroom together in high school. It's time for an exam. Khumba takes out his scantron and a pencil. Khumba tries to mark his answer, but nothing happens. He keeps trying again and again. This being a final exam, he starts getting angry. Ravana sees the whole thing, looks at his brother right in the eyes, and says





Don't give it (you)s, it will only make more shitty puns.

Former lolbab here. Looking for a god with big solo carry potential similar to Jax and Tryndamere. Does shit like that exist in Smite?


>does no damage
>there are Sun Wukong players who don't build Transcendence, Titan's Bane, and Shifter's Shield

>this scrub was actually in my match
Nice anecdote though. None of which changes the truth of anything I said last thread.


Ah shit, I recognize him from my very short time on the official forums. Huge Cabra player, argues with anyone and always has to have his two cents about things.

Oh, and it wasn't even Loki that was the problem, it was Kumba Cancer.

I build Brawler's/Jotunn's/Shifter's. (With Pestilence for shits and giggles, not sure if the anti-heal stacks though.)

Anti-healing stacks.

Transcendence, Warrior Tabi, Breastplate of Valor, Jotunn's Wrath, Hide of the Urchin, Titan's Bane is what I usually go with.

No boots? I use to play no boots, but got bitched at all the time about it until I used them.

>this scrub was in my match
>your match history is public
>being this stupid
yeh i can understand now why you only play 1 god you complete and utter disappointment

Warrior Tabi is right there user. Second item.

Oh good. I settled on that build after going against a team with a Rank X Hel in Joust. Never again.

>Loki wasn't the problem
>That was literally what I was crying about in the first place
>Cc isn't fair but my main man Tyr is allowed to have it
>Also my side chick Anubis is allowed to have it too

Nobody even has to insult you, you do it to yourself.


>>Cc isn't fair but my main man Tyr is allowed to have it
>Also my side chick Anubis is allowed to have it too
Never said this. Refuted this completely probably a dozen times by now. Stay a complete moron I guess?
>>Loki wasn't the problem
He's a problem to the health of the game as a whole. My recent match history is utterly irrelevant to the objective truth of that reality.

>first game of the day
>go 14-0
>second game
>doing just as good
>third game
>start playing a bit worse
>from then forward
>shit games galore

Am I growing too old for gaming? This happens every day.

Forced 50%

Is it you?
Is it really you?!?

That happens with everyone dude. It's how modern games do matchmaking. You're slowly going to be with nothing a but bunch of shit sticks for a team the better you do throughout the day.

what do you think about scylla famolo ? too many niggers here thinks she's fine

Hey guys remember when Taro failed to get a kill that was literally handed to him on a silver platter because he was trying to show off, and then blamed it on the game?

The Artemis one?
yea, I seem to have misplaced the webbum tho.

>People dont get why he plays Tyr and Anubis

Taro is the DSP of smite.

>C'mon dood it's not my fault, it's the fucking game.

It was the one where his ally Fenrir brought him a low-health enemy and he whiffed a point-blank Fearless on it

Unless this has happened more than once, lmao


holy shit i know you die a lot

every time I see this picture, I think it's a guy holding Aphrodite's decapitated head.

what about this one?

>Season 3 SMITE
>Dreamhack just ended in what has to be the most dissapointing LAN to have hit esports since its creation
>In a desperate attempt to breathe life into their shitty game Hi-Rez takes a risk and puts a seemingly unpopular character un charge of balance
>You guessed it right it is Lord Taro
>All gods now share Tyr passive and are punished for trying to chain CC a target
>Loki is completely removed from the game along with Ao Kuang's water illusion since they bypass the risk vs reward equation (whatever the fuck that is)
>All new players are to swear a blood oath of never using cc or stealth and are taught to chant "CC will never be > than Skill ever again"
>SMITE receives a massive tide of new players
>shit people are even dropping OW to be able to play one match of SMITE with their friends
>all is fixed in the world thanks to Taro


A badly drawn Nu Wa.

This one?

Be nice please

I haven't played this game in a while, are mage supports meta yet?

I remember when I first played with Taro. Life has never been the same.

All hail lord Taro.
