/wowsg/ World of Warships Admiral

Died because no posts in one hour.

Patch 5.7 (LIVE):

Stat tracker/Stalk your favorite wowsg

>Useful Information:
pastebin.com/nuWhcW1K (POI)

>In-game chat channel
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya"
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully ranger
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

NA: [KUMA]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000021519
NA: [NTR]: na.wargaming.net/clans/1000007315/
EU(cucks): [NOFUN]: eu.wargaming.net/clans/500011239/

Previous thread:

rip in peace wows...

How is the game now?
>Died because no posts in one hour.
this didn't happened right?

>2 posts
>1 unique IP

It died because of shit edition and shit picture, both irrelevant to the game. And you did it again!

You stupid NAutists will do anything for a refuge to spam QUALITY booru kancolle shit won't you.

Yamato, a playable ship in the game is irrelevant to the game?

Show me where the ship "Yamato" is.


>lettin the general die when it was SEA/EU hours

you had one job


If it dies, it dies, let nature take it's course

So, this is it, finally we're approaching death...
May your soul find peace at the bottom of the SEA /wowsg/

الشام وكفا بالشام

I really don't get it. The game is pretty good, fun and balanced, but people would rather play trash instead.
I think WoWs just needs more marketing.

> I really don't get it. The game is pretty good, fun and balanced, but people would rather play trash instead.
> I think WoWs just needs more marketing.

they should stop nerfing fucking everything

>Game balancing with Russian characteristics

>that one ship that every unicum rushed and noobs still need weeks to get to it.

Just wait, and you'll see that the WR will normalize.

How does Aoba get more exp while dealing less damage?

Factors such as capping and defending bases, setting fires and killing planes aside from damage also contributes to your EXP gain

Fires would also contribute to damage, so I doubt that. And I also doubt the Japanese cruiser is better at AA, so that would only leave the caps.

>pretty good, fun and balanced
Maybe back in the RPS CBT, other than balanced that is.


I still have fun playing the game since CBT, but it seems like not many other people here do.
Although Veeky Forums generals always seem to have nothing but complaints about their games so I guess I'm not surprised.

just like all the botes lmao

iirc different ships has different EXp multiplier

playing pvp all the time burns me out quickly

it's a gud gaem, we need a competitive scene like lel or sc2


flags have different exp value to the ship type, at best.


I can't sexualize a whole bote without a skirt tand I don't think wg will add a dating sim

maybe a world war simulator after 6.0 or shortly after companies are added

ranked is very tense for me. regular matches are getting there, but I learned to use myoko recent so at least I'm having success, but it's still tense

Please talk me out of buying Yubari

38mm of armor

but isn't the concealment with a CE captain dank as fuck

>Less gun range than Katori
>Less torp range than Katori
>One tier higher than Katori
el oh le

you're still going to be spotted at some point

when you get spotted, you get shot at

38mm of armor is maybe enough to stop a small rice ball from citadelling you on a good day

deder than /wotg/ during US school time

How would Nagato deal with ded threads?


And here I thought we had supposedly 40+ anons lurking in the morning, or that's what Anumati claimed after his Sttawpoll gained massive "popularity" in twenty minutes.

No fuck off.

End yourself my man

Is that so?

Good morning /wowsg/!

>27% WR Today

>only constant

Both thread and in-game Veeky Forums channel have been rather dead lately. Is everybody playing Overwatch?

We're all soldiers now. Trumpeteer and I played together the other day. Some other memers would be welcome.

t. Anu

Fuck off already.

There's not much worth discussing and not much new content at the moment.

German BBs won't be here until ~August and the last patch, while it did add some nice QoL improvements and neat stuff like the spectator mode, wasn't anything really major.


Back for ranked :^)

Lunatic's ranking too, just snipe him lol
Also I thought you sold Essex?

Is it all Hiryu/Saipan for CVs in Ranked? I was away for 3 weeks.

Maybe I will sell her once Midway is buffed )))))

Dunno about SEA but NA ranked was mainly equal parts 220/301 saipans and 312 Hiryuus.
There were maybe two other 2/2/2 Hiryuus but they've ranked out now while i quit lel

>Lurks so much the community thinks you're only a redditor.


Is Nagato a rapist?

Thanks for this quality false-flag contribution!
You're doing hiroshim00t a great service!

t. Arlios

I see. The meta should be almost the same throughout the servers. Too bad about bringing Ryujo in for forced MM fun :^)

SEA is about the same.
I use 220 on Saipan after realizing how useless 301 is. Sure you can keep the sky clear with 301 but there's nothing else you can do while your team slowly but surely collapsing. With 220, I can take matters into my own hands.

Arlios i love ur vids xD very funny
+1 ubboated

Stop. All of you. Just fucking stop.

Arlios can you give me an autograph?

btw i'm a subscriber.
pls no bully

No one is being ironic.

What is Fubuki good for?

Ironic shitposting isn't an option for Americans.

Not being a gunboat.


Rude and lewd.
Fubuki is for headpats and cuddling, it's that obvious.

Figured dead thread was dead, might as well contribute for once. o7

Ah thank you :)

Thanks! No autographs though, I'm not that conceited

Confession time /wowsg/:
I honestly like Eurobeat's and Arlios videos

Sorry Bucky, but Hotel is the true and only anal queen.

Why would I not like Eurobeat's videos? Despite the presentation, he's actually giving good gameplay advice. Unlike other people who only did it for the lulz.

oh stop it you

I learned the "double tap M to look over islands" trick from him so ya he's pretty helpful.

Eurobeat is neither as bad as people here say he is or as good as the retarded redditors think

I'm completely indifferent to both Arlios and Eurobeat

Papa Jingles still #1

reminder that eurobeat got kicked out of plsgo for being to autistic

There are people who needed him to tell them this?

Yes. I didn't come out of my mom's vag with a complete understanding of wows intricacies

Pretty sure that was slipphantom tho

not eurobeat, it was the other guy

the one in tanks

is eurobeat even on na?

>Papa Jingles still #1

this desu senpai, he's got confirmed patrician taste

I really like watching jingles, though I exclusively play ships, I always enjoy listening to him rattle off WW2 vehicle facts.

I'll sometimes be having him in the background while I'm playing or video editing.

(I actually hope to one day get noticed by him)

Who the fuck is Arlios and why is he on all my goddamn /wowsg/

some redditor double dipping for more views

>introduce a friend to the game
>we're diving up and just fucking around in low tier games while he learns how to play
>having more fun than ever
maybe I should stop spending all my time in solo T10 matches and div up more often

Arlios is autistic and he's trying to copy what Eurobeat is doing except it's disgusting to watch because it reeks of /v/ and 9fag.

Eurobeat's videos is entertaining but when I see 9fag pictures, I dislike and close the video.

>Posts to /wowsg/
>Doesn't post a single link to own's channel
>Certainly fishing for more views.

Who are you quoting Arlios?

Nice try Arlios.

Okay Anu.

Post yfw Arlios is a better version of F22xFaptor

I also like Arlios' videos, even with the dumb memes. Pretty indifferent to Eurobeat though.
Although I think Jingles is probably the most comfy bote video maker. But I am autistic and get annoyed whenever he's talking about baBBies (just WASD hack xd) because even though I know he's referring to the shitters my autism flares up and it bugs the hell out of me when it feels like people tell me to do stuff that I'm already doing.

Noticed how both of them emigrated from Reddit and their first KanCancer waifu is/was Kongou?


>he expected fun in solo T10 matches

Who the fuck even is F22xFagtor?

But Mako, you should be using WASD because you're always behind your allies.

I have some fun there. But I get enjoyment from just sailing around in botes I like even if the rest of the gameplay is kind of shit.

First NA poster to include IGN and proof of subscription to me (Arlios) gets a Sims/Yubari bundle

Wrong dude m80.

Okay wave.

except I don't put any effort into my videos or stream :^)

But I already have both of those.

Hook me up senpai
