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>He's not gonna try to get the best transformation in the game

Do I main a male gnome rogue or a male nelf feral druid?

Updated model

gnomes are beyond autist tier

>mfw can barely get past tank gold proving grounds

this is fucking horrid, ive legit never tanked before

Pls offer guidance to cute shadow priest

>male gnome
>Male nelf
Well okay.

I would too like to know this. My Garrison was a mess and my followers were complete shit before I quit last. Don't even know where to begin on getting hit running but not even my shipyard was moving at a good pace.

>shit players have more losses than wins
>all good players have at least 4%+ more wins than losses
>you are below that
Time to delete wow.

Not worth it They're reducing the gold in pre patch already i've heard. Which is like a month away

>making thread almost 100 posts early

fuck off

What did he mean by this?

What class should I main in Legion if I want to lead large groups into world pvp battle?

Tank anything.

I miss MoP PvP.

Is destro or demo better for 5 mans? affl is too slow everythings dead before the dots can do their thing.

Does WoW have any actually good podcasts?

Who /gay/ here?!

>endless 30 requirement for heroics when


First of all, all PG requirement are gone in Legion.

Second, making 30 endless a requirement would just make more people learn that PG scales to gear.

What class are you maining in Legion?

I'm torn between Monk, DK, and Warlock.

Yeah I know its a completely stupid move, being able to do at least wave 10 endless doesn't mean you're good or anything, but if you can't do it you must be braindead retarded, so not even keeping the silver req when lfg is already a shit show.

mcconnell streaming

Only 100 I have is a Rogue, and I don't like what I see in Legion for them.

Considering continuing my DK who I dropped mid WoD, or my Prot Pally who was just starting it but doing the WoD grind again kills my will to continue.

Heroics are going to be what normals are now. i.e. completely irrelevant. Why bother preventing braindead people that can't find a group for mythic/+ group from playing with each other.

Who the fuck is Vjera, and why do some of the shitters that visit /rs07g/, think I'm them?

Laps around dalaran

Been playing mage for years, not stopping now, even though it's complete shit in the new melee vision the dev team has.

I don't like the direction they chose for Combat.

Torn between Priest, Shaman, and Paladin.




>an entire year of tanaan
>vengeance still bugs out half the time and is unlootable/unkillable




I like outlaw thematically, but the RNG is fucking stupid and they're simpler than they ever were ontop of that. I'd have the same experience flipping a coin over and over as I would maining a combat rogue.

>dat GoT finale

fug yeah

Anyways, is anyone else unhyped for Demon Hunters? They look so boring.

das it mane

It's funny that they actually had LESS skills in their first iteration. They had to turn some talents into baseline skills because they literally had 3 attacks and a 2 button rotation with 0 procs.

I like the theme, too, but God above I wish they had just kept Combat how it was in Mists. Maining one is suffering, but I don't enjoy the other specs like I do Combat.

what race for shaman

horde only

I've never found them all that interesting. I don't want to roll one because, just as in WotLK, there is going to be a flood of them. I still want to make one though, because I've always wanted a qt demon belf boy.

which class would it be easier to get endless 30 tank on, warrior or druid?

Can't you just put on shit gear + good weapon/trinket?

I have two Ultimate Battle-Training Stones. What do I use the on?

Sadly druid is the only tank out of the 5 I don't play. You need frequent cooldowns and control. I did it on DK.

yeah i was planning on doing that, however the only "good" trinket i have is the heirloom one(s) (both absorb and str one).

does a good weapon matter much for endless tank?

easier on druid but its fairly easy on warrior as well

>does a good weapon matter much for endless tank?
Probably not, I've been too lazy to do any Endless 30.

im more familiar with warrior than druid, got any dank tips for warrior? i feel like its going to take me a while to get close to 30 so i plan on spending a few hours practising

10 waves are always the same, just stronger and repeat 3 times. They last 1 minute each so check which ones give you the most trouble and plan cooldowns accordingly.

And if you weren't aware, fire dots on the ground from the caster actually affect enemies as well.

Is it too late to play this game?

easy mate, for waves with the assassins stand behind the fire patch and taunt them to run through. Spell reflect and interrupt pyroblasts because they hurt warriors because we lack baseline magic defensives. Take shockwave, because shit like Winged mobs get really annoying if you don't have a way to give yourself a break.

No. Many new players have started playing. If you want to play, now is the time to start.

>its a pvp kiddies 5v1 corpse camp you while spamming emotes like spastic retards episode

wonder what's going on in these guys heads

Looks like they've succeeded in making you mad.

>take regular mob
>/setscale 2.5

Ye, I don't know why people praise WotLK

>be anti-social
>"hey that guy is anti-social"
>actually it was my plan all along to be deemed anti-social so your judgement as been nullified hehe..

Orc female or tauren male

Much anger. Wow.

>average mini-gamer

They finally started moving, and they're killing rares, with an entire raid. Also they seem to be orbiting some cabal of "girls"

They're also trying to talk all tacticool in chat.

you need to buckle up then, dumbo because in Legion all around ganking won't be limited to minigamers

but what will mini-gamers be able to do when blizzard makes their gear completely irrelevant in legion and they have to play on a level field?

theres a horde guild on the server i play on (alliance dominated) that do this shit all day

sit out the front of hfc, gank people doing dailies and raid the alliance town every 5 minutes. someone has invested in a 40 man multibox, so hes always running it through tanaan jungle and stormshield every day

i have no idea what these players do outside this "schedule" of theirs

I want to love you guys but you make a thread like 100 posts early with some stupid /pol/cuck meme.

40 man multibox would crash the place, stop making shit up because you are assblasted


>40 man multibox would crash the place

No it wouldn't, and it doesn't. There are people that 80 man multibox on twitch raiding in Draenor all the time.

they are the kind of autists that I suspect would sit there and grey kill in vanilla for 8 hours a day every single day

are you talking about that dude from illidan that raids sargeras with his 40 deathknights or whatever?

>Death Knights get stuck back in fucking Archerus
>Warriors get motherfucking Valhalla


haha wtf dude and the rouges are in the dumpster

absolutely cucked ROFL

please kill me (you)

tank proving grounds can go fuck itself

what a waste of time

weird how it hasn't hit mmo-c forums yet

shitstorm is amazing

t. scrub

Oh shit!

have they actually retuned gear so that it isn't i875 for all difficulties, it was like that the last time I checked

and you dont even have 100 mounts yet

pure insanity

+55 ilvl from LFR nice meme blizzard

But why?

We want to replicate that feeling of getting an epic drop in 2005 like a Krol Blade. But we also want to make it fun for everyone, so the chances are pretty high.

>finally got the paper-covered rock

Fuck yes.

Affliction Warlocks are pretty hilarious on the PTR. I'm sitting there with 2 Boomkins and 2 Mages on me, and they can't heal me because of Siphon Life, Soul Leech, and Drain Life.

Why in the FUCK did they ruin Demonic Circle? Not only is it a fucking talent, but they also tried to force them into the same keybind so now I have to make a macro to fucking reset the portal anyway.

oh wait it was i850 for EN drops, still
this out of date yet?

Tell me about it. I've gotten all of my mounts on the lucky side.

I'm at 99 mounts now

Don't worry, they'll remove the requirement to do proving grounds so even the 10% of shitters who can't do silver can do heroics.

>TFW your name is equal parts memetic and lore-appropriate

Troll males remind me of Nosferatu.

>did endless 30 damage the instant i hit 100, a day or two after wod was released
>spent a few hours doing endless 30 healer, eventually got it
>can barely do tank proving grounds

i just want it for the achieve, i have no interest in tanking now or in the near future

Then you are horrible at tanking. Read a guide and learn your class.

thanks for pointing that out

what is this? ive seen someone use it once

Unsure between DK and monk. Both look extremely fun.

toy from current event

>Bubble the tank
>Epic dps

>off by one
paladins are never lucky

>back after over a year break
>last time i played was may 2015, played for 2 weeks
>horde get shit on in BGs
>on ded server
>tfw wasted 15$ for re-sub
lf friends so i dont kill myself. AaronGG#1950

You didn't finance your sub using in-game gold?

>dubs on vg

Consider killing yourself, dumb newfag frogposter.

tricked rofl

>lughts aout loadu fratically