/dangeru/ - VA-11 HALL-A General

Welcome to /dangeru/!
Jill's Thighs Edition

Previous thread: >What's VA11 HALL-A?

A cyberpunk visual novel game where you are a bartender, slinging drinks to waifus.

OST: garoad.bandcamp.com/album/va-11-hall-a-second-round

Official site: waifubartending.com/
Official Devblog: blog.waifubartending.com/
Official Discord: discord.gg/AjMvbyS
Demo: kiririn51.itch.io/valhalla-bar
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/447530/

Other urls found in this thread:

wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=anna graem&t=1000&a=n


Any wallpapers?

3rd for actual SLUT

Has anyone started coming up with real-life recipes for the drinks yet? I'm hoping something like The Drunken Moogle takes a crack at them.

Someone needs to make a full sized Dorothy awoo if it hasn't been done already.

I feel like my eventual suicide will come quicker than me beating this shit.

whats the name of the song playing in room

is there a button that lets you rewind text? I was alt tabbing out of full screen and accidentally hit ctrl and skipped a ton of shit


mousewheel up brings up a log

thanks mate

safe haven

Sweet jesus skyline sounds so fucking good I can't stop listening to it

What's your favorite tracks famalams?

How old is Alma? Jill makes a reference to something about "40 years ago" but maybe she was just joking.

Also, Alma's damn tall.

>finally reached the boss once
Oh for fuck's sake please don't tell me this takes much longer than a minute to kill I don't want to spend another four hours grinding to reach it again just for this to be a fucking 5 minute bullshit fight.

I just went looking through the soundtrack I downloaded, and a few of the songs I liked weren't there. Are there two soundtracks?

hello fellow youngsters

prologue and 2nd round
Anime was a mistake


>that part where it turns into a streets of rage 2 song

Base of the Titans

Every Day is Night.

I keep coming back to Snowfall and Karmotrine Dream.

Shit, what color should I get this shirt in? I'm thinking Heather Blue.


I wish I were brave enough to buy the SLUT shirt, I really do.

pic related

I wish there were more than animations than standing still and [intensify].

Don't buy anything from there, the devs get no money.


FUCK. I clicked confirm right before reading this. Really? No cut? Is there an alternative merch store? Helping the devs is why I considered it.


>Is there an alternative merch store?
Not to my knowledge. I doubt two Vuvuzelans would have the capacity to manage merchandising, which is probably part of the reason why Ysbrd is taking control of that.
Also you could probably just send an email asking them to cancel the order and refund you since it's right after you bought it.

>the boss has balls that look like single attacks but actually have two on top of each other for maximum bullshittery

Seriously considering an hero at the moment.

Are all endings that you have the flags for unlocked at once or do you get them once per playthrough? I'm only attempting this because I heard there was an ending associated with beating it.

I believe the game is only to get an achievement, not an ending. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though.

It's okay, I don't have to kill myself now. After three hours I can finally go back to playing the actual game and being comfy.

Please, teach me your ways.

Some user said that in the last thread or the one before. He posted a source which was a post by the devs somewhere stating that they get no cut.

sit in bottom right

he asked for source not a treasure hunt

I have literally no idea. It was the first time I ever got to the boss with three hearts.

Basically I just sat in the bottom right corner for the first two minutes. Right after the last green wave and right before the blue fucks that spawn on the bottom row come in move to the very back center, and only deviate slightly from that spot dodging stuff while holding X.

I got no advice for the boss. Just kinda follow paths where bullets aren't there. I was literally a second away from death when I beat it.

I'm a retard and I need help working out Virgilio's orders on day 6 and 7.

I assumed '17' meant the 17th item on the menu or a drink with 17 ingredients but I couldn't find any.

Also, something 'fake' I thought it was beer since the description read 'as close to the real thing as you can get'

Thanks in advance ;)

God DAMN that scarf-wearing piece of shit pisses me off.

Someone spoil what the fuck is up with Vergilio for me, I can't be bothered to play through again to get Sei & Stella's ending

should i get this? will it make me cry?

i like games that make me cry

Go! Go! Streaming-chan!

Don't lynch me

He was born with 17 pairs of chromosomes.

>a drink with 17 ingredients but I couldn't find any.
make one yourself

>Also, something 'fake' I thought it was beer since the description read 'as close to the real thing as you can get'
doesn't matter

Meet the staff

Every Day is Night. It resonates in my head day and night.
>That fucking sax

Do you think Dorothy (or any lillim really)'s eyes glow in the dark? Because if so holy fuck my dick.

Finally got to the boss, though I lost two hearts right before arriving 'cause I'm dumb.

Then I died within seconds.

Anime was a mistake.

Thats a nice art

Oh yeah, for that attack that has a bunch of them tightly packed together try using shift to move slower. Some user earlier told me about that and that helped specifically during that attack.

Otherwise I just held X and stayed near the middle since you can get fucked if you go too close to the top or bottom.

Anyone got a link for the prologue OST?
>inb4 ;o

Would you play videogames with Mario?

i bought it and have the files

How can I send them to you I don't know how to into torrent


Whats up with the jeans under skirt shit?

Either zip it up and upload it to mega or zip it up and create a torrent with your torrent client and post a magnet here.

Dev's already said they are working on something "ABOUT THIS EXACT THING"

It's weird. Sexy as fuck, but weird. Why wear a skirt if you're going to wear pants under it?

Pretty sure it was just a specific clothing detail which would prove that that chick had in fact seen ___Anna____.


i think for future OP you should include the google sheets with the drinks for a perfect playthrough, as well as a disclaimer that one first playthrough should be a blind playthrough

Maybe a disclaimer that the demo and prologue have different content then the main game, as well as a mention of the devs intentions to make a recipe style book

because half the thread devolves into WHAT IS 17.

Regardless, I love yo/u/ guys

Could you be so kind as to do the same for the prologue itself as well?

Augmented Eye phone app when?

I teared up a bit at the final conversation.

Then again, I honestly think I felt as gut-punched as Jill did when she learned that her girl- Ex girlfriend died. Honestly don't think I've ever felt that close to what the character themselves were feeling.

Who do people keep asking for the soundtrack? The game literally has the soundtrack in the game files, neatly organized, labeled, and in lossless quality...

Instead of the google sheet, maybe just an FAQ.

Honestly a games story hasn't hit me this hard in years, and I personally read quite a few VN's. Jill's fear about getting out of college, taking a big job after slaving away in college, then felt like she was trapped was something really relate-able to me. That whole section you talk with Alma with Jill in front of the counter really tugged at my heartstrings

Any idea what the real life version of a Cobalt Velvet would be? I want to drink, and it's my favorite thing to serve.

It would be disgusting

cola and champagne sounds pretty gross. Also
>champagne on the rocks

It's a reference to a Black Velvet, but I don't think cola and champagne work well together like what the description says it's made of

>getting kiri drunk on second playthrough

holy shit that escalated quickly. Cool exposition but god damn




who /dangeru/ here?

anyone got a screenshot of the Augmented Eye article with Hatsooneh Meeku?

>People who say the publishers didn't push the game
For the record, they've been all over Twitter for the last year or more, and they've gotten booths at several cons.

The fact that people hadn't heard of it up until we started shitposting about it on /v/ doesn't mean it wasn't getting advertised. Fuck, there were publications in JAPAN talking about it before it came out.

I think the issue was there was way more hype for this game a year ago. Everybody on /v/ knew about it and there were threads all the time. Then they kinda went silent then dropped the release date all of a sudden, kinda lost their hype momentum.

A game like this needs that because once big youtubers play through it people will settle on watching others play it instead of experiencing it themselves

I actually heard about it a few months ago. Not sure where. Remember having the OST for months as well.

Might've had something to do with their country going to hell.

Link to the jap articles?

It was linked on their twitter and I don't have time to look it up.

>followed the guide in this picture but didn't get the Sei or Miki achievements

What the fug. Just to double check, *Kira*Miki should leave after the first visit looking pretty intense, right? And when Sei visits after getting rekt and asks for a Bleeding Jane, should I be giving her something sweet and non-alcoholic like a Sugar Rush so she drinks it or something like a Moonblast where she looks dejected and ignores it?

try this famalam

Oh I get it. Anna Graem.

Anna is an Anagram.

Oh shit.

How many days are there in total anyway?

I feel like I've been forcing myself to only play in small doses to make the game last longer since I don't wanna burn through it too fast

wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=anna graem&t=1000&a=n

But for what?


Manager An

how do you actually start the new game+?
i'm scared to just hit new game, i dont want to accidentally overwrite anything

Load your NG+ save

l forgot to save after new years, that explains it

Virgillio > Gil > Deal > Mario > Art > Jamie > Inigram > Dawson

Are we dead already?

no. its too early for jill posters, thats why we signed up for the night shift.

>wrote the guide on how to 100% the game
>literally haven't even played through NG+ yet

why am I procrastinating now? after waiting for this fucking game for more than a year, why now?

I want /dangeru/ to stay :(

If you're like me, the story hit me pretty hard and put me in a pretty deep rut this past couple of days. The only thing I want to do is explore the world of va-11 hall-a more but I know that once I catch the things I missed in NG+ there is a very real possibility that will be the conclusion. I doubt the game will become big enough for a decent sequel or spinoff, and the chance of dlc seems nonexistant.