/wtg/ - Whiny Teenagers General

Teeb Pride Edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

pw is Spitfire

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units - OUTDATED -

I never thought about that, that's an excellent way to get rp, just both of you have bomber & fighter and alternate who kills who.

>First for Birds of Prey

Memes I've started:
wtg - Whiny Teenagers General
>x comes online

Ask an user who decided to shit up /wtg/ for about 8 months anything. I'm bored of this game and the general.

btw you lads should try out phoneposting it's fun

Gumby, why are you boredom974 of this game?

jesus christ learn how to use a phone

Go back to /kspg/, babbys first shitpost isn't allowed here.

Not gumby, not boredom. Not HAF either..
I also ACTUALLY started the pockrtposting. The bit with his tumblr and Reddit.

Not my webm, it's from /kspg/.


Anyway lads, it's been great fun playing and shitposting with all of you, and I wish you all the best.

Most of all, I hope Gaijin fixes this game. There is the foundation of a very fun game here. But so long as they refuse to focus on the problems with core gameplay and instead shoe horn in more vehicles it will never be truly great.

do you guys want to play some IL2 1946

>trying to start shitposting at the start of the thread

when will people learn this never works

the start of the thread is just "first for [x] Xdddd", for anyone to care about shitposts it needs to occur when there's discussion going on, new friend

If you set something up I'll join.

I don't know what game "Whiny Teenagers" is but if you'd like to discuss War Thunder there's a thread for it here

Lad I've been here browsing the general for quite some time. This is just me saying my goodbyes. I had some fun in this place, lots of namedropping and stupid shit. I'll miss it a little.

you haven't though?

You can believe what you want, I feel no obligation to prove myself. I've been playing some other video games as of late with friends and I feel like saying goodbye to something I enjoyed for a long time.

Why are you still here shitposting, new friend? No wonder this thread's called whiny teenagers general

just dropping a few shitposts before bed. Hope you have a good one mate.

>reading the old thread

holy shit how bad do naziboos get if they think Hispanos are better than MG 151s

You aren't going to bed, you're just going to stop this specific line of shitposting and then start another, until you ACTUALLY go to bed. It's actually kinda pathetic how much effort people like you put into this, it's not like wtg is some kind of mountain to scale for shitposting.


post slutty planes

even the jannies know the reality of wtg

no, I'm gonna go to bed. Night /wtg/.

By the way, this is another meme I made.

Jannies don't even try to hide the fact that they're shitposters

Not my fault you're slow at making threads.

It's pretty cringey you literally saved other peoples images from threads ages ago to try and "claim" it, user.

you're not even fooling newfags

This is the most obvious samefag I've seen all week. If he's such a newfag stop fucking feeding the troll.

>because they're not instantly posted at the same time they're a newfag
quit baiting, fuckwad

>2 posts made about the same topic to the same person 90 seconds apart isn't samefagging
k no more (you)s for you then

>take a look at Star Citizen to see if it's worth
>go to their website
>oh this looks cool
>hit the Fly now button
>tells me to select a start ship
>click one
>click the other
>click store
>ships for like $70-500+

what the fuck

>dod ur samefagging lmao xD

weren't you supposed to go to sleep user?

>he does it again



>people who don't post with identical timestamps are the same person

man talk about newfags, are you sure you're not the same guy?





wew lad





>Tiger H1
>Get to a hill to fire from to cover my team's approach on the point
>Drive in front of KT H
>He starts MG'ing me
>Gives away our position like an ape
>I get my breech shot out and have to pull back
>He proceeds to move up and just take every shot ever to the side and die
>T 3 4 as much as I can up until he dies to thank him for his service
>Centurion peeks out and hits me knocking my transmission out
>Can't depress my gun enough to get him because of le ebin smoke launchers
>Just hit escape and go back to hanger without a second thought
>He gets the kill
>Can't respawn in anything
>Get crew lock anyways
I didn't want to play anymore anyways.


>make a bunch of inane pre-written posts about the game
>shit like "my wing got shot off" or "why play planes"
>almost completely useless posts
>start spamming thread with them
>don't reply to anyone trying to argue with you
>just keep posting more shit
>jannies can't delete anything because it's still related to the game
>still succeed in shitting up the thread with IP changing without literally just posting "Xd I can change my IP"

Fucking amateur hour

I can't tell what you meant by this post but good job I think?

shitposters around here need to fucking pickup their game that's what, they need pointers on how to not shitpost

or maybe they shouldn't be given any attention, which is what they're fishing for
literally all shitposters are attention whores

>implying I'm not also a shitposter

was boom and zoom a real thing in real life or is it just a WT thing because of bad simulation?

I feel like most of the planes require it and it's so boring

You can't conveniently see under your plane IRL

>literally nobody in chat

are you retarded?

F-100 when

>Yak-17 snaps its wings at 10g

Against bombers and other planes that just fly in straight lines for hours, yes. In a dogfight, it was usually more about who spotted who first, and occasionally some actual fights happened.

>fire Nashorn at the driver plate of a Sherman about 50m away
>b o u n c e
The RNG in this game is motherfucking ridiculous

penetration tests IRL could vary 20% of the reported number due to inherit randomness in the assembly process of shells.

RNG happens IRL too

>using Yak jets
enjoy your suffering

20% doesn't even come close to justifying a long 88 not penning the front of a Sherman at point blank range

>F-4 Phantom with water injection can go a little over Mach 2
Holy fucking shit

That's not RNG tho, that's inferior shells being used and thought of as normal shells.

you don't understand how the penetration test worked

I'm not trying to justify it just kinda sick of people saying how much RNG in war thunder there is as if randomness wasn't a quality tankers faced IRL too.

well it's not RNG
but RNG models it pretty accurately in game, trying to model it accurately is legit impossible

You don't understand what RNG means.

>Get to the bottom of the page with the specifications
>It could always go Mach 2 and the water injection just added 200 or so MPH to the top speed

The fuck are you even trying to say. The fact that there was randomness in real life doesn't have any bearing on the fact that the randomness in War Thunder is BROKEN.

random number generator AKA a way to apply randomness in a game setting

RNG in war thunder is Gaijin's way of trying to replicate the randomness of shit in WW2 IRL. sure it might be implemented somewhat poorly, but it does reflect stuff that could've happened during WW2.

>stay up till 2 playing WT
>wake up at 7 for work
>do some work for like 30min
>nap till lunch
>take a 2h lunch
>play WT the rest of the afternoon while boss is in meetings
>finish the day by doing some more required work

this game is consuming me

>randomness being random is broken
lol, retard

>sure it might be implemented somewhat poorly
Yes, as in a long 88 not penning a sherman, which is what I was posting about. You're really not saying anything of worth, just replying for the sake of replying.

Has Gaijin ever divulged the type of Psuedo-RNG they are using?

I pray to god it's a uniform PRNG and not some shitty non-uniform PRNG that they pretend is uniform resulting in a bias towards one end of the scale throwing things off. This is a pretty common issue with programmers that don't read the manual very well and could be an issue if they are using some non-uniform PRNG.

I'd say +10 GE but I don't think your post even had enough effort for that much

>randomness is okay
>but not randomness for me
wew lad

>that section of the shermans plate wasn't casted consistently and is a little bit thicker than the rest

> it's from a batch of plate that had better armour qualities than average

>the 88mm shell has some slight deficiencies in the propellant mix resulting in lower muzzle velocity

>the projectile was slightly manhandled during the creation process and is somewhat deformed

Shit can happen in real life, that is what Gaijin hopes to achieve with RNG in War Thunder.

Wow, uncanny. It's like I'm really reading an official post on the forums. Well done.

>randomness being random is broken
lol, retard

Stellar counter-argument mate, are you going to give me some GE next like all the other cool kids in /wtg/ do when they run out of replies to an argument?

Please post in here so mods know this is the rightful /feg/. The other one is full of faggots who refuse ot accept #FE as a fire emblem game.


please fucking kill yourself, weebshit

nobody cares you weeb faggot

we can come and do some gayposting if you want

Reminder that there's a fifteen thousand dollar pack that has actually been bought.

Can we at least TRY and not start a Star Citizen argument?

There's no argument until someone tries to say fifteen thousand dollars for an unfinished virtual product is a good investment. Literally worse than train sim.

it's just someone rich as fuck that wants to "invest" in Star Citizen. Whoever buys that pack likely thinks as little of $15k than a normal person thinks of $60.

I just had the depressing thought of some kid seriously fucking their parents over by sneaking one of the cards or some shit.

jesus christ how horrifying

Any bank worth it's salt would can that kind of transaction before it even went through.

Could definitely imagine some kid buy one of the couple hundred dollar packs though, but that'd be able to happen in any game with microtransactions nowadays. My friends nephew spent $300 on shark cards for GTA Online with his parents card for instance.

> Literally worse than train sim

I don't understand this insult. As someone who is a proud owner of TS 2016 I don't see how train sim is a negative insult in any way.

The game is extremely fun and comfy.


>He didn't buy $3000 of virtual trains
How can you live with yourself?

There are people in this thread that have spent more on War Thunder

Shit I remember someone on the forums who spent thousands on those loot crates when they first came out trying to get the M46 Tiger.

Oh come on now, that's like 300 DLCs priced together.

you're not expected to actually buy and play all 300 DLCs.

Most of them are like $20 and provide lots of fun, and you buy the ones you want the train for. It's just like DCS just with more train options whereas DCS only has like 10 choices right now.
