PlayStation Vita General 2658 - Cute Eaters Edition

Previous Thread: >Vitagen Website (News, Translations, Guides, Wikis and more)


>PlayStation Store Sales in North America: June 28 to July 4, 2016

>Gal*Gun Double Peace Trailer

>Toukiden 2 introduces new characters and Some Old Ones

>Zero Time Dilemma Director Shares A Thank You Message For The Fans

>Lumo coming next week

>Toukiden 2 ‘Mitama Abilities’ trailer

>Adventures Of Mana Now available In west

>A Starter Guide to God Eater Resurrection

>Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization third trailer digital pre-orders include early access in Japan

>Uppers ‘Audience’ and ‘Panchira Throttle’ gameplay videos

>Atelier Firis launches September 29 in Japan



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

Other urls found in this thread:!/en-us/mid-year-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-MIDYEARSLELP!/en-us/mid-year-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-MIDYEARSLEPSVG



i miss you guys


Time to learn japanese

If not for you, tripfag, we would've merged already. Off yourself.

>Games still aren't discounted
Any day now, Sony.

Jannugen! Jannugen!

But I won't miss you.

Why does Asia PSN not get good shit like US and EU? Did I make the wrong decision?

>2 hours later
>still no blogpost
>still Unable to find page

Get your potatoes together sony


pretty much everything is vita!/en-us/mid-year-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-MIDYEARSLELP

You two have to be nice!

>using "waifu" in your game trailer

Hopefully with that bit ended now I'll get to explore outside of the school. And I better hear a new battle track cause the first one got annoying 3 hours ago.

The sale isn't updated yet, there's a bunch of PS4 sales if you go on console

It's just not fair

1-3 PS+ and a bunch of shitty games
4-6 Dont pirate ZTD
7-9 Bite the huntan gaem bullet
0 Renew my gym pass, find a job and register on Tinder

It's a conspiracy!

who gives a fuck about ps4

Come on now user

What game?

gal gun

please delete this

Who here God Eatan?

Go ahead, buy everything now, but then dont come home crying that "baaaw I paid 10 dollars for Meme run, nobody told me it would be 50 cents in an hour!"

But I refuse

If not for you all the merge-fags would have finally shut up.

Just let him be.

Me when I get home from work

Why is escha sad?

A lot more people than those that give a fuck about Vita

How about this shade of brown?

>Brown glasses-tan
I approve

How's grim fandango?
Never played it
I only have 1,60 $
Or something else?



It's ok

The buggy areas in the original game are just as buggy on the vita version though

Solle was disciplining her about taking too many odd jobs from citizens and not doing her paperworks. Happens maybe a few times too much in the game.

If these prices aren't discounted by the time I get out the shower, I'm going to be annoyed.
>someone bought Wipeout 2048 before I could
>the rest of the prices on ebay are silly
I'm already halfway there.


Good game, they did make it look a lot better than the original without fucking it up

But if you are a platfag you really need a guide, it's impossible without it


>not making yourself look like Alisa, have sex with random old men for money and spreading nasty rumours about her this way

Is there anything event differences based on the choices made?

Now I'm unsure what goddamn hairstyle to use for my hunter, I'm between 4, 7, 14, 20 and 21

Not like bad localisation matters in that game, you'll be too distracted

I don't think so. Maybe some slightly different conversations after the choice, but just about it. Never tested it though.

Can't choose, all of them are nice. Can you switch between hairstyles mid game?

Planning to buy Nepu Buran tag zombie shit or estival plot tomorrow. What to expect?

It's a big hit in Japan, selling out 4 times now on amazon and is still out of stock in some places.
They're planning to restock like 1-2 days later, though.

Personally I find it really interesting.

Got it yesterday and almost done with the first dungeon (like 5 hours). It's indeed a pretty quality game so far.

1) Story part is frequent and pretty long.
2) Fully voiced.
3) Dungeon exploration is good.
4) Mechanics are refreshing.
5) The fantasy theme ties in quite nicely with the story, dungeons and mechanics.

Some negative part I can think of for now is the combat can be a little slow and some of the mechanics feel questionable.
In particular, I'm not sure if they will work well towards the mid and late game, or necessary at all.
There is so many stuff that I'm still getting tutorials every now and then.

The dungeon exploration is probably the one that I liked the most so far.
In this game, the traps actually kills you.
At the start you're forced to fall through a pit fall dealing like 10% damage.
The next time you try your luck in another pit fall you go all the way down and you die instantly.

It also has events in dungeons. During your travel, you will meet with various characters where you can interact with them.
Apparently there's a karma bar as well, so I assume later on your decisions will have ramifications.

You can also break walls to reveal new areas.
Typically you only have around 15+ tries per run, so it's kind of fun to choose where to explore.
I think there will be other dungeon mechanics later as well, hinted by the game, but I can't be sure yet.

Together with the fantasy theme they really make me look forward to the explorations.

Interestingly there are no random encounters: you can see the enemies (a.k.a. Etrian Odyssey style), unless you're inflicted with certain status via traps (which is one of the dangers of the dungeon). I wonder there will be FOE-like enemies later on as well.

Top one is best

>In this game, the traps actually kills you.
Oh shit.


1-3 more rayman
4-6 Geki noire
7-9 Sorcery saga
0 Disgaea

Finally, time to start the game. But I remember from Burst you could choose your outfit from a few basic ones. Wonder what happened to that.

How is the story?

I'm sorry.

Doing God's work, user. Thank you very much

Dumb hat.

Don't worry
I almost finish

Tiny hats are cute, the thing that ruins the character is the glasses.

Has anyone tried Broken Age? I'd like a second opinion. I like point and click adventures. Well, I think. I like Clock Tower, and that's point and click.


Can you explain some of the mechanics that you feel are questionable? Regardless, this looks interesting. The in-dungeon events somewhat remind me of SMT, and being able to see enemies within the dungeon is pretty cool.

Yeah, I got careless and went for the chest.

In this game you simply return to base when you're wiped, so there's no game over.

However, interestingly they made a form of perma death in this game (not really).
When you are dealt critical damage or is wiped, sometimes parts of a character's body is lost.
As a result, her abilities are crippled and can't fight well.

The repairs are pretty darn expensive, so you can't afford to be reckless.
However there's no game over so there's no worry of a complete loss of progress.
The parts are the four limbs and head (and body I think).

In particular, if the head is lost the character is gone (cannot be revived) until you repair it.
It's a pretty interesting design.
Fits in with the theme (characters are dolls) as well as the drpg culture (or having some kind of perma death).

We can't change gender mid game, right?

Would you say this is akin to Hundred Knight in setting/tone?

Nep Zombies is short like Nep U but with a greater variety of characters and customization options

Estival Versus, once you add the patch, is clunkier than Shinovi Versus in terms of combat

Load times feel more worthwhile than SV since the maps are more spacious however they are more frequent during cutscenes

Ass n' Tits don't interrupt battle flow as much as SV

New poses for Shinobi Transformation prevents dull ass and titty shots from characters with long skirts and no tits

Worse characterization and writing than the other games in the series

You can't change them on creation but are already added in the terminal

The first part of Broken Age (what they released before asking for more money to complete the game) is decent, but the second is rushed garbage. Tim Schafer hasn't made a good game in years. The LucasArts adventure games he worked on are superior in every way.

I finally did it, Vitagen!



Time to kill stuff
I miss all my equipment from the japanese version

Should I play Conception 2?

How is the Vita version of Grand Kingdom compared to the PS4 version? Game seems interesting but not sure which version to get.

>bit trip
>nep nep
>ray gigant
>this is just week 1

I want to commit a crime... to my little loli wallet...

Bought it last year. It's alright, but it gets repetitive, and it's pretty easy. Chapter 9 is horrible. It's a nice card game, and for 2 bucks, I'd say it's definitely worth it.

If you're buying it for rubbing, that novelty wears off pretty quickly, unless you're easily aroused, I guess.

play the demo

how the fuck is that even a question


EU has some shitty EA sale

I hope she's talking about her feminine dick.

nice one user

>A Boy and His Blob isn't actually on sale
Total fucking bust.

The PS vita deals are actually pretty nice.
At least Sony is still acknowledging our existence.

I wasn't expecting Ashmedia to be this cute

Trillion Y/N?
Ray Gigant looks bad and nothing else really interest me besides maybe Tales of Hearts R or Lost Song.

Is Lost Song absolute shit?

Someone should tell Gust that 20 dollars is not a sale

maybe its part of week 2?

a bunch of games on the splash page arent on sale and there are some on the vita specific page that werent on the splash page, like monpiece and noire

Can you not rub the cards?
I found it a bit too lewd and stressful.
No, get user-kun.

Trillion has solid gameplay and a good story. Thing is you'll be spending a lot of time wading through menus so just be aware of that.

Not absolute but its pretty close.

Depends if the online is still alive or not


you can but its going to be harder than it should if you dont rub them

could be made easier by grinding online for rare cards

No game will ever scratch my culdcept itch.

Never noticed that her bracelet was tapped shut.

Are you serious? it takes less than a minute. Hell, less than 20 seconds, in most cases. I mean, you can choose not to rub the cards, but if you want to build a deck, you should experiment with different versions of cards.

Pretty disappointed, as that's pretty much the only game I was going to buy, but I guess that's a possibility.