/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age and Bioware General #967

Kill All Shems Edition

Previous: News:
>Daddy is gone, he left us for Beamdog
>Gameplay trailer for Obsidian's new RPG Tyranny now out
>B&W is here, new patch just released
>New ME trailer, along with new info. Most of the leaked stuff appears to be true
>Master Chris Avellone is writing an FPS or something
>There's probably something dabwg related in the steam sale: pastebin.com/v5H5Hyp1

Andromeda info: pastebin.com/BiK2KhPw

Dragon Age Shit:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Getting the worm therapy treatment

>Yar I'm a piratefag, help me break the law!

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to get comfy!

Friendly reminder that four M ass Effect books nobody asked for are coming out sometime later next year!

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm gonna marry a solaswife!!!

This post is dedicated to the free Elves who live in peace and bliss wandering the land and celebrating its glory!

Just reached Skyhold, what place should I go to first? I unlocked like 5 new locations. I've only been to Storm Coast outside of the Hinterlands so far. I'm level 9 so nothing too high level.

Is it normal for a male to get hot flashes?

Black Emporium

Haven - L1-4
Hinterlands - L4-7, L8-11, L12+
Val Royeaux - L4-6
Fallow Mire - L8-10, L12-15
Storm Coast - L7-11, L13-15+
Forbidden Oasis - L8-12, L5-15, L18-20
Skyhold - L10-12
Crestwood - L10-12, L13+
The Western Approach - L10-13, L14+
The Exalted Plains - L10-13, L13-16
Emerald Graves - L14-16, L16-20
Emprise du Lion - L16-19, L19-22
The Hissing Wastes - L19-23

Crestwood because it's low level and has the first keep, then the Western Approach
See this
What's that?

did you run into the dragon in the hinterlands
i have fond memories of getting raped by it

I'll grab my specialization then try taking the Crestwood keep.

>feminine face
Cullen or the girl from the picture?

Meredith did nothing wrong.

Can be. Are you taking meds?

Yes but it's all stuff I've taken for years

Umh what feminine face?

Fuck, meant to link other post

>White elf
Uh could you STOP white washing??

Cullen's more masculine than Anders but less masculine than Kaidan or Alistair imo

Oh my GOD I'm hungry

>been using the same bow I crafted at level 2
>still cant craft a better one at level 10

Forever stuck at 120 damage.

Daddy is so triggered...

>less masculine than Kaidan or Alistair
Is such a thing even possible?

If you don't grab tempest you're playing archery wrong

Wasn't someone in here complaining about Cass last thread? Coincidence?

Triggered by Triss...

>not picking artificer archer
Shit taste t b h


Assassin is the best spec for archer though, all its abilities are ranged and tempest has lots of pbaoes and artificer has lots of traps, both of which require to run into melee range or close to it to use

Kaidan looks like a manly man compared with Cullen

the show is America's NEXT Top Model... get it right...

I was thinking of going Assassin Archer.
What benefit does Artificer/Tempest have over assassin?
and whats a good build to go with them?
Was gonna use this build for Assassin dragoninquisition.com/assassin-archer-skill-build/#more-2495

Don't listen to tempest posters, tempest only works with daggers
Artificer's focus ability enhances shooting for a short time so it has great synergy with an archer, but assassin is also good if you like stealth

I feel so Ill
Desperately in need of a waifu to help me

Artificer is like Tempest on crack, with a decent crit chance you can spam abilities non-stop without any cooldowns. His focus ability also absolutely annihilates everything.
Never tried Assassin though.

>not wanting no cooldown so you can throw 2-3 Full Draws on enemies like dragons
>Not wanting thousand cuts to atleast 1/4 a dragon's hp

Literally why? My tanks taunt the enemies and me and the mage provide ranged dmg with some cc. If someone comes close to me I evade or leaping shot.

Assassin Archer is pretty much useless, DW Assassin is the only way to play it. Both Artificer and Tempest are killing machines, but Artificer is better in many ways. Lurk for builds.

NO waifus here m'lord

I just had the strangest mental image of Solas with an afro... is someone astral projecting onto me again?!


Hmm, I did look at some pics of afros earlier today...
Do you see any waifus around???

Anders has a shit jawline.

What about Kinetic's Artificer build? youtube.com/watch?v=OJyZiYqWMG4
Or is it not as viable after the patch.

He just looks part puerto rican or something. That doesn't make him more masculine, just darker featured.

The only thing the last patch screwed up for artificer is elemental mines, it should still work the same otherwise

I recommend you to play any build you want and respec at level 16-20 to create your own comfortable build.

Really f*ckin hate Sofia Lamb...

This is similar to what I was using, it was working perfectly fine after Trespasser release.
I would recommend also getting (upgraded) stealth and spam it with leaping shot. This way you can quickly and safely get around enemies for point blank leaping shots from behind.

... why were you looking at pics of afros?

I was browsing ME3 nexus and one of the mods had an afro

>not wanting no cooldown so you can throw 2-3 Full Draws on enemies like dragons
Yeah that's just not that fantastic and not worth picking the entire specialization for. Assassin is way more burst damage with mark of death, it's not even close.

Let's be real, it's Dragon Age: Inquisition, no matter what you pick you will beat the game easily.


>Assassin Archer is pretty much useless, DW Assassin is the only way to play it.
Spoken like somebody who's never actually played it

Elemental mines is bugged after Trespasser released and you will rip your hair out trying to use it. It broke the most fun ability of the spec so there's no point in playing it

Massive self absorbed cunt.

How many dagnas order off the kids menu?


There was no reason to use elemental mines in the first place, except if you wanted pretty fireworks. Leaping shot is better in pretty much every way.

Summer is 'ere an' its fuckin' fuckin' buzziiiin'

>no matter what you pick you will beat the game easily.
True, nightmare mode isn't even that difficult. All you need is to be like 2 levels above the place you're in and main story enemies have locked levels which is incredibly easy.

Are these people borderline retarded?

>and main story enemies have locked levels which is incredibly easy
You can scale the levels up to your player level with the new trials they added in trespasser, it's a nice change. Also makes it so you can't just faceroll dragons by coming back to them a few levels later.

facerolling made it easier for me to get all the pre-dlc achievements though

>amazon delays my ZTD order by a month
>find literally one copy in a 20 mile radius
>go buy it
>get home
>can't even play it on my PSTV until an update
why... WHY...
someone please hold me...


Well you can still turn it off and do it that way if you want, it's just nice to have the option for a challenging fight and more generally not having to constantly worry about overleveling content

Still boggles my mind to this day how they released the game with more than 3x as much generic side content than main campaign content, to the point where you can't even do it all in one run if you tried because you would hit the level cap barely halfway through doing it all. I hope they learned their lesson for Andromeda but it seems kind of unlikely given the emphasis on open world exploration. Come on BioWare, that's not why people play your games and you know it.

He kinda deserved to be arrested for being an annoying prick


>read /v/ threads
>everyone thinks it's shit
Pff... haha...

The fuck is ZTD

down a can of kestrel and i'll kick my girlfriends head in
i havent heard devvo in fucking years

So which would be best for DPS and whats the best build? (Running 2 warriors with a support mage) I'm hanging around Skyhold trying to figure out which specialization to take.

Well everyone here disagrees so you aren't going to get a straight answer, I still say Assassin, but they're all viable and relatively strong. Just watch some videos and pick what looks fun to you, you don't really need to powergame DAI at all.

Zevran Transmitted Diseases

They're all good, all can destroy dragons in a few seconds(done it myself with Artificer and Tempest, seen videos on Assassin).
IMO Artificer is the most fun.

that could never happen where i live. the consumer is treated like a fucking king in the USA. I only wish a 1/4 of that were i live.

Aritificer is the best for dps because you can use archery abilities until your focus bar fills up, then drink an offense potion and kill everything with hail of arrows in seconds. It also gives you an extra dialog option with Varric and a certain other character

>i havent heard devvo in fucking years
I somehow had that song in my head this morning for no real reason.
>Listen to it on YT
>Uploaded 9 years ago

Are you a yuropoor, user-kun?

Sorry m8, I'm just too tired to write tons of text and argue with random anons in the internets right now.

im brazilian.

Fuck it, going with Assassin Archer. Made a save beforehand if I don't like it.

I-I'm sorry

Install unlock specializations mod and do whatever you want with all this power.

im on console

. . .

Persist in the doomed world you have created.

What a cuck

Liara's nose is 10/10

It's alright I guess

Is Technomancer any good, my fellow /dag/nas?

Any good artificer archer builds?

It got shitty reviews

I don't know why, I just find the curve upwards to be really cute

user, you're just in love with her.


>tfw you meet a Chimera and it's not any weaker than in the prologue but you beat it with ease
Just Dragon Age things




I wonder if anyone here is even nearly as NEET as me


Cheer up, baby!


I haven't left my home in two weeks