/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Arizona edition

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Thank you based OP for saving us from Anumati and Rapespammer's autism.

For actual game discussion, did anyone data mine Scharn? Such as krupp, velocity, range, HE/AP damage etc

The only thing worse than using that shitposter's faggot thread is thread wars.

>Arizona edition
More like fatty fatship edition.

I thought Scharn's stats were leaked already? I don't feel like looking thru previous generals but I coulda swore someone posted some pics

The cat is so cute :3

It was only pictures unfortunately, I hope it gets leaked soon because I fear the HE will suck more than Myoko's.


China leaked some stats.



AFAIK, her shells are shit. Think german cruiser levels of shit.

>20s reload
Should be 17, fucking subhuman slavs

This is the same company that had to over buff the ever loving fuck out of Kirov's main guns lmao.

Will there ever be a non shit German vessel


WG can't even balance the existing DDs.

>Should be 17,
Balans)))) Though with 25sec traverse speed (second only to Atlanta) and 20km range, guns are okay as they are.

Reminder to keep the thread civil. Shipfu posting is fine, but keep them in sensible numbers and don't let them get out of control.

>Russia gets cool events
>Rest of the world, where the game makes the most money, gets nothing
I'm not surprised, but I'm still disappointed.

graf will be shit because the hangar is too small for tier 8 and WG already confirmed it'll be for that tier

>500 free xp for being top five xp

did I read it correctly



What even is the krappy cream? Kamikaze tier or Marblehead tier?

>500 xp for ending up in the top 5 experience earners (tier 4-10)(can be earned several times)

>small hangar size for protection against DBs >slow as fuck launches because lelelevators
>still vulnerable to hull/deck deformations anyway.
How are they going to make bong CVs worth it?


believe it my anglo outcast

8-22 July : Krasnyj Krym event

1st part : 1,000,000 credits for destroying 30 cruisers, 20 DD's and 10 BB's (tier 6-10) (can only be earned once)

2nd part : 10 November Foxtrot signal flags and 10 premium repair party consumables for inflicting 2,000,000 damage (tier 6-10) (can only be earned once)

3rd part : 10 camouflages type 6 for ending up in the first place score wise (tier 8-10) (can only be earned once)

Special reward : every player accomplishing all three task will be rewarded with the tier 5 premium ship Krasnyj Krym (+port slot and a 6 points commander).

Oh boy I am so excited for this event to be added to NA server!


They really should flip around parts 1-3 so it goes from easiest -> hardest.

WG already said it's exclusive for RU only

Yes hello this is the brother of the player named abrach. I just wanted to let his friends know he died from his weight related illness this morning. it was peaceful.

I just wanted to let you guys know he loved all of you. Also to his best friend boogbot. He just wanted to let you know that it isn't your fault he became so obese so don't blame yourself. And that you need to keep forging on ahead and overcome your own problem.

thank you goodbye

And meanwhile RU whines that part 3 is only for T8-10.
Read you cannot sealclub.

thats gay svietlana is one of my favorites


how can you be bad at the sviet?

even the bogatyr is better

I direct your attention toHotelposter is clearly still alive

Please move to the real thread, thanks.

Ok Anumati, you can stay there or preferably at /sog/ where you actually belong and we will stay here.

user you have the wrong thread, please move

>Real thread
>Filled with shitposters

user you have the wrong thread, please move

Take appropriate action against Rapespammer/"DessStar" and Anu posts for a clean general, thank you anons.

wrong thread m8

Why didn't you ask for a free bote when you had the chance?




texas was meme aa and not having that one turret be as shitty.. so what will Arizona's meme be?

Same reason your two only pathetic friends refused to accept a gift from you, I don't want my account locked for association with fraudulent credit card activity.


>thread got deleted mid-spam

Could have been worse.

>I fell for the romanian cc meme

>fraudulent credit card activity.

Did I miss something?

Curious as well on what was going on.

You missed free botes that Snoozing_mako, Abru, F22, boot, chain, etc got.

>mods deleting anime

get a hint weebs, you are not welcome here.

to be honest, with a 7-inch belt and 6x 10.5cm guns, it'd be a pretty decent Tier 1 or 2 if the guns fired fast enough.

cancervor. when are you going to comeback to the game m8. we miss your feminine voice.

So why is it fraudulent credit card activity?


So some kind of meme rapid firing ship? Also, no aircraft in tier 1 or 2.

It's not, user is just lying.

Italy was an unsinkable CV :^)


Fuck the aircraft, that thing has 8 inches of turret armor and 7 inches of belt armor. That's about as much as Mikasa on average. Sure, everyone will be shooting HE, but you're not playing Tier 1 for anything more than >fun anyway.


>rapespammer creates a new account "DessStar"
>gifts $500 worth of shit in one hour
>Anu and Mako didnt ask for anything because they know their best friend is using a stolen credit/debit card or two Paypal accounts to alternate charge backs

Crashing the general wasn't enough.


But Anu posted a pic of him accepting the Blyska and Mako got an Atlanta


Texas' midship turret is the default battle configuration. New York is cucked by boats which wouldn't have been carried into battle. Is there anything similar on NM?

do you have a screenshot including IGN? Or did you get taken for a ruse cruise?



Is this bread?

keep going


German bros where are you, can't read Deustche


and pic related is mako's one day stats.

But surely our resident aboriginal bought an Atlanta just to help Dess pull off the ultimate ruse!

Get rid of Anumati dumping his pictures because no one likes him and I will.translate it for you.


The rumours of my demise have been greatly exagerated.



That picture has no ign.

Deutsche nehmen moslemische Schwanz :)

Wait, disregard >Navada, wrong class

Mississippi is a New Mexico-class

German BBs WHEN


Do janitors even exist anymore or did they give up on Anumati


Gawdamn nazis

>Autist is mad because his early shitposting thread got deleted while based Arizona sails on.

Pensa is a great ship. How does the NO fare compared to her?

There is more than one kaga poster.
You've brought this upon yourself.
Enjoy the fruits of your shitposting.

No one has said it's you.

>dat heavy sway

I hope they put her up for sale by mid July. And I hope she won't be shit.

It will be shit ;_;


Also, it looks like Mississippi was one of the last few battleships to actually fight other battleships. So most likely going to be a premium.


That's mean, apologize right now Niff.

[Early January ARP flashbacks intensify]

I'm glad it's Russian only because I'll be out of town during that time.


Business or pleasure?

OHIO /wowsg/


I just wish we could get something like project R again. With no new lines for another month, this is getting quite stale.
