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First for waifus covered and filled with cum

>couldn't claim thread again


>tfw reading about the cute antics and troubles of Loli Potema in game is making me a little sad I have to destroy her evil spirit later

I got a solid snake for you right here

missed the bread...

as someone specializing in restoration magic, these deaths seriously piss me off.

"And now, I go to sovengarde"
"Oh it's cool I know like 75 healing spells and I have some amazing healing potions well fix you up"
"no.... no I die now... thank you, dragonborn"
"seriously, just take two seconds and a little magicka, youll be fine"
"I will see you in Sovengarde... my friend"
"how about I just heal you and we go get a drink inst..."
"I die"
"fuck it, whatever"

well shit if you're going to be a little bitch about it I'll explain it

as you get older your tastebuds start to burn out little by little, you get used to the way things taste and you crave kind of a shock to the senses

bitter things like dark coffee and strong beers offer that shock, but they aren't good in and of itself

"good tasting things" are not defined as "sweet" or "salty", they depend chiefly on aromatics.

Drinking alcohol, you let it flow over the tip of your tongue to the back, not just because it takes away from the intense bitterness, but because it promotes the aromatics of the drink, which is what you want.

that said no one is trying to pour it down your gullet

alcohol also helps people like me deal with intense emotional turmoil, it doesn't solve anything, but there's no solving some things in life. A few beers can help me float over those memories and enjoy an afternoon I might otherwise spend paranoid and morose.

memes never lose



>pickpocket has its' own tree
i realize they wanted 6 trees per archetype but this is just lame, 'thief' characters already need a fuckload of skills


But the question is, will you claim victory tomorrow?


Good thing Lockpicking is a useless tree (without mods) and there's no reason to ever spec into it.

That quest was...something else.

>tfw I haven't felt any sort of deep depression in the past several years
i get high off life

mistakes were made


so I downloaded monster mod and am playing this shit like a sort of pokemon snap with lewd mechanics, traveling until I find an interesting ripped monster and then screenshoting it for my bestiary
how do you guys are playing?


Oops, meant to reply to


>high off life
shit man that's terrible stuff, 100% mortality rate

ada, please make a facial expression, anything, sadness, anger, vomiting, anything please. Exaggerate it even, be silly. Move your face.

it didn't turn out that well

you still need to level it to open chests, regardless of perks
as you level, enemies lv and since it's a non combat skill you basically get weaker

>He doesn't have cryonics life insurance.
Pay 'em a couple bucks a month and when you die, they rush you off and cryogenically preserve your body.

We're actually really good at preserving bodies already. The issue is bringing them back. We haven't figured that out yet.

But hey, worst case you're just dead anyway. Best case, they revive you. And that's certainly better than a 100% chance of being dead forever.

make yourself useful and contribute to the booru

tfw no Mr. Snakestone for 3 days

Sorry, Wilhelm. Your violation is TBA because I'm not touching SoS with a ten foot pole. Word of warning to those who use Poser Hotkey, SoS can possible wreck your shit. It did mine.

i wish to know the textures and normal maps used in this picture

>I get high on life
I use to get high as a fucking kite, it got to the point that being high was my 'normal' state of mind. I quit once, it was great, I also got high on life, but that shit got boring fast, so I starting getting high again.

Best decision I ever made.

True story, don't stay sober kids.

Paging Longhorn


Also important, do not confuse Snake Plissken and Iroquois Plissken

I don't think my waifu is worthy, kind user

If he wanted he could just delete his cookies actually he doesn't even need to do that, he could post from incognito mode

pretty sure he was here yesterday

those are his own textures

That doesn't work anymore. They started banning public IPs.

No you fucking don't. It's trivial to open even Master-level locks at low Lockpicking in a few seconds with a handful of lockpicks. Git gud.

what'd he do

>don't stay sober kids.

Sober is highly overrated.
Most hard drugs are too though.

but i get to watch people get drunk and still have fun tho.

thanks, good to know

evading a ban takes 20 seconds

>Word of warning to those who use Poser Hotkey, SoS can possible wreck your shit

user meant that just opening the chests levels your lockpicking no matter what you do, which raises your level, but as it is a non combat skill, the level raising is inflated past your actual combat skills.

You get the best of both worlds if your friends take video with their phone.

Which the vanilla game is balanced for because obviously Bethesda expects you to take non-combat skills.

Besides, maxing out a weapon skill and an armor skill alone only gets you to like, what? level 30? What are you gonna do then? Not use any other skills because you're afraid of enemies leveling up? This game is balanced with that shit in mind.

He posted Snakestone and topless Yarti in bed.

He's not dynamic.

Tfw you realize its not gonna fit

There we go!
Maybe less eyebrows raised and more mouth open.
Also try turning on Temporal AA for screenshots.

how do I do that? the temporal thing I mean.

I have, but only one has really stuck aside from her, which is the vampire I made back in Oblivion. Every other character I've made I didn't get attached to enough to do much with them. I always figured I'd just try to focus my efforts on trying to make at least one good character.

I'm called Alice actually because of my vampire character from Oblivion, which was my first one that I posted around here. Bryn is based off of an elf I made after I had been playing with Alice for a while, that was essentially very similar to Bryn. Freckles, red hair, blue eyes, big breasts.

Pic related was my recent attempt to recreate Alice. I would have kept at it but I feel obligated to finish Bryn's follower at the very least before I focus on anything else with Skyrim.


is Ada gay?

What's not going to fit where? Did you be sure to measure everything you're working with properly? Remember, a snug fit is much better for safety! If you need to, just grab a hammer and beat the part until it's all the way in, and won't come out.

>tfw I had the option of changing my IP address.
>My ISP caught on that I was changing my IP address and apparently took that function away from me.

What a croc of shit.

Traps aren't gay.

Do you know anything about the ENB GUI, the thing that you bring up with Shift+Enter? In the upper left corner (the enblocal.ini section) there will be a menu called "ANTIALIASING". Open that up and check Temporal AA.

Try moving the eyes now.

>He's not dynamic.
Sucks for him living in a third world shithole

Takes those gloves off tbqh
You make very tender faces that don't fit well with big spiky armor shit

She looks like a girl who would lull you in, innocent and weak, then devour you when you turned your back

meant for

Is BTB's Game Improvements really recommended for Morrowind? The Magic part looks good, and the Settings/Character parts are alright, but how about the Equipment part? A lot of it seems alright, but there are a bunch of changes that don't look good at all like gutting glass durability and fucking with a lot of unique/legendary enchantments to make them a different item
Anyone have experience with using it?

Well check the bio

He's not so much knowingly gay as he is starved for any sort of affection. He could easily end up with anyone if they actually managed to put up with him.

These are all very useful tips for construction and stuff and that's exactly what I was referencing. Construction.

Dang it I knew I forgot something.

FINALLY that is perfect. Now just keep doing more of that.

>Temporal AA
where is this option? In the ENB?

So I recently switched to using UUNP from CBBE. While I have the race menu sliders for UUNP installed via bodyslide, it seems that it takes a few eons for the UUNP sliders to show up in game. I can still fuck with other sliders, but I've had to wait 5 minutes for UUNP to show up.

RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp is installed and enabled.

Any ideas?

disregard, didnt see the response

I'll keep trying then. Well the thing is all those moments where he looks shy and vulnerable would be pretty rare. Normally he actually is sorta emotionless and awkward, when he isn't acting all high and mighty.

Oh and thanks for the info.

I want to fuck that ass.

post fat waifus

user ur being lood.

Overemote until you find the sweet spot for each emotion.
Careful with those brows.

Wow thats bullshit.


Any good mage robes for men?

What do you mean they caught on? Isn't that how you get it changed in the first place?

oh you adore it dont be coy
Corruption story with Ada when?

holy shit why has no one told me openmw has mods working?
fuck im having so much fun.
the fast loading times are enough to get my dick hard.
what morrowind mods should i use?
im gota very bare bones settup right now with some bugfixes, model/texture replacers and fair magic regen.

gimme you morrowind mods.

What KIND of mage user

Good Night, tesg

You only need a good telvanni robe retexture.

No, I had the option to change my IP address with my router. I did it once after I got banned on Veeky Forums for posting "Buffscale was banned" when a mod went rogue and started banning people left and right.

I tried to change my IP address which worked for an hour or so then I suddenly had no internet. I changed my settings back to normal and suddenly I was back online. So essentially I can't change my IP address.

Ah ok. You know, I think only just now I learned how to move the mouth lol. Until then I only knew the commands MM and MFG expression.

I can't post butt because I dunno how to UNP yet and at the moment I'm using a Skykids body altered to have adult proportions and in order to make him do lewds I would need to download a Skykids SOS compatibility patch and noooo thank you.

Is there anything y'all think I could add to his bio? I've always liked to flesh out my characters.


I'm an Imperial and wearing a Telvanni robe feels blasphemous.

Okay, I'll be sure to leave them off next time I take shots of her. I wasn't sure what she'd wear since I liked to dress her in gothic lolita stuff and things like pic related, wasn't sure how to describe it so I had to go digging through Oblivion nexus for a picture of the outfit.

You should have just called your ISP and asked them to change it. Most of them have a "everybody gets one" policy. They probably didn't like that you changed it on your own.

You called?

Nibenese Battlemage. Pauldrons would be a plus, but not necessary. More of your typical 'learned scholar' than shaman.

Goodnight kebab

Also a bit of advice, maybe pick one, or very rarely two of the best screenshots for each pose you do. The last set you did was kind of high in volume.

Yeah I was not informed about changing my IP address could result in no internet until I change it back.




Neverhalls and Forgotten Halls are kinda fun.

That's definitely weird.

She's more worthy than at least 50% of the waifus on there