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first for the roster is balanced

Reminder somebody at Blizzard designed Zarya and said "yup, this is balanced".

How do I play D.va properly?

Why are Zenyatta's knees broken in the character select pose?

Roadhog is literally freelo when attacking (or defending on sudden death) on payload maps as long as you're below rank 60

I'm picking Tracer every map.
every game mode.
every comp.

And nothing you can do about it.

is it just my high lag or does anyone else experience this, sometimes i cast ultimate but when i get killed at the early stage of the animation i sometimes still have 100% of the ult charge when i respawn

surelock and taimlock did nothing wrong

godspeed if you're good

>"Genji is with you"

Don't let them see you

I can go Mei and kill you in one hit. Or worst case scenario, two hits.

>tfw 800 hour l33t snipa in TF2
>can't land a single headshot with widowmaker

why ?

Hunstman player.


Huh. Apparently my aim is terrible. This explains so much.

I played with stock rifle

7 characters are straight up better than the other 14 but I guess it's balanced yea

>dropped into 4 in progress games in a row

people who leave are literal trash scum

How many matches can I leave before I start getting penalties in Competitive?

I've recently been put in a string of unfortunate team setups where they're obviously trolling, or just being obnoxious.

Shit like 2 torbjorns on attack, or 3 Hanzo on attack for fucking hanamura, or 3 genji on defense for anubis.

I've basically come to the conclusion that there isn't really any point to playing those games, but I'm curious what the best course of action would be to do here, as I'm going to lose anyway.

I could AFK, but have the match drag on for years, and I have to keep moving my character every once in a while.

Just straight up leaving the match, but I don't really want to spam this too often as I would still like to be able to play competitive.

Anything else I can do? Feeding or whatnot does nothing to make the matches end faster at all which is unfortunate.

comp doesn't have that problem, friend.

>killing idiots as junkrat when he shits out grenades on death

Post ideas for new characters.

a new one

Heroes that can deal damage through - or deal extra damage to - shields when?

me too

granted I only started playing yesterday, but Tracer is just too much fun

>shows inrates

wat? and aim doenst matter much when you can just shoot infinitely down a corridor waiting for them to walk into it or suppressing chokes. like pharah not just randomly firing in direction of enemy always is dumb.


im level 19 atm and i really want to get golden gun skins, should i immediately start grinding competitive at level 25?

*teleports behind you*
what now?

-MEET THE _______


so when that happens i get a small amount of xp for the match and the "backfill" bonus but i the page with the bronze/silver/gold stars are blank.

does that mean that the match isnt on my record?

My idea is we add a waifu to the game.

it won't matter.
none a this matters

>try and get good at non-mercy classes so i dont fall into the cancer that is mercy maining
>i keep coming back to mercy

healing people is too much fun give me a class to get good at


get out

reminder if you don't pick your hero within three seconds you're a shitter

name then


Some people desperately need idols, it almost works like a religion. If you question their prophet they'll burn you.

mei can freeze rein through his shield i think


you first



Notable mention: Reaper in certain maps and KotH

Take a Breather
no need
orb of discord
that's the ranged stun right? flashbang
you can punch with junkrat
thank God
scrap gun is basically the same thing
>-MEET THE _______
there'll be more videos

No, only if she goes around the shield or if it breaks or he drops it. What happens if you spray the shield is the shield gets some visual icicles on it but that's it, he's not slowed.

make Zenyattas orbs hitscan

If you do the math on McCree you'll realize there's never any reason to use fth, because headshots with m1 outdamages fth, bodyshots is sufficiently high dps that you are only marginally slower at killing 200hp classes and you don't "all in" your ammunition on a move that honestly is very likely to fail to kill your target because of random bulletspread.

m1 being better than m2 is especially noticeable on the tanks, since headshotting Winston/Roadhog/D.va is piss easy and is significantly safer and more effective than trying to fth them.

On a sidenote, have you guys noticed that some heroes can't be headshotted from certain angles? for instance Bastion in recon mode can't be headshotted from behind because his turrets gets in the way. Likewise I believe Reinhardt's shoulder pads makes headshotting him extremely unreliable because most good Reinhardt's are flicking their mouse back and fourth when they melee.

Why does Reinhardt have faster movement speed than other heroes?

How about you discuss the game instead of shitposting?

Why are tanks so unpopular?
When you do get a tank its either a 24/7 Roadhog player or a Reinhardt when one of the two Genjis realize we need to push.

Every time I see a D.va its for 30 seconds before the dude realizes she can't take damage for shit and switches off.

Winston is not even worth picking.

Zarya barely qualifies as a tank. She would be better suited as a Defense class

Why is torbjorn so fucking good? once you place his turrets on a sweet spot its gonna be hard for the enemy offense/defense.

who does he move faster than?

alright watch as owg complains about everyone else

Just started playing a little over a week ago and hit level 9 the other night and got my first legendary costume; Goddess.

Favorite characters so far in order:

Any tips and how fucked/ destined for scrub tier am I?

I legit think they didn't hack in those clips desu.

rate my overbuff


ok which one of you is this


Because the turret is broken: instalocks at you and doesn't give out any indication it's firing at you

because due to the way ults charge up, it's literally a disadvantage to go anything but reinhardt or zarya, and reinhardt is boring as fuck therefore you're left with zarya which can be shut down so fucking hard if the enemy team is always aware of her shields

>Why are tanks so unpopular?
nearly every tank is a favorite character of mine.
>Winston is not worth picking

Get out.

the rank just makes it perfect


That's why he hovers

>badly designed maps
>20 tickrate
>favor the shooter
>boring/straight up stupid character design
>stale meta
>game balanced around counter picking but OP heroes have counters that suck
>any idiot can press his ultimate eventually and feel like they have accomplished something
>game does a poor job of educating players beyond the bare minimum
>easy as fuck to pick up, very low skillcap, literally for children
>some characters "mercy, lucio"
literally do nothing all game and players will thank them for doing nothing all game.

fast load time/queue time
visually appealing
can be fun very rarely
low brain power required so you can follow a movie and read a book while playing
lets face it, none of you would play this shit if it didnt say fuckin "blizzard" on it

last good game they made was D2


D3 was actually a good game you fucking idiot go back to /r/eddit if you still think it's shit

>last good game they made was D2

But I liked MoP.

have a mercy

tha'ts not true, he moves at 5.5 like the majority of the cast.

Ive never played a Blizzard game besides this one
Im here because I like the game, not because I like the company or their autistic fanbase

For a price?

>Anywhere near the Spy's level

>5 men and 1 solo vs 5 men and 1 solo
>I am the solo
>my rank is 10 below the team average


Rate me

Reminder only shitters think she's OP

because they gvae him a fucking shotgun for close range that rapes his counters, a long range, no drop off in dmg that can crit for 100+ primary fire, armor so he takes less dmg and 'heals' on the fly and an ult that charges fast and boosts his hp to a billion with armor so he can rape everyone as it also upgrades his weapons AND turret. Turret is the least of his strengths.

nah he moves faster

oh yeah the clips I watched one or two threads ago didn't seem very suspicious, I wanted to say that I've noticed some sort of fanatism in the video games world too.

It started with Chivalry, when someone was hackused ingame, some players immediately bit back "you're just saying that because he's better than you". Maybe they were right but their quick and aggressive reactions had me thinking there were more than that.


Not incorporating invisibility/disguise was the best decision Blizzard made in this game's development.

how do I know if I have a leavers penalty?

do you get a message or something?

I feel like im levelling really slowly

Her Devil skin adds that to her ult. "Heroes never die... For a price"


>was a mediocre UGC styrofoam steel 6's Scout in tf2
>just spam tracer and lucio atm in quickplay

alright lads be honest with me, what will my rank be when i finally calibrate?

>pick Widow/Hanzo on defense in qp
>spergs get mad because muh team comp meta
>tell them to fuck off back to ranked
Best feeling in the world.

probably like 10, you seem really good! :)

>First placement match
>Play Lucio
>Got a Zarya, Pharah and some other shit
>Absolutely shit on enemy team
>Second placement match
>Pick Lucio
>Absolutely SHIT on the enemy team

Won both by a landslide, why is Lucio so good?
>Someone on enemy team always switches to Lucio
>Gets most healing done card
>Speed boost all day every day
Why do Lucios insist on keeping heals up all the time? That sweet sweet speed is where it's at

Why is torbjorn so fucking good? once you place his turrets on a sweet spot its gonna be hard for the enemy offense/defense.

>UGC styrofoam steel 6's
Nobody knows what the fuck that means; competitive TF2 was a complete and total joke.

Why are we playing this game again?

What a whore, I lover her

guaranteed replies

just play the game. you don't git gud by watching youtube shits, you do it by playing.


At the end of the game under the exp bar "-75% exp blah blah" (don't know what's exactly written in english) written in red.

>tf2 matchmaking

UGC is highlander (9v9 1 of each class)

Highlander is a fucking joke. Enjoy your rank 30


Do people just not understand boob physics? They wouldn't look normal like this while she's hanging upside down, they'd be all in her face and shit

They recently released a matchmaking system for their version of competitive O_o