Why did Hitler start planning the invasion of Russia if he was already struggling with the brits?

Why did Hitler start planning the invasion of Russia if he was already struggling with the brits?
Plus, before that he even asked russia to join the Axis.

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Everyone was getting ready for war in 41, by 39 Germany was ahead but didn't know it, and they were losing ground but didn't know it. This explains an awful lot about the way the war went, I think.

USSR was Hitler's most logical enemy.

Because every day the Germans waited, the Russians kept modernizing and building their forces. It was crucial that they attacked the USSR. The USSR was still recovering from a civil war despite industrialization.

Stalin obviously wasn't ready for war, so it was logical that they'd ally through the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pack to buy time. Stalin knew the Germans will attack but never knew exactly when. By the time the Germans attacked, the USSR still wasn't ready to defend at all.

The British still was capable of defending themselves through air raid attacks and battleships, but their un-modern ground forces weren't up to par with the Germans.

>Why did Hitler start planning the invasion of Russia if he was already struggling with the brits?

Hitler had planned on invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, etc. long before the war started, his problem was that the UK didn't sign a cease fire like he expected and the longer he waited to invade Russia, the stronger they got while Germany was weakened by war.

Once he pulled the trigger, there was no turning back and Germany had to go full steam ahead even if it was the stupid thing to do.

Russia was considered a push over, and in fact, the wehrmacht pushed them over in a matter of days. But you can't occupy russia and it started fighting back.

The Wehrmacht did not have issues defeating mainland forces (France, Poland) and Hitler thought he could subdue Russia in a few months.

>Hitler had planned on invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia
Despite how events truned out, saying Hitler planned to invade Poland is doubtful

so you are saying it was an accident?
or perhaps a prank!

He never asked Russia to join the Axis. That would defeat the whole entire purpose of the Axis. His war was always planned in the east, from the moment he spoke of Lebenstraum in MEin Kampf.

What he had not anticipated was French and British interferance with Poland, and especially not opening a Western Front. The Non Aggression pact was signed in order to prevent a repeat of the last war in case the French and British did declare a state of war. It worked, and the Germans were allowed to not only have another powerful state smash Poland to pieces, but they wouldn't get caught in the same trap as what happened 20 years prior.

Hitler and Stalin were going to fight. It was all just a matter of timing.

No im saying he literally never spoke about Poland other than talking about the failed Germanization attempts by the Austrians and Prussians in Mein Kampf. He signed the German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact in 1934 and didn't really do or say anything about them up until they started triggering the shit out of him over the Danzig.

Im p sure germany invited russia into tripartite pact tho


He needed the oil, bro.

go ahead and provide something to the contrary

>started triggering the shit out of him over the Danzig.
Danzig wasn't owned by Poland in that time.

Danzig corridor*

So Poland triggered Germany by not agreeing with German requests?
Did the Finns trigger Stalin before the winter war?

>Poland quit being shitty and fucking with traffic to Danzig and telling people to embargo German stores

>OK, just let me go ahead and refuse your diplomatic envoys
>also, I'm guaranteed by France and England now so go fuck yourself Niemcy

British guarantee was signed like 5 days before Germans invaded.

Finns tried to avoid having Soviet troops stationed within their borders, and having said borders moved away from Leningrad. There were several trips, but the Soviet Union made it very clear that the Finns couldn't accommodate their demands.

So the Union moved their plans against Finland.


Stalin actually refused to believe the Germans would attack him. Even when they attacked he initally thought it was rogue German commanders.

>The USSR was still recovering from a civil
you better be kidding, recovering in 1941 ?