/wfg/ - Warframe General

Lone Tenno Operative edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


first for shitposting

this is a blue board user

not like he posted any actually juicy stuff

nth for broken starmap, and broken lighting update


reminder it's no longer a list, more of a guide.

new draco isn't in the void though

Was mag's magnetize nerfed again? Pls, I don't understand what's going on right now. Are the enemy armor reduced or what?

Reminder to fuck off before the "guide" derails another thread.

>tierqueer getting BTFO on all levels including physical

It was, beam weapons got their damage reduced on it.

damn regular loki is way more handsome than loki prime

also i CAN CONFIRM that tier3 spy missions are the best method to farm xp quickly.

For the memes

>you will never assume direct control over Nyx warframe and twerk that ass against your dick
Why keep on existing, my fellow sentient beings?

It was mass reported and then deleted.
take a guess who did it.

Polarize as nerfed as well or just magnetize?

fuck off tq
Your Trinity P Guide isn't a fucking guide, it's just "build Trinity around her 2 and 4"



Reminder: TQ got so assblasted he had a thread deleted.

So, everyone, where were you when TQ got assraped?

>kill Phorid in invasion
>"Kill Phorid" mission in Eris junction is still 0/1
Thanks DE

I was there, man. I was looking into the center of the event and chuckling in a sensible way.

Goddamn. I need a bunch of Mutagen Mass for dojo, but there's still no invasion for them.

buy them with plat goy. Only 10p for one!

Did you kill the Phorid in Eris? That's the only way.

Daily reminder that you can buy Ember Ass posters for 15 each or 95 for the set.

You have to solo him

Oh my fucking kek that OP image.

How can you fuck a Warframe?

Do you nimrods realize a female Warframe probably weighs over 500lbs?

Remember Goku's weight training? And he had to wear them on his wrist?

Those weights are Ivara's pussy.


They also don't have fucking genitals or holes because they're god damn mutated machines.

>people not understanding the purpose of fissues

the thought process was

>new players doing nodes
>wow all these relics earned
>oh wow I got all these relics I earned while doing normal shit
>let me fucking do some fissures for some fucking dank prime shit I want I can TAILOR which fissures I do for the gear I want and get better chances then the old system!

the issue is it fucks over us older players already at end game with maxed shit

we have tons of fucking keys and have no reason to experience DEAC content all over again we just grind fissures because they are the end game now and they are pointless

They either need to make a super END GAME, where each fucking player puts up a FUCKING T5 KEY for a SUPER VOID map that is like insanely hard and leave fissures for the shitters to play solo/small pub games

T5 KEYS can only be made by combining 4 flawless DUP T4 Keys.

T5 KEYS DROP 1 guaranteed PRIME PART of your choice based on key + an additional random reward from forma/cells/other resource drop table

>t5 keys have map modifiers
>you don't know the modifiers prior to entry
>they are all on VOID tile sets no fucking fissures allowed
>1 modifier for groups under 3
>2 modifiers for 4 man groups

congratulations fissures become a means to get to super end game KEYS while ALSO allowing players to farm for prime items / and shit and gear up FOR SAID END GAME thru normal map gameplay



Dude. Wukong CLEARLY has a curvy anus.

strang handjobs, dry humping etc etc.

This void change removed what little strategy and planning the game had. I don't have to use any specific build for things now. Just slap on any gear and go pub some void ass cracks.

Worth the risk

Mag giving you a handjob is the equivalent of a Prime Coked Up Arnold Schwarzenegger squeezing a go-gurt.

Would you want both polor opposite magnets clamping to your balls?

you are right.

Fissures should have sortie conditioning.

>penis in vagina is the only way an orgasm can be reached
I pity your limited knowledge of lewd, Anons.

I said holes retard. that includes nostrals and ears if that is your thing.

you lay Ivara on the liset floor an dry hump her until you cum.

just be careful your kubrow/kavat is not there smelling your ass while you do it.

it can work, I fucked a wall when I was 13 years old.

How else can I get a Mesa pregnant?

>give them the hottest bodies with the finest boobs and asses
>don't dispense genitalia
Orokangs were sure fucking vile

Read up on sumata, famalam.

You add special augments.

Be an infested.

This is not a bad idea. We need something to fucking do.

>not letting Saryn inject you with hallucinogenic, aphrodisiac serum while nyx mind controls you to a hands free orgasm

>Saryn Queef Augment

>85% Queef potential on thrust 15% Asshole Portal Opening. You must thrust in other hole to increase Asshole Portal chances.

Bonus creativity points

Yes, and?

>They removed Specters from the codex.


Nobody knows

They've been missing for a long time there user. DE are hacks, all their entries were headless and often times just Excalibur's body.

>over 500 pounds of pussy and ass
is this a problem

>No one has posted Mirage's 500lb pussy Helmet

What's the best place to farm relics?

>Doesn't do it himself

Double shitter.

>Be DE
>Release buggy update intentionally
>Fix bugs slowly over a week
>MFW the forum-retards praise us for being "good devs that care"

I...i......I deleted my Warframe image folder

A lot of game devs from other games don't fix bugs for months after a big update

triple shitter.

t. forum retard that fell for it.

the entire "build the game with me" is the latest cancer to milk money, people just dont see it and its fucking retarded.

the last decade and the current generation is at fault.

>muh beta
>muh they care
>everyone needs help

theres a reason people with money didnt touch them with a foot long stick when they started.
it wasnt even an alpha, this entire shtick atlong with all the current F2P and some P2P industry is the biggest scam recent history.

shitters didn't scan them and you can only encounter them once
they threw a hissy fit on the forums
DE didn't want to lose out on goy bux so they just removed them from the time being until they figure out a way to have shitters scan them

>T4 Survival is kill

that was the only mode that came close to 'fun' in this game for me

No what they need Is making the DEAC shit to be worhtwhile to do for everyone.

Easy way: after you finish a planet, you unlock its "hard mode" mathcmaking where you can only queue with a lv25+ frame and at least 1 lvl30 weapon. There, enemies are high level (the same on every planet to mitigate the floocking to a single one), and certain mission have increased drop chances on one thing, but reduced on others (say 3 uranus mission have +50% poly chance, but -50 plastid and credit, 3 that has +50% on plastid, and decreased credit and gallium, or gives no drops but +50% affinity...), also planets would have further modifiers like "grineer recruitment +20% enemies, but -20% of their lvl" or "corpus survalience: +5% assasin appearing chance, -50% enemy spawns" or any nightmare maules. Wihch mission/planet gives which bonus would rotate around weekly. Also, every mission have a hardmode leaderboard that resets periodically, with the top 3 teams/their clan geting braggin rights goodies (mybe temporary ones) like emblems, tatoos, dojo/liset decor.

There, unless you have everything, you always want to farm specific things, and this system would help on that, reducing the feel fo grind, but wihtout creating long-term "loot caves" and help mitigate some of the stockpiling of "side effect" materials. It also rewards/requires well equipped players/teams, and the leadreboards allows for an outlet of tryhards wihtout breaking the economy and balance like a twig. Best of all: the current shit would be still there, untuched, so any forumites complainging can be dirtected to it and told to shut the fuck up.

It still exists.

Void levels is 45-50 anyway.

it gives me no reward whatsoever

rewards is part of made it fun

They could of done the same thing with rathuum where once you kill them, they automatically get into your codex.


It's so easy to get high MR players mad. They never learn.

That's your fault for being a filthy FastShitter who tries to get multiple rewards for being skilled at the game.

Go fuck yourself.

This, no one wants to join for hour long survivals without decent rewards

I want to split open spacemoms void fissure

Forum-shitters finally put the nail in the coffin.

They hated anyone who went over 40 minutes.

DE listened to them, no there are no rewards for long missions.

Long missions are gone.


Part 3 will strike the nail.

Yeah and it's the same shit every time
>hurr, the game is in beta, we need your feedback
>provide feedback
>forum shitters immediately fill the thread, yelling how the game is fine and the devs know better
>thread locked

>They hated anyone who went over 40 minutes.
iv done many 2 hour long runs
i'm convinced the only way to not get ducat fodder is to do a goat blood sacrifice to lootcifer and rngesus

come on user you have to admit the old 5% drop chances that only occur on wave c or every 20 mins were bullshit
but atleast defense and survival were mor fun than filling up cracks.
if DE combined the refining element of new void and the missions from the old void, then it would be perfect



Thank for kind words.

I will admit DE refused to make rewards better not only by item, but by percentages also.

Yes 5% was bullshit. And they refused to make chances INCREASE as you INCREASE in mission Duration.

They could of even added an RNG Cool Down that rotates the rewards/drop rate every 60 minute run.


Why must faggots disagree with everything. Who would be opposed to leveling up weapons and warframes faster.
I cant wrap my head around these forums.

>Long missions are gone.

nobody is forcing you to extract at rotation C, you can still do long missions. Without prime part rewards. Those are for pussies.

But who is tierqueer?



>Using lootcifer and rngesus unironically
>Defending void rework

>Post Best Ass



>if you google lootcifer the first results are all warframe
is warframe the most grindiest western game?

saryn has a vagina.

google tailors searches that are relevant to your interests, numbnuts

that why I opened up IE and used bing to make sure, same results numbnuts

cats soon

And a dick.

i swear to fuck, every gameplay related claim should be required to be proved by an attached video or get your bigass mouth sewed.

Good. Can get more mastery points.