/vn/ - Wanko and ass edition

Visual Novel General #1133


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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.

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I wanna get suffocated by that ass

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the OP for my continued suffering.

I'm going to marry Wanko!

Let's make this a fat free thread. Don't post fat.


Deleting the post isn't gonna help dude...

What did I miss

Not on my watch faggot

If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it

It`s still not out?


If Koiken Otome doesn't come out today I'm ending it.

It's unfortunately been delayed until next year.

If they don`t end it tonight I am ending it

Stop being entitled.

How does someone manage to dislike ef?

By having good taste

Not even a fictional girl would want you. You'll just have to wanko off.

Chara is offering to make the LOVE of your life real!

He offers to make your ideal 10/10 imouto real. After accepting Chara's offer, the imouto you wished for will be sitting on top of you when you wake up the next day.

She will unconditionally be infatuated with you. You have the option to have sex with her if you want to. You can also choose if she can get pregnant or not.

However, in 10 years Chara will collect his debt.

10 years after accepting Chara's offer, he will show up at wherever you are living and inform you that your time is up. He will then destroy the universe. There is no way to stop him from destroying the universe unless you kill yourself and the imouto you wished for before 5 years have passed after accepting Chara's offer. Your imouto has no knowledge of the deal you made with Chara.

Do you accept his offer?


LOVE = Levels of Violence

This guy isn't a particularly good villain if you agree with what he does and says. I'm sure he'll take a more cartoonishly evil turn later on, though.

Has anyone played X-Change 1? I got it off erogedl but the .exe after installation is detected as a trojan. Ran it on virustotal and 11/52 antiviruses agree.

>using anything other than nyaa to get VNs

Why would I want a little sister? I can't have sex with my sister, that's gross.

No, he's just kind of a dick throughout and then he takes a more directly villainous role because Kenichi didn't do his job.

Well, X-Change is good, but dunno about your download. Eroge is safe normally though

I would advice you to open the exe, I will pay for any damages that incur

Yeah the torrents for X-Change on nyaa are years old and not seeded.

On the topic of erogedl: Anyone had a downloadani.me premium? Does it pay off, or is full speed still slow there?

I know it might be years away, but should we be hyped for majo koi nikki? It is highly rated on vndb by jop so it must be good right? Or is it going to be one of those visual novels that suddenly becomes shit after getting a translation?

Please user. Don't destroy my dreams.

Try kat, there is one up that should be seeded.

Or are you looking for X-Change R?

If you still have it installed could you analyze your executable it on virustotal?

oh wow this op image again
majimemers sure all original

The original yes. The series look like fun nukige so I thought I'd start from the beginning.

I am sorry to tell you user, but I fucked her and she liked it

Sorry, don`t have it anymore. But iirc I had the same problem with a download from a different source and everything was fine

I hate lolis.

Just an addendum, I did lose access to my paypal and email accounts a couple days after installation. But I'm fairly certain those events are not related as I was a bit of a computer newbie back then.

We can all agree moege is the only reason to even read visual novels right?


Alrighty as no torrent seems to be seeded anymore I'll just try to install 2, see if it's also filled with virus.

Yes. If you want to be intellectually stimulated, literary fiction is thisa way Visual novels are a place for moege, and moege only, Moogy and his cohorts be damned.

It's one of them, but not the only one.

You couldn`t tell that it was a shitposter pretending to be me?

Please focus your attention on the lack of a dank red line on your post, which would indicate that you replied to me.

Anyway here you go

Moege are cancer

That cancer is the only reason the industry is still alive.

That torrent is not being seeded right now.

Well then it must suck to be you right now. Good luck with your other games tho'

You make that sound like it is a good thing. It`s better to let it die than makeing it suffer even longer

I just stopped learning Japanese after seeing this post. It's not worth it.

This shit is form like 2001. Are W10 PCs still vulnerable to fucking viruses from that era?

What's your favourite moege?

>using windows 10


You have other problems to think of when using W10 at least

I'm using WinXP.

It's on Animebytes with 9 seeds if you have an account

Oh fuck off, do you do nothing but play old VNs on your PC? W10 is needed for other videogames.

>they fell for the "W10 is bad" meme

But it isn`t.

>He fell for the "win10 is bad is a meme" meme

X-Change 2, also from erogedl seems clean, funnily enough.

>using literal spyware

You can turn off those options if you are not a retard

Good luck running your buthanese slideshows on gentoo

>barely any hype for 2236 A.D.

Just looking at the name gives me PTSD flashbacks of this.


>Sekai Project
No, Thank You.

>Sekai Project
Yes, Thank You.

>Sekai Project
Maybe, Thank You.

God fuck that game fuck it hard

>Sekai Project.
Thank you, No.

MangaGamer did NTY not Sekai.

So I just went through my first blind run of Sharin no Kuni, got the Harem ending and the surprise heroine's ending from splitting at the very least choice. Aside from H-scenes, is it worthwhile to go through with the other endings?

There's almost no difference in events with the other endings. Every now and then the heroine will pop up to say 'btw were still dating lol' but then you do the exact same things anyway.

Was meant for
but I am apparently incompetent and accidentally erased the post number or something.

Well why not? You can skip through pretty much everything until their endings.

>Sharin no Kuni
do you have the 1.02 patch TLwiki deleted it because of Frontshill

You're not wrong, I suppose I'm just mostly asking if there's anything like significant plot changes, or is it just as says?

I'm not sure. Is there any way to check this from the game's folder?

Moege are great for those who are lonely, as they have the power to cheer em up and make them feel loved and wanted. Don't hate.

It actually makes me very sad when the moege that cheer me up get so much hate in places like /vn/

>Moege are great for those who are lonely
>tfw not lonely at all precisely thanks to moege
I'm blessed with a mad enough mind to consider vn characters real. Feels good.

was it pre-translated?

>mouse broke
>have to use shitty wired mouse instead
No more comfy VNs for me.

I know I have A patch. And it looks like the 1.02 patch may be on eroge download. Does the patch make a difference?

>tfw no Rise gf

That's sad

That's why I loved G-Senjou, I hooked up my pc to my tv and could use my gamepad to advance the text and everything from my bed

>Patch v1.01 released. Corrects a great deal of typos and alters various translations.

last available one was 1.02. Figured that it would fix more things.

Rise is shit though.

Objectively incorrect.

Ayaka > Ritsuko > shit > Chiho > bigger shit > Rise

It is, but fuck you. They make me happy.

I especially love moege about misfits that feel like they don't belong slowly forming bonds with cute girls while making friends.

The sad thing is that moe hater are absolutely fine with shitty nukige but hate vns that heal.

Are you aware if the translations were in regards to important plot details, or just some of the jokes? I'm pretty anal about typos and I didn't notice any during my run of it.

I may have to play G-Senjou again, as I haven't in at least two or so years. I was recommended Sharin no Kuni because it was by the same author, something that made itself very readily apparent early on in the plot. G-Senjou seemed to have left more of an impression on me in terms of plot and characters, however.

when did you realize that most plotge are just nukige with fight scenes?

most plotge dont have enough H scenes to be considered nukige though


Above all, please be aware that our localization is written in American English. If you are not a native speaker of this particular dialect, you may find the bits of slang and turns of phrase particular to the United States that we have employed here and there to be quite strange. We would like to ask that you refrain from reporting anything along these lines as an error. Consult Wiktionary, Google, Wikipedia, or Urban Dictionary if you really cannot figure out a particular phrase.
The Monty Python reference was originally a reference to Atashin'chi. Since Atashin'chi is unfamiliar to westerners, we went with something that was.
There are a few lines of dialogue and narrative lifted from the localized scripts of various JRPGs - when appropriate, of course. Try to see how many you can spot.
Japanese name order has been preserved. Some Japanese terminology persists, such as "nabe"; if you find yourself unfamiliar with a Japanese term, please look it up on Google or Wikipedia. And, yes, "towelket" falls under this category.
If you come across netspeak in the translation, rest assured that an equivalent Japanese term was used in the original.
Unfortunately, we had to remove Natsumi's catchphrase, "domodomo." It simply didn't work in English. Please keep her moeness in mind while playing.
Yes, we know that there's supposed to be a lisp in Touka's catchphrase. And yes, we know that there's a more natural translation for "agaru." There are reasons why they are what they are in our localization.
If you encounter a typo, misspelling, or grammatical oddity, report it here. Thanks.


>tfw it feels like you're running out of english VNs to read

>Purino Party flopped

Are we never getting Pure Girl and Innocent Girl?

Teacher-chan is pretty cute in the same way as Chizuru from Grisaia. It's nice that she has a route, even if it's a one-off scene.

What the fuck didn't flop? VNs are a dead medium, it's an old man on its death throes.

Only question now what the fuck I'll move on to after it's done.