/wfg/ Warframe General

Extend Mag edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
> forums.warframe.com/topic/668132-update-specters-of-the-rail/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Ember's throbbing cock.



Question time:

She is a cock, isn't she?

What the fuck are you fixing to do chummer?

>OD Exterm
>15 Kavat Scans with Helios
>2 Mutagen Samples


Nezha's tight boipucci


guys help me

I am running low

I repaeat

I am running low on credits and I don't know how to earn them besides sorties

Maximum alert


Oh, just an RPG about this general.
Although with the currency I'll wait till atleast 30 people vote.

I would say void but....

Speaking of, I need Nezha parts so I can dress him up like Hatsune Miku but I'm bad at DEAC because I'm a shitter and don't have the whole star chart so sorties are always locked

nth for m1 garand reloading scopeless bolt action in warframe when.

I have one. No clue what part. Could be either the chassis or the systems.

What're you offering?

>using Helios for a game mechanic that has never worked for him since he isn't able to scan plants

You have to think ahead of DE before they add shit. You have to do it by hand just like the plants on earth.

How far of relevance are you going?

I will sell you for 100 platinums

very good deal


This can't be reality


nope just a dev team with no organization
I bet if you complained on the reddit or something they will change it. They always forget previous features until it's too fucking late for example that potato crossfire invasion that was broken.


>hasnt seen feminine boy
for a faggot thread you sure say silly things

boys have penises, silly

nezha doesn't

Random prime shit or nothing, I haven't decided
I think maybe not tho

user, show me a little respect

>make a weapon with one normal and one shitty gimmick without practical application firing modes
>everyone predictably (not for DE) uses the normal one
>nerf it to "promote" using the shitty useless one.
>nerf a firing mode by reducing damage
>not adding recoil, not increasing spread
>a fucking bullet deals different damage depending on whether or not it is followed by another bullet
>the year is 2135, unironically gamedesigning like this
>all of my faces when mfw

oh its in there

or would you rather try your luck at the forums.

>tfw got all the mag prime blueprints in one day

Well it isn't like he needs it for anything

I would say this is accurate.

nezha was lovingly castrated and is now a real girl

so not even a full year?

Run Void keys or do Dark Sector missions

>void keys
What are those?


can they fix this fucking ceres invasion mission its been bugged since the update I want my reactor blueprint

No. Fuck you, buy plat and get all the taters you want from the market.

>void keys

Just keep playing it and restart if it's the bullet variety.

>Does Inaros need nerfs?
>I was one shotting lvl 20 enemies


but it's messing up my quit rate

>that name

It's either a kid, someone with down syndrome, or someone from /wfg/ trolling on an alt.

Who cares?

Eh, there is a chance for that to happen since I'm doing this alone. I won't rush the game out if thats what you're asking.

WAAAAIT wait wait wait
now wait a fucking second

is this guy serious?


My first locked thread. How did I do?

I don't want to end up on the blacklist user

name changed by glen most likely

I knew the name sounded familiar

If its the last one, plenty of people took the bait. its over 2 pages of "feedback". If this is one of you, you really shouldnt even troll about shit like this, cause theres a very high chance this will actually gain traction due to how stupid the fags on the forums are

Im pretty sure they are

>buggy on purpose
I'm in tears

You waited too long to post that, literally every patch notes thread is filled with people sucking that DE cock no matter if the changes were good or bad, you couldve posted that exact thread just about any other time.

Did they give you a reason as to why it was locked?

>Some months and they will want to nerf the MK1-Braton because it makes killing starter enemies too easy. Or they might even replace the Braton with an smg that shoots crumpled paper.

how am I supposed to react to this

Inaros tanking shit with his face and autistically firing tonkor/simulor into the rift is the new meta. He'll get nerfed either way

>Bon Qui Qui's fuckbuddy

why the fuck are you guys still fucking this piece of shit

I cannot stand that fucking DE attitude

Enjoy every ass rape from DE

Waiting for a better online diablo with guns to come out

The Division was shit

No others have been announced

Why the fuck does hikou prime even exist?

>less damage
>literally no crit
>ammo inefficient

I am addicted to space-butts.

>he doesn't know x2

So a bug removed all the floppy parts from Equinox's night form

Wha- how ?
The patch notes don't say that they touched equinox at all.

I didn't know Equinox had such a lewd body

What kind of vegetable is that?

Come the fuck on user.

They didn't, it all just disappeared randomly


>lewd body
looks like a skinny and featureless banana

if we're talking lewd bodies, banshee's premium THICC skin is basically the lewdest


tfw can't finish the orokin reactor invasion if you get that fucking grineer ship tileset

>Goes to Pluto ODD to level up Pussy
>Wave 1-3 are uncommon mods
>Wave 4 reward id R5 Uncommon


>read this while doing the invasion
>what is he talking about?
>finish mission
>must be a client bug
>get into grineer cannon at mission 2
>it doesnt "fire"
>still doesnt "fire"

i understand what tile set now

Wait what? Everyone and their grandmothers were hailing DE about how derelict is now a great place to farm relics at forums and reddit

Maglev and Mobilize are the only two movement mods worth using, right?

>using movement mods

I think you mean Rush and Armored Agility

Holding shift to sprint is never efficient when you can bullet jump across a room 3x faster then sprinting by default, let alone with slide and bullet jump mods boosting your fast

>going slow

>Holding shift
don't tell me you play without sprint toggle


nigga theres 3 way to go fast now, BJ isnt one of em.
hint, fuccboi and fuccboi V2 are 2 ways, figure out the 3rd

>It finally finish maturing
>Adarza Cat
I wanted Smeeta, but this is also fine.
Have no idea what happened to its tail though.

kittens dont have tails apperantly.
mature it and post

DE profits from lack of balance

OP stuff sells better so fuckers buy plat

it also provides with tools to farm faster so idiots have a false feeling of accomplishment or rigging the game to their favor

just like on Chroma release every mission ending with pellet flying gave double credits - everyone sat in Seimini with credit booster and at least one freshly bought for plat Chroma

only hotfixed after few days to pretend they did not know from the start


maybe steve isnt so bad. He just wants people to play his game.

dont forget the pretend bugs to give the community a sense of "involvment" and "caring".

evil as evil goes.

>maybe a CEO of a business doesnt want people's money
>he wants to spread love and fun and not live like a king

Why not just have a "hard mode" mathcmaking on every planet after you cleared it that you can only acces with at least one lvl 30 weapon and lvl25+ (so it can be used for leveling) frame, taht has the same, maximum level of enemies (~50) everywhere?

Also, in this mode just add bonuses (and maulses to offset them) to things droprates on certain missions, for ppl who want focus farm sepcific things. This would not only help reduced precived grind, but help reducing the byproduct loot/stockpile generation (so ppl would need to spend less time on farming specific things, but more often)

Hell, have systemwide modifiers too like extra enemy spawns but at lower levels (better drops, less XP), less drops and enemis, but higher stalker/zenuka/G3 spawnrate (speeds up assasin farm, at the cost of next to no loot or XP), increaed credit payout/drops but reduced lot and XP...

Have these modifiers and stuff rotate too weekly/monthly so ppl cant just stick to a single node, aand the perfect combination of drops/modifiers are not always avaliable, but not locked away forever either.

There, i fixed starmap lootcaves, reduced the feeling of grind wihtout actually reducing the time neede to accuire everything, left teh old system in place for purists, and all this is just some minor background changes not needing any serious rework (if they had teh time to add lunaro gamemode with its own rules and mathcmaking they sure as fuck have the time to tweak a few numbers and add a new mathcmaking to it)

conclave's garbage tho

they should just vomit out "cinematic" updates to maintain interest and also fuel more memes

What's the best melee for Valkyr? I'm using dual ichor rightnow





How does one mature it without naming it?

Unless I can't do that, Give me some ideas.

Hey anons, thinking about selling my account. MR19, have every single primary, secondary and melee outside of some really old event ones and every single P frame except for Ash P, and even he is only missing the BP.

Anyone got any idea where I should go to sell this account? Im done with WF, permanently, may as well get 100-150 for this turd account

gotta name first

do a get post and accept your fate

Don't ask me how I know but account selling is a thing on MPGH.net

Sure, Ill throw the bait out there see if anyone bites, thanks! Any other ideas where its good to start? I know I have to be careful since they crack down on that shit pretty hard

Why are we fighting the Corpus again? I understand the Grineer, but the Corpus seem like cool dudes.

Even Excal Prime?

oh no sadly, I started playing 2 years ago, I have everything outside of what you can get from Prime Access, and a few of the deluxe skins and such
