/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

One Day to Space Jam, Where is Collabfag Edition.

> Demo Day (Nine) is Over. Play some games and leave some feedback.

> Next Game Jam (Space)
Collab: pastebin.com/NEPv0pPC

>Next Demo Day - Demo Day 10

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> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org/
Haxe: haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: love2d.org/
UE4: unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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I choose this one

thanks for making a real thread

Shit thread. Go to

Post progress to validate this as the real thread

I'm learning C and it's going pretty well. I want to get into using SDL or Allegro to make some small games. What shit about the language itself should I make sure I have down before I try and use a library like these?

Posting in real thread without e-celebs and typos at the fucking topic.

>that guy who thinks that Vulkan/DX12 replace OpenGL/DX11
They literally target the same hardware. You aren't getting access to any new features, they're just different ways to look at the same data.


No you can keep your e-celeb shilling.

Just give up. You obviously don't know shit and you'er using a bad language (C) to get started. You don't know what the fucking hel you're doing and you should quit your while ahead.

anyone who doesn't pick blue is a moron

But green is the best, is the most balanced.

>Pick blue
>Someone has armor that blocks 1 damage
>You deal 0 damage to him 50 times
>I deal 49 damage to him 1 time.

Get rekt fucking nerd faggot.

You sound like a salty bitch, mad because he's got a game and you don't :^)

Is that what you said when you made the thread with your e-celeb shill OP?


>enchant weapon to do +1 damage
>suddenly im doing 50 more damage per turn
>redfags getting BLOWN THE FUCK YOU

Not even him but holy FUCK you are mad!

no dudes we need to embrace the meme

And accept we are awful and when are dreams come true we deserve to be ridiculed for releasing a shoddy, half added game with countless bugs

>Team at most influencial game tech company in the world re-implements OpenGL and gets a 30% performance gain

>Enemy has anti-magic spell on
>wasted money and doing no damage


How can I achieve slow player rotation in unity with a virtual joystick?

This is what I want to achieve: youtu.be/WFbOcqvHK6c?t=434 and this hastebin.com/otuzoyohud.avrasm is my virtualjoystick script (intended for android/ios touch screens).

The virtualjoystick's movement works perfectly (just not the rotation)

Sadly I still haven't figured out what to replace if (Input.>>>Getkey(Keycode.RightArrow

where my fellow /win32api/ bros at?

>Necropolis comes out
>It's a game that lasts around 8-10 hours
>People are literally shitting on it saying it's too short
>Horrible reviews on steam, the game is a flop
>Meanwhile I'm here hoping my game will last even 4 hours.

Should I just give up?

>breaking portability for the sake of using a shit API


in hell.

Yes. Try making something with actual content instead of a fucking prototype.

k i l l y o u r s e l f

>i have to make up shit - the post.

Honestly this question comes down to what the other game mechanics are.
It's like in monster hunter, you've got the great sword which is slow but deals a lot of damage, it's best used for pure raw damage. While the small fast dual blades are best for applying status effects because status is applied every hit, not based on damage.
It also depends on if enemies get hitstun invulnerability after every hit, or only after a certain threshold, and it depends on what that threshold is.

How about making it last longer

Either way, you're a fucking idiot if you pick Green.

Green has no flaws

Rekt, as always. Why do you keep doing this?

not my fault SDL is shit and everything using SDL makes my computer sound like a jet

The issue with it is it costs 35 bucks.
35 bucks for mediocore gameplay, shitty progression, no story, and 8 hours long?
It has nothing going for it. People wouldnt be complaining if it was 10 bucks, but its pricey and meh

They look like popsicles.

Can you please expand your post? I get what are you saying but I'm not really sure how to implement that, checking when the key is released and what's the hsp then play an animation and then change state?
Sorry for the inconveniences I'm still learning.

Where the lewd bunnies @

I want to see a slick bunny cunny

in the last thread

Is anyone good with python? I'm trying to search my inventory list to see if I have components necessary for this scroll but I can't seem to get it to work.


def zombify_remains():
if 'remains' in inventory:
message(' TEST TEST You have remains to animate', libtcod.red)


I googled this word.


>I googled this word.

You are now on Interpol watchlist, user.


What do I do to a variable to make it accessible from literally anywhere in Unity? Making it public static didn't work, I can't access it from a different script.

Fucking kek, sorry that you started with HTML and have no idea what a function even is.


>it's another "user stares at his code for 3 hours but writes nothing" episode

>states: standing, speeding up, running, slowing down
>standing state: if the movement key is pressed, transition to speeding up state
>speeding up state: if the movement key is released, transition to standing state. If x seconds have elapsed since entering the state, transition to running state.
>running state: if the movement key is released, transition to slowing down state.
>slowing down state: if the movement key is pressed, transition to running state. If x seconds have elapsed since entering the state, transition to standing state.

public static class

my bullying simulator is complete, now to make an actual game

Of course I don't know shit you dumb fuck, I'm just getting started.

0 -> Something different
1-4 -> Fix bugs
5-9 -> Art shit

I love you

I need to make a public static class and then create the variable as a public static variable inside it?

I assume I'd access it as class.variable?

can I punt this dragon?

yes maybe, in the future

Well shit. I didn't plan for that

cunny (plural cunnies)

Obsolete form of cony (“rabbit”).


2-5: Unity
6-9: Phaser
0-1: SFML

right there with you buddy

>It's another "I'm going to use all the free time I have today to implement something that isn't necessary useful but I want it to make the game look better" episode

Squad customization in progress. You can now give your squad leader different gear than your grunts. Also added shields and some other stuff.

Fuck yeah Season 0

graphicsdev is the most fun part of dev

>you will never be a AAA graphics programmer and spend all day optimizing shaders

I made

public static class PublicList
public static GameObject[,] MyList;

And I still can't access MyList from other classes.

Nevermind, I'm retarded. I forgot the to put class. in front of the variable when accessing it.

>screw the rules i have green hair

Do you board game too bro?

you're fucking something up there bro

this isn't even from a static class

Learnng is what these threads are about after all: besides lewds and shitposting

>Press Left arrow event:

>Release Left arrow event:

>Animation end event


>it's another "just kill me already I haven't done anything for days" episode

Yeah, when I was younger. I don't really have the time for it anymore, but I'm still into all the models and books and all that.


You should pick up some and play with your friends. Lots of cool stuff out nowadays, especially if you're looking into strategy stuff.

>You open the chest
>It's a *Puppy*
this is not ok

Progress time:
Started working on options menu, Won't affect the game too much, is mostly for resolution, music and sound volume, and stuff like that. Posting old pic because option menu is just boring letters at the moment.

If you have a bunch of units who would all do the same action (like telling units in an RTS to attack a building) would you have an action class that contains every action a unit can perform or would you give each unit their own methods?

more shitty free-to-use scifi cinematic loops go make cool space games

B-but I like your boring letters, senpai… ;_;

Starting to learn Unity/C#, still completely inept, using this tutorial: lessmilk.com/tutorial/space-shooter-unity-1

How the fuck does C# handle method declarations?


I'm getting "The name 'getInputType' does not exist in the current context" and "The name 'shootBullet' does not exist in the current context" errors, so clearly those methods are out of Update()'s scope, so how do I get them there?

Also getting "A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods" errors.

Anyone want to help me fix these fuck-ups?

Don't worry, senpai, I'll make them look cuter and post pic of them later.

I would have all units have their own action which is inherited from a base unit class. So all I would call is units.attack(target) and all the different units would go do their thing.

>I'm getting "The name 'getInputType' does not exist in the current context" and "The name 'shootBullet' does not exist in the current context" errors
Have you tried not making them private?

Thanks fampai I hope I can make some progress today with it.

Need ideas for microgames. Go!
No bullet hells please, I'm not making the next memetale

>it's a "go to sleep realizing you made 5 minutes of progress all day because you kept tabbing back into your browser" season

The methods are not contained in the class. Private is fine. Move them inside the class

Go look at the mario party games

Doesn't fix shit. Plus, private/public determines whether functions can be accessed outside their domain (eg the bulletScript.cs would be able to call shootBullet() which I want to avoid).



this is the only way i can make progress

It's time to change the font and make this thing readable

Input handling is so confusing

You can make a function non-private without making it public. Just don't prefix it with anything e.g. "void shootBullet()".

how so?

Awesome, that worked. Thanks user, you are a real hero and human being.

Now I have one final problem: I need a function in C#/Unity that determines what key the user is pressing. Currently


Gives the error "cannot convert from 'method group' to 'string'

just uninstall the internet

Clearly not working duders

You can use Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") and Input.GetAxis("Vertical") to determine whether the player is toggling input on those axes and in what direction.

will work
Input.GetKey() is a method, it needs ()