/k s p g/ [REDACTED] shitposting general

>1:1 mouse/joystick

>Can the game be considered a full release?
No, for all intents and purposes, KSP should be considered still in early access state. The game is nowhere near being able to stand on its own legs both from a gameplay perspective (career mode is definitely not ready and balanced) and a stability perspective. There are still major bugs and memory leaks that shouldn't exist on a finished game.

>Are there big issues with the game?
Bugs and instability are still real and frequent problems, as with every product still in beta. Ask in thread for details.

>What are the devs doing?
The most recent update (1.1) was supposedly going to bring a complete overhaul of the GUI, be 64bit friendly, have a refined physics/heating/aero model and generally perform better. While achieving none of these goals, the game is now more unstable than ever, with many users being unable to use the game at all. An external team with heavily questionable experience (Flying Tiger Entertainment) is being tasked with porting the game to PS4, XboxOne and Wii U, with a release deadline that seems to keep slipping.

>Should I buy the game?
KSP is very enjoyable at first, then it usually needs to be modded to retain some sort of longevity, but doing so may dramatically increase the instability of the game. You will be very familiar with the word "Oops!". The Developers, Squad, have shown many times that they can't handle the project and are trying to squeeze all the money they can with the least amount of effort and with controversial PR tactics. The general consensus at /kspg/ is that you should torrent the game, not because the game itself is unplayable, but because most of us agree that Squad does not deserve your money.

Other urls found in this thread:

abandonia.com/en/games/183/Buzz Aldrins Race into Space.html

Previous thread: >Trailer:

>Dev Stream:


>Game site

>KSP mods
dropbox.com/s/atzhizfw7pxjdoa/RLA_ProbeParts.zip?dl=0 (RLA probe parts, /kspg/ exclusive)
forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50701-c (forum mod list)
forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/4-add-ons/ (mod subforums)
spacedock.info/ (community mod repository)


>Party-approved rendezvous and docking tutorials

>Some useful calculators
ksp.olex.biz/ (phase angle calculator, for planning trips to other planets)
forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/87463-1 (deltaV map)

>Official forum

>Hotkeys for operating your craft that are never mentioned anywhere else.

>Official /kspg/ fan fiction

>List of IRL launches.

>View from the ISS:

>Race Into Space

>Original BARIS for DOSBox scaling and filters and shit
abandonia.com/en/games/183/Buzz Aldrins Race into Space.html

BARIS, Orbiter, Space Engine, OpenTTD, Take On Mars, Project CARS, ULA posting, Aurora, and planes are also welcome ITT.


NOTE: "kerbal" anywhere in the OP as well as "kspg" in the subject cause the thread to autosage. Please use [REDACTED] in place of these terms when making a new thread.

Real thread.

second for why God


Fourth for goddamn is the control scheme for the PS4 port useless.

Hullo. This is the comfy thread.

I would love to ride Scott Manley late into the night

Cowgirl or missionary?

>move the controller to move the mouse


how do I make roket not flip


Snek we need webms stat

Still using your phone for photos? That one looks quite good compared to a lot of your past ones.

Are you about to bully him about autofocus?

I had good lighting in the kitchen. Here's one taken 30 minutes later with the same device


No, I was serious. That one's a lot better than some of the pictures he's posted in the past.

Besides, we all know that autofocus is shit anyway, no need to bully about that.

Webms of ksp being a pile of shit?

Webms of ksp being a pile of shit.

Is squad gonna update the console versions or what

Flying Tiger might.

I seriously hope they do. Otherwise the reviews are going to be pretty horrifying.

a cute


Good joke user! Keep it up!

Hey guys! since post order doesn't matter I made another thread!


I just don't see that working from a revenue OR practicality perspective. They are fundamentally different games at this point.

>not taking on impossible burdens, dithering, then ultimately shitting the bed
Reference: Resources, Spaceport, Asteroids, Multiplayer, Career, Sandbox, Science, "beta", "1.0", 1.1 prerelease and 1.1 full release.

I believe the technical term for this is "spamming."

I dream of a day where angry user is banished to /mlp/, and we can shitpost in peace. Catrapers and MANs, yuris and plops, united under the common banner of not really liking ksp, but not hating it that badly either.

No, though, because it's more despicable than that. He's chumming the waters.

That's called an utopia, and no, while MAN exists, it will not be possible.

>8% battery

fuck you too user. I'm here for comfy why are you here and which memes are yours?


The Flockmod, if you will.


Anything is possible.




Delete this

werent we really comfy like 2 days ago

has there even been a good mod since scatterer

>no mods

All you flockmodders need to post in the goddamn thread

>Spacedock is now a known vector for malware

How bout that Multiplayer, Squad?

Get to the flocmod, coward. There's no catfucker. This is a kspg's community request for you.

I have a fun new MNU glitch in 1.1.3, kerbals leave a ghost dupe kerbal behind on the ladder when boarding craft. Can't timewarp because under acceleration ololol but the top center button for the space center works without showing up if you just click the top edge of the screen. Upon returning to the craft from tracking center, all my staging is crammed into one stage. I can't even switch to the duped kerbal to get a free scientist, it just disappears.

I'm not man.


Whoopsie, meant spaceport.

cool 5 month old news bro



Join us in the flockmod man, there's no catraper.


He's a coward, and an anti-community. What a waste of time.



Sure, but it's going to murder their reputation if they don't get some fixes in there.

They already got your money.

resources when


What do you guys think of female astronauts

pr stunts, or some other variety of pandering

Console versions are out?

they'll be done in time for our funerals


Female astronauts good
Female Kerbonauts horrible.

Girlbals have a horrible "You go girl!" look to them which I feel damages the entire concept. Oh well.

what do they do about the hair

Leaked copy of KSP on the WiiU:


KSP is for planes.

Why doesn't SAS stability assist actually hold your nose level in atmosphere?
Why is there no "Just hold altitude" option?




You have to use the trim function for that.
SAS works fine, but if your plane is made so that it naturally goes up or down at a certain speed, then SAS won't correct that for some reason, so just trim your control surfaces and be done


flaillomanz you there?

Are flags limited to the size of all the default ones, or can you make bigger/smaller flags?

I want to make overlay text like "U.S.A" but there's no point if it's tiny.

Afaik they are limited by the size of the actual flag you plant in planets so you are probably stuck with that

The flags can be almost any size and the game should automatically scale it to fit.

But I'm assuming you're asking about the size of the flag that comes on the side of some parts, that is stuck as the same size it is.

However there is a mod that basically adds parts that are invisible except for a flag that scales up to be pretty large for the 3.75m parts.

Here it is: mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/222813-flag-decals-v2-3

I hope that's what you're looking for. (:

Firing up 1.1.3

Crash expected SOON.

There's NEBULA decals that uses Firespitter to make tweakscaleable decals and lets you make custom ones. I made a USA one that I'd give to you but I'm on vacation right now :^)

wew laddie

>Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump
this election has been a rollercoaster since day one

>people seriously praise nathankell's new water physics when they've made seaplanes infinitely less intuitive than they were before, just to add submarines which nobody even makes.

*children and manchildren

Good morning folks.

Sorry I missed the slopmod

No, actually, I take that back, I'm not sorry.

Take your meds.

>tfw forcing OP wars in /wtg/ again
top meme desu

I bet you were pretty assmad last night.

Not mad, just sad. It's not fun to have a schizophrenic shit up your favorite thread.

Seriously fucking pissed that I can't make a fucking seaplane

It shouldn't be this fucking hard. Fucking hell all you used to have to do was stick some air-intakes on the fuselage. Now this fucking shit, cunting around with fuel tanks mounted in stupid positions and finding you can't fucking rotate.

Why even fucking bother? Why re-do the water physics when you're just going to cunt everything up? In a game that barely runs without crashing, why piss away your time on fucking water physics, and why fucking make them worse?

>mods actually did something
weew led

>interested in getting out of the thred making game
>offer to let snek make new thread
>heavily imply I wouldn't make one

>sees implication one won't be made
>makes one BEFORE the bump limit, with corrupted OP
>have a moment to decide
>decide I will stay in the threadmaking game for awhile.

Good job.

ok pockrt.

Yes but have you taken your meds?

Maxmaps pls

Easily one of the stupidest motherfuckers on Veeky Forums right here

You sound like the guy who refused to give his logs and posted pictures of goatse and links to /kspg/ instead

Hi Max.