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"Hi. Gwen McNamara. Overseer. Welcome to /fog/ 81."

first for mods on Fallout Shellter!

Friendly reminder, Fallout 4 is not an rpg.



I have never pick pocketed anyone in Fallout 4. I don't save scum and that perk seemed like a waste as is Perception that you need I guess?

I think I just found my next essential mod.


>pickpocketed people all the time in 3 and Vegas
>never pickpocketed anybody in 4 because it really doesn't feel worth the time to have to get to level 25 and invest a dozen skill points just to be able to pickpocket somebody
It doesn't work, Todd! Thief doesn't work!

nth for vehicles coming soonTM

Now THAT could have some uses. Train uses.


Bets legendaries you've found?

Wounding 10mm is doing some pretty severe damage.

>tfw no never ending gamma gun

why are japanese modders are only hope




Where's a good place to farm them? I want a Kneecapper Laser Rifle.

There's a forklift in the game? I don't think I've EVER seen one.

eh... instigating and dead-eye are probably the best apart from exploding shotguns

survival ... machinists lair

legendary robots errywhere

>rines are overexposed just like the brotherhood
At least the Brotherhood isn't a total sausagefest. Don't get me wrong, I don't really care for or want "equal representation" or female Space Marines to suddenly be introduced or some dumb shit like that because I wouldn't play them anyway. As a concept I find Imperial Guard and Sisters of Battle cooler, I'm just saying Space Marines don't appeal to me on any level whereas at least the Brotherhood has SOME stuff going for it. They're also not oversold as being invincible ubermensch. Sure, most of the Wasteland knows that BoS Paladins are hardcore but no one gets the impression that they're "semi-immortal gods of war".

Needs a new sit animation but otherwise good

seriously, we need to get that fucking Havok SDK more publicity so people start using it

Wow, get the fuck out of here you fucking whiny SJW.

I feel like I read here once someone said PC gaming isnt very popular in japan so anyone with a PC is heavy invested in it and more likely to be skilled with some form of content creation - texturing modeling programming etc

It could also be the smaller community allows the cream to rise to the top faster?

They're mostly in quarries or loading docks of factories/stores. If you're near Wattz Electronics there's one outside.

in machinists lair I remember seeing one

I wish someone would make my cream rise to the top faster.

Or it could just be coincidence. I doubt there is anything more talented or vehicle-prone about Japanese modders than those of any other region.

I like that you only read the first sentence and failed to comprehend any of the point I was trying to make

You can choke on your pap's dick for all I care anyway, I've probably been in /fog/ longer than you

hubris comics apparently? idk I've never farmed

deadeye is shit desu, I got it for the radium rifle. I would rather control it with jet, you don't always want time to slow down it gets annoying.

I really want to find a two shot crank rifle. speaking of which, how does the multiplication work.

Say I have 3.5x sneak damage, 2x headshot damage, 1.5x suppressed weapon damage and two shot 2x damage, does it all just stack together, or does it fully multiply out.

eg base damage x 3.5 x 2 x 1.5 x 2

or is it all just added and multiplied at the end as in base damage x ( 3.5 + 2 + 1.5 + 2)

Well, _most_ any other region. I don't know how much time the Brazilians have to be modding what with Zika on their minds lately, e.g.

>bragging about being in /fog/
>playing the oldfag card
>being an SJW
Your parents must be super proud of you huh?

>Butthurt illiterate space marine fanboy
Is there really any other kind though these days?

The national guard depot is a classic spot for legendary farming.

I replayed new Vegas 4 times, but never played as a female. Are there any game differences and what mods should I use to play as a qt. I just want a nice face mod because I got armor and body covered in the OP pastebin.


Main difference is Arcade doesnt want to suck your dick when you play as female

Sweet. I'll check it out.

pirate 3dsmax/ Maya or download blender and do some tutorials, it's pretty fun

Ask Buff, look at video tuts, get the expensive-as-hell software necessary to use the Bethesda nif tools, the usual.
Though unless you have uni experience or something in modelling, you are going to have a hell of a time making anything that doesn't look like shit. And even the shit will take on the order of days of work. Modelling is really the worst.

oh yeah, and the legion won't let you into some of their sekret club meetings if you're female

That's okay, I have plenty of sketchup experience, so I'm basically an expert at this stuff.

You can have sex with Benny.

You can't fight in the Legion arena, even though the arena champion is a female NCR Ranger who's killed everyone else (they captured her while she was asleep)

First, my point was I'm not going to let some shitty little fuck come over from /v/ since the release of Fallout 4 tell me to fuck off so you can just give that shit up right now.

Second, you ignorant nigger, you can call me a SJW or a third-wave fucking feminist, and either way it won't make you less of a moron. I like grizzled but still vulnerable soldiers without a load of gay sprinkled all over it and Space Marines don't fit the bill.

Being a faggot sausagefest for Space Boy Scouts is canon. At least if a Guardsman is taking pipe it's because they're prison gay and not just "I wish I could quit you" gay.

Is it cowgirl time

hay that's not NV

Yeah whatever fag we all know you like the sausage.

"Oh no I can't think of another way to fit SJW into a sentence so I-I-I'll call him GAY that'll do it". Fuck off, cunt.

I hope so...

So I want to side with the institue, for nuclear feels ending.

I'm currently on mass fusion. Can I not do blind betrayal without fucking this up? Is it ok for me to murder maxson for his banecoat?

holy fuck, I want to direct this but FNV is one player.

Somebody ported John Marston's outfit? Jeez, that's obscure.

You can deflect the insult as being banal if you want, but it doesn't make me wrong, fag.

>Red Dead Redemption

>It doesn't work, Todd! Thief doesn't work!
I steal all the shit out in the open though.


No it's obscure that someone would port it, and fit it to a female mesh.

>non PC game
>anything but obscure to patricians

get a load of this pleb lmao

its a Rockstar game my man that's pleb as fuck

Take that weak shit back to /v/ and see if it works there, dickless. Can't even keep your panties from getting in a knot when someone says they don't like your power armored pussies and trying to blame the big bad SJW boogeyman. Bitches in britches like you make me fuckin sick, mate.

As long as you don't betray Institute, you can do BoS shit. You betray Institute if you take Vertibird to Mass Fusion instead of teleporter.

>10 int
>4 ranks in science
>3 ranks in robotics expert
>can't build the relay by myself


I don't even like 40K. I just felt like fucking with you for some red exclamation points.

>int builds getting cucked even in lore

>10 int
>4 ranks in science
>can create tons of nuclear reactors that give endless energy
>still have to fight over mass fusion reactor for bos or institute


Robotics expert not relay expert.

new low

>Piper hates synths and the institute
>Hates it when you deny the walking, talking gaping heart-wound of a fake synth son

Sure. Whatever, dickless. Go smoke your "girl"friend's kipper.

Is there a link to this? I was gonna try to port Daniel's outfit from Honest Hearts but this is better.

nice neck tattoo faggot

enjoy never being employed

No one replies when I try to actually talk about the game, and I hate all this 40K talk.

>Joke's on you I was only pretending
In this case, that's absolutely true. Although I do honestly think you're probably a fag, for having that weird picture you posted.

After 500 hours into New Vegas... I finally know how to play Caravan. and it's damn addicting.

>never ending automatic lorenzo's artifact

You know it's still pretty early but I'm going to go ahead and declare this the most pathetic post ITT.

caravan isn't even triple triad tier

You're probably not wrong.


>has a vagina
I mean as long as you don't count stripping or prostitution as employment I guess.


This killed me for some reason.

shoot him in the butt

>Hello, I'm here for the job interview.

user this is a videogame.....
also there are no jobs its the post apocalypse

Yea that's about right. What a fucking cunt. He's just pissed that he got cucked by Danse.

why do people like this unironically exist


>probably has a cushy job doing something he actually enjoys rather than being a starched shirt wageslave trapped in some cubicle
Not guaranteed but entirely possible


Is it just me or does it seem like bethesda wanted us to side with the brotherhood?

If they wanted us to side w/ the brotherhood, they wouldn't have changed them so drastically.

I mean, they probably just opened up the choice and copy pasted the main quest to give you the illusion of choice. Think about it. The main quest are just played doing the same thing but for a different quest.


Reminder to vote for Vivid Weathers.

I just used tor to drop 50 votes on Pew Lasers as well. Not hard, just tedious. If quality can't surpass mediocrity, if the cream can't rise to the top, then I will do my best to shit in the milk.

Maybe at first but they probbaly noticed how popular that whole "multiple factions to determine the outcome of the game" thing was in New Vegas and switched gears about halfway through.

Thus why Fallout 4's factions feel more like an afterthought and the game leads up to what can best be described as a non-ending.

with CBBE installed will all females have the samebody with no weight variation?

It's not like NV did much better in that regard. Or really any game ever. Go to place, do thing, killing everything in the way may or may not be required.

Literally every rpg quest ever.

>changed them so drastically

what did he mean by this?

Compare Fo3 BoS to Fo4 BoS.

There's a clear difference.

You literal fucking retard.

Only played since fallout 3 the post.

In Fallout Shelter will half-siblings make a baby? Like if a man and a woman have the same father will they make a child?

CBBE just changes the center point on the skinny/fat/muscle triangle.

if that were the case he'd have noticed the change more profoundly
