/llsifg/ - Love Live School Idol Festival General #785: Meme Poses Edition!

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JP: Dia & Ruby ScoreMatch
EN: UR Nico and Hanayo

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Yohane-sama a cute.

Umi is love.


My bbygrl Chika
In saying you loved me made things harder at best

Im trying to let you know just how much you mean to me

To quote the goat king of pop "just call my name and I'll be there"

Ilu bae

I want Dia to step on me.

>ywn play rock paper scissors with Nozomi

Burdfags, Umifags, are you prepared for tomorrow?


At least I'm a little relieved that tier will be expanded

Inb4 it's only by 100 for t1 and 500 for t2

>Watching Final Live again
>Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari

;_; still hurts.

It probably will be. Maybe Klab will keep expanding it by 100/500 every event until the cutoffs return to normal.

I don't think it'll return to normal anytime soon, especially when August has the UmiMaki events. And EN has a lot of Umi and Makifags. So the expansion won't feel like much has changed.

Diafag pls

They're increasing it by 50%.


Sorry meant to quote someone else?

What does /llsifg/ think about the anime's writer?
>Hibike Euphonium
>Kyoukai no Kanata
>Kasimasi, Girl meets Girl
>IDOLM@STER: Xenoglossia


Who here is ready for the seagull bloodbath? How many gems you have saved up?


I hope we get a flashback with those two and their kindergarten days.


>little genki but shy yoshiko

Hngg cute


80 gems, I hope it's enough.

Stop trying to deny it m8

>having Chikafag in your friends list

Can't help it if you and your friends are casuals fAm.

Chikafag goes hard.

>Getting that high with a low rank
>Pretending he doesn't love Dia

Fuck, that's actually cute. We need flashbacks of these two ASAP

Not anymore since the ship is dead.

>tier expansion in EN
Am I dreaming? Also what's the chance one of the girls is gonna be a rank reward like in JP events?

>calls her poop in Danish
>still spends hundreds of loveca and actual money to be in the top 100
More tsun than thousand Makis combined.

>replying to the autistic fanficfag

Don't be jealous.

That's simply not true.
I spent like 12 loveca at best tbch. I was just bored is all.
I just like rhythm games a lot is all.
It was just a prank is all.

More like 120

That's a cute Chika

>I spent like 12 loveca at best
That wouldn't even be enough for T2 if you started on level 73, don't lie.


>I spent like 12 loveca at best
youre not fooling anyone chikafag.

>New tier 1

>New tier 2

It's nice that Klab is expanding the tiers but don't get your hopes up.

The cutoffs will be at least 20k easier but the rewards will be the same.

I want to hug Hanamaru!

>Worldwide server
>tiers are 1/10 of one country's server

Ok MAYBE I spent the welfare loveca on the event too, just trying to get my player rank up tbch, absolutely nothing to do with Dia.
Good taste fAm.

JP has 10 times more players than EN.

I can't stop sexualizing Maru and it pains me greatly. What do I do?

>tiering for Dia when you can just roll for your bbygrl's UR

EN is a lot easier to rank for.

He'd rather tier for his "bae" apparently.

He's just an attention whore, if he didn't want people to know he was tiering for Dia he could've just changed his name

But this way you have 20 posts every thread going "holy shit Chikafag is tiering for Dia" and all the attention is probably making his dick hard

Reminder to report avatarfags it's against the rules.

>everyone unironically circlejerking over some moron pseudo-namefag
Fuck this thread, I might as well be on leddit.

>welfare loveca

Doesn't matter they just ban evade. So no I won't waste my time

>this butthurt
must be Diafags mad they aren't on Chikafags level of dedication for her.

>sucking the avatarfags dick
Either you are his friend or you are him.

He really is trying to kill all diafags and have her for himself.
Absolute madman.

ah, it feels like good ol times except instead of every other post talking about scanner they are now talking about Chikafag

stop fighting and post the cutest pic you have of your favourite raibu you bunch of fags

Why do people keep saying the ship's dead when, even if Yoshiko didn't directly show up in episode 2, the entire point of Maru's appearance was to show that she's on her way to visit Yoshiko? Sure the ED is YoYo, but the OP is pretty strongly YoshiMaru. At the very least, YoshiMaru is more valid right now than YoYo.

Only people here suck his dick. Discord isn't as circlejerky as this place.

I ship chikafag and dia desu



because the discord is dead half the time unless we are watching the new episode or livestream

>Discord isn't as circlejerky as this place
Nice try Chikafag. We all know about you and your cronies that hang out in the audio chat

yayyy, a reason to post this



Lmao he has none you loser

Im not a gambling man tbvhwu.
Diafags are shit tbqh but I'm not dedicated to her
S-shit ship fag.

Who the fuck even uses that term?
Could you be a bigger faggot?

Every Nico pic is cute but this one is the cutest, I think.

>he doesn't ship chikafag/yohanefag

more like CHIkaslag
can't even failstrat to Rank 1


Could you samefag more obviously?

Patrician taste fAm.
Failstrating is for faggots, im an honest man who does things the honest way.

I thought you wanted to kill Yohanefag

I'd never do such a thing. I love him no homo.

Could you be a bigger faggot?


but does he love you back?

Don't mind me.
Just posting Riko-chan!

O-of course! That's not even a question that needs to be asked!

I hope she finds true love in the anime.

>new medley event it's coming
>tablet started to randomly drop notes and holds


Hey guys just wanted to let you know of my namefag opinions
Chikafag is a no life loser

Subscribe and smack that like button!

I dunno, he does only say that he loves and wants to marry his Yohane-sama

Surprisingly not the worst post in this thread

Rude af tbch.
He's just shy is all.

Fuck off nigger

I hope my love can reach her in their dimension.

That's simply not true.
Look at this beautiful young lady.
How is she in any way, shape or form a nigger?
You are not only wrong but you're rude, you're a faggot and you probably eat your meals out of an unwashed asshole.
I suggest you stop posting immediately.