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HA HA! Edition

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>GTA:O Unlocks by Rank

>Helpful information for new players

>Lap time comparison for every fully upgraded GTA:O vehicle

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.35

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First for menufags give me money

>I showed up a year late to the party : the post

Second for sad infernus

The new rally cars are trash

Was thic car ever "the shit" in this game? Like back in oldgen days?

I remember Infernus from GTA3 and VC being THE toppest cars, yet here it's underaverage fuglymobile.


I always think they're cool when I see them on the street, then I buy them, and I remember why I don't have them.

not him, but on dedgen it was passable on some stunt custom races until the osiris and t20 killed the class, entity and zentorno had it in the corners and adder on the straights

literally the 3 worst racing supers were the voltic, bullet (how these 2 weren't sports IDK) and the infernus

No, only reason people had cars like it and the Cheetah and Bullet were purely for style reasons only, didn't care about the performance.
Big 2 cars were the Entity and the Adder for the longest.

I think I got like 400-500 worth in sharkcards from menufriends way back, but I eventually ran out and R* keeps adding shit that costs several million.

Ayy, fuck you mane.

that's why microtransactions are a cancer to the gaming industry

you could legit spend $500 and still not be able to access all the content in a game

Does real cash get you something not obtainable via regular gameplay?

Been a while I posted this.

Technically, yes. Returning player content requires you to buy more than just the game.

I think he means that you could spend $500 for 40 million dollars and still not have enough to buy everything in the game, especially because they keep adding more and more that gets pricier and pricier. The fact you can earn it legit has nothing to do with it.

not unless you count legit owning a dedgen copy to get a returning player bonus

otherwise the price for most items is like at least $30 for a single car or helicopter

how much free shit can I hack into the pc version of gtao without getting banned?

Moved from 360 to PS4, cba with all the grind to grab the time limited shit, so I want to start fresh without losing all the good shit.

Fucked up trying to grab the right weapon twice in a row but luckily he was even worse.

>you will NEVER have a competent heist team

Technically, yeah. I'd compare it to shit like pre-purchase costumes and pets in MMOs. None of that stuff really provides any significant advatage other than "having something you don't".

The content is accessible, it just takes some time to get to it.
When they add shit you can get soloely via real cash, then you can complain.
As for now, you're being an impatient brat who wants everything with no effort. By "you", I mean whoever claims that content is unaccessible unles you spend more cash.

dumb bunposter

>None of that stuff really provides any significant advatage other than "having something you don't".
I disagree completely, the Dukes in particular is a great car.


plat every time babe

>you will frequently get good teams to run individual heists
>the only plebs who want to stick around for criminal mastermind can't even do contact missions without dying

>As for now, you're being an impatient brat who wants everything with no effort.


Post characters
r8 characters

The weapon wheel has some retarded delay, because this happens to me all the time if I'm selecting something too fast. You can even see in your webm that you had the weapon you were trying to switch to selected.

The Brioso is CUTE


Or when you actually do select the wrong weapon by a pixel, happens all the fucking time, luckily I was already on his head when I accidentally got the pistol here.

Is this on console? Is it really that bad?

If you're the normal "post characters" user, I appreciate the new picture effort.

and yeah, I know I look ugly. Too late to try and change it until the plastic surgery update.

>consolecucks will defend this

>>>/RicerBecausePoorfag/ here?

Fuckin 30k+ for some performance updates. Bah gimme a plastic spoiler and metallic paint and Im happy these days.

Yeah, not gonna deny that controllers are inferior when it comes to aiming but it doesn't really happen as often as you think.


Anyone who speaks slav, what is he saying around 25 seconds mark about garage and pegasus?

>exit best friend's mission
>get a screen telling me this is the only chance I will be able to change my character's appearance
>friend tells me I'm a lucky fucker and that's a glitch
>make my character's face look a bit more like mine, and give him the alcoholic face texture or whatever it was
>cut my boyband hair into a mohawk mane

but also



I sold my 900R because I always used my sultan/sanchez combo.


How do you glitch a mask under the helmet?

I used to do it with the soda machine glitch, but apparently now they fixed it.

yeah the way I think of it, some cars I just bought because of a fad or whatever and then i never really used them. then again dont sell on impulse because you might miss the car for its performance or look or so.

man... this is fucking GTA and Im trying to work on a budget

>How do you glitch a mask under the helmet?
would like to know as well

>custom outfit with bulletproof helmet in heist
>helmet gets replaced with giant sock for mask
is the bulletproof stat now gone or is it still there and the helmet is just invisible?

When that was first posted, the 'girl' in the webm posted about how they were playing in first person and panicked as the guy was running in/out of their field of view.

I don't know how you play this game in first person, the FoV limit is awful and modifying it will get you banned.

Via getting on and off of a bike last time I checked.



Nigguh I can go faster than that on a European bicycle. That shit was designed specifically to be slow for missions like north yankton and Scope Out so they could pad out the travel time for more exposition or to just stop you from making money.

so put on mask, get on bike with auto-helmet on bike set to on. now you should have mask + helmet. but how do you save this as custom outfit? don't you need to get to a wardrobe to save? the problem being that the character takes the helmet off when I enter my apartment.

Anime boy

ded game
ded gen

>so put on mask, get on bike with auto-helmet on bike set to on. now you should have mask + helmet.

nope, character wont put on helmet if you have a mask equipped

Better LE7B




So what, it's not broof.


Operating outfit.


>play story for an hour and a half
>finally get tired of the cutscenes fucking up and shrinking into a box
>change my resolution, set graphics settings higher, and restart game
>Autosave wasn't on
>have to do all those missions all over again


Literally the only LeMans car I can find on GTA 5 mods.

At least it isn't the shitty harelipped 2016 one that was awful.

They patched the helmet/masks glitch and I'm mad.

Now if you get off a bike and change your outfit, the character never reaches for their nonexistent helmet. Thanks for nothing R*.

Based, elite, handsome, intelligent Languagez on Gamer of the Year watch.

>anything not Audi

Anyone have that chart for crates that shows the profit for single, double, and triple crate runs?

you're dumb


Man I want that Tampa.

Oh shiiiiiit

Based, elite, handsome, intelligent LanGODgez on omnipotent watch.


I swear the Ocelot Lynx is just a reskinned Massacro or something.



>playing stunt races
>retards keep on voting only for super ones

>no Dakar truck
don't you fucking do this to me

People got to validate their shitty purchases by using their supers in literally every race.

Dakar truck is in-game. I couldn't just find it's name

> Create Benny's workshop to make regular cars into race cars or lowriders
> Rockstar: "Let's make Drift Tampa a separate entity from the regular Tampa anyway, so we don't have to create interior and engine bay mods."

Why do they do this.


Post more rabbit's

Save Outfit with mask equipped
Take off mask
Get on bike
Wait for helmet
Get off bike
Swiftly change outfit to the intended mask outfit
Quickly walk to the nearest clothing vendor (even the shoes section will work)
Wait for character to reach up for their nonexistent helmet
Spoiler: They patched this, you won't reach for a helmet anymore
Click E to enter clothing vendor
Exit vendor

The helmet should magically be on with your mask



>its just cars

Wow thanks asshole I just spoiled myself now the GTAO storyline is completely ruined for me.

Did anyone test if the new supers have decent performances even with their standard tires?



Languagez is handsome AS FUCK

I have around 2 million saved up. Should I become a CEO and get a medium warehouse or just buy some cars? Are the CEO missions fun?

Definitely million times better than puchiposting

Is it one guy trying to force this or a dedicated team of shitposters?

First off, throw that outfit in the trash. Secondly, cuck yourself for the armoured pussy. Thirdly, save for a large warehouse.

higgly piggly please dont

Probably that player himself, don't feed him



Does seller rating even matter?

>First off, throw that outfit in the trash

Not a fan of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

>still no Deluxo

I Just Wanna Die - Sugar Ray