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Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Pull my little lewd tail

>Elin lewd SFM

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That face looks...off. The bridge of her nose is freakishly thin and her eyes look too close together to start.
Grafics look better than regular max, though.

post more



what the fuck was maintenance about

Returning player, Am I wrong in thinking the new classes are all broken in pvp?

Hello, does anyone know a way to get in to Baldera?

try turning your graphics up


Texture resolution, character quality and background quality are all on max, what more do you need?


This game pisses me off, why don't the devs add new stuff? They just keep adding the same type of content all the time, over and over.

so much potential is being lost


What sort of new content are you expecting?


post elins

>tfw +5% trying to +11
>20k to not even succeed a level
I remember why I quit this game, I suppose I should start selling everything and just buy enchanted gear

Post Post-Maintence Butt

Also Server and name


5% isn't much, what alkas are you using for enchanting?

Having issues with the battleground dailies in the past few days, some days I just dont get them in certain character no matters how many times I enter and win a battleground :c Anybody else?

Is...is this hat a crack about my height?

You guys have inspired me, what race should my healslut be? Elin is not an option



Half and half MWA and extensive

>you can get temporary 7 day cosmetics from Kyra
just cuck my shit up senpai

fucking highwatch man

dunno, should I quit my guild. Everyone else did.

lel you should.

BMP are you here?!



show front

how do I get rid of this annoying glow

play a better class

how do i get this beautiful glow

You should use premium alkas, sell your mwas and make moneys for premium otherwise it gets badly expensive ~_~


nigga I play her only for iod dailies, screenshots and fapping

>and fapping
mind if I join?

Hello, I'm 73 years old. No troll. I was born on Oct 7 1942. Will someone tell me what class is the easiest to play with good survivability? My reflexes and thought processes have greatly diminished. I tried melee and found I'm not fast enough to get out of trouble. In other words I suck but still love gaming. Thanks.

yes, feel free to use the screenies though

This is my greatest fear. Being one of the top dps on the server, but having the years go on and getting surpassed by younger 17 year old kids as my reflexes go to shit.

Slowly getting confused as to why im dying more often and having trouble performing as well as i used to, before finally realizing that i've passed my peak and i'll only get worse from now on, instead of being able to constantly improve like i seek to.

How do i not get old?

Hey I have that outfit too, it's great for the beach

Play either a Ninja or a Gunner. Ninja is melee, but it has a whole host of movement skills designed to either get them out of some attack, position themselves behind the boss for the most damage, or outright evade any attack.

Gunners are ranged so you'll have a lot more room to move around well, while also doing great DPS and having some skills that would probably help someone out with diminished reflexes. Such as one that will straight up prevent you from dying once every 5 minutes.

I'm only 26 so rightfully not that old but honestly I have this fear. When I was 18/19 I was raiding the hardest content in WoW and some other games, now I generally have more knowledge but I feel like I'm not as good as I used to be. Both WoW and Tera endgame make me feel like a shitter because I feel like my reflexes aren't great and I die too much to things I shouldn't. Part of me wants to think I'm overthinking things, but I'm naturally afraid of fucking up so it's something I deal with every time I do content with people.

How do you get permanent shrimp hat?

where da elf sluts @???

I was watching some old tera videos and wondered how *slow* the game was then Meldita was top tier boss.

They clearly switched target audience from 30-something gamers to younger folks during game's lifespan. I'm 30+ and doubt I even could do something like SSHM without getting hit by those every 0.5 sec damage cones.

Once you practice enough you can anticipate where the cones will be but even doing SSNM I die to them sometimes because I'll be waiting for the next one and my reaction time is just slow enough that I die in the safe area after running into it at the very last second.

Elven are not sluts, they are refined


Should I just buy a shitload of colluva with these undershade tokens?

oh wow she's really really cute!

This pic does stimulate something!

so once i hit level 65 what else is there to do?

Would a starfall chest be more useful on a priest or a berserker? I have enough to make a chest for just one of them. I feel like priest has more ways to survive without that extra cushion, but at the same time playing my berserker lately just makes me frustrated.

Plenty of things, you could try some equalized pvp if you are not up to getting raped by people with better gear, join a guild and talk for hours with people with the same interests, try at least once each one of the dungeons the game has to offer, maybe grind the best gear even if it is only gfor bragging rights, go hunting for those pesky achievments and use that to explore all the little things you missed while leveling, playing the market and slowly build a fortune to buy anything you want, help other people running stuff with them or giving them advice, or you could do what I did which was buying a slutty costume and fap to my char whenever I feel like it.

erp desu senpai

Is there any hentai of that girl?


>Grey or white hair

You dun fucked up son

I wanna fuck that ass!

Someone a few threads ago commented that an elin footjob with "dexterous toes" would be nice, so I gave it a shot in SFM. Tell me what you think


Tell me how you will, give every detail. Let me know what you are feeling as you would do that. Don't hold back.


>No money shot



still learning how to make moneyshots ^^"

fuck it, I'll reinstall this shit tomorrow

I'll need to update my gear though

Ooh, not bad, the models are a little low quality but that's to be expected of SFM.

I'd say you have a promising future for lewds.

I wanna fuck an elin in a public place while they struggle to keep their voice down.

Wow dude, too soon. Disappointing.

>don't want to play tera but there's nothing else you feel like playing

>thinking about moving to BnS

i feel the same

i log on, collect my elite boxes and whatever is in the calendar, then log off

I played BnS before and quit that too, I've been considering it though...that and XIV. XIV has much more content, but its also a lot harder to get back into. People laugh at catch-up mechanics but fuck XIV needs it, you log in and get slammed with years of quests all at once and can't do new shit until you catch up yourself. I haven't seen the new areas of BnS so it's very tempting, but I know I wouldn't last long playing it because of content. 2 new classes since last I played though.

I haven't even logged on the past few days ;_; Tera is still better than most other options, but I just ask myself why even do content right now especially if I'm just running the same easy things

was considering going back to BDO or AA, but neither sound appealing enough and are heavy on solo content anyway

no point in playing an mmo if i'd just be by myself

btw is this nyurei

BDO is great fun and hardly solo material. Leveling up can be done quickly and gear has no level limit.
>farm silver through fishing, mining and market jewery
>buy quality gear and level up quickly

However, once you get 50, that is where the grind fest begins. There are groups and guilds that do boss scrolls and world bosses but the game is mainly sliding towards PVP sandbox madness.

If you want a fun, do anything, skill required, grindfest. Then BDO is for you.

Compared to BnS shitfest and AA gayfest, it is the better of the two. You could always lower your standards and go to DFO. I'll be rebooting that game soon, I did not give it a good chance during relaunch.

>BDO or AA
I don't know if I could get myself through the grind of BDO but its so comfy, I used to think AA was super comfy too but now I can't even login without feeling iffy about the game, that's just Trion's affect though, maybe it'd be fun to ride a boat around again.

I could be anyone

leveling 60-65 alone is really boring.

Do dungeons with exp boost. Takes no more than two or three hours. Do quests while waiting. Get to 65 and gear up and then finish the story quest.

Nigga it takes like 3 hours max.

i have no motivation

I currently have +9'd t7 gear, and the crappy t8 gear from the returning veteran boxes with all the accessories that brings.
How do I even start to upgrade if I don't do raids?

>No motivation to click IMS for SABAX and MCata
>Enough motivation to come on /terag/ and complain about it

Your energy is misplaced. Do you want a friend or something?

Implying you're 65, do the Island of Dawn story quest line for your Dreadnaught armor. If you are on a populated server, there should be people already doing it, ask to join them in a party to do it together to go quicker. Regardless of population, the BAMs there are easy to solo and you'll only need to kill 31. 7/7/7 each kind and then 10 in general. You'll get your Dreadnaught armor, upgrade it as much as you can while doing the HW story quest dungeon ques. Que for KC, get more Dreadnaught armor, boxes are almost a given and boots and gloves are all on RNG. People barely roll on them. Then do the next dungeon for accessories and then finally the last one for more gear/fodder. Through all of this you should have enough MES to MW and at least get the armor to +10. With the accessories, you should have the required ilvl for Factory which will give you the next tier of armor in line.

ALSO, for some lazy GIMME DATS, just farm the tokens from this current summer event to get your accessories and if you really want to do it the hard way, get Slaughter by doing the IoD BAM dailies and use the crystal tokens.



god damn I bet he could crush a watermelon between his manly hands

If you had your druthers, what would you change about Kumas Royale?

I miss how in the old one you could scale on the fine edges of the buildings. I want more of that. I want to take the Mama Kuma up a building and park her on a thin pixel edge to keep the other team from attacking.

Basically, I want to cheat.

yes, yes i do.

What server?

mt Darkmoot

Thats weak. I was able to dualbox carry kuma games with autorunning lancer and hopping on a healer.

Then found a way to scale the walls near the docks sideways using the jump spam glitch so i can land near the dock or scale the wall if i was in danger.

Cheating was fun.

Its kind of sad how thats all you needed and yet kuma side won most of the time anyways.