/dg/ - Destiny General

Praise KEK Edition


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>get a sublime
>turns into an exotic
can you describe a feeling thats worse than this?
tfw no dawggy might be on par

first for zippy!


Hunter is objectively the best class for PVP and Trials of Osiris.

They have the THREE S tier subclasses.

S tier: Gunslinger, Bladedancer, Nightstalker
A tier: Striker, Voidwalker, Stormcaller
B tier: Sunbreaker, Sunsinger
F tier: Defender

These literal who's telling ME I don't know my PvP

Sorry you're all just trash.


Anyone for PoE? I've got House of Judgement boosters

thundertouch giving it to them straight

Daily zippy is a gigantic faggot post

> zippy fag cucked by noobish
and we're off to good start

Daily jiro fagpost with unrelated anime image


I dunno about Trials but I'd put Striker as S class. I'm a striker myself and it's amazing just how well you can manage to live while punishing others for trying to kill you.

Granted, I'm a 1.2x k/d scrub but still.

is this game dead yet? I haven't played like in 3 weeks

A lot of people seem to have the same view of Striker that you do. I personally just think that Hunters are more useful for most encounters aside from grenades and pressuring.

It's got 25 million active players, nigga.


Didn't the documents released in that soundtrack case for Destiny say somethin like 25 mil players?

>useful for most encounters
Oh, like the headshot perks or quickdraw or whatever? I feel like you still need really good gunplay to utilise that though. Like, having those stuff won't mecessarily make you better than a striker with good aim for example. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

Last thread.

Maybe I am just using my bias because I rarely meet a good Titan in the Crucible. Most of the ones I meet tend to do quite badly. But Striker is still an incredibly strong subclass for Trials and Crucible in general.


tl;dr me

all things being equal

>30mil registered players
>Q1 2016 financials

Y'all have to understand that your definition of "active" doesn't match Activision's definition of "active."
I'm pretty sure "active" means played within the last 6 months

Yea, I get my ass handed to me by hunters somewhat often but I still feel like I can easily deal with them. The only stuff that regularly gets me is the unsuspecting invisible Bladedancer, walking around a corner to a Golden Gun and getting tethered by God knows who from God knows where at God knows when. But of course our experiences are bound to be different.

Sorry, what?

>asides from pressuring
See that's actually a huge point why a lot of Titans are shit, lots of people insist on sniping and playing passively with a Titan which is a bad idea.
If you get a fireteam of three Titans and all of you skate towards the enemy, that's when they're great.

I think most people understand this. Personally, I was just joking cause of the last thread.

>see 3 Titans zoom towards you
>Whatever, no big deal, I can see their hea- oh God what the fuck is this slide shotgun shoulder charge combo that I've just witnessed?

Doubles stream today for the love of god

>cause of the last thread.
what happened?

>At least one striker on each team
>Hear the shooting sound of shoulder charge in the distance every so often

It's like muffled cannon fire

I still wish Bungie did something with these bayonet style of weapons. Like you press a direction on the D-pad and it switches the weapon into a melee. But still in first person.

It would make sense with secondary guns when you gun out of ammo to then use the blade on it. You even hold certain weapons completely different too.

Reminder, Bungie. Make that Omolon exotic void shotgun with firefly.

Thread has turned into a Striker circle jerk


someone let me know when the next thread is posted since this one is full of noobs

I never hear the Shoulder Charge until it hits me. What I always hear, even when my sound is at like 1 is the ding of the Sunbreaker activation.

Hey, at least I'm not shitting on other classes for no real reason whatsoever. Why gotta hate on Titan bros?

strikers are objectively the best class for good players.

Hunters and Titans are bros
Warlocks can fuck off to oblivion.

>Bungie's own internal data shows that if you bring a Titan into Trials you're probably costing your team a chance at winning
>durrrrr Titan skating good durrrr

>implying it isn't gunslinger or nightstalker

o i am laffin

Titans are objectively the noobiest class of all

Hunters and Titans would never get along. They are literally polar opposites

Man, everytime I run into a public event and finish it, the Titans instantly wave at me. We usually wave at the same time. Hunters take a second to look around first. Half of the time the Warlocks just straight up Sparrow outta there.

shut up warcuck go back to your books

you know nothing of the brotherhood between titans and hunters

>Titans are objectively the noobiest class of all
Again with the unwarranted shitting. Come on now. Did someone supress your 7 hour long Stormcaller? Is that what happened?

Class stereotypes

Titans: Driveling retards who would definitely take a bullet for you

Hunters: The most skilled of the three who feels bad for the Titan since he is stupid

Warlocks: Literal faggots

>>Bungie's own internal data shows that if you bring a Titan into Trials you're probably costing your team a chance at winning
>bungie's data is a huge majority of shitters, people I excluded when I said FOR GOOD PLAYERS

>>implying it isn't gunslinger or nightstalker
best class for shitters, sure.

>implying I'm not the best class of all, Hunter

They have the three best subclasses for pvp.

>Just got indirectly called a retard by someone

Oh, so someone shutdown your invisible Blade Dancing. It's alright. You'll recover in time.


If he is dying to a titan as a bladedancer he's using it wrong and should shard himself

I'm a nightstalker

Probably got surpressed. I wouldn't be surprised if a Titan got tired of his Blade Dancing bollocks.

the sweatiest

My favourite tactic when super charged as a striker is to stare down bladedancers before slamming them

I just stand there and watch them swing towards me like a idiot

>Calling Titans the noobiest class

fucking kek

Nightstalker is the most skilled class.

my favorite /dg/ joke

>it hit a little rock right front of them and did nothing
That's why you always use shatter

I'm honestly too much of a shitter to do that. If I even think about it and turn around, I get razor edged or whatever that attack is called. I just skate my way over to the oppositeside of the map and usually the guy gives up when he realises he's losing a race to a Titan.

that's not funny...like at all.

Any biners wanna play crucible?


>surprise 560 MB Xbox update

Well, there goes an hour

Sorry, im at work at the rock wall.

Maybe we can play some other day?

Holy shit my mans you climb? Me too senpai

I mainly Boulder tho, don't have friends for sport

Sure mate.


I want to hug all of /dg/!

Why would a Striker ever use a sniper in competitive pvp. Especially trials

Make sure to pinch my ass while you do it.

because the sniper meta that bungie forced

Old habits. 3rd character. Lack of self-awareness that they're a Titan. Being a Shitter. Pussy. Lame.

And probably a couple more reasons.

Whats the most stealth based subclass?

Probably one of the two that have stealth abilities.

So defender or striker?

Obviously the blade dancer if only because the nightstalker in is does not make you hidden to radar. But all Hunter classes can turn in is with them exotic gloves


Sunbreaker, ya dingus.

can someone with drawfag/MS paint skills make an updated version?

What gloves? New to the hunter

This is still up to date though

If you want to have one that has nothing to do with destiny, ask someone to post the faggot/tripfag version of this.

don't touch mes

>posting the 2014 version

AND khepri's sting

>they removed the primary weapon loader on khepri's sting replaced it with generic perks

I hate how bungie took all the fun away by killing off melee kill super energy, primary special and heavy weapon loaders, primary special and heavy ammo off regular armor pieces


All exotic and raid boots had carry more heavy ammo now we have the shitty double down perks

Shotty meta was better and more fun than the current sniper meta

prove me wrong

not to mention
>sidearm ammo on exotic boots

objective fact, can't prove wrong.

on a slightly subjective note, I miss the TLW meta

Why do people not stick to the bonuses in CoE? you can finish the sigil in two runs rather three.

I kinda miss the auto rifle meta when everybody used suros

This still makes me tear up at the end.

lol shotgun shitters btfo

the difference between the metas is that anyone can have a good shotgun, but only good players can snipe.

you just need to git gud

>but only good players can snipe.
>you just need to git gud
kys (kill yourself)

That hasn't been the case since 1kys/ttk

TLW/Thorn meta was very fun. Also had gems like The Messenger. HOW meta in general was pretty good because of rerolling.

I wouldn't mind another AR meta, I don't even remember what it was like.

Not a matter of gitting gud, sniping is easy, its just that the game has slowed down and become a game of peekaboo and lane strafing.


I literally have no idea how to acquire any more hadium flakes than 7