/aog/ - Attorney Online Geral

Filter all namefags for a quality thread edition

>What is Attorney Online?
It's an virtual chatroom/courtroom mix we use to perform improv AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Logic Battles and more!
Come join us on our server, Attorney Online Vidya!

>The Main Reference Doc (contains downloads, rules, faqs and more):

>Gameplay footage?
Streams typically run in the evening, US time. You can also check out recordings of previous cases via guardlytheguard and lawfuldickish on twitch.

>Role Guides

>Quickstart Guide

Previously in Ace Attorney...

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Q

Like I said though, quite a few sprites don't look good this way.

I could get rid of the ones that don't, and have much less total emotes, or replace the ones that do work, and keep the rest in.

I don't really care because i'm never going to be playing this character.

Server update when?

First for Names is SHIT! SHIIIIT!

Share your favorite Names moments!

Frozen is shit.

Anyone got a list of namefags to filter? I only remember the most basic ones.


Oh boy!

>Filter Namefags
>90% of the thread is gone

We'll be doing a stress test tomorrow night to check for stability and any bugs we missed. If all goes well we'll swap over during the weekend

The 10% left is quality though

Any cases right now?

Reminder that people who hate on namefags secretly want to be part of this "circlejerk" that doesn't exist


You were the first to mention a circlejerk here.

The only circlejerk is the rec room and it doesn't leak to the case areas so it's fine.

>The Adrian fixes were supposed to be done before the update
>Procrastination prevented me from finishing that up, and prevented me from casing because I want to do that thing

I, uh, better get to work as quickly as possible.

I know, right? What a loser.

>Witness lies to protect her loved one, okay.
>Both prosecutors instantly throw her under the bus
>When the support pro tries to actually prosecute with reasonable arguments, the pros and the judge tell her to shut up.
>Defense literally throws dozens of baseless accusations that the witness deflects because the one prosecutor isn't allowed to prosecute
>When the witness doesn't crack they just call in the detective to asspull for them.

Truthfags are the worst.

Real ServerAnon here, this is an imposter.

fuck off fro-zone

Stop trying to create another tripfag

But that's false.

Was it the sisters?

that isnt the truth what the fuck.
I think there's a problem I've been able to pinpoint with typical cases, one that has been elaborated on in fucking guides THAT NO ONE READS
Witnesses can lie for reasons besides being a murderer. This happens SO MANY TIMES in the games but if you lie in this you get bullshit constantly.
Formulacucks have made it so that either witnesses are telling the truth and their contradiction must be able to be explained or lolitwuzme.
Here's an example from this old case I had once
>library murder case
>back door is proposed at first to be how defendant escaped scene due to being after closing time, no prints
>Butz witness, says he saw defendant with murder weapon, getting angry
>also mentions how he had fallen asleep and woke up around closing
>butz says that leaving before the murder he exits through the front door, wiping off prints via sleeve
>pressing info about his sleeping reveals that he was caught doing so before
>in fact, he was going to be banned if he got spotted napping again
>for this reason, he lied about taking the front door, he actually took the back
He LIED, but for another REASON. How can Butz understand this but the top truth and verdictfag prosekiddies not? Every other witness you attempt to get an explanation then you also have some babies banging on the table crying and the judge is like "hmm this singular completely unsupported statement is definitely a convincing argument defense now counter it also shut up witness."

>people are garbage at the game

What's new?


Except this Rhoda is literally just asking for evidence, but the defense is giving her conjecture, and she's getting shit on for it.

Fuck off, the defense doesn't always need to win if they're retarded.

They're both retarded because if the witness lied for their loved one why don't they update their fucking testimony.
Again, this is shit covered in fucking guides. DON'T FUCKING HOUND EVERY LITTLE LIE.
The defense can equally be responsible for this bullshit. Prosekiddies have fucking planted their memes into defense too and now it's like 20% chance that a witness is gonna get thrown out.
also YOU fuck off for posting that defense must win meme out of context. did you just ignore EVERYTHING in my post to find that one word to lock on to? The simplest way to resolve this is with the fucking judge, but i bet he's a cuck too.
It's this simple
>defense, present a piece of evidence and then explain what it proves RE: this witness
>Present X
>You did it because of this
>Okay youre wrong, Penalty. Try again.
Then after 5 tries, go to guilty.
Or if they present the right thing, witness does damage, and then defense can follow through.

>Witness admits to being a robber
>Support prosecutor suggests hearing her testify about her actions as a robber
>"But why would she lie about that?"



If people you know...actually re-read parts of earlier testimonies,especially the detective's the reason she's lying is plain as day but fuck reading.

You're fucking stupid, the witness did update their testimony.

The only idiots in this case are the lead and co pros and defense, who are accusing the witness of being a murderer just because she's a liar, and the detective is helping them when they made nothing stick.


no YOU'RE fucking stupid because you didn't read past the first goddamn line
I'm not spectating your shitty goddamn case just to get every little detail right. If you actually read the rest of my post you'd find you're saying the same shit I already posted.

>He thinks he knows about the case he hasn't seen.

Opinion d i s c a r d e d



but Q?

>this case in area 4

Ryu and Apollo must have never played DA before jesus christ

Yes, this is my first serious case as a DA.
And yes, i am a shitty DA.
But hey, atleast i try.
Ryu also said that its his 1st time playing defence, but i dont have [Evidence] that can support it, so... yea.

Alright, nearly done. Just need to finish up the post-damage emote in both (a) and (b), and then I can wrap things up and put it in the suggestions, alongside a cartload of asspulls.


You can gas me, but you can't kill me! My will is unbreakable, and I'm the shield that my clients can hide behind!

What about electrocution, followed by gas?

Not even a cockroach defence attorney can survive that.


Mr. Wright endured a full shock with your taser, and he came back and beat you in court without his decisive evidence! Nothing can overcome our determination!

Mr Wright wasn't gassed immediately afterwards by Franziska, however.

You mean she didn't tell you? Tsk, even your daughter keeps secrets from you, it seems. Mr. Wright survived the gas as soon as you left the room.

Beef Stroganov.

Is the change in sprites too jarring to make the yawn emote for Chiaki a pre-anim? Need opinions here.
Otherwise, other than her head tilt, I've made the rest of Chiaki's emotes have lipflaps.

Very, but DR is shit so no-one expects quality



Naruto when?

Adachi would be acceptable as well.

Someone told me you need to save like 10 lupacoins to get him.

This game looks fun but is there a chart for in game purchases?


>Lewdy's french servers ANNIHILATE area 2


>17 users
>literally more then what they had at the crash
Arcade got cut down by half and still hasn't recovered.
At least Lounge actually went down to 10 people for once.

>Mafia getting cucked
>a bad thing
You fuckers are killing the server more than the lounge is.

I can't really dedicate my time to a case right now, so playing mafia is about the only in-game activity I can do at the moment.

Jerk off to porn

Proof? Evidence?

Can't present anything? Then my verdict is clear.

So, the Mikan strawpoll is waiting for the spriter to improve lipflaps? Though I think we could start it already at this point

I have it ready anwyay

I'm already saying this beforehand: Make a google survey, not a poll

I know people that will rig this for both sides

That ain't impossible to rig but, guess we can try

Is it just me or am I able to vote multiple times if I just click "Submit another response" on it?

Make the results public.

>Unlimited votes

That's exactly what's happening right now so... Poll invalidated

Restarting now with limited answers

So that basically means VOTE AGAIN

Yes, I didn't know Google defaulted unlimited answers per users, so I had to disable it and wipe down the responses

Don't worry about me, the answers should be public now, so you can check if I am deleting votes.

So found this while looking at old shit, it's an old pre-built made by lupadim. This was well before AOV.


It's kinda interesting to check out. I still dunno why we dont attempt pre-builts anymore but yeah.

Isnt that where the
>He jumped up and shanked the ho
cap is from?

>this case
I am sure I totally played this one , probably as support defense

Nevermind, it was fixed by lowering the speed a tad.

So yeah, dropping scissors.

Fix her head.

Fix what about her head?

Problem with this is you're gonna have to make a whole set of animations where that part of her hair is missing.

gaping hole

Eh, to be honest I was feeling a little weird about the head, and I'm glad someone spoke up to confirm my suspicions.
Left is a little closer to my original look, while right is the one in the current animation.

Also, I was thinking it would be similar to Alba's objection, where there'd be one last "broken" emote post-breakdown. My idea for it was Lauren clutching her chest with tears streaming down her face.

Alright here's hair 3.0

The fact half of it just disappears.

Keeping the thread up and reminding you to post the poll in the server's global chat(can't do that myself)



>strawpoll.me/10737607 in the main doc
So, why exactly no one told me about it?
Anyway, vote there too

>Google survey has Mikan losing
>Strawpoll has Mikan winning
So...What the fuck we do now?
We just re-vote in the strawpoll in the doc or use the google one instead?


Another picture to add to the "people in absolute dispair" montage

A pre-written like that one is worthless without:

a) The case maker present (or someone that knows the solution)
b) A document without the spoiler evidence/testimony (so it gets added gradually)



Threadly reminder to eat, /aog/.
Eat at least once a day.

The solution if you are a witness, is to just mute the prosecution and give your explanation

Few people here get prosecuting right

>When oldbag is your witness.

From my 6 or so months of experience, I figured out how the majority of AOV want prosecutors to play.
Not have any prosecution at all.
Because apparently the only people allowed to talk are the lead DA and witness at this point, everyone else is told to shutup.
So basically just remove prosecution as a whole, according to the thread this would improve all cases.