/nsunsg/ Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm General

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old thread:

one true waifu poll

> saw Himawari and Hanabi right on top of one another while scrolling
> my mind mish-mashed them together into 'Harambe'
I need to get off the internet.

>Mitsuki and Haku on the list
muh nigga

I wonder if Hanabi asks her older sister if she can borrow Naruto every now and then.

I've considered this, and I genuinely don't know if I'm ok with it.

I think Hinata would be cool with it if it's a threesome, and Naruto spends, like, a minimum of 80% of the time with Hinata

>Hinata already getting the most votes.
Never change, /nsunsg/.

Did you HONESTLY expect anything else? I'm ok with it, to be honest. I like Hinata.

I voted Salad

This place is full of passive aggressive Hinatafags, why are you surprised?

Hinata is a good girl though, so I don't mind.

Most of the fem-ninja's are cute, sexy and awesome in their own varied ways.
>Hinata will always be my number one gal.

>there's also a part 2.

>popular girl is popular
What a fucking shock.

So, main body + 3 clones for Hinata, one clone for Hanabi?


I'm having a bit of a mind-blank for Fugetsu's skill tree. Assistance from you nerds would be greatly appreciated.

So far, he's getting Suigetsu's Water Release: Water Gun and Twin Water Guns techniques, as well as a cut-down version of Gengetsu's Steaming Danger Tyranny jutsu. I can come up with sword techniques easily enough, but I'm wondering if any of you guys can come up with ideas for his Boil Release.

He'll have a chance to be trained by Kokuou, who is going to be asked by Naruto in his #TailedBeastShitposting IRC channel in his head, and/or Mei. Kokuou will bring up Han's Furnace Armour, in case Fugetsu wants to try something similar. So we've got Boil Release-enhanced melee attacks as well.

Girlfriend came up with like an active sensor-type jutsu, where Fugetsu lays down a thin layer of mist at ground level and channels his chakra through it, being able to feel movements in it over a large range, which I think would be a cool support tech.

What are your thoughts?

The fuck is up with Nacho in that pic?

And why is Adventure Time in this too?

Either that or just one massive fucking orgy where nobody can tell who's fucking who anymore. Take your pick.


Shhh, don't tell her, but Hinata's the only girl for me

having a concunbine eh?

Come on, we all know that 2D is superior. There's just that 'not real' niggle to deal with.

Here's the link:

I got one right now.

Boil Release: Steaming Snake Tornado Technique.
You release a big Snake of boiling steam from your mouth that can spin in a rapid circle around one or more opponents and burn them in a steaming hot tornado.

Much obliged.

That's pretty decent. Cheers!

>Adventure Time
>Winter Soldier
I'm sorry, I had to do it

I think this is the last one I got.

Boil Release: Heat Stroke.
By releasing steam in the area the temperature will increase every 1 minute/60 seconds. After 10-11 minutes opponent's bodies will start to feel the effects of being exposed to the high temperature, gaining a fever and soon unconsciousness

someone get this hothead outta here

good night /nsunsg/
hold the fort for me will ya?

It's under control, friend

>It's cool!"
You are not in a healthy relationship when you lie so blatantly to your SO like that.

Don't be silly, user. 12+ years of sexual frustration means you blurt out silly-sounding things you don't really think about first. Hinata is ALL ABOUT that Naruto dick.

they really fucked up Tenten's character design in The Last

I'd think the same for Hinata but the actual Hinatafags like her outfit

The hair is a bit fucked, but the dual scrolls are a nice touch. Shame she doesn't really DO much, from memory. As per usual, unfortunately.


As for Hinata's design I like it on some level, but do recognise that it very much goes against her usual /comfy/ attire. Some mix of The Last's mission gear and what she wears in Burrito might have been better. As is, I chalk it up to Ino giving out some advice to the poor girl and enjoy the eye candy.

Tell me your favorite /u/ or /y/ pairings in Nardo.

> Bracelets could've been thin form-factor bracelets containing a multitude of explosive tags or sealed weapons that she could tear off and throw in combat
> nah fuck it entire roll of duct tape lol

I despise both, but I suppose I could have been okay with Ino and Pinkshit going the /u/ route.

So Naruto is probably gonna tutor team leader Fugetsu in forming his own Boil Release: Rasengan at some point.

Should be cool.

Yeah the scrolls are a nice touch. I mainly dislike the lack of sandels and baggy trousers, they're what drew me to characters Tenten in the first place.

Also the mesh doesn't suit her at all. Tenten should be a combination of comfy and femininity, sacrificing only a bit of comfort for the cute tops.

I think they nailed Tenten and Hinata's design again for Boruto. Hinata's never looked better.

for yaoi Naruto x Haku, Mitsuki x Anyone, Naruto x Shikamaru

>"'Metal Lee', 'beautiful name' - can't believe she fucking agreed to this!"
both Lee and Naruto's reactions here are priceless

Where is this from?

I don't know, downloaded from tumblr



I see what you're trying to do here. Stop right now.

She's a deadbeat just like Sasuke.

Hard to be a deadbeat parent when you don't have any kids


What's your favorite track from the final album, /nsunsg/?

She better not be the fucking mother or that would put her as a worse parent than Sasuke. At least he acknowledged his kid's existence unlike TenTen watching her kid get BTFO in the exams and not giving a single shit.


how can they have a final album out if the anime's not finished?

>01:01:23 - NARUTO Main Theme '16
Oh fugg are they going to bring this back for the finale? I might just piss myself.

>They play Rocks for the intro to the last episode
I'd cry just like Uzumaki Khan if I'm being honest

look I get it, I see what you're doing. Very nice and might be funny with someone else. Just stop it.

>00:51:35 - Nostalgia
God bless you Studio Pierrot

>look I get it, I see what you're doing. Very nice and might be funny with someone else. Just stop it.
I feel so sorry for Metal. He probably doesn't even know who his mother is because Lee doesn't want to break his heart.

I said stop! Enough!

> implying the entire Lee and Might clans don't reproduce asexually through the power of YOUTH
Come on, dude. We never see Dai's mum or dad, we never see Guy's mum, we never see Lee's mum or dad, we have yet to see Metal's mum.

Until it's revealed, it's pretty much assumed that once the males reach pinnacle YOUTH, a smaller, more YOUTHful version is created from the eyebrows of the older one.

How? Why? It's chakra, I ain't gotta explain SHIT.

>implying Metal didn't spawn from the chunk of Guy's leg that broke off when he kicked Madara

She went from a Ninja to a Magician when he was born. She fucking disappeared, lol!

> Metal is Guy's spawn and he pressured Rock Lee into looking after him
"Hey guys, this is my master's son, Metal Lee, haha."

Did Might Guy cuck his student into looking after his son while he backflipped around Konoha on his wheelchair, screaming about YOUTH?


> that's why he's called the famous copy ninja Kakashi
> because his only useful contribution is stolen techniques and stolen bloodlines!

>blaming a ninja for stealing

hello Obito


Aiight, Fugetsu's skilltree

Level 4: Boil Release: Shifting Through the Mist Technique or Kenjutsu: Shortsword Mastery – “Hide and wait. It’s ok. I’ll find you.” –
Boil Release: Shifting Through the Mist Technique: Fugetsu lays mist out at ground level for 50ft in every direction from him and pushes his chakra through it, creating a link to him. If any enemy moves at more than a quarter of their total movement speed, Fugetsu immediately knows where they are. If he can’t see them, he doesn’t know any details, such as how large they are, or if they are armed.


Kenjutsu: Shortsword Mastery: Fugetsu has decided to focus his skills on honing the shortsword that is his chosen weapon. Fugetsu can add his Proficiency Bonus alongside his STR or DEX when rolling to hit – not for damage – when attacking in close combat with a weapon that can be considered a shortsword.

Level 6: Boil Release: Steaming Snake Tornado Jutsu or Boil Release: Rasengan - “Not as good as the Hokage’s, but it does the job.” –
Boil Release: Steaming Snake Tornado Jutsu: Select four tiles in a square within 15ft. Enemies in those tiles take 1d8+3 damage as a snake formed from boiling hot steam envelops them, and take 2 further damage every turn they spend inside those four tiles, including the turn the snake is summoned. The snake lasts 2 turns.


Boil Release: Rasengan: After being taught by Naruto, Fugetsu can form a Rasengan. The Rasengan causes 1d12+4 damage and scalds the target, burning for an extra 2 damage per turn for two turns. Any damage next turn – if the wounded target’s AC is beaten by more than 4 – is increased by 2 as well, as the accurate attack hits home on the blistered area.

If the last number in my post is under 5 then the top ones but if it's over 5 it's the bottom ones.

What? I'm not done yet. I couldn't post the others because 4ching thought the Level 9 ones were spam. Hold up.

>20+ minutes on page 2

Let's see if it works this time.

Level 9: Boil Release: Steam Clone Jutsu or Iaijutsu: Reversal – “You could barely handle one of me.” –
Boil Release: Steam Clone Jutsu: Place a marker within 5ft of Fugetsu. That marker is the Steam Clone. The clone’s skills are half, rounding down, of Fugetsu’s (i.e. if Fugetsu’s Constitution is 11, the clone’s would be 5, including the requisite modifier). Fugetsu’s clone acts at the same Initiative step as Fugetsu. If Fugetsu is within sight of an enemy when forming the clone, the enemy knows which one is real and which is fake. Both the clone and Fugetsu must both be out of sight for the same turn for the enemy to not know which is the real one.


Iaijutsu: Reversal: If hit by a melee weapon, roll 1d20 and add your DEX modifier to it. If the result is higher than the enemy’s attack roll, the attack is parried and all damage is negated.

I swear something went wrong, server-wise

Level 12: Boil Release: Unrivalled Strength or Kenjutsu: Centre Yourself – “I’LL CRUSH YOU!” –
Boil Release: Unrivalled Strength: Requires Furnace Armour or Form-Fitting Furnace Armour to use. For every chakra point spent, Fugetsu’s STR modifier increases by 3, to a total of 2 chakra point (Form-Fitting Furnace Armour) or 4 (Furnace Armour) for 1d3 turns.


Kenjutsu: Centre Yourself: Fugetsu cannot use this ability if he moved. Even in the whirling maelstrom of combat, Fugetsu has learned to calm his mind and focus. For the next 1d4+2 turns, every attack Fugetsu makes with a shortsword, longsword or greatsword is at an Advantage, and causes an extra 1d4 damage.

Level 14: Boil Release: Grapple Detonation or Iaijutsu: Armour-piercing Cut of Ruin – “The Chidori’s got nothing on this.” –
Boil Release: Grapple Detonation: Target an enemy within 5ft and roll a Grapple check. If successful, the enemy is now grappled. At the start of the enemy’s next turn, Fugetsu explodes into scalding steam, badly burning the target, causing 1d20 damage. Fugetsu reforms 10ft away from the target.


Iaijutsu: Armour-piercing Cut of Ruin: Target an enemy 20ft away. The enemy MUST be 20ft away – less, and Fugetsu can’t get the speed necessary, more, and the enemy can easily dodge the blow. Fugetsu flashes towards that target and makes two attacks at an Advantage, lowering the target’s AC by 5 for those two attacks only.


Two more to go that I haven't done up yet.

Level 17: Boil Release: Erupting Strong Foot or Kenjutsu: Earth-shattering Cut of Decimation – “Arata’s Chakra Enhanced Strength is nothing. Watch this.” –
Boil Release: Erupting Strong Foot: Requires Furnace Armour or Form-Fitting Furnace Armour, and at least two chakra points-worth of Unrivalled Strength. This ability does not cost a chakra point itself. Target an enemy up to 30ft away. Fugetsu rushes forward, propelled by his Furnace Armour, to land one attack against the target, causing 35 damage and knocking the target back 15ft. This attack cannot be blocked or dodged. The STR bonus from Unrivalled Strength is then lost.


Kenjutsu: Earth-shattering Cut of Decimation: Target an enemy within 5ft. Fugetsu makes one attack at an Advantage against that target, doubling either the number of dice rolled, or the type of dice (i.e. 1d6 can become either 2d6 or 1d12). Furthermore, an extra 10 damage is caused and the target can only perform one Action on their next turn.

she's right though

> literally saved the entire ninja world
> was pre-occupied because the girl he is just beginning to understand his feelings about got fucking kidnapped
That's some cherry-picking of the highest order. AND SPEAKING OF PEOPLE TREATING THEIR COMRADES LIKE SHIT, LET'S TALK ABOUT emotional manipulation by telling someone you KNOW has feelings for you that you love him so that he'll do what you want.

Hurry up, R20 GM! Already got this elaborate post to pick the techniques! I don't care if I have no say!

It's harder than it sounds! Level 18 abilities should be up shortly, then it's endgame Level 20 and I'm done. Hold on.

Also, are you Planewrong, Binkbonk, or someone else entirely?

Just some guy, honestly.

If you're not a player, you're welcome to read through all of them, then.

what's going on with Inherited Eyes (dual-sharingan young Obito vs no name ninja) and The Eight Gates Inner Formation (8 Gates Guy vs Madara)? Just did Guy fight and I'm sure he only chipped my health, I had well above the required 90% for an S rank. Think it was same for that one Obito chapter. I only have A in both.

>Gai: "NIGHT GUY!"
>Madara: "OH FUCK!!!"

Level 18 techs. No matter what he picks, if he uses this techniques, Fugetsu is now officially a war criminal.

Level 18: Boil Release: White Phosphorous Incendiary or Nenryōbō: Radiation Expulsion – “I am truly sorry.” –
Boil Release: White Phosphorus Incendiary: Costs 2 chakra points. Select a square of nine tiles within 25ft. Fugetsu expels a highly flammable variation of his mist into that square, before using Fire Release to detonate it, causing extreme burns to any model – friend and foe – in the square. Every model in the square takes 1d20+5 damage and continues to burn for 1d8 damage per turn over five turns.


Nenryōbō: Radiation Expulsion: Must be using Nenryōbō. Fugetsu jettisons the fusion reactor held within the blade of the sword, dousing the area in front of him with highly radioactive chakra. Any models, friend and foe, in a cone in front of him up to 15ft away immediately take 1d8 damage. For the next 5 turns, every attack they make is at a Disadvantage, every attack against them is made at an Advantage, their total movement speed is cut down to a quarter, they can only make one Action per turn, and their AC is lowered by 4.

And we're done. Finally. All skilltrees completed.

Level 20 techs sort of turn Fugetsu into a 1v1 close combat monster.

Level 20: Boil Release: Non-Repeating Steaming Danger Tyranny or Nenryōbō: Meltdown Cycle – “You’ve left me no option.” –
Boil Release: Non-Repeating Steaming Danger Tyranny: Requires a Steam Clone to already be created. The Steam Clone gains 20 to its total movement and adds 5 to its AC. On the second turn after this jutsu is cast, the clone explodes, causing 2d20 damage to every model within 10ft of it. If Fugetsu wants, he can spend another chakra point to immediately reform the clone, and a second chakra point to begin the detonation charge again.


Nenryōbō: Meltdown Cycle: Fugetsu overloads the reactor that cycles chakra through the sword. Costs one chakra point per turn of activation, used at the start of the turn. For every turn the ability is active, Fugetsu can make two attacks per turn, and any attack made at an enemy causes an extra 15 damage and lowers the target’s AC by 10. This stacks with any other damage or AC-lowering ability or attack. On every turn past the first, starting at the beginning of the second, Fugetsu must roll a Chakra test. If he fails, the reactor overloads and Fugetsu must immediately drop the sword, waiting 1d6 turns before it cools and he can recover it.

Okay, time for me to bust this bullshit out. This is going by my digits.

If the first digit in my post is below 5 then it's the top one.

If the second digit is over 5 then it's the top.

If the third digit is over 2 it's the bottom.

If the fourth digit is below 9 it's the bottom.

If the fifth digit is over 6 it's the bottom.

If the sixth digit is over 3 it's the top.

If the seventh digit is below 9 it's the top.

If the eighth post digit is over 8 then it's the bottom.

Poor ninth digit. Didn't get to play.

Wait, so why don't you just read all of them? What are you even rolling for? If you're not a player, I'm really confused as to what you're doing!

>If you're not a player, I'm really confused as to what you're doing!
Being a madman.

Plus, I did read them all. I had this post waiting in a doc. Because I'm a faggot with no life.

I still don't completely understand, but hey, if you do, that's all that matters!

Now to do up combination jutsu shenanigans, I guess.

>I still don't completely understand
That's good. That's means I'm a true Shinobi.

> a true shinobi spouts gobbledegook so nobody can understand his intentions or thought processes
Kishimoto confirmed for true shinobi

And Tite Kubo, the guy who made Bleach is Hokage.

Haven't gotten around to reading that in any large amount, yet.

Also, what'd you think of Fugetsu's techs?

Oh shit, I forgot his Water Gun techs. Oh well, they can be added later, unrelated to that skill tree.

>we will never get an Ikemoto redraw of the entire series
just fucking kill me already

Thank fucking Christ.

> we will never get a Kishimoto redraw of the entire Boruto series
just fucking kill me already

I don't mind his wacky, over-realistic drawings - I'm able to separate them clearly from the (more) canonical appearances of the characters pretty easily.

I'm probably the only one who unironically prefers Hinata and Sasuke's new character designs, though everything else has left me disappointed

this too senpai

Level 6 Combination jutsus

Combination jutsu can only be used if the characters that use it have the required jutsu unlocked, are close enough together, have the required chakra points, and one is following the other in Initiative. If they are out of Initiative order, the one who would go first can instead choose to Ready their combination jutsu, saving their Action for the combination jutsu.

Arata and Waniko: Combination Jutsu: Everlasting (requires Stand Together and Mystical Palm Technique) – “Hold fast, I’m with you!” – Arata channels his chakra through Waniko as she summons the smoke shield, healing the ally within the shield for 1d6 HP.

Fugetsu and Arata: Combination Jutsu: Chakra Enhanced Destruction (requires Chakra Enhanced Strength and Boil Release: Rasengan) – “Knock knock.” Select a target within 5ft. Fugetsu creates his Boil Release: Rasengan and palms it to Arata, who increases the force impacted with his Chakra Enhanced Strength. Increase the Rasengan damage to 1d18+6. Burn damage remains the same.

Renya and Waniko: Combination Jutsu: Warp Assault (requires Die Alone) – “Everyone attack now!” – Renya adds a seal to the smoke sphere that Waniko smothers an enemy in, allowing one ally to warp to the sphere as a free action.