/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1132

■ 4th Anniversary Event ARKS ORDERS RUSH
├ Web Event: pso2.jp/players/event/4th_aor/webevent/
└ ARKS Report: pso2.jp/players/event/4th_aor/report/

■ Current Update (7/6): 「境界を越えし漆黒の闘神」Part 1

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ JST: google.com/calendar/[email protected]
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: Eorzea Selection (until 8/10), Assault Force (until 7/20), Darkness Ruler (until 12/14)

■ August Updates

├ General Information: bumped.org/psublog/
docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.cirnopedia.info/ (EN - OUTDATED AS FUCK)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com/wiki/Main_Page (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

Other urls found in this thread:




Casts can have children, I want to impregnate Lisa.

I want to fuck itsuki

I don't.

Kill yourself, there are better dudes in PSO2 to fuck.

I want to fuck a caseal

But itsuki is best girl

Hey guys who do you want me to hotglue, also for the 3 tekken fans, top 8 is on EVO.

I love this game because Phantasy Star (ファンタシースター Fantashī Sutā?) is a series of console role-playing video games and other supplementary media created by Sega. The series debuted in 1987 on the Sega Master System with Phantasy Star, and continues into the present with Phantasy Star Online 2 and other extensions of the Phantasy Star Online sub-series. Each of the games in the series features a science fantasy setting featuring a cross-genre combination of magic and technology.

lmao dead game




Is this supposed to be funny?
Because you only appear like a total retard


>its okaidokie doe bcuz its ironical :)

holy shit i want to fuck this thing


>Kohri just plays as herself with purple hair
Cmon Kohri even Hitsugi indulged in her love of shotas when making a character

>see pso2g in block
>literal shitters
>just finished by first run


>pugging with b1 shitters
>not just joining an mpa

Goddamnit i was late again for this

Post yfw you see a Night Cucks scrub party in your xh magatsu pug

>pugging magatsu


>mfwnf because I don't know who these literal whos you keep shilling are, and probably don't even play in the same ship

she's a shit character what do you expect

dead game and dead thread

Dear RA in my runs, please do not fucking move the WB to his dickless crotch or his fucking armpit when I have it right where it needs to be.

Can you tell me about the teams of ship2?

>oh still making mpas
>ship 2 dead

As a reminder, the PSO2 Livestream #44 will be airing in 17 hours.


yeah but

will it have

12-star units?


why do you care?
you don't even play anymore you es traitor


you arent fooling no one lmao

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I doubt it, Dorkakin.

hotglue sofa picture


Lets say it does we both can guess that they wont be craftable from the get go so unless they come hard on their stats/set bonuses they will get immidiately btfo by current sets

>Get to know the secret of the RideRoid

wait wat

I have no idea what you are talking about.


It means it's not free/unlimited, there's gonna be restrictions because fuck you no fun allowed.

The boss is the size of a skyscraper, so you have to join them together with everyone else in the MPA to form Arkstron. That's why the map is so huge.

Gunner OP

they better be craftable because I don't have fodder for 6 slot STAT V stuff and the misalignment would greatly TRIGGER ME


We know, solus.




>melee bypasses more boss mechanics than ranged
What a weird patch we're playing.


Last time I checked Fi still gets one shot with or without automate.

i like to keep my personal space personal

>Last time I checked
mustve been before austere units

FI is the only well designed melee.

>doing magatsu at all
>complaining about gear
Might as well just complain about gear people are wearing in Normal.

Least fun class in the game?


ranger (rifle) is the most boring shit

Your favorite.

Ranger. Only class I can't figure out how to make fun.

>playing rifle only ranger
go back to playing your guren class

>hating on the GOD of demise

It's really unusual that the bar was set so high for this one. They usually make the goals reasonably attainable but that one is so much higher than anything else, even before taking into account that's a gathering challenge

we need kayleth skengs and lillith back

They need to stay out
ERP ruined my hobby

How is BO not fun?
Yeah it lacks depth and gets boring fast, but it's pretty alright.
I guess that's a problem in general with this game, the last 3 classes they've added have gotten progressively easier and lower skill caps with less and less depth to the point where we have summoner, a class that doesn't even have fucking just attacks.

Why do we need them back?

>letting something optional that some people do bother you

It lacks more PAs and it needs more photon blade skills


By far

Then bouncer

that's not force and braver

tolerating it means you are part of the problem

Does it really still only have 3 jet boots PA's?
I assumed that was "new class placeholder".

We need the actual good looking avatarfags back instead

fuck off

>It lacks depth
What does this even mean?

>the last 3 classes they've added have gotten progressively easier and
Try all the classes. This game is shallow as hell.

Sorry m8

SEGA adds new 13* JB to every new EQ but have completely forgotten about Bouncer which they added almost 2 years ago

is roidrage just gonna be a reskinned ais with no attack?

It actually uses most of its kit at least unlike some other weapons

It has four. It doesn't need more than four. If they added any more, it would just make one or more of the existing ones obsolete and you would effectively still only have four.

>Implying anyone gets anything

Did it look like it moved like an A.I.S. in the video?

If you mean JB they "lack" PA because you were supposed to either use them as a compliment to your DB shenanigans or to cast actual attack techniques, but they screwed up big time on the latter.
Not like you'd use more than 3 on any other weapon types most of the time anyways.

not possible in this game

I got like 7 hyper sunlight or whatever that crap was called

used them as grind fodder



>eqs/lqs give 100x easier to grind 100x less effort/time to obtain 13 stars barely worse than the best
>the hardest content in the game doesn't give the best rewards

This is why people are quitting your game, sega. Stop the casual pandering.

Did Taiga finally get fed up and quit due to this game being an EQ simulator?

>Not like you'd use more than 3 on any other weapon types most of the time anyways.
Not him but you're a big liar. Just listing PAs used often, not every PA that's useful here.
Sword: Guilty, Sac, Nova, OE, Rising, Ride
Partizan: Speed, Volg, Slide End, Slide Shaker, Zenith, Assault
WLs: Holding, Heavenly, Other Spin, Other Cyclone, Grapple, Bind Throw
Twin Daggers: Symphonic, Facet for i-frames or Bloody for guard frames, Wild Rhapsody, Quick March, Orchestra, Fall Nocturne
Knuckles: Straight Charge, BHS, Heartless, Pendulum or Flash for parts and PP:dmg
Double Saber: Tornado Dance, Chaos Riser, Acro Effect, Illusion Rave, Deadly Archer (part/weakpoint snipe), Deadly Circle craft
Rifle: Satellite, End Attract, Impact Slider, Sneak Shooter
Launcher: Divine Launcher craft, Concentrate One, Cluster Bullet, Cosmo Breaker
TMGS: GU/RA: Sat Aim, Bullet Squall craft, IF Type 0, Grim Barrage, Aerial Shooting (height building), Shift Period
GU/HU or /FI: Dead Approach, Sat Aim, Reverse Tap, Aerial Shooting, IF Type 0, Shift Period

>"easier to grind"
>can't even choose to do them when it's convenient for you
>"easier to grind"

Oh my god how could you forget heel stab what's wrong with youuuuuuu

Logging in for 30 minutes every 4-12 hours is easier than grinding ultimate or CM's for a month, yes.

>Bloody for guard frames
Bloody has guard frames?

>Logging in for 30 minutes every 4-12 hours is easier
If you have no job, sure. Or a job with like, convenient JST hours.

You agree schedule only EQ collections are cancer then. Great.