Fighting Games General /fgg/

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yatagarasu sucks lmaooooooooo

>animeNEETs think they're part of the FGC

is yuzu a gud footsies character for beginners??

sagat confirmed for september

>Nelson can just do quadruple overhead if he wants
This character is gonna be a nightmare online.

Why doesn't she just button up her shorts??

gonna need a demographics check on the ole fgc

If neets just practiced masturbating with their left hand they would be godlike on stick.

toppest titty footsies

when is /asg/ coming back?

>TFW your waifu comes out on time and for free

she's fat

You know GG looks fun it just looks so weird to play with the characters moving at like 10 fps

I might get it when its like 25 bucks or something

Limited Animation was a mistake.

We're off to a great start I see

>there are actual NEETS posting ITT

It's to keep the style of the 2D games, it looks great in person

Can't she just eat less??

tfw still thinking about HD melty with XRD graphics but good animations

sometimes i wonder if i'd be happier if i sold my soul and dickrode whatever the current epic maymay game was like you guys do.

>he got bullied out of life and forced into the NEET life of all but guaranteed suicide by 30

>Can't she just eat less??

No she's italian

you'd definitely be happier if you stop player super kusoge fighter 2: kusoge turbo

shut up you fat oily pasta eating italian fuck

Anyone wanna play doa 5 or sc v on ps3?


I chose the NEET life

i'm playing turd strike: short short xx super now too

>using the term kuso


this t b h

Get to sleep wagie, you have to wake up in 4 hours for the daily commute

See me in T7:FR



>being a hipster

real talk, the only reason why you cant play the latest meme game is because you're too poor, not to mention your HP prebuilt toaster cant run anything other than fightcade

Anyone know a good way to netplay GBA games?

i'd agree with you but you used greentext which is even worse

I camt sleep and i already jerked off twice

I domt wamt to miss my dr appointment in 5 hrs

a true patrician's game.

Is there a specific technical reason why 3D fighters can't use rollback netcode or is it just the devs ineptitude?

>Can't she just eat less??
check your skinny privilege asshole
overweightness is a disease

in the future take melatonin and/or doxylamine succinate (the shit that's in nyquil)

Rollback is a meme

i've played that game for years, i tried to play sf4 and hated it, sf5 was boring when i played it

you are probably a 16er who has never played a game before sf4/5

Shit that needs to happen after CPT
>3bar vtrigger for chun and nash
>ken hitstop brought into line with everyone else
>jab AA nerf, make AAing higher reward by buffing actual AAs for characters that must use jab (i.e Karins hp, alex's air knee, etc)

t. Harada

"using the term kuso"


keep me posted

Why would I play games that arent in vogue? I only play alive games

also your boy strifehomo who came to the discord to shit talk and challenge me was easily defeated 6-0

tell that guy i said he's fucking garbage and i didn't even try

you already posted this yesterday you deranged smackhead

why would you try to crossup a blank doing lightning

it's like fighting games 101 that he's vulnerable to lows during that

keep the discord circlejerk in the circlejerk discord

i bet if everyone was jumping off a cliff you'd do it too

think for yourself and take that cock out your mouth

how is it circlejerking to talk about fighting games

I wonder who could be behind these posts...

are there character breakdowns for evo top 16, 32, 64, etc.?

>i bet if everyone was jumping off a cliff you'd do it too

Of course I wouldnt because 1. people arent doing that in droves 2. it would endanger my life

If people actually played ST I would too




people like pisss and strifehomo are playing ST, that should tell you enough

Anyone wanna play something on Fightcade?

I'll play whatever you want.

>quadruple overheads

you have already admitted to being a dickriding sycophant, you're powerless now

ahh, the association fallacy

simply epic

back to the discord with you please

Soul calibur VI when?

it's not about being a sycophant, I just dont want to invest my time in a game that has no community other than 5 hipsters in fightcade

why not buy a window air conditioner for your room

I'd rather have Melty 2 with UNIEL sprites actually, animations need to be smoother however.

Give me one good reason to play super turdo that doesn't involve trying to look like a poser OG

so you're literally just dickriding something that's popular, because it's popular, and you think you're not a dickriding sychophant? lmao? if i fuck a guy in the ass does that not make me gay? i don't understand how this works

you have already blatantly admitted to be a huge dickrider and now you are trying to backpedal

fucking exposed

why is nobody addressing the fact that ST is a garbage game? you make it sound like it's gods gift but nobody is playing it for some reason
it's shit

>implying I don't fap with my left hand to begin with
I'm still shit at doing fast dashes or DPs

yeah it's so bad it's been played competitively for 20+ years and people still show up to play it at majors and evo. that's why there's still 30+ people playing at a time right?

great argument

Should I upgrade to win 10 just for killer instinct?
inb4 SF V also has PC vs console stuff.
Yeah I know but I remember being a big fan of KI on the 90's.

Is there footage of someone playing Dizzy and KOF14 well?

I didn't deny being a "dickrider" but why use that word? You know I would've loved if people still played turd strike seeing as how its a very technical game or ST, or tekken, or any other game, but people dont and it's just not fun to play something in solitude.

The likes who still do are people like you who just cant let go and play on toasters because you have no other option

too poor to afford a real game
too stupid to play KoF

earlier you were talking about fallacies, surely you see the ones you're using yourself?

kofxiv feels great immediately


SFV runs better on DX12.

people also show up to play Project Justice which is at least as good as ST if not better

of course not, pisss is literally "it's okay when I do it" - the person

why does every user spout the exact same dumb argument that i've already disproved? i already addressed both these 1. people still play it and there's evidence of this 2. plenty of people can play sf5 or w/e trash you play and choose to play old games instead/also


is /fgg/ looking forward to Brawlout? will it be the golden age of platform fighters once again?

I got my bearings back. We can play again.

Also this is the second time you have posted that. Give it a rest.

What's some of your favorite fg tracks?

>1. people still play it and there's evidence of this


11 Chuns in top 64, all I remember


history has proven nobody wants to play a smash clone

Why are the artist and 3D modellers working at Capcom so lazy? Every fighting game in the market at the moment (except for KoFXIV) shows more love and care for details and character personalities than SFV does.


I kind of do if it's on steam and somewhat balanced

disagree on kofxiv

>come back after years
>pisss is still trying to bait people into playing super turbo with him

some things never change I see

Wallbouncing C+D was a mistake

play rivals of aether then

oh wait you wont because nobody wants to play a smash clone

30 whole posers still dickriding a dead game on their toasters pretending that playing it makes them more "legit" than sf4/sf5 players

Fucking lmao

the girls and costumes are very sexy

they work so hard they go back and remove nipples

>people also show up to play Project Justice which is at least as good as ST if not better
oh wow we're really doing this now? how often are there tournaments for that? are there any in america?


not wasting my time you had your chance

>except for KoFXIV