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>Fallout 4 General Information (Read Before Asking Questions)
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>Fallout 4 Item IDs

>Fallout 4 Legendary Effects & IDs Guide
pastebin.com/qg0KhsCA (embed)

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I want to marry Curie!

No new vegas faggotry and shitposting edition


I've installed RWLE for New Vegas and using the cool ReShade preset in the mod's page. But when I take pictures, the effect isn't present in the image.

What do? The pics look nowhere near as good without the effect.

for once, OP is not a fa-

Vorefag detected.

>being triggered by that thing no one ever reads




>same voice actor as Xerxes and one of the many's voices
So that's why he creeps me the fuck out

>implying there's anything wrong with wanting to end as deathclaw dinner

If there's a Hell, I think it'd look like this.

look at you, sole survivor

Tell me what your plans are for today, user's?

I have a DnD session later.

are you going to suck cocks, you fucking faggot?

Literally robot Vivec

>user is

>Tell me what your plans are for today, user's?
Well, I plan to make as well as finally start on making some shield since it's been 3 years since I've decided to make a shield because I've got nothing else to do and I found a bunch of wood lying around.

fuck off Raven

Wrong AI
I kept expecting him to talk about the glory of the flesh and how shit individualism

Not really
At least dima didn't murder that woman for power and then force people to worship him

look at you, pedant

literally who?

Honestly looks nice. Just the right amount of light and dark. Plus, lots of wood.

That looks quite interesting. Also you should make a codpiece of holding.

Plan to in an hour.

I must say, the BoS under-uniform is quite nice in Fallout 4.
It is a very welcome change, in my opinion.

"I've been here 10 minutes and killed 15 raiders and a deathclaw but this faggot in a bent cowboy hat is already ruining my day."

>new vegas
>best waifu ever
>100% lez

>best waifu ever
but that's not Cass

Finally finished a three-day period of doing a "quick" fix for my mod. Going to publish the latest update, go work on my next mod, and hope I don't drown in bug reports in the meantime. Still dealing with a hardcoded (probably) problem with ash piles, but that'll just have to be a known issue.

But that's not Christine.

at least Christine is bi
shame you can't take her with you

>a codpiece of holding.
I'm afraid there will be no wood to hold once I'm done fucking around, but eh maybe I'll make one and glue it to the front door of my friend's house

Acceptable taste.

Enlightened taste.

She is?


>She is?
Christine can hold hands with the Courier, if you build your relationship with her. She and Ulysses were also fairly intimate, though there isn't much to be said on that front.

kill her every time
christine too


>character voiced by Felicia Day
>"best" anything except target practice


Literally who?

Daily reminder synths are androids/cyborgs, not human.
Daily reminder power armor is lore friendly in FO4 (finally!)
Gg no re

>he doesn't engage in e-celeb shenanigans
LOL look at this homo

Eh, being emotionally intimate with somebody doesn't really mean romantically involved. And given the silly degree of stress in that situation, I don't really think it was out of place for her to want a little support from the Courier. I'm not sure we ultimately have enough information to make a call either way, though.

>Acceptable taste.
>not recognizing that Cass is by far the best of companions for the male courier to hook up with
I mean Arcade is alright if that particular courier happens to swing that way but one of the end slides for Cass very nearly makes it clear that she and the courier eventually end up together. Also there is the cut content from the whole marriage sidequest, not included because we just can't have nice things apparently.

Credit where credit is due. That user was right. Nevada Skies did look like shit. Though RWLE looks much better thanks to the ReShade FX.

And I learned how to take pics, I just need to press Print Screen for longer than usual (I just wish I could rebind the key, though).

>Literally who?
socjus scum e-celeb who ran into traffic once because she was approached by a white male wearing a vidya-related t-shirt.

Okay, Cass is decent.

Doesn't change the fact that she's still pretty in a dress.

>socjus scum e-celeb who ran into traffic once because she was approached by a white male wearing a vidya-related t-shirt.
of all the reasons to become roadkill

>doing the quest for the cabot family
>get to the basement of the insane asylum
ok wat do who do I side with?

You never know user, those rapists are everywhere!

Understandable. We really don't know much about Christine outside of DM, but I prefer not to think of her as a full-on carpet muncher like Ms. Annoying Potato-faced Defeatist Potatosack Girl.

Does anyone know the name of that forced settlement raiding mod? I outfitted my settlers with so much shit and have turrets everywhere but I never get attacks from anyone because of the defence value. Thanks in advance if you remember.

Link us the mod! Always hated how ash piles liked to persist.

Now you are thinking with morning wood.

Whoever the fuck you want.
Lorenzo kills the rest, Cabot just kill Lorenzo.

How hard would it be to port companions from New Vegas or 3 to Fallout 4? I would love to run around the commonwealth with Cass or Arcade (about the most lore friendly you could have from Vegas) or Jericho or Charon.

Is that a Deathclaw with tits I see?


Yeah but they all die anyway if you kill Lorenzo.
They need his goo to live

>visit /fog/
>see my character on the OP

Wasn't expecting that tbhh.

Anyways I'm trying out a mod that somebody recommended that added a fuck ton of new hair styles. There were some short hair styles that I really liked for my character.

I'm trying this one out. r8.


>Link us the mod! Always hated how ash piles liked to persist.
Oh, hm, I can if you want, but that wasn't quite what I meant (or what this mod does).

Part of the mod is to be able to automatically loot corpses, but the CritEffect_DisintegrateEnd effect from the base game seems to disable actor references in the cell, so I can't query for them like with regular corpses. And what's worse is that ash piles are activators rather than containers, and they don't really seem to have a way to get back to the replaced actor, from Papyrus.

I can't register for a remote OnActivate() event against them because those can only be sent from in-game rather than from a script. I also can't reliably listen for _all_ OnDeath() events and check if they were disintegrated - that would be way too performance intensive, and the disappearing corpses don't always fall next to their own ash piles.

In the end I'm just going to list this as a known issue, because I can't find a way to get around it.

The build area size of Vault 88 is completely unnecessary.


>One of the features advertised was the ability to "experiment" on your dwellers
>It's literally just four introduction quests that are brushed over once they're done
>Can't start new experiments or try the ones you didn't use at first

Honestly, was anybody really expecting something different?

>It's literally just four introduction quests that are brushed over once they're done
>Can't start new experiments or try the ones you didn't use at first

>mfw Reddit sucks Bethesda's dick and expected incredible experiments
>mfw people were actually imagining the kind of things they would do

The proper way to make your own experiments is, and has always been, manually making your own mods, something that only 5% of the modding community is capable of, 1% is able to properly pull off, and 0% is willing to do.

With how lazy they were with this DLC, I'm not expecting much from Nuka World.



I would rather have a massive build space than a tiny one

The problem is that Bethesda used that as an excuse to put basically nothing in there. "Look how much _potential_ there is with this DLC!" is just their way of being lazy as hell, and re-packaging barely-tweaked content from the base game into yet another Minecraft DLC.

Is the settler limit still 20?

Fuck, the lighting is beautiful. I can now say New Vegas looks great, and I have barely any performance drop.

That reminds me how much more I liked the ghouls in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I wonder if anybody will ever do an overhaul to make the ghouls look more like emaciated corpses and not like melted clay.

>get exposed to lethal amount of radiation
>lol it just makes me skinny! Science! XD

There are critters you have to clear out and 'random' scrap set pieces. It's a settlement on a larger scale which introduces new shit to build, some cosmetic stuff and has a mini-quest attached.

Worth 5 dollars.

I can understand getting flustered over other 5 dollar settlement packs, but of the 3, this one seems the most interesting, the most value for money.

Contraptions should have had a mini-quest attached with a factory theme. Take over a Sugar Bombs factory and convert it to an actual explosives mill for the Minutemen, or something.

Wasteland Workshop should have fleshed out the Combat Zone and introduced some quests to compliment the Arena system. Have a questline getting the place up and running for a bloodthirsty crowd. Capture animals for fights, recruit a couple of prize-fighter NPC's to make things interesting.

Of the 3 workshop packs, Vault-Tec seems to be the only one close to having been implemented properly.

These Vault Tec experiments make less sense than some of the fucking Institute's goals, they're nowhere near as nuanced as the actual tests done in other vaults.

>Exercise is selfish, so we've created an energy providing exercise bike that will shock/drug the user if they slow down
>Despite the fact that we use the most powerful miniaturised nuclear reactors that have so much power there's no way these bikes will make a difference

>How dare people socialise during coffee breaks, we want you to drug the coffee so they don't want to interact with their peers and head straight back to work, the only side effects are minor ailments like depression or an existential crisis which totally aren't counter productive to said work

I chose all the sensible options created by what was clearly Dream Boy working at Vault Tec, everybody kept making fun of him for actually wanting to improve people's lives.

yes, but multiple workbenches 'linked' together, so it's effectively a group of settlements parked next to each other

How likely is that an AWOP style mod will be made for fo4?

Well a nice mod called "wasteland arsenal 1.9" adds a shitton of weapons, and adds them to leveled lists.

No, no.
user meant AWOP as in "A World of Pain", which is a mod with random dungeons chock-full of useless junk and bulletsponge enemies that also bloats your savefiles.

>random dungeons chock-full of useless junk and bulletsponge enemies
So... just like vanilla Fallout 4?
Why would he want a Fallout 4 inside his Fallout 4?

Anyone else using certain workbenches not as settlements but Minutemen facilities?

I like to think that Nate divides the Minutemen into six departments and give each department a head office.

>Security Division (in charge of settlement and facility defenses), directed by Ronnie, based out of the Castle
>Operations Division (in charge of offensive operations, warfare, suppressing raiders, mutants, etc), directed by Preston, based out of a boot camp at the airport
>Administrative Division (in charge of recruiting, PR, finances), directed by the Vault-Tec Rep, based out of Sanctuary
>Supply Division (in charge of supply lines, agriculture, resource allocation), directed by Sheffield, based out of Red Rocket supply depot
>Engineering Division (in charge of construction, salvaging, and robotics), directed by Sturges with Isabel as Assistant Chief, based out of Mechanist Lair
>Science Division (in charge of R&D, medicine), directed by Curie, going to be based out of Vault 88

Dentist's appointment.

nice autism

thanks bro

Creating a religion that will control the world with the power of Knowledge.

In foShelter, my dude found a red rocket, and thre was a guy ther, he told the guy to come to the vault, it said i unlocked that guy, now i cant find him anywhere, anyone know whats up?

I don't know what mod it is, but some mod made it so that I can't make 10mm pistols automatic anymore.

I don't like this.

Enjoying tfw you can't drawfag and are too self-conscious to learn how to.

I ported the female IMC armor from Titanfall. The helmet is equippable, and don't forget to bodyslide it. The item id is xx0000800 and xx0000804 for the helmet.


Look up Hiroshima survivors. Radiation doesn't make you look like melted clay, as that user pointed out. One would expect the ghouls in FO4 to look horrifying, but they don't.

For the record, however, I'm using a hi-res retexture, so ghouls do look much better.

>nice autism

meme or legit problem?

Internal consistency with all previous Fallout ga-

Oh wait, 4 doesn't have that.

Just beat the main story: sided with Railroad

1. Why does Kellogg live with child Shaun in Diamond City?

2. How did Father release you from cryo? Remote command? Some dude who flips a switch and quickly gets out?

>sided with Railroad

cucks don't deserve answers


AWOP is one of the worst "best of" New Vegas mods I have ever seen. It's terribly unbalanced, terribly glitched, terribly filled with pointless junk which the authors consider "art".

That it has 30K endorsements when there are much bette rmods out there in the Nexus is a testament to the lack of taste of the modding community.

Did I mention how it fucks up your save if you uninstall it midplaythrough?

>Why does Kellogg live with child Shaun in Diamond City?
Because it's part of a big ploy by Father to trick Kellogg into getting himself killed by the player.

>How did Father release you from cryo? Remote command? Some dude who flips a switch and quickly gets out?
The evidence points to it happening via remote command. Of course, this is assuming the player wasn't replaced with a synth in the 60 years since Kellogg's incursion

>Why does Kellogg live with child Shaun in Diamond City?
Shaun wanted you to find Kellogg and the Institute and he seems to have somehow guessed how it would go down. My guess is the kid was there to act as a red herring to spur you on.

>How did Father release you from cryo? Remote command? Some dude who flips a switch and quickly gets out?
Institute science magic. It sounds like he did it remotely, maybe the guys who went in there to get Shaun left behind a program in the computers that would let them get in from the Institute in case something went wrong with the SS's cyrostasis.

>1. Why does Kellogg live with child Shaun in Diamond City?
To bait the SS. Also, field testing.
>2. How did Father release you from cryo? Remote command? Some dude who flips a switch and quickly gets out?

So anyone else having trouble with the Vault Tec DLC, specifically with hanging lights? They seem to float.

Also why is the cavern so fucking big when we can only build in a fraction of it.


>Of course, this is assuming the player wasn't replaced with a synth in the 60 years since Kellogg's incursion
Who asked you, DiMA?
SS can't be a synth. For one, not immune to radiation. For two, the Institute would have shut him/her down after betraying them. For three, why would Shaun want a synth to lead an organization that subjugates synths?

>Also why is the cavern so fucking big when we can only build in a fraction of it.

You can build in all of it, try reactivating the Workshops.

only coursers and gentoos are immune to rads