/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Old Yharnam edition

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>Co-Op & PvP
Official PvP Chalice: hizzngr3 (Pthumeru Root)
/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

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First for Kos


Third for R E M I N D E R



Wow, I have never seen anyone this mad about being rekt in PvP before. Just let it go.

That room is great because you can hit him from behind the pillars with a long enough weapon. Amy's arm, Beastcuttah, whip come to mind.

He says it like he ever PvPs in the first place.

Problem with that is that he can also throw his bullshit boomerang shotels at you and there's no way for you to see it coming because there's a pillar in the way.

The first half, at least, it's pretty easy to just dodge around the asshole and take swipes at him while staying fairly safe. You wanna dodge torwards him, though, not side-to-side.

Yeah I was surpised the first time they flew at me through the pillars. But the attack is triggered by range. I did it with amy's arm so between the knockdown and being juuust outside of melee range it wasn't much aof a problem.

>This thread right now

Should I stick with threaded cane until I can get BoM or should I divide run the Saif?

I'm so sorry

Rush the saif. It's better than the BoM anyway.

Whatever you wanna kill rom with. Cane non tricked poke plus boltpaper and pellet probably do it faster

Dude I'm at Amelia I'm not planning for rom

So this guy right here confuses me. How does he ask for the password and turn into a skeleton in the timeframe it takes for you to open the door? Freaky eldritch shit?

He has been dead for a very long time, even before you gave him the password, and yeah it "freaky eldritch shit."

Maybe he was a talking skeleton that is too shy to talk with people if there isn't a door in the middle.

Sorry, I was assuming you wanted to complete the crowsteel questline and thats why you didn't kill eileen at the beginning of the game.

No problem, I'm am completing the quest line for the rune and gesture, but I'm still only at Amelia so I was wondering if threaded cane or Saif would be best to go through the game until rom

>if it isn't lightspeed shitposting, it's ded thred ded game!

Oi, don't get me wrong, I love this game and /bbg/. But when it's silence for thirty minutes and we're on page ten...

I was your salvation, and you rejected it.

Threaded Cane gets bonus damage against beasts when tricked, Saif does literally everything. Saif is probably better, but you get style points for repping the whip.

Then...post. Ask a question about lore or some shit.

I'm going with the cane, I've never used it really and want to fuck around with it

So does anyone have any sliders for something that would look like simon from castlevania? Something like pic related? Id love to do a castlevania run with only the tricked cain and using things like the throwing knife. What outfits should i use?

Sliders I couldn't say, but for outfits, capeless Hunter's Garb, Yahar'gul Black Gloves and Black Church Trousers, maybe.

>Wanting to play as a Fucboi

Kill yourself fujo

>That fruity bastard
>Not best Belmont

It's like you're not even trying.

>That's Simon
When did he turn into a twink fuckboi? Last I knew he was Conan tier beefcake

Not that user, but I tried to make a character that had a similar appearance for a "roguish" SKL/BLT build, but either I suck at making characters or the character creator is shit because they all end up looking like shit.
In the end I ended up making a character similar to pic related.


>>That fruity bastard
>The Simon you posted has a leather vest, leopard patterns, and a fucking scarf

That's not Simon. That's Richter. I guess user mixed them up.

>Calling him Simon

Julius was the only one that was strong enough to straight-up kill Dracula. Beyond that, he killed Dracula so hard he gave himself amnesia.

The only Belmont close to his level of badassery is Richter, and you can't really make him in Bloodborne.

Sorry famygdala, I just always called the mc's of the games Simon's because I always played them casually and it's a hard habit to break, just the name that comes up when I think of it over Belmont

Why do I keep invading dumb nerds that let themselves be ambushed in Byrgenwerth? Seriously, countless times I could just spawn, slash at their exposed back and kill them within 5s of invasion. Shouldnt they get a warning?

It was the only castlevania-related pic i have on my pc.

And what, I think he looks good like that, with long hair.

Oh no, I don't mind, long hair Richter is best Richter.

You admit you don't fight honourably, thoust're a stinkard.

How can one fighht honorably outside of FCs anyway?

By not ambushing people, I guess.

I'm just doing what Sun Tzu told me

whats so special about byrg invading? cause you can team up with the augur bitch in there?

>listening to a dead antediluvian chinaman

Been farming l3 loran amy for 2 days now

does 21% nourishing 15+ phys even exist?

If I could get this unbelievably lucky, you'll be able to get what you need too. It's out there, user, just keep trying.

I'm paying for getting my rom gem in 1 or 2 goes

Rom is actually fairly easy to grind, provided you already have good gems. With two cold abyssals and a bolt waning in my Saif, I can oneshot the little spiders and take out Rom herself in only a handful of stamina bars. Plus, it's way easier to grind Old HMPH and Abhorrent Beast than it is Rom, so getting to that point makes for an easy ride to nourishing abyssals.

No, she's dead most of the time. It's just full of overleveled scrubs who cant beat Rom and summon NPCs.

bout to upload some footage of my amy kills.
Too bad I dont have any of my rom kills, she's super ez to get to half in 1 port and dead in another. if you get her down enough in one go she'll port to the same location and its GG

wouldnt that make it a bad place to invade if theyre overleveled?

read: scrubs

Anyway whats the parameters for invading up or down again?

Who wants to help out with Headless Bloodletting Beast? I fuckin hate this boss and just want my chalice so I can spend all my free time grinding.

Pth Ihyll Layer 2
Pass is bbg

Sure, I'll help out. Been a while since I fought him though.

I'm on my way now, if you haven't already taken him out.

He's still alive. Ringing by lamp

Thanks Donnie. Refused to spend my evening with that dick

No problem. Nice scythe.


What's considered the "best" curse to have? Are they additive?

I guess I just don't see the point of going past the ~20% gems you get just going through the story.

+21% nourishing +15% physical +3.2 stam usage increase is my wetdream.

The best curse is probably increase stamina cost, since it doesn't get any higher than three percent or so. After that is attack versus beast/kin down, because those don't have any impact on PvP and as long as you have only one of those curse types on your weapons, you can switch freely between them as the situation demands.

The other three curses make the gem largely obsolete though, those ones being attack down, HP depletes and durability down. You wouldn't think the last one is so bad, but it gets to the point where your weapon breaks in like five minutes of hitting things and that's just awful.

As for the point in getting top tier gems, it's nice to have for deep chalices and NG+ cycles, and it helps a ton for PvP. Other than that though, there really isn't a reason to bother getting them instead of settling on the 20% story gems.

Nightmare Church nun right after Ludwig is way hotter. Her prayer sounds rapturous as fuck. I imagine her rubbing her naked body all over while she recites it.


You can basically hear her cum the second time she says 'minds young'.

go outside

She's already someone else's waifu, go away.

Look at this beastly idiot.

Who do you suppose that is? I always assumed it was Amelia because of the prayer and location, but it's a different VA.

What was his fucking problem?

He grew up in a womb, attached to his dead mom's placenta.

Not a nice place to grow up in.

I saw this thread on /v/ earlier. Can't fool me.

I'm having a real fucking problem getting 2 mins of gameplay footage under 3mb in a webm. Any tips?

How is he even so fucking stronk? He's essentially a newborn, but he goes ham with a quickness.

Being the son of an eldritch god will do that to ya.

I don't think I've ever seen a WeBm that's 2 minutes long. Either split it up and make multiple, or just turn it into a YouTube video.

Otherwise put all the quality settings at the lowest of low, you won't be able to see anything but it will be 2 minutes of WeBm.

>Who do you suppose that is?

I had assumed it was Amelia, too, but who's the other chick? My wild theory is they're Choir gals set there as a line of defense against intruders into the Hunter's Nightmare. Can't let anyone know what they're up to.

Also space wizard woman waifu is best waifu

I always assumed it was a Vicar praying to Laruences skull

I'll feel dirty creating a yt account but I'll do it.

Like still guarding the Choir secrets, even in the nightmare? Intredasting.


r8 my amy kill

Christ, I thought Bloodborne and Dark Souls were in a shared thread on Veeky Forums.

Anyway, I'll ask the same question I asked in the Dark Souls thread.

I only just started playing Bloodborne about a month ago, and I haven't touched the game in about two weeks. The last thing I remember doing was going on a boss killing spree. I killed Vicar Amelia, Bloodstarved Beast, and the Witches of Charnel. I don't know where to go next, I don't remember if I picked up a key from them.

Remember that door that required a password?

go explore around the giants in the cathedral ward

>giant faggot cloud sword
>misses several attacks
>has to use cowardly tools from afar
>horrible fashion sense


here i thought Veeky Forums was full of nice guys

Go find an enemy that holds a giant sack and fight him.

I'm kidding, that was a great kill. Especially liked the ending. Kudos for not using some gay ass taunt at the end.

Do I have to explore every part of the fucking CDs to get ritual shit? Starting on pthumeru and wondering if I need to waste my time or not

Got it.
Did it.


you can skip a few parts but mostly yeah you need to clear side rooms for treasure chests

Go back to the Chapel (where the dude who asked you to bring people is) and go right, the door that was previously locked should be open now.
Explore the area with a huge fall carefully, there is a hidden area there.
Once you are done with that area a guy with a sack should show up, let him kill you.
After all of that, go to the area before the hugeass room where you fought Amelia and either go left or right (I can't remember) till you get to a door where some cunt is asking you for a password that will lead you the next important area.
Everything before the meeting the password dude is optional but I suggest you do it before going any further.

Abandon this thread and complete your first play through blind. You only have one chance to do that. Don't spoil it.

>tfw spoiled myself about almost everything before I even bought the game
Fuck you, past me.

I watched ENB's playthrough because the game's aesthetic looked so good. Never thought I'd play it cause I tried Demon's Souls back in the day and didn't enjoy.

So I actually spoiled what became one of my favourite games by watching the only LP I have ever watched. Also, he knew everything about the game cause he worked on it or something so it was even more spoiled.

Even doing this is really hard unless you have great vitality.

It's still a pretty fucking great game even if you spoil everything, I'm just sad that I'll never experiencie that feeling of "OH MY FUCKING GOD THERE IS CTHULHUS EVERYWHERE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" that people that went blind into this game experienced.

No, it's not. You should never be touched if you do it right.

This was my favorite girl

I want an evil scientist gf to find me valuable while treating the rest of humanity like cattle

Nice work, did you get a decent gem?

I prefer my kill of regular-game Amy though.....

Oh definitely. I would have loved to be blown away by all the things going on and reading the item descriptions myself to put things together. Even having watched, I've still done a lot of research on my own and really enjoyed it.

I am, however, not going to make the same mistake with the Dark Souls games. None of which I have played.