
>Can't imagine it being any more exciting* than the Top Gear being produced now.
It was always produced? How do you expect TV shows to be produced without a producer?

Other urls found in this thread:


>extra gear
>not overdrive
>not reverse gear
>wtf even is an extra gear

Christ, could've called it something better than extra gear.

Good riddance. TopGear was a total loaf of shit anyway. Hate me.

>BBC Three
Who cares?

>Chris Evans is proving to be more of a hassle to work with than Clarkson ever was
>Top Gear is an abortion before it even launches
>old Top Gear crew are laughing all the way to the bank with their new Amazon paychecks
>BBC is slowly dying

>tfw no Amazon Gear until Autumn

>People refusing to pay license fee
>SEVEN hosts, of which most are literally whos
>Clarkson took all the industry contacts with him
>Also all the experienced crew
>BBC loots Top Gear magazine for staff because the new crew is retarded
>Of the SEVEN FUCKING HOSTS only 2 can actually drive
>Chris "punch me in the fucking throat" Evans as main presenter
>Amazon Gear already confirmed to be far better than BBC Gear has been in 10 years

Just kill it now before it rates lower than reruns of Panorama

oh boy am i so excited! (seriously who the fuck is that rory nigger?)

fucking bbc

>No comments

I've noticed more an more that the BBC only puts a comment section on a story where they can be reasonably sure they'll get responses in favour of what they're pushing. They know that no one gives the slightest fuck about Top Cuck, so they're trying to hide it with all the "hype" they're attempting to drum up.

They did behind the scenes stuff before, just with the presenters that you actually liked.

I meant the new top gear, as its going to be very different without Clarkson & co

Well those were occasional episodes weren't they, not the entire stand alone series this is going to be.

Implying a show with Chris Harris and Eddie will have fans.

Quick, shift into the extra gear!

There already is a better version of Top Gear out

The Anerican version.

British TV fucking sucks dick

The U.S. versions of TV shows are ALWAYS superior

British Top Gear? An unfunny violent manchild spouting memes at a camera. British office? you'd have to be autistic to laugh at that shit and everyone's ugly.

And don't even get me started on Monty Python

>le spam XD

Brits today can't even watch tv without it being preapproved by the BBC to make sure that it's nonproblematic.

If you like British Tv you should leave this board

Who's the nigger?

Here's a free (you)

Thanks senpai

But the American version is a racecar driver and two unfunny people driving cars and copying the British antics

>not overdrive
I bet Harris suggested that but all the fuckwits surrounding him know nothing about cars and didn't understand how perfect it was.