/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

/wowg/ guilds:

@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)

@ Silvermoon (Alliance)

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>Silvermoon (Alliance)

end me

I'm gonna hazard a guess that the keep cannons in IoC are a bit more strong than intended

they'll be tuned for 110

all BGs are actually scaled to level 110 right now
its literally impossible to kill Vandar/Drek Thar even with 4 towers down

the last bosses in IoC do like 90% of a healthbar with a leap and then just 1shot everyone regardless

rip monks

the shittier the game, the more gayer the thread

>rip monks
>best healer in the game


>He didn't meet thrall in-game

Would you guys say WoW is really over it's peak and is dying out now, or is that just nostalgia-talk?
Basically: How is WoW looking to you with Legion?
Is it still the best MMO out there, are would you recommend Guild wars 2 & ESO over WoW?

Is bajheera proof that any retard can play warrior and get high rating?

>This is Ralph

youre both getting reported.
those names are against the coc

Too many times.

It's spelled Vjera.

It's funny because Celestalon, the blizz employee who had the audacity to explain to career-long mythic raiders how to play Brewmaster and ignored pages and pages of good, detailed feedback, has personally taken to playing a Brewmaster in beta and showing testers how they're meant to be played.

It's like he's on a one-man crusade to legitimize his vision of a spec he hijacked from people who were completely content with it. Weird to witness.

So how do we gear new alts up quickly now? Haven't played in a year.

it's a dead shit guild that the downs ameritard shilling his own dead guild copypasted without looking, ignore it

killing seamonster

Let's fucking finally talk about the guilds in OP. Let's try to review them.

> @ Illidan (Horde)
literal who guild who are forcefagging themselves into OP by sniping threads and dumping tranny porn in the thread whenever they don't manage to do so, GM is disliked because of his samefagging in the thread and responding to himself
> @ Illidan (Horde)
ded guild, used to shitpost a lot but looks like they stopped
> @ Sargeras (Alliance)
seems fine with a few people still playing, don't shitpost about themselves, pretty shit at raiding though
> @ Silvermoon (Alliance)
meme guild but have quite a few people, they had as much progress as wrench before it died, however 1-2 avatarfags here really dislike the GM for some reason

tl;dr remove literal who

> @ Illidan (Horde)
got me a moose

join today

Honestly, if legion doesn't blow people away, and if they don't release legacy servers, the game is fully dead in 2 years anyway.

EU players are on argent dawn.

>the guy that gets kicked out of his guild for not being able to kite as a monk tank tries to tell me how to play it

Its ok to sell all my xmog gear and I will still be able to xmog it right?

kill yourselfie

I'm going to have to agree with this. People are expecting a fucking fantastic expansion after WoD, and even some of the most die hard Blizzard fans will probably have had enough of their shit if Legion sucks.

i thought memestalon played mw?

Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah

Yes he did, at least back in SoO.
>Since he got the dev job MW has been top tier.
Really makes you think.

>mfw shared loot

Truly how fishing was meant to be

what the fuck is going on here

anyone else ever have a issue where you open the game launcher, and it wont connect, but you also cant connect to the warcraft site? its acting like i have no internet connection

Post death knights and/or undead.

The special murloc from garrison fishing has shared loot now

i dont play on us or stalked him or anything, but it wasnt a recent event, heard about it back in mop/wod and it couldve been months old already

ded man walking

Is Mr. Robot any good? I just wanna watch something pretending to play in BGs

Does the Lightning Rod talent for ele shaman effect the primary target of lightning bolt?

Guys what talent should I pick for moonkins last tier, I'm doing arenas.

its okay to watch while doing that

Who do I whisper to join the /wowg/ guild on Illidan?


Tell them you know of the secret club and you're ready to meme for them

but they don't
I've killed the boss in ioc without much people dying, it's possible if you got a tank (half f dks are anyway)

I've been playing since 2006 and I've heard the "WoW is dying" bs ever since I started.

WoW continues to be one of the most popular games in the world and will continue to evolve in the future. It will never die.

>Farseer Jam'aal

r8 dont h8

wildstar and FF killed wow alrdy

Complete bullshit hyperbole.

People have said that since TBC.

WoW isn't going anywhere.


What is that weapon called? Also, that pic may have fully convinced me to make a ud mw or bm monk.


>WoW isn't going anywhere.
But its players are.
>Lost 5 million players in less than 6 months.

just do a who search for literal who and whisper anyone


>overused tabard

I meant the /wowg/ guild, but don't worry someone already invited me.

They all come back for the expansions. WoW is still incredibly popular.

I quit at the end if cata and recently came back too.

You never quit wow

It's one of the staves you get from the zen pilgrimage quests, you get three different ones.

I leveled as MW so it might be different for other specs.
>Also, that pic may have fully convinced me to make a ud mw or bm monk
Good taste!

>combustion mage only big cd is dispellable
i cast fist

nice meme

>Baiting people to join a dead guild.
user ... that's not nice.

>warlock big dick cooldown is a pet that can easily be CC'ed or lined

>resto druid big cooldown
>druid can easily be CC'ed
I call hacks.

c-can you still do Pandaria challenge modes?

I've got the gear set on my Priest and Mage, but after deciding to main for wod and onwards I relaly regret never getting it for druid.

>outlaw big cooldown
>ccs last longer than ks

oh dont you just miss scare beast

Why are we still putting dead guilds in the OP?

Thanks for the help. Also, if it's not too much trouble, whats that tmog? Is it a set or did you make it yourself? It looks really nice.

Already have over 120 Worm Supreme

no but u will get a welfare recolor of it in legion

tfw combustion is our only cooldown but meteor

It's just leafsong vest, scaled leather headband, glovelettes of opening and some gear out of the pvp boxes.

Playing dress-up with ud isn't that great but you can make some stuff work.

How to make money now?

buy low
sell high
undercut by 30%
farm raid pets

run old raids

When will incestral and ralph meet? Do you think they will have hot fattie sex?

Who /sissywhiteboi/ here?

You don't need to be modest with me user, I'm a sucker for most things transmogging, since I haven't gotten around to doing it on my main. Might actually be thinking about making the monk on an Ally character since I want to experience both the Horde and Alliance side quests in Legion, but I'm not sure which race is the best. I'm thinking maybe Human, Pandaren and Draenei? Part of me thinks gnome, but it might be the silly side of me.

>not undercutting people by 45% then getting angry messages

>farming marks of honor
This is worse than grinding those troll ears in ghostlands years ago.

sell boipuss in goldshire

token/old raids/be a AH jew (not recommended) if you enjoy the game normally

Which raids specifically?

Which pets? I have tons of the MC/BWL ones but i am too lazy to sell them since they go for like 100-300g on my server.

You're sick in the head for even thinking that, faggot.

ah okay, that's not so bad then



I think dwarves and draenei are really cool monks.

Anyone want to ERP?

I have a submissive Blood Elf priestess and a futa Draenei Paladin.

that anubis pet for example ... or the water spirit ... or chrominius ... you know .... the good ones ...

I'll ERP with your priestess
In this thread

What server?

cuddle doggos


>they tried to do the good ol spawnarooni tactic
>just ninja cap towers

why are russians so bad invidually like everyone backpaddles

i guess thats why the do 40 man premade BG rofl