/vn/ - if u remove the meat from my dinner i aint gonna eat that shet edition

Visual Novel General #1146


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Can you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

What is wrong with the op?


Are you 12?

Here is a free (You) for all the shitposters, so keep it down this time

That applies especially to fate fags

Friendly reminder that Fate/shit night is kusoge as deemed by our lord and savior moogy-sama.

Post kamige that will never ever get translated and laugh at the EOPs.

Post smug

Wtf i hate fsn now

I'm going to marry Wanko!


Kek. I asked him about this and he says that the anime is actually better than original VN

Friendly reminder that Fate/Extra CCC is kamige and Nasu is one of the best VN writers as deemed by our lord and savior moogy-sama.

What's the name of that highly rated VN with an older protagonist (like in his late 20s or maybe early 30s) who moves in with some family or dorm or something? Anyone have any idea?


Moogy oniy gave CCC an 8.5 though. It isn't even in his top 10.
>Nasu is such a bad writer that even when he's trying his hardest he still barely manages to impress the Moogy-sama

Wtf i love CCC now

>only an 8.5
Having your work rated above an 8 by the Moogy-sama is one of the greatest achievements a writer could have.

I honestly hate this new rating bullshit where anything under 9/10 is considers bad. What happened to 5/10 being just average. I blame video games.

Unless it's a 9+ it is irrelevant. Sorry, Nasutards. You almost got a kamige, but Moogy has spoken. Maybe next time ;)

Don't worry, my friend... Tsukihime Remake is coming ;)

If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it


maybe in another 10 years

also, nice Arc cosplay, Saber.

>no vents

Didn't you know? The Tsukihime Remake is actually a reenactment done by the cast from Fate. This explains why Arc is a toothpick with the same boob size as Saber now.

Why is Shiki even smiling in that second row
That seems OOC

Damekoi, it's about a 29 years old divorced dude that moves to an apartment house managed by a 17/18 years old highschool girl, their "forbidden love" is pretty much the basis for White Album 2.
One of the heroines is the MC's ex-wife too, it's a good game.

We need more comfy vns like that

Maybe the shitposting /jp/ outcasts and nasutards wouldn't fuck of every single thread with their trash

Because it isn't Shiki; it's Shirou.

>subahibi(8.72) about to push down fate(8.73) in the vndb rating list.
>suddenly goes back to 8.71
>check the most recent lowest votes
>all fatefags

Thanks famalam. Vocab doesn't seem like it should be too bad so I think I'm gonna give it a try.

>we need more garbage VNs like Majimeme
As much as I hate Nasutard works, Majikoi is immeasurably worse than anything Nasu has ever written. I really don't get why people like that VN when it has the most obnoxious juvenile humor ever.

I'm ready for plotgefags to leave. They shit up every thread.

The only suprising thing is that you needed to look them up before you knew who was behind it

Do you know the word lighthearted?

I prefer plotge by myself, but I agree. I prefer moegefags.

Chiyoda looks to be the best Koiken

Nice false flag, moefag

Cute conquers all in the end.

>Shirou smiling
That's even more OOC.

Am I the only one ITT who likes lolis?

>Am I the only one ITT who is pedophile
Yes you are, sick fuck

Naw, Minato.

you and a few other degenerates do as well.


Im so glad that for once the girls who didn't get routes in the base game were actually shit.

Thanks for proving my point, I guess.

All her fluff is gone ;_;


What's the next English release I can look forward to?

>Hurr le retarded contrarian opinion

vents are a fucking shit hairstyle anyways

t. Tasteless loser he who is also fat

Funbag Fantasy

That was weak.

No they were actually not interesting at all, well I guess the lesbian could have used a route.

you need to work on your insults desu senpai

Nope, it was unique. Now she looks like typical spastic cunt from generic moege.

Himawari soon.

The main thing I don't like about so-called "moegefags" or what have you is that far too often they so often open up a plotge for the cute girls and then write dumb posts about how the plot's annoying and they just care about the cute girls. Like just don't post at all, okay? And then there's the people who just won't play games without cute girls. That's just a psychological problem in my opinion. Appreciating cute girls is fine but not doing anything without them? That's plain psychologically problematic. And then, you know, there's the moegefags who play bad games, but justify them because of cute girls in the game. What the heck? That's just not right. If the game is bad, own up to it! Everything's got cute girls just about, so rating games good just for them is simply not good. It's plain and simple not good. Too many times has a game been praised and I play it only to find it's got nothing but cute girl art! The heck, moege fags! And yes, I said cute girl ART. That's because writing equates to cuteness! But moegefags are all about the art and so rarely appreciate literary moe. I won't make any judgements about that but I think moegefags should think about that. They should think long and hard about literary moe. That would do us all well. Them and us. Us all well. Overall moegefags aren't too bad but seriously, they've tend to got problems.

Vents are the miracle of the universe.

>all ages lolige

>tfw EOP and all you have to look forward to is fucking Funbag Fantasy

No ones going to read that brick of words about "moegefags" you doofus

remember11 route 3

You won't read it because it has no cute anime girls am I right? God dang moege fags. Know some shame.

t. Tasteless gay losers who are also fat and eat each others dick cheese

Is that good?

At least that was a somewhat underused copypasta.

>read a plotge for the cute girl
>she dies a terrible death and was raped as a child
>expect me not to be mad
fuck off

I just opened /vn/ and the read the first sentence. You must have some underlying mental problems.

hey man leave final fantitty guy out of this he did nothing wrong

I just typed it up myself.
>read a plotge for the cute girl
That's jigojitoku or should I say you reap what you sow moegefag shouldn't have done that in the first place. In short, you're at fault.

I think it works

If you haven't read it yet, go read Fata. That's a good 35 hours or so. I thought it was going to be shorter based on vndb estimates but it's quite long.

>not drills
rectify your shit taste immediately

Then it will soon be copypasta.

Good work user

Anyone here manged to stream VNs to tablet? All those apps seem shit.

post 4th wall destruction

Just buy a notebook, or a vita.

I like drills too, though. Vents and drills are fluffy and therefore good.

Drill and vents master race

I got a vita, but it not like it has the vns I'm interested in. And notebook isn't as comfy for reading in bed.

Back to the kusoge general with you

These drills are pretty thin unfortunately
Drills actually get better the more retardly big they are

Nvidea shield can do what you want.

>Back to the kusoge general with you
But we are already here.

>Not using your huge tv as a pc monitor
>Not having a gamepad set up so that you can use it to click
Wew lad

What's this?

Which one?

Too loli. Drillhair should be accompanied by boobs.

>Suddenly all the old fan translations are shit
>Suddenly all the vns with "offical" translations are kamige
>Suddenly if it has a kick starter it's a vn scene changing kamige, even if it already has a fan translation

They can't be this transparent, why are people falling for it?

Whom are you quoting


You have to take into account that not everyone in the western vn scene is as smart and wise as the people here.
Just think of the average fuwa or reddit retard.

>You only quote with greentext

Veeky Forums. Sorry, I dunno

Prunus Girl

This is what I see sometimes, when I read shit like Sharin being better than WA2 or whatever that guy said last thread.

To be fair there are quite a lot of bad fan translations. Lots of bad official ones too, but they usually at least have nice editing. Sekai is probably the worst offender of this (though ironically their Root Double TL had a decent translator but some really bad editing).

Also I think people are starting to wake up to the Kikestarters.

Did Planetarian Steam ever get leaked? I can't find it on nyaa

Nice OP, I really really like it.
t. /msg/